Busy, Busy, Busy (open)
It had been nearly two weeks since the last full moon, the first time in years Nikhila had not been able to shift. It had been an odd experience, both thrilling and frightening. They knew with out a doubt she was pregnant now though. She'd still come outside, just to the edges of the Long Run while she couldn't partake fully the camaraderie, the feel of being around the pack during the full moon, it was something she needed. She couldn't simply be cut off. It was the closest they'd come to making an announcement. For those three days there were -very- few reasons Nikhila wouldn't have run with her mate. Of course in a few more weeks she'd probably start showing as well, not that they were hiding anything. Nikhila had simply felt a bit cautious since the incident in the preserve.
Apparently though the release of her wolf form was something she needed. Her nightmares had been worse than usual and she was doing her best to do without sleep. Not quite as bad as Aidan but close. And her runs were getting longer as she got some of her energy back. But more and more often they took her to the edge of the property and left her staring out beyond the fence feeling caged. None of this was quite how the books said it would be. However, she reasoned, none of the books were written by werewolves so she was just going to have to wing some of it. Her waistline was expanding a bit, some pants were fitting snug, and she'd taken to tackling Aidan for little or no reason, not that he seemed to mind. Both of those the books did say might happen. So they weren't all wrong.
At least she'd been busy. The start of a new school year was always hectic and she'd been able to throw herself into that. It was always enjoyable trying to sort out all the professors and classes and students. They'd managed though and things were starting to run smoothly. This semester would have a small graduating class, but it would be the first to award Masters Degrees. Something she was inordinately proud of, the Academy had come quite a long ways since she'd been here. And they'd broken ground on the cabin. Nikhila hoped very much that would be a good distraction, maybe it would even kick the nesting instinct in early. As it was watching the foundation being poured was a little soothing. But she had lots to keep her out of trouble, or at least help keep her focused.
Tonight, though, Nikhila was almost taking a break. Her hair was up in a soft French twist, and she wore light tan linen pants that were a bit forgiving in the waist, and a turquoise sleeveless cotton tunic, she'd found a gazebo on the Tikerak and brought her laptop and some papers and was eking out every last second of the setting sun and the late summer warmth. It would be dark soon and folks who chose to run on four feet rather than two would be out and about. There was nothing wrong with living vicariously after all. She breathed deep inhaling the smell of the heat, humidity, the earth and the recently cut grass and catching a faint whiff of the construction sight. It wasn't as sharp as a human, but it was still there. She took some strength from that and turned back to the email from Hoang's office. Some how it was easier to face correspondence from the silu out doors and it was the one thing that made her keep to her promise not to leave the grounds.
The night, while cooler than it had been a month ago, was still fairly warm. Lily was dressed in light gauzy fabrics, her favorite, and they blew gently in the breeze as she made her way to Nikhila and regarded her with a soft smile. Her brief observations told her that while she looked sedentary and content, Nikhila longed to be out and moving. There was just a slight edge to her that spoke, not of discontent, exactly, but of restlessness. Lily understood the feeling, although she'd only experienced it the one time and, perhaps, Nikhila might get to do this more than that.
She came up to the gazebo and leaned lightly against the arm of the seat. "Tough to handle sometimes when your paws are itching but your feet won't listen," she observed shrewdly, her gentle smile never fading and her bright green eyes on her almost-daughter-in-law.

In English the saying was "Speak of the devil and you see his tail."Â? In French it was "Speak of the wolf and you see his tail"Â?. The French was more appropriate right now. Nikhila hadn't heard Lily approach at all, but Lily's manner was always calm. So, even though she'd surprised Nikhila, she didn't jump or start. She just looked up from her work and smiled warmly.
"I only barley remember not being able to run."Â?
After all Nikhila had spent more than half her life as a wolf.
Truthfully, the first night, even though she'd been expecting it, remaining human had scared Nikhila. It wasn't natural and it had taken a second or two for her to remember what was happening. It made her pregnancy much more real, and gave her a whole new reason to be scared, but a different more positive reason to be scared.
