A Little Flexibility (open)
The temperature in the second story studio wasn't as chilly as a gym would have been but it was cool enough to notice when sitting quietly on a yoga mat with no shirt. That was good though. By the time they'd been moving for five minutes or so, the people in his class would warm themselves up.
This wasn't his first class here but it was the largest so far. As word got out more and more people had showed up. The room was large, covering the entire square footage of the building, and it was about a third full. Maybe fifteen people, men and women of mixed ages and body types. A typical beginner yoga class. He ignored the fact that a good number of the women appeared to be young and... interested. It happened. Apparently, there was a shortage of young male yoga instructors. Inevitably, he lost a little business when they realized he was neither interested nor straight.
The speakers were already playing a soft CD of acoustic guitar mixed with outdoor noises. Alex was at the front of the room, slowly moving through various easy stretches. He greeted each student as he or she walked in, stashed their belongings, and took a mat out to the floor. Most of them followed his lead and joined in as he watched the clock and continued to rotate through his warmups.
When it was seven on the dot, without saying anything, Alex pulled himself back into a sitting position, legs crossed, hands resting on his thighs. He waited for everyone to have assumed the same position and then greeted them once again, bowing from the waist.
There were some new faces here so he briefly described the pranayama, the basic breathing that they all needed to learn.
"Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. Fill up your abdomen, then your chest, without straining or heaving," he directed, keeping his voice mellow. No one wanted to be barked at in a yoga class. "Breathe out through your mouth, picturing a wave. In, filling up, and out, releasing."
He watched them all for a few moments. Satisfied that they were all doing it more or less properly he moved on. It would become second nature to them in time, if they continued to practice.
"Remember, yoga isn't meant to hurt," he warned mildly. "You should feel a stretch where I show you but if anything hurts or feels strained you should stop and take an alternate pose. I'll demonstrate those as well."
With that gentle reminder he began to take them slowly through each element of a sun salutation, starting in mountain pose. It was an easy vinyasa to learn. They did each asana separately and then, when everyone seemed to have them down, he had them slowly link them along with the corresponding proper breath patterns as they worked through.
'Man I am so hungry,' her mind wailed.
Alex was an experienced yoga instructor, which pleased Viv to no end. The warm up moves were similar to her routine that she did every morning before breakfast. Thick piece of french toast with scrambled eggs, mixed with tons of ketchup and vegetables, and barely crispy, gold brown hash browns.
Her derailed train of stop made her snort loudly, interrupting the class.
"Heh," she chuckled. "Sorry."

She focused on her breathing, inhaling and exhaling when Alex's voice told her to, enjoying the stretching of her muscles as she moved through each asana. It was simple enough to do them one at a time. Better still when Alex upped the pace and had them link them together. She actually felt her mouth curl up at he corners a little as they moved.
Until the woman in front of her and to the side a bit gave a very un-yoga-like snort, making Aishe giggle involuntarily. It was soft but she didn't think for a second Alex hadn't noticed. He had the good grace to say nothing.

She was having a fit trying to do this calm soothing crap and was instead, at least half of her attention was given over to trying to figure out both how to get Eiryk back and where she could shave IT's budget for next year. There were a few programs and projects that just weren't up to snuff, one in particular she'd like to just eliminate.
Her attention was pulled back to the class more by the snort and Aishe's giggle than anything the instructor said. She raised an eyebrow and gave an abortive half laugh at the woman but was determined not to dissolve into giggles. Instead she gave Aishe a very stern look. The girl was going to pay attention if she'd dragged her out to this thing.
His eyes took in the students in the group as he went through the sun salutations himself. These were warmup for him; they weren't necessarily the same for others. With that in mind he watched carefully to make sure people weren't straining. He watched Aishe in particular and watched her through almost an entire sequence. She had claimed herself to be a beginner but Alexander thought she'd at least had some kind of instruction. She moved effortlessly through the vinyasa as if she'd done it before.
Her friend, too, seemed perfectly at home with the movements although perhaps not enjoying herself as much. Alex turned his attention away from them and noted one or two people who were over stretching. Continuing to talk he broke away from his own motions and quietly padded over to them, correcting first one and then the other with impersonal hands before they got hurt.
Soon enough he had them finish that particular series and moved into a sequence of standing poses. Hoping to engage Vivienne and Aishe's friend a little more thoroughly. Alexander had them work various lunges into warrior 1 and 2, reverse warrior, the extended side angle, triangle, half moon, and finally, down dog poses. In his experience most beginner classes had no issue with the first 3, but many true beginners started having trouble with the extended side angle and triangle, and only a few would actually attempt the half moon pose after struggling with the extended side arm.
God she couldn't wait.
Viv did her best to keep up with Alex, moving through the rest of his instructions silently, concentrating on his syrupy voice. Three months ago she would have wondered if he was seeing someone, but his scent had no affect on her. It was crisp, clean, and rugged at the same time. Viv wondered how many of the women there were waiting for him to pass by, in hopes that he'd help with this or that.
And again, the giggles started.
Clearing her throat, she finished the last move with a suppressed grin.

