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Work In Progress (Open)

Jin sat in one of the booths of the cafe staring intently at his laptop. He had talked to Morrigan and now he needed to find a place to start his search for someone who did not want to be found. It would not be the first time to be given such an endeavor but never has so much been at stake.

He could not fail the clan.

With a sigh, he tried his best to make a workable list of all the known vampires with command. Those alive and those no longer amongst the living. It wasn't much but it would tell him who to watch and if they were going to have people die then at least their deaths could mark the path and possible location of the killer or killers. Morrigan would probably be needed to help fill in others that he had missed but he would ask her later.

Taking an absent sip of his tea, Jin regarded the chart in front of him with a single minded focus.

Artemis Bellezone 14 years ago
[You would prefer I walked in a with a sheet over my head? You wound me. I just might haunt you first. For you, I would go all out. Chain rattling and spooky noises.]

Artemis considered Amberelle's reaction. She seemed genuinely surprised that the term could have such a hate filled meaning. Still, he had a hard time believing that anyone old enough to drive wouldn't know that calling a complete stranger something like 'squint' might be insulting, regardless of the intended meaning of the term. He might have said as much, if the hand on his knee hadn't distracted him. Damn he was easy.

Jin's words appeared to ease some of the tension. Grace of the tongue was a talent gifted to a few. Being the type to wield the facts like a sledge hammer, Artemis clearly wasn't one of them. He watched as Jin reached across the table and knocked over the coffee. Being familiar with some of Jin's other talents, he recognized the less than subtle attempt at escape. The soft chuckles were hard to stifle completely.


With a small shake of his head, he looked up and gave the blond a half smile. He wouldn't apologize for defending his friends because he didn't feel he should have to. Still, if Jin and Pak could let it go, he could too.

Raising an eyebrow at Aishe's comment. Apparently she felt the need to apologize for him. Rather than be annoyed at someone speaking for him, he smiled at the attempt to make peace.

"Clearly you underestimate the awesomeness of my closet. Wall to wall screens, satellite feeds, cable and WiFi connections. The ability to hijack the boss's cable and get him to foot the bill for it? Priceless."

The last was said with a grin. He resisted the urge to dial up Alfarinn just so he could say it again. Still smiling, his amusement grew as his friend's attempt at escape was thwarted by Aishe's offer to buy drinks. Playing coy and batting his eyelashes at Jin, he said,

"You can buy me a drink if you like Jin."

Grinning, Artemis declined the refill. He would just spike it anyway.
Amberelle DeEspionne 14 years ago
At least Aishe was on her side, which earned her a huge smile filled with gratitude. Amberelle relaxed, just a tiny bit. At least she hadn't alienated everyone there. A giggle slipped out, a bit louder than she'd anticipated at the crack about locking themselves away in a closet. Considering her own line of thought just a minute earlier, it was rather ironic.

When Jin reached out towards her she instantly tensed, her gaze on him as she wondered what he was up to. Again, never the touchy feely type with strangers (with perhaps one exception) she was cautious but didn't pull away. That would have been insulting and counter productive to her proving she really hadn't been insulting before. Amby squeaked when the coffee began to tip, twisting herself away. Her feet bumped something in her haste to remove them from danger but she didn't notice. Her jeans may be Burberry, and not exactly something she wanted covered in stains, but the suede boots.. those were Christian Louboutin. Coffee and them would never, ever meet if she had something to say about it.

Only when Jin had slid the cup away did she relax again, laughing a bit at her own antics. Straightening back in the chair she settled a bit to get comfortable. Amby tried to waive away his offer to replace it but before she could say she didn't need any more caffeine making her jumpy Aishe chimed in and it seemed like a lost cause.

"I don't know, you can lock yourself away and still keep up with what's on TV if you really try.. you can watch them online now so all you need is a good laptop or phone. And really.. if you're locked away in a closet what else are you going to do but surf the web or text?" She turned to look at Aishe and added, "You can buy me a hot cocoa too if you really want but next time it's on me!"

