Come on closer.
Continuing from The Fixer
Come on closer
I wanna show you
What I'd like to do
You sit back now
Just relax now
I'll take care of you
Hot temptations
Sweet sensations
Infiltrating through
Sweet sensations
Hot temptations
Coming over you
Come on Closer - Jem
Brig ran the perimeter of the preserve with as much speed as he could muster, weaving in between the tree line and darting in and out until he finally sprinted full speed deep into the forest. The stress at the Den had risen to such a level that he used the preserve now to burn off the extra energy and rage he was feeling toward and from Hammer.
It pained him to think of his cousin. What Hammer had done to the integrity of the pack, their families, and to Brig - it filled him with such disgust and rage that it took everything not to verbally decimate anyone who crossed his path. Brig's whole personality had changed, he knew this, and it infuriated him. This was Hammer's fault. How could he do that to him?
Digging his paws into the ground, he burned the energy his new wave of anger fueled, and he tore into the forest full speed, ignoring everything but the feeling of the wind in his face. The earth sloped - rising, falling, and he ripped through puddles, splashing water and muddying his underside. The smell of the trees and foliage around him filled his senses and he slowed just enough to lift his head into the air to inhale when suddenly another scent accosted him, forcing him to stop dead in his tracks.
Playfully, she ran up hills and hurled herself off the top, sliding on the earth and kicking up dirt everywhere. Nachton's preserve was gloriously dense and untouched by man, hence why they called it a preserve, she thought happily.
She had yet to come across a fresh scent of other wolves in the vicinity - only older scents, at least a couple days old. A crescent moon hung high in the sky, so maybe the area was less traveled so early in the lunar phase, she thought as she stopped to look up at her mistress in the sky. Inhaling deeply, she could taste the smells in the air, each leaving a colorful trace of itself in the air only she could see when something new revealed itself. Viv paused, tasting it when suddenly her hackles rose.
Turning behind her, another wolf entered the clearing below her hill. It was rusted red and huge, twice her size. She recognized the coloring immediately; it was a Kadzait wolf. It carried itself with slow, deliberate movements; its body high off the ground, the red's hackles were on end as well. Snarling, he communicated that she was crossing its territory, but Viv hadn't smelled any indicators in the area.
The red was just pissed.
Viv mimicked the red's movement, slow and deliberate, refusing to submit to its dominance.
You wanna dance, big boy, let's dance.
Viv narrowed her eyes at the other wolf and began to growl. The other wolf was male, not that it let her get a good look at it. She could tell; the musky tones of his natural scent filtered into her nose and its body language told her that he was on the offensive and angry. It stared directly at her, his tail horizontal with his spine, but it slowly approached her, trying to intimidate her.
She was warning him, he realized.
They got to within twenty feet of each other and began to circle, both never letting their backs face the other. The two of them danced, neither giving in.
It annoyed the fuck out of him.
He let a savage bark rip through him, causing his hackles to stand on end that it hurt him. Brig maintained eye contact with her, but saw the colors of her fur.
She was Vyusher R'asa.
The truce between the two packs was tenuous at best, and he wasn't about to break treaty, but as the older, bigger wolf, she should be submissive to him, but she wasn't having that. He lunged at her, closing the distance to ten feet, but she stood her ground, barking back angrily.
Back off, she said.
My territory, he replied.
And with clarity that could not have been clearer if she had said it out loud, her body language said, Fuck you. She lifted her paw, scratching at the dirt and lowered her head to a head butt position and egged him on.
The rage filled Brig again - Hammer, the pack, the betrayal, it all pushed to the forefront as the filthy Vyusher bitch refused to submit. Brig dug into the dirt and attacked her, giving her a warning bite that she met with her own. He had meant to frighten her, but apparently this one didn't do helpless girl well at all and they connected in the middle, jaws and claws ready to rock.
The red lunged at her not giving her much of a choice and she returned the advance a split second after he did and they met in the middle, jaws clamping down on fur, claws digging into the earth, kicking it everywhere. It was a flurry of scratching, mostly harmless, but warning of imminent danger just the same. A few moments passed and they separated again, no blood drawn, but fur definitely ruffled.
Viv could give the big red the slip, she knew this, but it was already too late. Whoever this was, they'd probably recognize her when she got to the property tomorrow. Mentally she cursed herself, but she couldn't back down. That's not how her father taught her to fight.
They circled each other again, saliva dripping from their jaws and fur completely on end. Probably looked like a dirty cotton ball, she thought to herself. The red maintained eye contact when suddenly something hit her.
Viv shook her head and stopped in her tracks. A scent assaulted her senses and she roughly shook her head, trying to clear the daze. Taking a step back, she looked back up at the red that had stopped as well. His hackles were settling down and was just watching her.
They stood there quietly for a full minute before he took a step toward her.