"Uh...what time is it at?"
"Seven, straight up."
"Oh, yeah, I can make that. Lothias and I will be done shagging by then."
"We're going to have to talk about you and your thinking out loud, Carol."
"Ok! See you then!"
So Carol scooted into the yoga class just after seven and immediately saw Vivienne's loose brown bun near the front. Dropping her bag, she picked up a mat and hurried over quietly to the empty spot next to Viv.
"Sorry, sorry," she mumbled, trying to avoid any dirty looks. Carol looked over at who must be the instructor, a rather tall drink of water moving around, checking on people. She caught Viv's eye and smiled. "Sup!"
Viv smiled and shooshed her quietly.
'Oh' she mouthed and moved through her own warm up stretches before attempting to join the classes progression. 'He's cute,' Carol mouthed to Viv.
'I'm hungry.'
Carol made a face, giggling softly but agreeing with her. 'I know right, I'm always hungry' she mouthed back.
As the instructor past by, she smiled sweetly at him and continued her moves silently.

Glancing at Pak she rolled her eyes. The girl with the giggles was still going at it and now she and her friend were talking like high school kids in class. Alexander hadn't said anything to them yet but Aishe couldn't help wishing they'd settle down. She liked Alexander and she thought they should be a little more respectful.
They were mouthing their words silently though, so they weren't really interrupting anything. It was just that Aishe was in a position to be able to see.
And, well, Alex was cute. Aishe remembered their conversation the night they'd met though, and she didn't think Alex was going to take much interest in any of the women here tonight.
Dismissing the two friends from her mind since, really, they weren't doing anything wrong, Aishe drifted from one stance to the next, the technique not terribly different from Tae Kwon Do.. just a different application.

Well at least they were having fun, and it seemed to mean she didn't have to take this yoga stuff seriously. Well at least not somberly, she should probably be serious.
She caught Aishe's look and just shrugged, in so much as one could shrug while knotted up like a pretzel. Which actually meant she totally fell apart. After some desperate flailing managed to get herself caught back up and in the same spot as every one else. And only with one minor squeak of panic. Maybe the instructor guy hadn't noticed, she'd love it if he didn't notice.
When Aishe's companion drew his attention with some creative and imaginative alternate... arm flapping, Alex watched for a moment, unable to cross to her without shoving several students aside, and then made his way back to the front of the room when it appeared she'd regained her balance.
He worked them through the standing poses again, glanced at the clock, and began to show them some of the seated poses. Downward dog, dolphin, and plank came first. From there they went to cat and cow, balancing table, one handed tiger, half prayer twist, and half circle. Alexander linked them again through movements and breathing until they all moved in unison, some much more smoothly than others.
Smiling, Viv was glad Carol had decided to join her. She definitely needed more female friends. Not that playing with the Pipers wasn't fun, good lord it was, but it was nice to connect with someone else who had boobies from time to time.

Viv helped her with some of the moves, but Carol was more or less being lazy, waiting for Alex to build up to something a little more advanced, but there were a varying degree of yoga participants, so she tempered down her excitement for the crazy poses and enjoyed the slow movement and calming music.

Alex's half circle actually looked like a half circle... Aishe had a feeling hers was more like a very tiny leaning tower. She wondered if Pak knew how lucky she was to not have Aishe flop over on top of her. The half circle in particular almost threw her, but her balance was good and she was fairly strong so although it wasn't entirely graceful, she maintained her poise and didn't, in fact, crash into Pakpao. She'd consider that a minor success.
The trouble was remembering to breathe, really. When one didn't actually need to breathe one tended to forget. But it was such a part of the movement, stringing breath and posture together, that it wouldn't have felt right to forego it. So Aishe found herself paying more attention to the inhales and exhales than the actual positions. Who knew that as a vampire, her enhanced strength would make these things easy to do and it would be the oxygen intake that flummoxed her?

