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Coffee Tea or Me (Attn Eiryk/Open)

"[color=red]God damned you to hell and back you idiot Viking![/color]"Â?

Pak roared at the blond sitting outside one of the coffee shops in the mall. She was thoroughly pissed and didn't care that she was in public or how many people heard her.

"I don't know why you did it and I don't care you are going to fix it if it take you all day."Â?

As he was sitting Pak made a reasonable attempt at looming over him. But even with him sitting down that was hard to do.

"But you -are- going to tell me how and you're going to do it now."Â?

Pakpao 14 years ago
"The jury is out. A lot depends on Kem right now so you'd better pray he is nice to me."Â?

Was the only answer she gave Eiryk. He deserved to suffer a bit of anxiety and worry what she might or might not do. He could be too smug by half and the little grin on his face indicated he was sure he'd wriggled out of retaliation. The smile didn't even fade when she wouldn't forgive him right away. Too damned sure of himself.

[Wrath is good, I'm used to it. It is sort of reassuring and comforting when you are wrathful.]

Pak teased Kem a bit, but in a way that didn't disrupt the flow of conversation too much.

Seeing the two of them, Kem and Aishe, together always made her both happy and a little sad. Pak, however, was extremely careful to not let that show. It would be a poor way to repay their friendship and their welcoming her into their little family to let her loneliness show.

Instead she just raised an eyebrow at Kem.

"You are getting soft in your old age."Â?

And then shook her head at Aishe.

"I'm hard to kill, as you well know."Â?

She was staring to feel ganged up on. But Pak was too stubborn, or too foolish to retreat. More likely she knew the worst all three of them could do and knew it was far too late for spin control, years too late.
Eiryk 14 years ago
Eiryk settled back in his chair, quite pleased with himself. He'd only wanted to irritate Pak out of hiding and drag her out of the building for her own good. But here he'd gotten to meet two new people and he was enjoying the friendly banter all around.

Completely ignoring Pak's semi threat he countered to the group at large.

"Actually, know that she has multiple targets and I'm not first on the hit list I might have to try harder. I -hate- to be left out."Â?

The other two gave as good as Pak did, in fact they might have the edge, Eiryk wasn't sure, it was rather hard to tell. Now that he thought about it, perhaps he did want to be left out of this. He should just sit on the sideline and sell pop corn. They'd make a mint.
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
"I'm not getting soft," Kem argued back good-naturedly at Pak. "I'm learning tolerance. You should acknowledge it, seeing how often you're on the receiving end of the fruits of my efforts."

He favored Pak with an innocent smile while responding to her internal conversation. [I don't have enough energy for constant wrath. Don't worry though, you'll get yours...]

To Eiryk, he shrugged apologetically. "I'm sorry. I admire your work, but it's just not enough. I'll be retaliating at a random time in a manner of my choosing. You might want to start carrying an umbrella. Pak likes water guns."

No way was Pak getting out of this one... she wasn't allowed to prank him when he hadn't been the guilty party to begin with!

While this banter had continued Aishe had stepped inside of Barney's and returned with her usual hot chocolate. It didn't seem to matter what the temperature was outside, ever. That was nearly all she ever ordered there.
Aishe 14 years ago
"Still counts toward sainthood," Aishe smiled cheekily at Pak and excused herself to go get a drink of her own.

Returning just a minute or two later she discovered the conversation hadn't changed much. She took the one vacant chair at the table, between Eiryk and Kiamhaat, and opened the top of her cup. Carefully she sipped at the hot beverage until she'd gotten all of the tasty whipped cream off of it and then replaced the top. Habit.

Waiting until there was a sufficient lull in the friendly teasing Aishe turned to Eiryk and caught his attention.

"So if you don't mind my asking, Eiryk, what is it you do here in Nachton? Do you work for Meridian?"

Aishe had a pretty good idea of names and faces of many of her Clanmates but Eiryk's didn't ring a bell. Working in security had given her ample opportunity to check out a lot of profiles but most of those were related to Meridian employees.
Pakpao 14 years ago
"Then you should be more tolerant of an innocent computer error rather than assuming I'm behind it."Â?