Her scent had initially enraged him, he felt that, but now it was doing something else, calming him down, but...not. Stepping forward, he took three tentative steps as she froze, watching him. Brig lowered his head slightly and gingerly touched her nose with his. Gently, she pushed her nose back and rubbed her cheek against his, igniting another wave of confusion and something else. He tried to snarl, but the female stepped closer and did the unthinkable.
She licked his cheek.
Her scent was left on him and he closed his eyes, signifying that he was completely disengaged from their fight and he found himself rubbing his cheek against hers till they were entwined, inhaling each other's scent as well as leaving it. Lifting his paw, he draped it across her back and sat back, pulling her to him as they started to play fight. She lowered her back, slipping from his embrace and circled him, rubbing her body against his until she came up under his jaw and flicked her tail happily. He draped his paw across her back again and she remained still, her fur touching his, when finally he opened his jaws and grabbed the scruff of her neck.
One minute they were about to tear each other's throats out, the next they were...courting? Unsure, she came up alongside his chest and stayed close to him when he finally grabbed the scruff of skin at the back of her neck, clamping down and signifying...
Whoa whoa whoa, she thought suddenly scared.
The red thought he was going to...?
Startled, Viv pulled back but his weight half pushed her to the ground as he reasserted his bite and climbed on behind her. He growled slightly, and she found herself submitting to him, lowering her body to allow him to mount her.
Not one minute earlier they were fighting for dominance, now they were consummating an act that only mates had permission to do. His scent was so mesmerizing, so delicious, Viv thought, that even though her mind was wanting to run, her body was eagerly submitting, waiting for him to take her. And when he did, it was magnificent.
He was twice her size, easily, and the weight of him wrapped her in a warm blanket that made her head dizzy with want. Arching her back slightly, she accepted him in her and she felt his hips against her, pushing himself into her as his jaws bit at her shoulder blades and neck. His warmth breath was sweet and clean, blowing by her ears and by her cheek. Viv could not get enough of him as he took her, there in the clearing, in Nachton's park.
He felt the rush in him as his end quickly overtook him and he shuddered with ecstasy, biting her with his climax and she whimpered beneath him, pushing her body against his. Brig relaxed his body and they both lowered to the ground, panting and shaking. Moving off to the side, he nuzzled her as she turned and again rubbed her jaw along his.
She looked at him with her curious eyes - brown with a ring of gold in the center. Brig was startled as he realized what they had just done, but he stayed close to her, feeling her warmth. They let themselves bask in the aura of their coupling when he slowly stood and faced her.
He had to say something to her. Brig concentrated and started to shake, signaling his change back when suddenly she stood and began to growl angrily.
NO, she was saying.
He stopped his change and looked at her with curiosity, his head tipping to the side and his ears flopping forward. Viv was suddenly very scared. Without thinking, she backed up and then turned into the forest, running as fast as Luna would let her, flying to the opposite end of the park leaving her new mate in the clearing, no doubt confused.
She had no idea if he ran after her, she was going that fast, but Viv breached the edge of the park and headed back to the city, blending in with the shadows. Nachton was definitely a night town, but she managed to navigate through the back alleys and then downtown to the center of the city without detection. Her clothes were where she had left them, and she forced her change quickly. Shivering, Viv took a moment to shake off the tension, but found she just couldn't. Cursing, she slipped into her jeans and t-shirt, entering the rear entrance of the Grand Piazza barefoot.
The ride up to her floor was spent trying to stop shivering. Shaking her hands, she could not get rid of the jitters as she exited onto her penthouse floor. Slipping out of the elevator the second it was big enough, she just barely stopped before running into the couple in the neighboring suite.
'I'm sorry, excuse me,' she said without looking at them like she had promised herself. Side stepping, Viv walked quickly down the hallway to her suite door.

Ellis turned and watched the shorter, brown skin woman skirt by them quickly. The sway of her hips and the urgency in her step kept Ellis' eyes on her long enough that Simon had to reach out and hold the elevator doors open.
'Not where we sleep, please.'
Ellis looked back at him. 'Oh come on, I wasn't going to eat her.'
Simon rolled his eyes and stepped back into the elevator. Looking up at the numbers, he mumbled, 'Better things to eat, E.'
Smiling, Ellis walked into the elevator. 'You kiss your mother with that mouth?' She stepped into his arms as the elevator doors closed.
((OOC Ellis and Simon out))
Her scent was still on him, intoxicating and painfully unique. It was nothing he had ever smelled before. It was as palatable as the most exquisite chocolate and he needed to taste it again. Resting both hands on the hood, he bent over and stretched out his back, feeling it pop, but he hung his head down, inhaling deeply.
Vyusher R'asa.
Punching the hood of the SUV, he dented it and then rested his head in it. How stupid was he being, doing that with someone outside the pack? It was one thing to become involved with a human, but with a VR? Brig wiped his mouth on his arm and pulled back, looking at the dent.
((OOC Brig and Viv out))
Next - Funny meeting you...