She looked over at Pak when the woman spoke and tried not to burst out laughing. "No, Jersey Shore is never on anyone's must watch list." She paused a second then added, "They did do an episode of Bones themed around it though. Hmm." She shrugged, as if to say she had no idea why they'd done it. Though seeing Brennan call the "reality" TV show a social documentary series had been hilarious.

"To answer your question Jin.. Bones is about a forensic anthropologist who works with an FBI agent to solve murders. I like to watch it because some of the science they use to find the weapons and criminals is fascinating," 'and educational to my sometime line of work.' she added to herself.

Her eyes twinkled and she grinned as she added, "Plus there's the fact that David Boreanaz is mega hot in a suit."
Jin 14 years ago
Jin laughed at Artemis and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"The lady next to you is better looking so I figure the competition is already lost but if she really -is- no longer speaking to you then...perhaps."

He winked at Pakpao to let her know he was kidding. Jin figured she would have to be a brave woman to date the practical joker. He could just imagine Artemis playing pranks at his own wedding. The bachelor party would likely be a riot though; he wondered if Alfarinn would be mean enough to wait until Artemis fell asleep and then put him on a plane. He doubted the Norse man would be that cruel but he was sure it would still be an event remembered and talked about even several hundred years later.

Listening to Amberelle explain the show and her reasons for liking it, Jin smiled

"Hmm, it sounds interesting. I am not sure how appealing I will find this Mr. Boreanaz in a suit but the rest of it has potential."

Jin looked between Pakpao and Aishe when the name Kem was mentioned.

"Kem'Raissu? My daughter has spoken of him. If we are indeed speaking of the same person."

He had asked Sorcha to come with him to Nachton and was somewhat surprised when she agreed.

Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe grinned at Pak. "He knows what a heavy drinker I am," she said. "He's tried to enroll me in a twelve-step chocoholic program but so far I've resisted."

As the conversation turned to television shows that Aishe didn't watch, she tuned out slightly when their drinks arrived, taking a few moments to meticulously eat her whipped cream. Jin's voice brought her back to the present though, as he had apparently recognized Kiamhaat's name.

She smiled.
"Oh, I can hardly think we'd be talking about different Kems," she said. "He is somewhat distinctive."

Jin had a daughter? She immediately envisioned a cute little girl with smallish sunglasses and pretty, white hair. Then she mentally shook herself. Silly Aishe. Jin's words were clear to anyone of their persuasion. Why else would he know Kiamhaat?

"Who is your daughter?" Aishe asked, wondering if it were someone she'd ever met. She was filled with curiosity. Jin and Artemis knew each other, and Jin had a daughter who knew Kiamhaat - so was Jin an Evenhet too? Working in security, Aishe usually had a decent idea of which Clanmates came and went. She hadn't heard of this one.
Pakpao 14 years ago
[Am I going to win this argument or should I just give up now and see about hiring a psychiatrist for MARI?]

Apparently life at the towers had been too tame. And did this count as flirting? Pak decided to work on that last bit later.

Instead she just turned a 'shocked' look to Amberelle.

"Wait... people voluntarily separate themselves from the internet?"Â?

Pak was happy enough to go back to the lighter mood of the evening and offer a little bit of a playful quip to Amberelle. Pak wasn't always great at apologies, including the other woman in their banter was her olive branch.

Maybe she need to try and sort out if she was flirting or not sooner than she though. Jin had caught her a little off guard. Fortunately, it was directed mostly to Artemis and she was saved having to look flustered or anything. And Jin's wink encouraged her, she raised her eye brow before shooting him a wicked grin.

"I haven't decided if I'm speaking to him or not. I'll keep you posted though."Â?

With Aishe Pak was on firmer ground. She knew and trusted Aishe and wasn't really expected to make any sense. She sighed dramatically at the idea of Aishe being a heavy drinker.

