Hi Honey... (attn: Tai)
Val's garden level condo wasn't quite a home. It tried, it came close but there was just something a hair off here and there that made it feel a bit impersonal. She spent time here, hell she did a lot of work from here and entertained clients and others but the rooms, while reflecting her tastes were a bit impersonal. Still, she was comfortable in the art neuvo, art deco with a modern twist rooms.
It was only maybe an hour after dark but she'd been up and working for several hours. She was working on where to move the money she and Tai had collected last night. And then there was some money to clean, but she had some new inventory coming into the dealership that should take care of itself with a transaction or two.
It was funny how easily she and the Jap had fallen in together. It had started out as a good romp in bed, but they'd both been bored and had complementary skill sets... who was she to knock it. It was smart business. Val was getting to like him besides. He was still a good romp in bed and they were getting used to each other, but it was developing beyond that as well. Damned if she didn't approve. Val was tired of working alone and feeling cut off.
Now the sun had gone down once again and he was free to move about the city. The first destination on his mind was to go see Val. Tai wasn't sure exactly what there was between them. On the one hand, Val was great in bed. And she was a good partner in crime. Or business. Or both, when they coincided. Beyond that, though, she was becoming trustworthy. And Tai actually enjoyed spending time with her. It wasn't as if they had romantic feelings for each other... hardly that. Instead it was as if they were actually considering being friends.
Tai didn't actually have any friends, that he knew about. He'd screwed things up with Yuu with Ellis' help. Ellis herself had never been a friend, not in the traditional sense. And Tai just didn't know anyone else to whom that term would apply.
Val took all his oddities in stride, though. Never a big talker, since his turning Tai had become more and more reluctant to convey his feelings through speech. He disliked social gatherings. He preferred action to words. Val had become something of a translator when they were out, and they played well off of each other.
Therefore when it was time to leave his apartment, the first place to go in Tai's opinion was over to Val's. He was tempted to go in through the window but on this occasion he restrained himself and let himself in through the door. Val's lock needed to be replaced anyhow... it was far too easy to get through.

She had some music playing quietly in the background, a fun mix of the Dropkick Murphys and the Young Dubliners, but still she could swear she heard something. Val sat very still, listening. She didn't hear it again and went back to work, but she put her shoe back on properly, ready for action, and didn't relax she was still waiting for something to happen.
Happen it did, when she looked up next there was Tai perfectly at home in one of the living room chairs as she sat facing him working from the dinning room table. An admiring and pleased smile crossed Val's face. God he was good.
"Evening lover. I take it this means that lock isn't up to snuff. I'll add a chain for next time. Have to keep you on your toes after all."Â?
Val blew things up, she didn't do breaking and entering. Well she could but not that well, especially not when some one was home.
Without another word she slid a balance sheet over where he could easily pick it up. It was a nice little summary of how they were doing.
He snorted at her greeting, a sound of derisive agreement. The lock most certainly wasn't up to snuff. He hadn't thought Val would be worried about her security though; she was a scrappy little bitch and he imagined she could handle anything that came through the door.
"By all means, get a chain. We can find other uses for it when I'm through with it." Tai smiled at Val. The chain would last all of two seconds. The problem with chains was they did nothing if your assailant really wanted to get at you. It was a little noisy, busting a chain to open a door, but if noise wasn't an issue then neither was the chain.
If Val was truly concerned with her security, he could help her fortify her condo properly. She didn't seem like the type to worry about it too much though. Dismissing the notion of security as an afterthought, Tai picked up the balance sheet and raised his eyebrows as he looked it over.
"Not bad," he said, scrutinizing the figures. He didn't question Val; they'd gone into this as equal partners and Tai didn't think she'd be scamming him on top of their other clients. The risk far outweighed the reward. Maybe she'd considered it at first, but for one thing they belonged to the same Clan, and for another they had begun to trust each other. That counted for a great deal.
Tai put the balance sheet down. "What were you thinking about doing with it?"
Val was the orchestrator. Tai put in his opinion on financial matters, expressed his ideas where he had them, but Val was the one who was far more clever with the books and the investments than Tai. He was curious about where she wanted to expand to next.

