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Eiryk Jensen - Evenhet

Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Eiryk Jensen

Aliases: Sven Christensen, Jarl Anderson and one or two others but those are his favorites

Place of Birth: Some where along the southern coast of Sweden

Age: (real and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires here, see the real/apparent age calculator for werewolves here) real: 1207, looks early to mid twenties - 23/25ish

Male/Female: Male

Current Occupation: interior decorator

Past Occupation: (If different from above): Viking raider, monk, painter/artist, librarian, teacher, farmer, etc.


Hair Color: light blond, closer to yellow blond than platinum though

Length and Style: if it is left uncut - to just past his shoulders and -slightly- curly, sort of wavy, and would have a scruffy full beard/mustache but that is so out right now so currently it is cut short and he is clean shaven

Eye Color: bright blue

Skin Color: he's definitely a white guy but he still has a healthy tan left over from life in a long boat

Height: 5ft 10in

Weight: 153

Nationality: Swedish

Race: (I.E. Vampire, Werewolf, human etc.) Vampire

Body Type: athletic slim, nice broad shoulders

Wolf Form (Werewolf - please read first): N/A

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC) Angus Ward - Angus was a monk at St. Cuthbert's in Lindisfarne, Eiryk was part of the raiding party. Angus was deep inside the monastery, far from any windows or lights. In his search for loot Eiryk found the monk and was ready to level the killing blow when he was struck by a sudden urge to let the monk live. For no apparent reason he lowered his ax and left. Over the next two years three other raiding parties that Eiryk was part of hit the monastery; the last time Angus was fed up with the young Viking and tired of driving him away. He decided it would be less trouble to keep Eiryk at the monastery and have him help fend off the attacks. Without asking he turned Eiryk and kept him safe in the monastery walls for a very long time. Since then Angus has moved to Ireland but he is still cloistered safe behind monastic walls. He and Eiryk remain in touch; once every twenty-five years or so Eiryk makes it a point to spend six months to a year with his mentor once again living as a monk.

While Angus was, and still is, part of Anatya Eiryk remained only loosely affiliated with the clan. Angus he likes and has a great deal of respect for, but after leaving the monastery he encountered several other Anatya who were far too narrow minded for his taste. And he never could accept the stance the humans were less than they were and just food, after all the humans were the ones out exploring and learning and doing while he and other vampires were hampered by daylight.

When Eiryk was seven or eight hundred years old, Angus, ever the mentor, recognized his protégée was still drifting. He could have found a way to keep him in Anatya, to make him happy but Angus knew it wouldn't be a good fit. He sent Eiryk to a convent in the south of France to meet a friend of his who was currently living as a nun, Ines Proulx, who was part of another clan, Evenhet. Eiryk and Ines hit it right off, it didn't hurt that she was from a family of fisherman and could handle a boat nearly as well as he could, but her ideas and beliefs struck a chord with him. It didn't take long for him to decide to seek out more of Evenhet and join them. They have been his family ever since, although he does hold Ines in special regard and like Angus keeps in close touch with her. Though, thankfully, she has left the convent and is easier to stay in contact.

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality: Eiryk, is a bit of an odd duck - despite his age he looks at things in a light hearted an almost innocent manner. He has a quirky sense of humor and is always ready to laugh or tease, he enjoys being out and about, socializing, playing games, being active and outdoors but also loves to be quiet with a drink and a book or a movie. He loves to be creative and thinks his job is the best thing ever - he gets to be around people and pretty things at the same time. While typically he is very relaxed and easy going he also has a temper. It is hard to set him off but once he's pissed it can be a bit scary. He is also exceptionally protective of those who hold special places in his life and will go to any lengths to keep them safe

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Eiryk is a bit of a clotheshorse and a bit of a snob. He'll wear anything so long as it isn't cheap or a knock off and he is always dressed appropriately. He is in good shape and he knows it and likes to show it off so he is very fussy about the cut of his clothes. He likes them, whether they are jeans and a tee shirt or an Armani suite, to show him off

3.What does your character like? Swimming, sailing, first editions (books), maps, detective stories, foxes, coffee, games especially card games, puzzles and bonsai trees

4. Dislike? Deserts/being land locked, prejudice, ignorance, cheaters, chaos and clutter, potpourri, day time TV

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A

6. What are your fears? (please choose and explain 3 minimum)

Afraid of losing his humanity/losing touch with being a person - man was not meant to live this long and Eiryk worries that eventually he will reach a point where he has done and seen it all, where he won't care about the world around him and the people in it. So, he often can be over enthusiastic when he encounters something new. He also needs to be social, being alone, a loner, would only increase his fear of losing his humanity.