She sighed a bit wistfully and with an ironic smile.
"And it is positively unfair I can still feel the moon but not answer her call."Â?
All pregnant females in the Pack must feel the same. They should start a support group. But Nikhila didn't know any other Amaroq in Nachton who were currently expecting. At least Lily could sympathize.
"Was it the same for you?"Â?
Even though it had been decades, she clearly remembered the sensations of having things pushed around and displaced. It was uncomfortable enough without throwing into it the pain and disorientation of the madness.
"Otherwise, it wasn't much different for me," Lily said with a little sadness. "I was already very cut off from the Pack, so I didn't miss the camaraderie really. Iov was with me, and Liam was too."
Those two had been her companions, it seemed, most of her life. Liam had become infinitely more gentle with her when she'd been pregnant, if not kinder, so that had made those nine months some of the happiest she'd had. It hadn't helped the lack of emotional support; Liam never returned to the same caring husband he'd been when they'd first married and Iov couldn't express himself the way she knew now that he'd wanted to.
"You'll have Aidan to help you through it," she said with a smile. "At least he can remain with you for part of it."
And he had, she knew. The Pack leader's absence had been obvious on the third night of the madness. It was rare for Aidan to use that particular ability of his and therefore, remarkable when he did not. Normally he embraced his Change and ran with his brothers and sisters.
"Just keep your mind on the end result," Lily advised. "When it comes down to it, it's so worth missing out... you'll be grateful for it."

"I hadn't considered that far ahead. You may be right."Â?
Wrinkling her nose another thought occurred to her.
"He wasn't a small child either was he?"Â?
How could he be? Aidan was not a small man and Hammer wasn't exactly slight. Perhaps she should have considered this before hand. But Lily was right. The idea of being extremely pregnant with a huge belly then having her body twist itself into an entirely new shape was not appealing. And what if she should go into labor while shifted? No this was for the best, even if she was going a little stir crazy in the mean time.
She frowned at Lily's next words. Even though she could be rather reserve Nikhila had been here in Nachton long enough to find a place with in the Pack. She had Aidan, Lily and even Hammer and of course her staff and students. So while occasionally she had to be drawn into a group, at least she wasn't cut off. That couldn't have been easy for Lily to be so alone. Nikhila, on the other hand, would probably feel the need to be on the edges of camaraderie through out. She'd spent too much time wandering alone to let a little thing like a baby stop her now.
It had been generous of Aidan to stay with her that third night. Nikhila hadn't asked, suggested it, or even dropped a hint. To tell the truth, she'd all but forgotten he was able to resist the urge to change one day out of three, she couldn't remember the last time he'd done so. She had, however, probably been giving of a slightly restless vibe that he'd picked up on. Regardless, she was grateful for his understanding and support.
"I hadn't expected him to do that. But I'm glad he did, it did make it a bit easier."Â?
The idea they were going to have a baby made her glow. Actually, she'd learned from her books that there were other reasons she glowed but the joy it brought didn't hurt. Truthfully she might give up the ability to change permanently for this child, and the others that were bound to follow.
"It will be won't it? I just hope she turns out half as well as her father."Â?
Everyone was certain it was a boy. Even Nikhila had taken to referring to the baby half the time as 'he' and half as 'she'. But, just out of sheer stubbornness, until she saw the ultra sound she wasn't giving up the idea of a baby girl. Of course, she was starting to think Aidan might kidnap an obstetrician and an ultrasound machine rather than let her off the grounds, but that was another story. The first time this child got lippy and told her she was being over protective, she was brining up the idea of noon day doctors appointments and a full security detail so a doctor could get up close and personal with her.
Lily regarded Nikhila with a tender expression for a few moments. "He'd rather spend all three nights with you, I think," she said. "Now that the two of you are back together, I don't think he's going to want to let you wander again."
