NaNoWriMo 2010!

So, last year I participated in National Novel Writing Month and successfully completed the goal of writing a 50,000 word (or more) novel in the month of November. This year I'm trying to encourage folks to do it with me because it was TONS of fun!

The point is to emphasize quantity over quality, and to be productive without getting bogged down in details or second-guessing yourself. If you're an aspiring novelist, maybe you do this too. I know I do it constantly so i never finish anything because I'm always revising. Anyhow, NaNoWriMo kicks off on November 1 at 12am, and from there you have 30 days of noveling madness to "win" for the year.

If you're interested, check out the official website at and sign up. We have some super-talented writers around here and it'd be fun to see what they come up with. This year I intend to take two of my favorite characters and write their story into a somewhat different era, world, and setting. With a few minor and VERY major changes. Just because I can. :D

Come play!

Vaughn Emiliano 14 years ago
I'll just bet it was. O_o
Aishe 14 years ago
Well it's NaNo everywhere now! Hopefully everyone has gotten a decent start (or, A start) on their stories! Remember, it's about quantity this time, not quality! Save the annoying revisions and second-guesses for december!

Good luck!
Brig Jameson 14 years ago
Starting this afternoon when the boy goes down for a nap!
Amberelle DeEspionne 14 years ago
I'll get started when / if i EVER finish this closet... tonight I paint. Tomorrow evening I hope to get the elfa installed. So maybe wednesday night. *sigh* And after this is I ever see spackle, texture or paint again I will probably scream.
Aishe 14 years ago
Sadly, NaNo's website is having traffic issues. I dunno about anyone else but I can't log in to look at the forums or update my word count. That makes me cry - the NaNo forums are lots of fun to hang out on when you're stuck. :P
Alex West 14 years ago
I'm on board, finally have a breather after eight months of working on one Project.

Unsurprisingly enough, my add handle on NaNo is Comrade Hero.

Will try and add you all tonight, barring the very slow login and site issues with NaNo atm.
Aishe 14 years ago
The site has cleared up a bit so I've added you to my buddy list.
Shay 14 years ago
Aishe!! Help!! I've got 2000+ words, but don't understand the site. Do I post my story somewhere, hold off until the end then post it...I've been trying to figure out the site but haven't yet. I'm such a twit when it comes to these things :P
Brig Jameson 14 years ago
You don't post your story there (I wondered myself). You just track your word count or read the forums. That's it =x
Aishe 14 years ago
Yeah basically they don't store your story. You're competing against yourself, no one else. So when you cut/paste your stuff onto their website, it will count it and then immediately wipe whatever you pasted into there.

Alternatively, you can just use the word counter in whatever program you're writing in and input the number manually at the top of the page.

Shay 14 years ago
Ok - got it! Thanks hon!!
Aishe 14 years ago
Good job, keep writing!!
Amberelle DeEspionne 14 years ago
awww.. i guess it makes sense why you can't see others' writing but i sure was looking forward to it. blerg!
Aishe 14 years ago
Google docs and saved files are wonderful things.
Brig Jameson 14 years ago

Feel free to post your entire 50k story in progress there =D
Aishe 14 years ago
Woot! I have posted my blatant rip-off in progress! I wonder if I will have time to write a second 50k and try to redeem myself.

Brig Jameson 14 years ago
I should be writing instead of making another forum /snort
Vaughn Emiliano 14 years ago
You are all crazy. That is all.
Drew 14 years ago
Oh very cool! Thank you ma'am!
Mara 14 years ago
And I should be writing instead of hanging out with all you crazy people but here i am!