Afraid of being caught in the open - long boats didn't offer a lot of shelter, monasteries did have a lot of shelter but explaining to the other brothers why you didn't go out in the daylight took explaining. Planning and back up plans and back up back up plans are part of Eiryk's every day life. He can be rather obsessive about it. His car has room for him in the trunk, his boat has a light tight cabin, he typically sets up one or two safe rooms in different parts of the city whenever he moves.

Afraid of abusing his Suggestion - The ability is such a double-edged sword and Eiryk hasn't ever quite worked out the ethics of it. And when he first discovered this gift, he had a bit of trouble with it, using it accidentally several times to get his way when people were on the fence, or at least looking at the fence. He is afraid of using it without meaning too, of suggesting a person do something they were just OK with rather than what they really wanted to do. Other than occasionally encouraging some one to get him a cup of coffee he really doesn't want to artificially influence people's decisions.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? (please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)

Charming and sociable - Eiryk is perfectly capable of winning friends and influencing people. He is actually listens to people, what they have to say -and- what they mean, not only that he cares, it might only for that conversation but he does care. His relaxed manner and gentle humor diffuses most tense situations. He will acknowledge when some one is even partially right and then rather than argue will counter with a possibility or an option rather than belligerently stating his case. You catch more flies with honey after all (and if you do it right the honey turns into mead).

Persistent - Eiryk has a few traits that were... awkward in your typical Viking. But he absolutely never let it get him down. He just kept at things. He learned when to challenge with force and when to just let things slide off his back but he also learned to never give up.

Flexible/adaptable - if someone burned the drawbridge you go up and over the wall. Plans change in the heat of battle, and they change on the farm when the snow starts in October rather than November, hell they change when your idiot client decided that they need purple brocade in the nice Asian sitting room you've worked for three months to put together. Eiryk knows how to change plans on the fly, to make quick decisions, come up with options and when to try and persuade people back to the original plan.

Allergic to shellfish - regular fish he's fine with but shellfish, he puffs up, has trouble breathing, in fact he might stop breathing for a bit. If he wasn't a vampire, it would kill him. As it stands Eiryk is just stubborn enough to have some now and then, but he avoids it when in public. It is always fun when he forgets to ask if there is shrimp in something and has to quickly excuse himself from a dinner meeting until the reaction passes.

Mead - he's not an alcoholic but Eiryk does enjoy his mead and every now and then, he will over indulge. OK some times it doesn't have to be mead but that is his preference. At any rate, the drinking just makes him more relaxed, warps his sense of humor a bit and makes him a lot more clumsy. He tends to be a very social drunk and doesn't pick fights, deliberately.

Over zealous - it is very easy for Eiryk to think big rather than start small. He can become quite enthusiastic about something and overwhelm a person or a discussion. It worked great when out raiding, it can be slightly (or more than slightly) off putting to the person on the receiving end of his enthusiasm.

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here)

Savage Savant - fox

Flaws (Listed here)

Heavy Sleeper
Nervous Twitch (see quirks)

Werewolf -

Abilities - Listed here (Include Tier Points) -

Flaws - Listed here(Include Tier Points) -

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here) Still brews mead, collects antique maps and first edition books, still a fair hand with a sword/ax/bow etc, owns a smashing little sail boat (with a light tight cabin) and loves to go out on the water with it, trains his own bonsai trees, spins and knits (he doesn't tell any one he can do these things but especially the spinning he finds relaxing), calligraphy and illumination and oil painting, speaks Danish, Swedish, Latin and any number of other languages but he only is truly fluent in the two Scandinavian languages, Latin and English

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.) a very prominent scar across his chest, diagonally from his left shoulder to his lower right ribs, and old battle wound, a few other lesser scars especially on his fore arms and legs but nothing as noticeable as that but they are a bit odd for an interior decorator to have

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - always carries a compass with him, he doesn't need it but it amuses him. Also carries a length of cord and he will tie knots in that if he gets fidgety, nervous, etc (see flaws - Nervous Twitch).