The details of the situation between Aidan and Nikhila had never been spelled out for her. Lily remembered when Aidan had left Canberra years ago, taking care of Pack business. She also remembered the feeling that it wasn't her place to force Nikhila to stay. The impact it had had on Aidan's return, however, had been obvious and deep. Lily had suspected it would be a long time before Aidan got over that, if he ever did, and was happy to see the issue resolve itself, however long it had taken.
She laughed again at Nikhila's repeated insistence on referring to the unborn baby as both 'he' and 'she.' She hoped, for the two of them, that there would be both sons and daughters in their future, but the odds weighed heavily in favor of a son.
"Whoever is in there has two wonderful parents," Lily corrected Nikhila. "I can't see how your child will be anything less than loved to its full capacity."
Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "Not to mention, I fully intend to spoil my one and only grandchild."
She didn't think she had to add that the same went for Iov, but she would let him say that on his own, in his time. He had so much on his mind right now that Lily hadn't wanted to push him to take more of a role than he was comfortable with. She had faith that their situation would resolve itself in time. For now, there seemed to be very little she could do except be supportive.

"There is no sense in us both having itchy paws. Besides the Pack needs him, and I'm not far away."Â?
That was true. She had no fear of other pack members, not even at the height of the full moon, but she did respect the madness. While she did go outside, she'd made certain not to be anything remotely resembling prey and not place herself in a situation where she might be mistaken for such.
Her smile turned slightly sad. Truthfully she'd never meant to hurt Aidan. Not him or anyone else, but she had. Still, he'd forgiven her and she'd promised not to ever disappear like that again. She couldn't promise not to wander again, any more then he could promise not to go where he was needed, but they would discuss it, plan it and ideally go together.
"I haven't stayed in one place since I was a teenager."Â?
Nikhila confided in Lily. And with her additional confinement moving, traveling, had been on her mind a lot. Fortunately, so had the baby and that tiny little life was helping keep her in one place. Funny how something so small could provide so much of an anchor.
"But the next time I wander it will be with him,"Â? She laughed and rested her hand momentarily on her still mostly flat stomach "Both of them. I don't want to travel alone again."Â?
That was true. For as challenging and rewarding as it could be, it could also be a very hollow experience days and night with no friends no family, no one to share things with. Especially before she'd learned the language of a place it was hard and lonely. At the time, she'd needed that. Needed to prove she could be on her own and survive and be successful. Now Nikhila wanted her family with her.
Truer words were never spoken, Nikhila knew that with out being told and beyond a shadow of a doubt. This child would be extremely well loved, nurtured, supported and encouraged. If he/she turned out to be the next Alpha they would have a strong solid start.
Nikhila cheerfully rolled her eyes at Lily.
"Then we shall have to see about making sure he doesn't remain the only. We wouldn't want her to get a big head."Â?
She did notice that Lily hadn't included Hammer in that statement. Nikhila knew something was going on, but she didn't know what. There were just times when certain names or references seemed to be a bit off, tense. She didn't pry though. She didn't pry now, she only cocked her head curiously at Lily. If she wanted to say something, Nikhila would listen, but she'd not ask, not directly.
Walking in her favorite flat, white tennis shoes, Viv wandered over onto the Tikerak where she had seen some gazebos spread out in hopes of running into someone, preferably Brig in the darkness of the forest, but that probably wasn't a good idea. Still, she was pleased hearing the soft voices of females floating in the soft, warm wind. Their scents were not familiar to her, nor were their voices, but as she drew closer, Viv could see that it was in fact Hammer's mate Lily Xephier with another female. Circling wide so not to look like she was sneaking up on them, Viv slowed her gait and gave a friendly wave.
'Mrs. Xephier, hello.' Walking up to the two women, she heard the tail end of the other female talking about traveling and someone getting a big head. Nodding to her, Viv gathered up a bit of the material trailing behind her, 'I'm sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting.'