Pak was quite happy to twist Kem's words about and toss them back at her. She approved when Kem threatened Eiryk, it wasn't the kind of three way she'd ever imagined being part of but maybe, just maybe she could slip to the sidelines unnoticed. It was possible that the guys would take each other out. It would be something to see, Eiryk (knots aside) had a drier sense of humor than she did.


Even with her sending 'voice' that was clearly a question.

"Hey! That was a one time thing. I'm not a fan of slander you know."Â?

Well it had started as a one time thing, but then Kem had brought her water gun back and then Pak had found some new ones she thought he might 'enjoy'. Sufficed to say things escalated. It was also not something she'd ever thought to try with the Swede. Some how Eiryk gave off the impression of being dry clean only and Pak didn't think he'd appreciate water guns.

"Er... I don't know what he's talking about."Â?

With that Pak tried to look innocent. The expression never quite sat right on her.
Eiryk 14 years ago
Suddenly Eiryk thought he was in well over his head. Water guns? He eyed the small Siamese vampire suspiciously and then looked back to Kem.

"You're kidding right?"Â?

He didn't think either one of them was though. Perhaps he'd just invest in a good rain coat and thank god he didn't work in the building. It would make him a more difficult target.

"I put myself in the line of fire. But I reserve the right to return fire if it comes to that."Â?

Eiryk said with a light hearted smile and good natured shrug. Maybe not working in the building wouldn't be enough, a new security system might be in order and then moving out too. Something with an ocean view would be nice.

Aishe saved him from having to defend himself and he was happy enough for the change of topic. Kem and Pak were obviously old pros at this and he was only an amateur, well journeyman any way. He grinned at the dark haired woman, although he couldn't decide if he was amused by her choice of hot chocolate or horrified she didn't get coffee. It was probably a little of both.

"No, and I'm starting to think that's a good thing; far too dangerous here from the sounds of it. I have a design studio not too far away, it keeps me off the streets most nights. Yourself?"Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
"I would have been tolerant had you not so readily confirmed it wasn't an error," Kem said wryly. "And one time means one... not two, not three, and definitely not a fourth while I'm trying to train a new archivist!"

His voice never raised itself above that of amused observation, but Kem had enough practice performing in venues of all kinds that he was able to put sufficient weight into the words without ever actually sounding angry about any of it. Having nailed that point home he turned to Eiryk with a cocked eyebrow.

"Clearly, you see I do not jest." He flashed a smile when Eiryk claimed retaliation rights. "Fair enough."

Remaining where he was, he listened to Aishe as she steered the conversation away from the avenue it was traveling down. He didn't have many doubts that if he and Pak were allowed to continue their friendly argument, someone would get wet.
Aishe 14 years ago
"It can get dicey some nights," Aishe agreed with a smile, "but they keep each other satisfied and their respective co-workers can breathe easily."

She peered at Eiryk curiously. "A design studio? As in, artwork?" Aishe didn't really know what other kinds of design studios existed.

"I work here. At Meridian, in security. I studied archaeology in school so every once in a while I help Kem down in the archives and up in collections, but once I got to Nachton I sort of fell into the security thing. They had a place for me and I've been there since."

Aishe liked her job but missed her archaeology. One of these days she'd see an opening in collections, maybe, and move herself there if it suited everyone. So far though, the security racket had been quite the educational experience. She did miss Chris though. Very much.
Pakpao 14 years ago
Any guilt Pak -might- have felt dissolved as Kem had his say.

"Just remember I am the injured party. I'll grant you have friendly fire/innocent bystander status but I did not start this.. ... this time."Â?

She batted her eyelashes at Eiryk doing her best to look harmless. Perhaps she should start wearing her hair in pig tails, it might make her look like less of a threat. That or it would make her look crazy, one of the too.

God they'd just started a war hadn't they? It might pay to draw up formal rules and establish neutral ground. Pak would look into that later.
Eiryk 14 years ago
A Cheshire cat grin slid across Eiryk's face. this could be fun, a challenge and he was going to have to learn some new tricks very quickly, but it would be fun. Alliances would be formed and broken and ultimately it would wind up every man for himself. Excellent.