God knew she was trying though. But she was feeling every one of her two hundred and fifty plus years. This was damned awkward, she'd never had cause to bend like this in any one of those years. OK once or twice when trying to get a tool or something, oh and that one time in Paris... but typically, even surrounded by human she could tweak things with a little telekinesis.
Huh, she wondered if she could use that here, just to help steady herself. It didn't work as well as she'd hoped. Maybe she'd have to practice that as much as the yoga itself.
He had a decent idea by now who might return of the new faces he'd seen. This wasn't Aishe's first class; she'd come to two or three now and had enrolled herself for several months. Her friend, Alexander wasn't so sure on. One or two of the younger women he was pretty sure wouldn't hang around, but Jackie, the Babylon waitress, seemed to enjoy it. he wasn't sure about Vivienne or her companion but he was hopeful.
Ending the class with some seated twists and stretches Alex fell silent and let them follow him. Some instructors he knew liked to give speeches or reflect on the lesson, but Alex preferred to let people internalize all of that. Instead, fifteen minutes later when everyone looked cool and relaxed once more, he simply stopped moving, folded his hands in front of him, smiled, and said, "Namaste."
That was the signal, as some of the few who'd been there previously knew, to return the phrase and then get up. Most of the students rolled their mats back up. Some of them talked softly. Alex stood and bid them goodnight as they left. He enjoyed his beginner classes. Not many of them would stay and move up to intermediate or advanced, but these were always pretty relaxed and simple classes and those had their place.
"That means hi and bye, right?" Carol asked rolling her mat up.
"It's like aloha, yeah."
"Oh, I watch my yoga tapes with my stereo blaring. Always wondered what they said at the end."
Viv snorted, rolling up her own mat. Turning, she looked over the women behind them. A very pretty brown girl and an asian woman who looked like they had come in together as well. Taking a step forward, she interrupted their conversation.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry about earlier. Didn't mean to interrupt class."
"Yes, she did. She's horrible like that," Carol said behind her.
Waving her hand behind her at Carol, Viv snorted again and introduced herself. "I'm Vivienne, this is Carol. Nice to meet you two."
Carol came up beside her and smiled at the two ladies as well. "Hi," she said happily.

Maybe, she'd try this again. Maybe. God, she couldn't believe she was even thinking this, but maybe she'd ask Bao his opinion. Oh screw it, it had kind of been fun getting out with Aishe. They didn't do that enough.
Lost in her own little world while rolling up her mat the women in front of her apparently decided to introduce themselves. Pak, was a bit startled. She wasn't socially inept but she was turning into a bit of a hermit and didn't really expect people she didn't already know to speak to her.
Turing on the moderately witting part of her brain, the part that -didn't- throw things at people, Pak gave a little laugh.
"Don't worry about it. You could have interrupted more. I would have been fine with it and no one would have noticed me looking like a wounded flamingo."Â?
With a little smile, she introduced the both of them.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Pakpao and this is Aishe."Â?

"Was this your first class?" She asked them both. "I've been here for a few now. I love it. It's nice to get out."
And that was true. Aishe had invited Kiamhaat along as well but he hadn't taken her up on the offer, being far less social than she was. He seemed to want her to go out with Pak, anyhow, which she understood. Funny. Her boyfriend understood she needed girl time even better than she did.
Rolling up her mat, which she took with her, Aishe smiled at both Vivienne and Carol. She was glad they'd stopped to introduce themselves. She loved meeting new people.

"Mine, too," Viv added.
"See, we're new!" Tucking her mat in between her knees, Carol raised her arms and cheered. "This was fun though. I haven't been to a yoga class in a while. Thank god the instructor is at easy on the eyes!" Carol slumped her shoulders dramatically, but was very happy the instructor was of the penis variety.
"God I am starving. Have you guys eaten yet? I'm about to eat my arm off here in a second if I don't get something."

Carol's enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming but she could roll with the punches when she had to. At least she wasn't the only newbie in the class tonight, that was reassuring.
Lord, she must have been the only woman in the class not to notice the instructor. Pak casually turned and sized him up. He was OK, certainly fit and trim, she had to give him that.
"It probably is good for business."Â?
She agreed with a wry smile.
She almost laughed at the idea of food and said, quite truthfully.
"I feel like I haven't eaten in days. Aishe is my tour guide tonight though."Â?
She hadn't eaten in days, in fact she'd planned on hunting tonight. But she wasn't hard up, it would wait until tomorrow. So, she put the decision on her friend's shoulders.