Looking back at Mrs Xephier, she winced self consciously, 'I'm Vivienne...Vivienne Sena? I don't know if Ham...the Beta told you about me, ma'am?'
The tilted head showed her Nikhila hadn't overlooked the omission of Iov's name. "He'd want to tell you that himself," she said reassuringly. "It's not my place. Those things, he feels them, and it takes him a little time to get used to them. Longer still to let them be spoken."
It wasn't fair for her to say for Iov what he really wanted to say himself. Every parent or grandparent should get to say those words themselves, to feel how happy they made them.
"There's so much going on right now," Lily added with an apologetic smile. "I fear we've thrown everyone for a loop."
Her face grew shadowed for a moment but she snapped out of it quickly enough and turned to face the new female who joined them.
"Vivienne," Lily said with an unreserved smile. "Of course Iov has told me all about you. As has Aidan."
In various tones of voice, as a matter of fact. Lily had kept her peace thus far. Anything that had been said about Vivienne had had nothing to do directly with Lily; she was inclined to immediately agree with Aidan on the rather touchy matter of Vivienne's Pack status.
"It's Lily, please." She'd stopped using Liam's surname. It just hadn't made sense since his death; Lily had thrown herself even further into her family's affairs and was once more using Stafford as her surname. "Welcome to Nachton, Vivienne. Of course you're not interrupting. This is Nikhila Gounder, the Dean of the Academy and Aidan's mate. Have you met yet?"
Lily wasn't sure if the two younger wolves had crossed paths yet but regardless, manners dictated that introductions be made so she did so pleasantly. She didn't mind having others join them, and judging by Nikhila's expression, the mother-to-be also welcomed the company.

"Actions speak louder than words."Â?
She said with a seemingly careless shrug.
Nikhila didn't feel she'd been thrown for a loop, she felt more like she was swimming in the deep end, after dark, with the lights out. She could tread water and feel the edge of the pool but she couldn't make out its shape or find the stairs to get out. She was more concerned that Aidan might feel the same. Some days she did wish she could read people as well as he could.
But there would be no shape to the pool, not tonight, not with the new arrival. Well, it would come when people were ready.
Nikhila thought she saw a shadow cross Lily's face, but she wasn't sure if it had to do with a memory or the other woman. Who ever Vivienne was she must have some influence or standing for both Aidan and Hammer to have spoken of her to Lily. Taking her cue from Lily though Nikhila decided this was somewhat informal and didn't stand up, although she did offer her hand.
"No, we haven't, the start of the semester always turns me into a recluse for a few weeks. Hardly an excuse though. A pleasure."Â?
She smiled warmly. After all Vivienne seemed polite and friendly enough. It was, or seemed to her, perhaps not odd, but different that Lily would introduce her as Aidan's mate. But it was true enough, so Nikhila didn't question it.
'Nice to meet you finally.'
Nodding to both women, Viv climbed the steps into the gazebo and smiled. 'It's interesting putting faces to names. I've read about Kadzait leadership but never had the chance to formally meet anyone in Canberra, but then,' Viv shrugged and tipped her head to the side with a sheepish smile, 'the Hammerthynns don't exactly throw family picnics, do they.'
Turning back to Nikhila, Viv gestured to her tummy, 'Congratulations are in order, I believe, Nikhila. I know the Elder Hammerthynn was pleased to hear about the baby from his son.'
Viv left out how she would know that, especially from Vigo, but she knew Lily already probably knew more about her than even Brig did. Hammer had informed Vigo of the baby as soon as he heard about it, as awkward as it might have been.
'And congratulations to you as well, Lily.' Viv pointed to her engagement ring on her finger. 'Happy news travels fast.'
"Thank you," she said, smiling down at the ring on her finger. "I imagine this news traveled even faster than most, but that's probably for the best."
