Betrayal and its awful itch.
Healing bullet holes itched like a son of a bitch.
Ellis sat very sour faced at the large conference table located on the main floor of the Domicile. Gaia, The Wolf, Simon, Carol and Marthinus either sat or stood pacing in the sound proof room. Ellis waited silently. Her blood lust had tapered off to enormous rage but waited patiently for somone to answer her unasked questions.
Where are her remaning Merc's? Who gave the information on the location of the alledged clanless nest? Who the fuck sold them out?
Ellis stirred in her chair, causing everyone to stop and turn their eyes on her. Her mouth and neck were covered with dried blood. Her hair, again matted, her catsuit mangled and riddled with bullet holes. They were expecting commands, questions, ideas and resolutions. She took a deep breath, stood up from her chair and threw down her short sword onto the table.
'I need a shower.'
Hilarious. Did they not see? Vampires killing vampires, always set upon destroying each other, on ending their own immortality. That such a gift was tempered by such a lust for violence and death was about the funniest thing The Wolf had ever heard.
And they thought him a monster because he was more direct about it.
The Wolf's lamp-like eyes turned to The Praetor, staring intently for several long moments. The Praetor was composed. The Wolf wondered if he was unnerved.
His nostrils twitched.
A Wolf hunts for many things, Praetor. A Wolf searches. A Praetor could see for a Wolf, and a Wolf could smell for a Praetor.

'A Wolf hunts for many things, Praetor. A Wolf searches. A Praetor could see for a Wolf, and a Wolf could smell for a Praetor.' The Wolf said, looking at Simon.
Simon blinked, hearing the double meaning of Wolf's statement. He did not want the Clan or himself to be involved in anything that would give Wolf the upperhand. Simon never wanted to be indebted to someone like him, but if he knew something...
He didnt know 'that' much about Wolf is the problem. He was Ellis' freelancer and he only knew that the Wolf was old. Older than himself. There was a lot of turmoil wrapped up in the violent head of his. He wouldnt just be freelancing with the Harvesters for fun. Hell he's not even able to 'kill' any. He's here for a reason and he just laid that reason out.
Simon walked closely to Wolf, arms still crossed. He said A wolf searches. Ahhh, Simon thought. That smells of vengence. 'Your help is questionable at best, but...quid pro quo, Wolf. Find me something worth wanting to help you over.'

How could she let a betrayer in? It wasn't possible. Gaia cursed in another language. She had never learned what it was called but the Gypsy woman who had found her spoke it. Her hands rested on the double sci's on either hip. Her white outfit was no longer just white. She was a scary site covered in blood like the others. Her braid slightly frayed from the battle but no worse for ware.
"It is time." She said slowly walking to the door. Her Lieutenants had called forth all the new and younger mercs she had not known as well. Her first Lieutenant had 6 males and 2 females lined up in the hall. Glaring at them she ordered them inside and to line up. All but 3 were vampires.
True to their training they didn't show emotion but did as she bid. Gaia pulled out one Sci from it's place at her hip and held it to the Human's throat.
"Do you think your lives mean anything to me? We have a traitor and until they are found you all are guilty." She hissed and her Sci quickly made a crimson slash across the males throat.
The others knew her nature and she wasn't joking. Nervously one fidgeted and she moved to them holding the Sci this time to a Vampire Females stomach. "Who did the recon finding our last mission target?" She hissed leaning in close so all that was between them was the metal.
The female shrugged and feigned innocence. "That is a lie. Someone knows." she said stabbing the woman in the stomach. Gaia growled deep in her throat and bared her fangs at the smell of fresh blood filled the room for the second time.
"I do not accept failure and you all will die unless I get a name."
Or at least, The Wolf assumed as much.

Ellis was leaning onto the left arm rest. She turned her hand over, palm up and waved it slightly.
Simon immediately turned to The Wolf. 'Find me later.' He nodded to the beast and returned his attention to Gaia who was interrogating her recently trained Merc's. Her white leather suit would be bloodier by the evening's end.
As for finding him later...The Wolf did not think that would be a problem.
He nearly did laugh out loud when the young merc's blood splashed his face, and decided it was time to go. He had the scent. He would return when he was needed.
/ooc The Wolf out O_O