"At least I drove tonight. I'd hate to see you get pulled over for having chocolate on your breath."Â?

Pak was happy enough to let Aishe play six degrees of separation with Jin, although Pak was curious too.
Artemis Bellezone 14 years ago
[This might be the one and only time I win an argument, I should probably take it. Truthfully, I may have to build those upgraded sensors that MARI was hinting about before I left on assignment. Apparently, if airport security has thermal sensors now, she believes she should have something much better. It may be the only way I am allowed through the door.]

Actually those sensors would prove to be a bit of a challenge. Adding extra sensitivity to humans would be easy. Vampire biology was far more complex. Each individual responds to the 'gift' of undeath differently. Trying to identify each one and make a sensor to detect it may be beyond even the technology he had access to. Still, it would be a fun challenge to take...once his lab was clean.

Artemis laughed at the exchange between Pak and Jin. What was the saying? 'With friends like these...'

"Well, she does win my vote. But you sell yourself short Jin. I am sure you would look lovely in a dress. A pink one. With little tiny flowers."

The thought of Jin in a dress was almost too funny and too frightening to consider for long, so Artemis turned his attention to the other conversation going on at the table. He listened to the description of the television show that Amberelle had been referring to. It did not register with him as one he had watched. But, it did sound interesting. Though he doubted he would have time over the next several weeks. There was a lot to catch up on, so he was likely to be busy for awhile. Offering the blond a smile, he said,

"I have never been a big fan of the crime dramas myself. They have never seemed very realistic. Though this one does sound like it has an interesting twist."
Amberelle DeEspionne 14 years ago
The atmosphere was once more warm and light. Easy banter between friends. Amby liked it. It was easy to sit back and listen, letting their ribbing bounce around while she meticulously stirred and folded her whipped cream into the cocoa. And, for once she could be at the table and feel like a part of it instead of sitting to the side watching and observing.

PakPao's "shock" was echoed by Amby with an equally incredulous look and nod. "I know.. really? Who can be without the 'net now days. Ok my grandparents... But, unless you grew up in the stone age why would you even want to be?" Oh yes, she knew several people who probably fit that exemption. Her sire being the number one on that list.

She glanced at Jin when he mentioned a child and wondered briefly how old the man was. He looked about her age, had a daughter so that would make him.. who knew in a city of vampires. His daughter could be 5 or 500. Her brow knit together as she studied him through her lashes over the cup as she took a careful sip of the still hot cocoa. 'Is it sad that everyone I've met since moving to Nachton I suspect of being a vampire?' she asked herself, but didn't exactly have an answer.
Jin 14 years ago
Jin gave Pakpao a serenely patient nod and then rolled his eyes at Artemis.

"Don't be ridiculous. I look much better in purple."

He jiggled the little sunglasses in illustration.

Smiling at Aishe, he said.

"Her name is Sorcha. She is a writer with a fondness for history. Anything written really, except for trashy romance novels. So I am told. I believe the opinion there was that the plot never changes just the nationality of the main characters."

Jin shrugged to indicate he had no real knowledge of such things. Hopefully that trend would not continue through the rest of the night.

"So how do you know Kem?"

There had been talk of returning her to him with evidence of drinking chocolate so he could figure that she knew him well. However, that could mean she was his daughter, his partner or just a concerned friend. He knew better than to make assumptions.
Aishe 14 years ago
"Oh... I'd have to agree with her," Aishe said, wrinkling her nose at the mention of romance novels. "I think they have a website... you just hit a button and randomly generate some impossibly manly name like Brick or Stone, a random dramatic female name, and then a time period. Instant novel."

Rolling her eyes humorously at Pak, Aishe smiled at Jin and showed him the ring she wore.
"I met him several years ago in Egypt while I was working there," she explained briefly. "You know. Boy meets girl, girl falls for boy, boy acts gentlemanly and sweet until girl beats him over the head with the not-so-subtle stick of love. It's so cliche!"