She felt no shame over the matter, not on her behalf and not on Iov's. She had told Iov's family about her circumstances all those years ago. It was Lily's opinion that rather than censure Iov for his actions, he should be praised. Lily had held Liam together and Iov had held her together. Without them, the Pack would have been in far more dire straits, and the end result had been a strong and capable new Alpha to succeed the Xephiers' dynasty.
"When can we expect a visit from Vigo himself?"
Lily didn't add any honorific to Vigo's name. She respected him, without a doubt, and showed him respect but no obedience. She was a Pack beta, the wife one one Alpha and the mother of another. Now that she didn't feel the oppression from Liam's forceful personality, she was learning to step into that position and rank.

"Yes. Thank you. I know we're very excited."Â?
Piecing together a few verbal clues Nikhila concluded Vivienne was relatively close to the Hammerthynns. Which seemed odd because as she understood it there were no females in the family. Perhaps a wife or cousin then?
She didn't dwell on it. Perhaps that was due to the fact that Vigo knew about the child, but Hammer must have said something to his father. Nikhila had never met Vigo. But what little she knew convinced her perhaps that was best.
Nikhila watched Lily carefully, she felt protective towards Aidan's mother and didn't wish her hurt. As far as Nikhila was concerned Lily had been forced into an impossible situation all those years ago and had done the best she could. Besides, if Lily hadn't done what she had, Nikhila wouldn't have Aidan, and without Aidan she probably would have been killed by that pack of Vyusher and wouldn't be sitting here carrying their child. So, for Nikhila it had been the start of a very long but rather positive chain of events.
Her eyebrows rose slightly. She hadn't known that Hammer's father was planning on coming to Nachton. Well, that was... interesting.
'Welp, I'd have to say that Elder Hammerthynn will make his appearance at least by the birth of his grandson,' she looked quickly back at Nikhila, 'but hey, you never know right? Maybe a little grand daughter? It's my understanding Hammerthynns have poor eyesight before their gifting ritual, but the Alpha sees fine, right? Maybe things are changing. I'm sure the Alpha's father would be extremely pleased with a female Hammerthynn.' Viv knew Vigo would be, despite what people might think of her father, if his affection toward Viv was any clue.
Looking down, she added, 'I do think the results of my reviews on the Piper might have an affect on when the Elder comes. I have yet to really speak to the Beta or the Commander in an official capacity.' Viv felt the blush of arousal hit her cheeks as she mentioned Brig's title. Crap, she thought.
'The Commander isn't too thrilled with that idea, though.' Hopefully her sarcastic tone helped imply her blush was more in annoyance than desire. 'But, you know, we'll see.'
The conversation moved quickly into business, and Lily had the feeling Vivienne wasn't out to chat business. Her keen senses didn't miss the younger were's blush, nor was she oblivious to the scent of the woman's arousal. It was probably unnoticeable to those not in wolf form, but Lily's particular abilities granted her heightened senses in either shape. She doubted that Viv would be hot and bothered by Iov, and therefore it was a very simple jump to conclude that it was Brig who held her fascination.
How ironic.
Lily waved her hand lightly at Vivienne. "We'll see, indeed," she replied softly. "Surely you're not out here on business?" With a soft inclination of her head, she indicated Viv's comfortable attire.
"How are you enjoying your stay at the Den?"
Her eyes crinkled with knowing, but there was no acid in her voice; Lily wasn't capable of it. The inquiry was honest and well-meant, even if she was aware of the subtlety behind it.

"Great grandchild."Â?
Nikhila corrected almost absently. She wasn't going to slight Hammer. He was this child's grandfather.
"Really that soon?"Â?
As she listened to Vivienne Nikhila relaxed at looked at the other woman more intuitively. She was starting to trust what she saw around people a bit more over the years. The few times she'd not looked at what surrounded people had had interesting consequences.
Fear, pain, not over whelming but they were there. She couldn't tell if they were recent or somewhere in her past. The other was more interesting, love. Nikhila couldn't tell who or what Vivienne felt so strongly about, but it was there.