Personal History Eiryk was born in Sweden, far on the southern coast. His mother was Swedish and his father was Danish. After his birth, his father moved them back to his village on the northwestern coast of Denmark. While there was some farming and herding as part of his life, Eiryk was part of a warrior culture. He trained and raided with the best of them. While not the most graceful raider in the party, he was an excellent seaman and could coax more speed out of a vessel than any one else, which made up for his awkwardness. He was also completely fearless.

What he, and the others didn't quite learn was not to keep hitting the same target. They had raided the same monastery three times before, and each time Eiryk was turned away by the same monk, a monk who never threw a punch he just told Eiryk to leave and he did. It was more than slightly annoying and Eiryk took it as a challenge. So did the monk apparently, for on their fourth visit he found himself staying with Angus for no apparent reason. Angus didn't ask the young man's opinion he just turned him.

Shocked and bewildered there wasn't much Eiryk could do but agree to stay with Angus and learn what the hell had just happened to him. It actually wasn't all bad. He learned to read and write he helped the monastery fend of a few more attacks and became quite popular with the other brothers he and Angus eventually became very good friends. And moved from monastery to monastery for a century or two.

With the education the monks had provided him and a love of exploration imparted to him by his father's people and his family Eiryk traveled through Europe, most often acting as a tutor of one kind or another. He also proved to be an excellent cartographer and would occasionally sign on with a trading vessel to update maps for who ever was sponsoring the journey.

Trade and European expansion was something Eiryk couldn't get enough of. He didn't really care for the politics and economics of any of it but the exploration and the new people and cultures were fascinating. He has kept extensive travel journals over the years, and still has them all. He always writes them in Latin though, even today. His travels took him as far as China and Japan, Africa, the Middle East, India in fact he can't quite think of a place he hasn't been.

At one point a few hundred years ago, he got it in his head to be a farmer. A large number of people from Sweden, Norway and Denmark were making there way into what is now the American Midwest. He followed along to try his hand at it. Farming, however, wasn't his cup of tea. He stuck with it for nearly seven years but eventually the challenges of an agricultural lifestyle while being rather sensitive to sunlight finally wore him out. It is one of the few things Eiryk has ever given up on.

Through out the years though he has only rarely let himself become tied down, he likes waking up and knowing that he can go out and see what is new in the world without having to worry too much about obligations and limitations. The only thing he truly makes a habit of is his visits to Angus, although that stint the bastard did in Tibet was almost the end of that as well.

Having just finished off a two year stint with his maker, an unusually long time for Eiryk, he is hungry for city life again. Angus, it seems has been going more and more out of his way to find remote and isolated places to live behind his monastery walls. This time Eiryk had to track him down in the middle of no where, well into the interior of Brazil. That caused quite an argument once the former Viking finally made it there, but once Eiryk settled in he found he quite liked it (even with the lack of an ocean, he hated that part he might have stayed longer if they hadn't been so land locked) and did extend his visit. Afterwards, however, he found a need for a city and the sea again. Never having been to Nachton, but knowing it was the clan's strong hold and it was on the eastern seaboard (thank god) it seemed a natural place to gravitate toward.

He's been lurking about Nachton for a few years now, long enough to get his design studio established and running smoothly. The city is fascinating and very well rounded, he has been quite happy here to date.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Mike
Other Characters you play - oh! In order of appearance... Pakpao, Valentine, Ambrose, Reign, Nikhila, Marie, Drew, Bao, Therese (I might be wrong about where Marie came in...)
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - it was foretold
Have you read all the Rules? Nah, I winged it (er... yes, yes I did)
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes please
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? My baby brother is over 18... I should hope I am

(Yeah... yeah... I know. Shoot me. I never should have said my list of characters was too long I've only added too it since then!)