Away n such
My brother is graduating on friday in North Carolina. I have to drive there tonight and be there for that tomorrow. Saturday and Sunday work has me scheduled some really crappy hours. Plus, my family will be here. And you know what they're like....*Points to Artemis* :vampgrin So it will be chaos but I will try to get a moment here and there to post.
Right now I'm so tired I can't think straight and I still need to pack!
Brig Jameson
14 years ago
Congratulations to Vudu! Wondered where he was for the last mafia game. =) Have a safe trip!

14 years ago
He was studying a lot. He said he got the info for it and was tempted but he just didn't have the time. I think he was happy he got to live this last time. He might choose not to play when I am modding since I have a habit of drowning him. :X
Brig Jameson
14 years ago
He said something to me about not letting him die via a toilet, I think? LOL

14 years ago
haahaahaa!!!! That was all me, baby! His other sister said I was evil.

14 years ago
Tell your brother grats. Tell your sister Hi (and that she's right about you being evil) and then drive safe and have a good time etc.

14 years ago
Ditto what she said ^^^^ ... grats Vudu! And drive safely please.

14 years ago
We are back! Lots of work tomorrow but posts for tonight are on their way.