He shook his head Aishe's inquiring look.

"Sort of, interior design. I hate to say it but I'm a decorator."Â?

Some old habits did die hard. Decorator just sounded so frilly and feminine at least interior designer had more of a gender neutral ring to it and if you left it at design well then it was up for grabs.

He took another, closer look at Aishe, assessing her as he would have an opponent years ago. It didn't surprise him, perhaps a little but not as much as it probably should have. Besides, to work in security you didn't need to be a big hulking brute there was plenty to do that wasn't strictly physical.

"It is good that you get to keep your hand in your area of expertise. I can't figure how you fall into security work though. Do you enjoy it?"Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
Kem blatantly ignored Pak, who was so far from being the injured party that she didn't even require a Hello Kitty band-aid. Instead he turned his attention to the conversation Aishe and Eiryk had begun, tilting his head at Eiryk's occupation.

He recalled Pak saying soemthing about redecorating but at the time he hadn't given it any thought. He didn't decorate. He put things on shelves, dusted them faithfully, and left them there. He didn't interrupt though, since the other two seemed to have a good back-and-forth going.
Aishe 14 years ago
"Why would you hate to say it?" Aishe asked. "It sounds like a fun job."

She gave some thought to how one 'fell into' security and finally replied, "When I first came to Nachton a few years ago I met Chris Bern. He was looking for someone to help out with a one-shot deal and I fit the description. It worked out very well, to our mutual benefit."

That was making a long story short, but she wasn't going to go into great detail here. Perhaps over dinner someday.

"I like it well enough. I'd eventually like to get back to archaeology, but there's no hurry."

It was subtle, but it was her way of letting him know she wasn't about to get old soon.

"I'm assuming you're lucky enough to be doing what you enjoy as well? How does one become a designer?" She turned the question back around to Eiryk with a smile. "Was it something you always wanted to do?"
Pakpao 14 years ago
Half guessing where Kem's thoughts were going she dissuaded him from those ideas right away.

[No I haven't hired him or even told him I'm thinking about it. Maybe I should, but he's got -way- more taste than I do.]

Pak's home now was simple minimalistic, organized and what she had chosen to display had meaning to her. Besides, she was getting used to the idea that her children had lived and her new roomy, the kitten Mara had given her, was keeping her busy. She was feeling less restless and less inclined to redo everything.

She watched with some envy and some fascination as Eiryk and Aishe who had never met before settled into a nice polite conversation with little effort. Maybe that was why it was so easy to like them both, at least at first. Once you got to know them, both had qualities that made you want to keep getting to know them and eventually made them friends.

Pak did not have this knack.
Eiryk 14 years ago
If Aishe didn't know he wasn't going to tell her. But he did think she might just be as young as she looked. Regardless he was appreciative of her apparent lack of preconceptions.

"Sounds exciting and maybe a little brave. Unless of course he just needed you to run down to FedEx. Unless it was during the Christmas rush, then you deserve a medal."Â?

Eiryk didn't press for details though. It was probably an interesting story. Maybe he'd get to hear it some day.

If he was reading all the signs right they had four vampires sitting down to coffee. And yet, despite the fact that their combined age was probably some ridiculous number the conversation was fresh and lively.

The idea that decorating was something he'd always wanted to do brought a ready laugh to Eiryk. He could rearrange things in the long house to make them more aesthetically pleasing.

"It is a lot of fun, especially dealing with some of the people but it is not something I always wanted to do. I think most people could do it if they wanted, there is a little study and a lot of listening and even more organization and people handling."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
[Well, it is his job,] Kem pointed out to Pak. [If he's good at it, he ought to be able to help, if that's still what you want. He seems like he'd be willing.]

Eiryk seemed like a nice enough sort. He and Aishe had apparently hit it off and seemed to be chatting it up like old pals. That was something Kem didn't exactly have a talent for. He could follow Aishe's lead though.

"It was incredibly brave, which is exactly what she is, among a multitude of other attributes," he interjected before Aishe could respond to Eiryk.