She flashed Jin a bright smile, well aware of the irony as they switched topics from romance novels to her own real-life romance. "You've read one you've read them all."
Pakpao 14 years ago
Pak's body language was very clearly a groan.

[New hardware? Really? That's where you want to take this?]

While occasionally shy Pak could double entente when the situation called for it. And, well, it seemed to call for it. Maybe it wasn't her best effort ever, but she could have done worse.

Although the idea was interesting and she could -easily- see MARI becoming jealous if she was allowed to lag behind. But something like this might need to involve security, and she had a feeling that one of her most recent acts of war on Kem might have security a bit irked at her. She didn't know for certain, but there had been rumors.

[But yes... you might want to mark this on the calendar. I don't often lose an argument.]

At least she would tell you that. The truth varied.

She half smiled at Amberelle and lifted her eyebrows in agreement. Well sometimes you wanted to do with out it, but you just shut things off whatever device you were carrying. So much easier.

Pak squinted at Jin and tried to visualize both colors, neither seemed quite right.

"So long as there are little flowers..."Â?

No, this was some one Pak did not know. But that was hardly a surprise, she wasn't a social butterfly. Hell it had been Aishe's idea to come out tonight.

She only barley managed not to comment on Aishe's version of a love story. Lord if only it had been that easy. But it was Aishe's story, she had only been on the outskirts of it.
Artemis Bellezone 14 years ago
[It is still just theory and experiment for the moment. But, at least I can say I am looking into it. Much better than giving her the lasers. I doubt even Christian can be talked into that one.]

The AI really had developed a personality all her own. From making sure he had enough blood and wine for his trip, to pushing the limits of his expertise. Always full of surprises. At least looking into some of her requests shouldn't be too much of a problem. And, developing the sensors would definitely be an interesting challenge, if only because he wasn't entirely sure he could do it. Who knows, perhaps he could bring Pak around to supporting the idea once the project was further along. Artemis quickly suppressed his "Come to the Darkside Pak," musings just in case she could pick up on it through their connection.

[The date has been duly noted. Though I shall spare you the horrors of commemorating it in song.]

Artemis laughed at Jin's show of patience, as well as his protest that purple would be better.

"Now be honest Jin. Have you actually tried the pink?"

Again, Artemis was spared prolonged mental imagery of Jin in a dress by the progression of another conversation. He turned his attention to Aishe smiled, genuinely happy for her and that she seemed to have gotten everything she said she wanted.

"So he finally asked? Congratulations. So how did he propose? A hand scrawled note in a dusty tome? I am fairly certain it wasn't a candlelit dinner on the roof of the Towers. Although love can drive a man to do crazy things."

All teasing aside, Artemis was sure Kem put some thought into it. Perhaps he should take notes in case he ever decided to take that step again. He had been 17 when he had asked his wife to marry him. He didn't really remember much, just that it had been quite awkward and there was a lot of wine involved. On his part mind you. He was completely drunk, but surprisingly she still said yes.
Jin 14 years ago
Laughing, he bowed his head slightly to Pakpao, with a hand to his chest in order to silently but solemnly agree that there would indeed be tiny little flowers.

Raising his eyebrows at Artemis, he said

"Do you really think after all this time there is something I haven't tried?"

There have been situations where all kinds of interesting things have been called for in his line of work. Wearing a bit of pink would hardly cause him to bat an eye if there was a good reason for it.

Jin laughed at Aishe's shortened version of her romance with Kem. He looked at the ring and nodded his head approvingly.

"It is beautiful. In old Chinese myth pearls were said to fall from the sky when the dragons fought and said to be a useful charm against fire. Hopefully you will never have to test -that- part of the legends."
Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe smiled at Artemis. "Funny you should ask," she said. "He didn't. He tried to, a few times, but he kept getting interrupted. He told me afterward he was getting pretty close to giving up. Finally he had me at home and right as he was about to, again, the phone rang. We ended up flying to Egypt that night. I found this in its box, fallen on the couch and I figured out what it was. So I waited until we got home and gave it back to him."