Only looking up for one flirty second her throaty laugh could be heard even though Val was still manipulating data on her laptop.
"Mmmmm you promise? I hate to waste good hard wear."Â?
This no strings attached sex had gotten to be a good thing. And he was so much less delicate than her human lovers. You couldn't blame a girl for enjoying it.
"Now, if you want a challenge though I could set a few small explosives. But that will make life difficult for the pizza boy."Â?
She wasn't worried about security, not too much. Hell there were half a dozen hand guns hidden in the two bedroom condo, right where she could get at them all. That and she wasn't opposed to a little hand to hand. So unless another vampire broke in, she wasn't going to stress it.
And back to business. Val sighed some what wistfully.
"I miss prohibition, it made life -so- much easier."Â?
But the freedom of not being in the family was a wonderful thing too. This mom and pop organization of theirs was working out just fine. And she appreciated that Tai trusted her with the books. She, in return, made no efforts to keep him out of the loop or away from them.
"But the standard human vices apply: drugs, prostitution, protection, greed and a few others. If you're up for a bit of a long term investment and some insurance fraud there are some buildings I wouldn't mind burning down."Â?
It would take a few months, ideally a year or more, of premiums to keep it from looking suspicious but it would be worth it. She'd run the numbers already. And, unlike drugs and prostitution they could do it themselves no new hands in the pot.
"We can always turn up something else if you're not in with the fraud."
Of course it went with out saying that they wouldn't be giving up on this little loan business of theirs. You didn't shut down a winning plan for no reason.
Val looked disappointed at the return to more serious topics, so Tai offered her his best bedroom eyes and sexy smile, promising to get back to the fun stuff later. Kat had been fun, but Kat had been business too. Val wasn't business. Not in bed, she wasn't.
"All the good stuff, huh?" Tai shrugged. "Pick your poison. As for the long term," he nodded his head. It was a topic they'd tabled at the start of their association, still unsure how long a partnership they would be entering into. Tai thought they had a much better idea now. "I think long-term investing is a good idea."
Val steadied him. Tai wasn't the most stable individual. In their business dealings he was the more volatile partner, the less cautious. It bothered him; that wasn't a trait he had shown as a human. As a vampire, however, he seemed to have a lot more pent-up energy. Val kept a cool head, served as his ground. She didn't seem to mind; in fact, she almost seemed to need to fill that role. They were developing a comfortable relationship.

Too bad all the explosions she'd learned how to set had been more on the large side and less on the small. No time like the present to learn. Learn and invest in better insurance.
That smile and unspoken promise was enough to make her purr. She didn't, they were still working, but she could have. But she was a professional, so was he, the games would wait.
"Unless you want to bring in extra bodies, protection and cons are our best bet."Â?
Sometimes Val was a bit irritated with their lack of resources. She was just spoiled and she knew it. Whether it bee the family or the IRA Val was used to working with extra bodies. It was just a problem to adapt to was all.
The addition of Tai as a partner made a huge difference to her. To one degree or another she was needed again. She had some one to bounce ideas off of. She didn't have to work alone. One got sloppy and lonely working by themselves.
Her question about long term investments hadn't been intended as pressure or a commitment. This kind of insurance fraud, well she could send him a check once then eighty sixed the building. But his answer indicated he was in for the long haul rather than just along for the ride.
Val nodded, pleased.
"You mange some ghost Ids and I'll set up the companies. We'll be land owners by the end of the week."Â?
It would be simple enough to do and she knew just how much she could over insure the buildings for before any one tried to call them on it when they collected.
There were one or two other cons she was working on setting up, but they took some extra prep time.
She considered raising the question of Kitty, but decided against it. They both respected each other's privacy. But Val was a little curious if Tai had figured out what the girl was in town for. There might be profit in it. She hated to let good opportunities go. Whether it be larceny and they tried to beat Kitty to the mark or it be contract work where they tried to help her, Val didn't care. But right now, it was Tai's to bring up or not, she'd given him point.
The idea of bringing in extra bodies didn't appeal to him at all. Tai had always worked alone. He understood the safety in numbers but... baby steps. For now, he and Val had a good thing going. He shook his head at Val. "No extras. I'd just kill them."
Which they'd probably have ended up doing anyway, but with Tai, it might happen before it was prudent. Protection and cons, they would do fine with. They were already making money hand over fist. They weren't exactly rolling in it yet, but Tai suspected neither of them was going to worry about the electric bill for the next, oh, fifty to sixty years.
"I've always wanted some land of my own," he mused wickedly.
Nachton was the ideal location for their scams, too. Ghost IDs, paperwork, legal notifications - they were all very easily had here, probably because of the amount of vampire traffic. Sure, it's not like you'd hit a vampire if you threw a rock, but with this city being the seat of all three Clans, the percentage was much higher than most other places.
"What else do we need to do, in the meantime?" Tai knew they had one or two smaller jobs that were about to wrap up; a few loans coming due, things like that. Those were his favorite. It was amazing how many people were willing to gamble. Once in a while Tai wondered if they had families, children, a sick grandma at home... but mostly he just applied judicious pressure without being bothered by a conscience. It was their gamble, not his.