He let his eyes rest on Aishe for a moment, trying to determine if there were any big differences between human Aishe and vampire Aishe, but he couldn't find any. She was as refreshing, down-to-earth, honest, and perfect as she'd been when alive. She'd never shown the slightest remorse for her choices and she had never let him feel it for her. The bond between them was so close it was nearly a tangible object as they sat at the table.
Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe was momentarily speechless at Kiamhaat's mild yet intense statement. She stared at him for a moment, her mouth slightly open, and then her face broke into a flush as she smiled and leaned forward.

"Thank you, 'Isu-mery," she said, kissing him lightly on the lips and then sitting back in her chair. "That was sweet."

The moment passed although she wasn't any less aware of him there. She turned back to Eiryk and laughed gaily.
"It wasn't Christmas but it was a little scary, I'll admit."

She shook her head at the blonde and disagreed with him politely. "I don't think I could do what you do. I'm not sure I would have the patience to work with people like you must. What if they want something awful, like gold sequin floor-length curtains and scarlet wall-to-wall shag carpet?"
Pakpao 14 years ago
[I just need to decide if its what I want to do.]

Pak was a little reluctant to move because, A) it was a hassle and a half and B) she wasn't sure Mara would be able to find her if she moved. And Pak wasn't sure she really wanted to redecorate if she didn't move.

[Maybe he can help me pick out a new rug or something though. Little changes, baby steps right?]

She didn't think it was at all rude for she and Kem to laps into sending. In fact, she preferred it, it kept them from interrupting the other two.

She watched the little exchange between Kem and Aishe and remembered Kem dragging her down to a freezing beach, rather distressed about Aishe's well being. It seemed like a long time ago. He was right though, it was brave. Pak didn't think she could have handled her self in the same situation. Perhaps she'd be in a better position now thanks to Bao's lessons, but perhaps not.
Eiryk 14 years ago
That seemed like a moderately intimate exchange. Nothing sappy or embarrassing but intense. He looked from one to the other and was impressed with them both. Which said something, he just wasn't quite sure what.

"Christmas can be scary though. Especially those sales the day after Thanksgiving; the early bird specials can burn."Â?

As they started about sunrise. Lord why any one did that to themselves Eiryk wasn't sure. The words might have been light but he did incline his head with some respect. Anyone who could face down something scary earned some respect.

Eiryk just smiled.

"People have been decorating since the dawn of time you probably already have something of a knack for it."Â?

He visibly cringed at her suggestion. He'd had people want things similar to that and they were convinced it was stunning. And it was, stunningly bad.

"You just politely agree and then provide them with alternatives. And when that fails... you beat them to death the a carpet sample being certain to hide the body."Â?
Kem`Raaisu 14 years ago
[It's just redecorating Pak, it's not like you're talking massive life changes. What's the difference between blue carpet and green carpet if it makes you happy?] Kem didn't get it at all... but then, he was, as previously observed, fairly simplistic when it came to his surroundings. He liked what he was used to and that was that. Aishe seemed to like it too... at least she'd never complained. He hoped she wasn't getting too many ideas.

Eiryk's comment about early bird sales drew forth a chuckle from him.
"True enough," he said.

Lapsing back into silence he let Aishe carry the conversation since she seemed to be enjoying it well. He felt a brush against his hand though, as her fingers twined into his. Smiling, he sipped at his coffee. Maybe Pak's screwing with his clocks was a good thing.. after all, now he would get to spend the next hour alone with her and that would definitely be the high point of the evening.
Aishe 14 years ago
"Of course they've been decorating since the dawn of time," Aishe said enthusiastically. "I'll take you into the archives sometime if Kem approves, and I can show some really good examples."

Then she paused, realizing that for all she knew Eiryk had seen most of those firsthand.
"That is, if you want."

The moment passed quickly enough with an encouraging smile from the blonde, and Aishe continued with a laugh. "I like your versatility, but shouldn't you go for more of a mauve if you're trying to hide bloodstains?"

The conversation degenerated once again as all four people chimed in with various ludicrous ways to conceal wrongdoings in interior design. Eiryk was a good sport and didn't seem to mind having his profession slightly maligned, so when they all finally excused themselves it was with laughter and a promise to repeat the meeting outside of Barney's the next evening.

((ooc; All out with permission))