She shrugged her shoulders. Aishe didn't need a wedding. It was more for her parents that they were doing it; more because Kiamhaat wanted her to have the experience of a wedding as well. And try as she might to stubbornly state that there was no need for a wedding, Aishe wasn't going to lie - she was looking forward to having her own day like every other woman her age.

"He was so happy it wasn't lost he forgot to actually ask," she said with a fond smile. "So I just assumed. We might not be getting married. This might be a different sort of ring altogther." What kind, she didn't know, but she thought it humorous that technically, neither of them had actually asked the other for marriage.

Smiling at Jin she said,
"Thanks. I love it. And I really hope so too... thought to be honest I'd rather not test either half."
Pakpao 14 years ago
He didn't just say that. No... she'd miss heard. That must be it. Pak turned to him with a very impassive 'I dare you to say that again' face.

[Are you trying to kill me? Lasers? Dear god don't make me side with Christian. I'll do it!]

Pak was starting to try and figure out exactly how much paperwork would be involved in getting Artemis' user privileges reduced. She might be a tiny bit protective of MARI and being just a little alarmist. But, if there were lasers involved, she wasn't sure who she would be more afraid for, MARI or the residents of the towers. So a little bit of... concern seemed appropriate.

Gah, no more work talk.

[I will settle for a memorial haiku. Or you may take me to the movies. Possibly both.]

She did her best to look innocent. There was a possibility that Pak had been one of the distractions that had delayed the proposal. Who was she kidding, the odds were pretty good. The only questions were how and when rather than why.

"So long as I get to be a flower girl."Â?

It was a dream, to be the world's oldest flower girl. Pak didn't see this happening anytime soon, but it didn't hurt to keep the idea alive.
Artemis Bellezone 14 years ago
It is a shame how little people trusted his ability with good common sense. Hazards of a joker's reputation perhaps. Truthfully, an expert's knowledge of boundaries is required for the best practical jokes. You have to know just where that line is so that you can side step it enough for the joke to be funny but not obvious enough that you get caught right away. Or, leave any lasting damage. As a master of practical jokes, it does a terrible disservice to his reputation and credentials to assume he would ever seriously give lasers to the AI. Honestly, one wrong move and MARI would be using them against him. Artemis laughed quietly. Turning to Pak, he tried his best to look offended. Failing the attempt, the amusement in his eyes having given him away.

[My dear, again you wound me. I am going to have battle scars by the time we return to the towers. Don't worry I told her no. Though, I doubt she was truly serious in the request.]

Artemis let Pak take the conversation into another direction. Had he heard the voice in his head correctly? Did Pak just ask him out on a date? A slow Cheshire like grin spread across his face as he looked down into his now empty coffee cup. Perhaps she had decided they were on speaking terms after all.

[Joyous Autumn Day/Pak did lose to Artemis/She asked for a date. Did I ever mention that I spent some time training with a Japanese Huntress?]

Pleased with himself, he considered Jin's words.

"Then the real questions is why weren't Alfarinn and I invited. Pink flowery dresses require witnesses."

Aishe's tale of distractions and missed opportunities had not been what he was expected. But the story still seemed to fit the Archivist quite well. It had its own quirky charm to it.

" I am sure you two will figure it out. Otherwise it could get rather confusing about what to put on the greeting cards. Happy AniHanikah doesn't have quite the same ring to it. Either way, I wish you both the best."
[Joyous Autumn Day/Pak did lose to Artemis/She asked for a date. Did I ever mention
Jin 14 years ago
Listening to Aishe's story of unfortunate timing, Jin was glad neither of them were overly concerned with custom and tradition. So long as they were both happy then that was all that mattered.

He shook his head at Artemis and replied with patient good sense.

"Because if I wanted there to be evidence I would just run an ad in the paper. It would be easier and probably less embarrassing."