"Pick her up." She said to her Lieutenants. "I said I wanted answers," As the female was hoisted up by her arms. Her eyes were still wide open as she fought the pain she must be feeling. Gaia pulled out a breast knife. It was not long but incredibly sharp. Gaia trailed it along the female's cheek bone. It left a bloody streak. Gaia ran her thumb along it and pushed harder as she went. The wound opened and began to gush. Still her tongue held. She turned and looked at the men holding her. Hearing a distant clock and remembering the time Gaia's face went serene.
"You my dear," She held the woman's chin up so they could meet eye to eye. "Have a date with the surface." Gaia motioned to her men and then knew what she meant instantly. It took the female a moment to realize where she was going or rather just what time it was. They dragged her kicking and screaming with what energy she could muster from loss of blood.
"The rest of you, talk and live or I will have my fun and leave you to burn." Her voice was cold and true. "Hold out your hands." No one moved stepping closer to the closest male, "You can do it of your own free will or I will make sure I cut out your tongue so when you are burning you can not even scream."
Her Lieutenants returned and forced the first man to hold out his hand. She cut off one finger. "That was your first chance dare I say what will happen if I have to ask you again." He cried out in shock more so then pain then and Gaia stuck her lip out to make a 'sad' face. "Just tell me what I want to know." She said sympathetically, "And all this will go away you will be left alive." When he didn't answer she proceeded to cut two more off. "I never said how many chances you get." He was crying now.
"I guess we will have to come back to you. I need to think up some other things to cut off now." She cackled and went to the next male in like. He was a human. His face betrayed his feelings.
"I... I will tell you! Please don't do that to me. I just want to go back to my job." he stammered looking at her with fear.
Gaia cleaned her knife off on his shirt and stuck it back in its place. Taking his collar, "There is a good boy go to the corner now." She shoved him so hard back he flew in to the wall and slid down to his knees.
"The rest of you disgust me. If he knew so did you and I will not accept dishonesty period." Walking to her first Lieutenant she slid the long sword out of his belt smiling coyly. "I promise to return it dear." She said sweetly and with a flash of steal decapitated the first two in the line.
The others had no time to move out of her range before her next 3 swings. All went down before 2 words could be uttered. Handing the sword back she turned to Ellis and bowed her head.
"He is yours." She smiled her eyes seemed to have a glimmer of insanity in the light. Now her face and hair were speckled with blood. Looking at her soaked hands Gaia licked one finger and spat it out.
"I can taste the betrayal." She hissed suddenly feeling dirty. Blood never bothered her but theirs was tainted. She looked to the corpses that now littered the ground her Lieutenant had just finished cleaning his sword and replaced it.
"Get rid of this mess. Take their bodies to the surface and leave them the humans... do what ever you do with their trash." She said then smiled evilly. "Have the heads taken to the training room and put in a glass case. I want all to remember how betraying us will end."

She whistled at him.
His head jerked up and she stared down at him. Her hands behind her back, rubbing her thumb over her skin. Ellis turned and looked at the Lt's. She sniffed the air dramatically and then looked back down at the human.
'Smells like treachery.' The man gaped. 'Smells like burning flesh, doesn't it?' Ellis tilted her head to the side in thought. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed heavily.
Kneeling down she looked at the human, eye to eye. Her face was full of patience and maybe a little compassion...she had hoped that's what the human was thinking, at least. She waited for him to relax before she continued on. She just looked at him, head to toe, her head titled up a just little so she could look down at him.
With a soft voice she said, 'A name.'
Without a second passing he blurted out, 'Terrance Hillman.'
Ellis blinked. 'What does he want?'
'The territory. All of it.' The human continued on, spilling the information out like a pinata. 'He knows what you're doing, he wants in on the harvesting. My family...he killed them...I had no choice.'
'Of course not,' Ellis cooed, nodding sympathetically. That human's eyes stared at the dried blood on Ellis' face.
'The female...the burned vampire...she's the one that gave him all the information, I just went along!' The human pleaded with her, on his knees crying. Ellis wondered, just how in the fuck this guy passed Merc training.
Ellis touched the human's shoulder and spoke close to his ear, 'You have forsaken the clan, human. I will give you a gift for your treachery.' She pulled back and looked him in his terrified eyes. 'You'll get to see your family again, only this time, it'll be minus the blood that was shed tonight over your betrayal.'
She stood.
'You'll also be in pieces.'
That human looked as if he had forgotten to breath, no matter, soon he won't need to remember.
She turned and looked at Marthinus as they dragged the screaming human out of the room.
'I know of this Hillman. He is, from what I can recall, a lobbyist for regulating blood banks and synthesizing blood.' He brought his fingers up to his mouth, pulling at them. 'I will have my men look into it and relay my information immediately.'

'Make it happen, Marthinus,' Ellis said and reached for the door.
'I need to speak with you.' He could not shake the feeling of urgency that the Wolf had put in him. Something was happening, not just in the Clan but in all the Clans and if he felt it, he knew Ellis either had something to do with it or would eventually.

He nodded.
She turned to Gaia, 'I would also like a word with you about these recent Merc's, Gaia.' Ellis pulled on the door knob and started out. 'AFTER my shower, please.'
((OOC Ellis out))

((ooc- simon out, moving Marthinus/NPC))

(Gaia out)