"So long as they are delicious."Â?
Preserving human life wasn't so much Val's concern. Leaks, potential witnesses and disposing of bodies, those were things she worried about. Tai was right, extra bodies were extra problems and she was OK leaving them out.
"White picket fence and two cat's in the yard? I've got to admit that doesn't seem much sound like your style."Â?
Val teased. Tai did have a sense of humor, even if he wasn't very vocal about it.
"Nope, this one should be super easy and very hands off once we get the set up done."Â?
Theft was their next best option and with the way forensics were going these days Val didn't care to get too involved there. Too risky.
"A few potential new clients but at least one of them is playing a bit fast and lose for my taste. Could come back to bite us if we help him out. Did you want to check him out or just flat out refuse?"Â?
Val listed all their options, and he nodded, going along with what she had planned, agreeing when the situation called for it, until the last.
"I'll check him out. My way."
Tai still had connections even if he didn't utilize them fully. Between his own experience as an assassin and his work for the Yakuza, he'd had to do some pretty thorough research on his targets and had gotten used to digging up any skeletons in their closets.
"What time frame do you want me to work in?"
Tai was used to rush jobs. If this potential client wanted his or her job done quickly, that was obviously less time for Tai to check up on them. It could be done though.

Giovanni had once impaled someone that way, not another vampire, one of the competition. She'd only been a vampire for a few days and it had left quite the impression. Val wrinkled her nose in distaste at the memory. All in all it was much more fun to consider what Tai would do with a cat.
"They don't conceal well though, cats that is."Â?
Some day she was going to figure out exactly how many weapons Tai kept on his person. She'd tried, of course Val typically got distracted and lost count but it was fun to try.
Never let it be said he didn't earn his keep. Val couldn't possibly consider Tai anything but an equal partner. She could have checked this guy out, in fact she had a bit, but Tai could be more through and faster than she could. All Val knew is something was off about him and they needed to know how much of a risk he was.
"He's in a serious bind, and pushy besides. Fast would be better than slow, but there is some time."Â?
Val paused and considered her next words. The man had come off as more than a little desperate. Her gut said he might do something desperate, like try and blackmail them or otherwise make trouble for she and Tai.
"If saying no would be a problem... I think we might want to.. ... encourage him to leave town."Â?
Dead or alive made no never mind to her. Tai would understand that.
He inclined his head at Val in regards to picket fences. "I never said they didn't have their uses. Just as long as they're not white, and decorative."
He was well aware that his weaponry was a topic of much curiosity for Val, but Tai liked to keep her guessing. She'd found several knife sheaths in the course of their disrobing, but she had yet to discover the various goodies concealed in his clothing. Oh, one or two had popped out here and there, but if Tai had to guess he'd probably put Val's knowledge at about 60 percent of his usual inventory.
That said, he wasn't actually joking about the cats.
Serious business reared its head, though and Tai raised an eyebrow to Val. "He didn't tell you anything regarding the nature of the job did he?" Assassination, theft, things off the books like that, most people would approach with their idea and offer payment even before detailing the job. Too many heads in the game was to fail, and no one wanted that.
Early in their association, Tai had been able to educate Val on a number of topics she hadn't been aware of and that was one of them - never let anyone give you information about a job you haven't committed to. If Val knew anything about it at all, it would change up Tai's game plan considerably.

Snorting contemptuously Val shook her head. She hadn't let this guy tell her a damned thing and that in itself was impressive. He was the thing that wouldn't shut up. She deserved a medal for not breaking his jaw.
"I had some time, I did some poking just surface level stuff. He has three different lines going, one to girl friend, one to investors and one to family I'm sure he would have given us a fourth."Â?
At least he seemed to be able to keep his lies straight, that was impressive. The fact that he wasn't telling any of those people the truth, well that was what it was but it defiantly didn't put him in the 'prudent risk' category banks were so fond of.
"He doesn't have anything on us, we don't have anything on him. Doesn't mean he won't try and make trouble. Call it women's intuition."Â?
Or having been around the block a couple of times and knowing people.
One of those others might have something for them as well. If this guy was as much trouble as Val thought he might be, it could be there would be a lot more money in a contract with one of them than with him. Tai hadn't done much in the line of pay-to-kill since arriving here in the US, but that only meant his methods weren't known.
"Give me 48 hours. I'll see what I can gather."
He would prefer more, with as many people as seemed to be involved with this guy. But it might not happen that way.

Val said as she shut the laptop indicating she was done with big business talk. A little bit, some vague new ideas, would be OK but she wasn't looking to get into anything too heavy at this point.
"Next meeting isn't for 72 hours. I -hate- it when you rush."Â?
The double-entendre was very much intended, as she spun her ring around her finger.
"Have you got any fun and exciting new leads or are we good for now?"Â?
"I will just have to make sure I take my time and do a very thorough job," he said with mock seriousness.
He crooked a finger at Val in a "come hither" gesture. Her laptop was closed; serious things were finished for now. And clearly, Val was in the mood for some entertainment. That, he was happy to provide.
She crossed the room to him and straddled his lap, those delicious "fuck me" heels resting on the floor - for now. Tai wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and smiled up at her, an expression that was almost genuine - for him.
It was good to start the night out with a little workout.
((ooc: Tai and Val out))