Nikhila would have stayed in a more work related vein but Lily changed the subject. She cast Lily a furtive glance and discreetly eyed her laptop. Some of them had come out here to work. Deciding she'd talk to Lily about the lawyer later Nikhila flushed slightly and put her own work away.
"Not that there is anything about getting some work done away from your desk."Â?
She half smiled.
"The city has quite a lot to offer as well."Â?
She never referred to Vigo by name, and most definitely never as 'father', in front of anyone. Just that one time with Hammer to piss him off. Even he didn't understand the nature of her relationship with Vigo, but it wasn't like Hammer to care anyway.
Viv shrugged, rolling her shoulders as she stood under the gazebo. 'Not business, no. Just...looking around. I haven't really been anywhere on the property except the Alpha's office at the Tikerak and where the Pipers usually roam, although accommodations have been spectacular. Not really here for pleasure, though - but I did go by a salsa club downtown, Tinta Roja. The Pipers are a fun bunch of boys, that's for sure. They've made this visit less complicated than the Commander seems to want to make it.'
She could not help the sarcastic tone when referring to Brig. He did make day to day operations more difficult than necessary.
'He's grumpy, I've noticed,' Viv finished.
Lily tried to be level-headed and kind to everyone, but she had a hard time sympathizing with Brig, whose criticism of Iov's actions and refusal to back down were the cause of the rift between the two.
"I suggest you just ignore the grumpiness. Don't let him get to you."
Lily had several more choice terms she would have applied to Brig right then, but she held them back since they'd serve no purpose. Brig's quarrel wasn't with her and although his attitude toward Iov did hurt her, she didn't want to make things worse for Iov by jumping in with fangs and claws flashing.
"As for exploring the Den, maybe we can help you there," she said. "There's plenty to see." She raised a brow at Nikhila, tacitly suggesting her son's mate leave off her ideas of working for the moment, too. She needed to relax and enjoy herself, not constantly worry about being cooped up or throwing herself into her work.

"I would like to visit this salsa club. It does sound like fun."Â?
There might be a difference on opinion about that, but it would be preferable to the opera. It would all be in how it was presented, in a few months. If nothing else she'd have time to get him to warm up to the idea.
"I shut it off."Â?
Nikhila said with a mix of humor and defensiveness while closing the laptop.
"The Den, she school if you want, and not that any of us are dressed for it there are some excellent trails the Pipers don't frequent in the Long Run, absolutely. All work and no play and all that."Â?
She said somewhat ironically, having just been subtly chided for the same thing. Maybe she should start a winter garden, that might keep her busy.
Viv liked Lily, although it was hard to picture Hammer with her. Her soft, gentle nature would seem out of place next to him, but Vigo's secret affectionate behavior would surprise everyone who knew him. Viv wondered what it must have been like, waiting all those years. It was one question she knew she'd never get to ask, but it was still interesting to imagine.
'Tinta Roja is pretty fun, we should have a ladies night with margaritas. You know, put the lime in the coconut...all that jazz.' Viv was half serious when she suggested it, but leadership would probably frown on the Alpha's mother and mate getting drunk with Vigo's Vyusher R'asa wench. Still, she wagered it would be fun.
'What is it that you do at Stafford, Nikhila?' Viv asked, pointing at her now dismissed laptop.
Lily tilted her head with interest at the idea of a night at a salsa club. "I've never had a margarita," she said mildly, wondering if it would be as much fun without Iov there. She couldn't see him dancing the salsa. At all. Ever.
"We'll plan for it," she said, with a hint of mischief in her green eyes. "Once Nikhila is free to come along, of course. That way she can have one too. I'm sure Aidan will be happy to have some father-son bonding time."
She wasn't about to point out that Aidan had basically restricted Nikhila to the Den grounds. Instead she reminded Nikhila of the upcoming joy, and the fact that there would soon be a time when she could, indeed, look forward to going out with "the ladies." Maybe that would take her mind off of her restriction, if she had something to plan for.