He chuckled at Pakpao wanting to be the flower girl and not the Maid of Honor. Why not? At least she wasn't likely to eat the flowers or run through the guests banging their knees with the basket; at least he certainly hoped not.
Aishe 14 years ago
Aishe raised her eyebrows in a gesture not unlike Kem's. "You cannot be a flower girl. You'd do something juvenile like eat the flowers or hit people with your adorable little basket. Plus you'd have to wear a frilly lacy little pink dress."

Then she slowly turned her head to Jin, brows still raised in speculation. "You seem qualified. And I bet you'd comport yourself with more dignity than the average 6 year old. Looking for a job?"

She grinned to let him know she was joking. About the offer, anyway... she was relatively sure Pak would, indeed, hit someone with the flower basket.
Pakpao 14 years ago
[I'm more worried about her wounding me.]

Pak was not at all convinced that MARI was less than serious about the lasers. She might just be curious to see what they could do or she could be wanting to use them as part of an art project, some days you just didn't know.

It was very hard to decide between laughter and pain. She'd been kidding! And no one should be able to compose haiku that fast! She bit her lip to keep from laughing and shaking her head had to look away.

[You may have failed to mention that. I hope she taught you better hunting than haiku though.]

That lacked absolutely any sting, bite or other scorn.

Her son nagged at her again, still concerned by this sudden about face in her attitude. Pak knew it was odd, but as it wasn't totally out of character for her she managed to get him to go off with his sisters again.

"I would -not- eat the flowers."Â?

Pak protested but wisely steered away from the possibility of hitting people with the basket. She probably wouldn't, at least not until after the ceremony.

"You know it is one thing to give away my job but to not even do it behind my back? I'm hurt. Besides, frills and lace would overwhelm Jin. He needs something sleek and cut close to the body."Â?

Gender aside, he was built along the same lines she was and Pak knew she looked like an idiot in ruffles.
Artemis Bellezone 14 years ago
[Well I haven't starved, so I may have retained some of her lessons. And, I am rather fond of that haiku. Especially the ending. Though the middle does have its merits.]

Artemis was thrilled that Pak's anger at him had eased enough that she could laugh at his haiku. Perhaps explaining things later wouldn't be as difficult as he feared. Though, having a hard hat handy might still be wise.

He had to laugh at Aishe's reasoning for why Pak could not be the flower girl. Clearly she was having the same thoughts about the hard hat too. Although Jin as the flower girl definitely had promise.

"Does Jin get to wear the little ribbons in his hair too? I am sure it would look very sweet, and complete his outfit perfectly."

Poor Pak. Here he had just been lamenting the fact that people often doubted his ability to use common sense. Now she was having to comment on the likelihood that she would eat the flowers. They made quite a pair.

"Don't feel bad Pak. I doubt Kem would let me be a the ring bearer. He would no doubt be afraid of what I might do. Rig the pillow to make awful noises when he picked up the ring. Place a smoke bomb under the minister's robe. Set off all the car alarms at the moment they are pronounced 'Man and Wife'."

Artemis couldn't help but look amused at the possibilities. With a tinkle in his eyes, he grinned at Aishe.

"He would probably make me sign a contract swearing the be on my best behavior before I am even allowed to attend."
Amberelle DeEspionne 14 years ago
Nursing the now warm cocoa she'd been all ears as the conversation went on. Amberelle knew how to be quiet and just be there without really being noticed, a skill that was good to have growing up around vampires. It was also handy in her lines of work.

Aishe's ring had gotten a thief's appraising look at first before the blond shook off that mindset and simply admired the piece for what it was. Even though there seemed to be something she was missing by not knowing this Kem fellow, the story of his non-proposal had her giggling and grinning all the same. Apparently her friend was quite the confident and self assured woman. Amby knew she'd never have just handed it back. But then again she was kind of a romantic at heart and while she'd never admit it... the perfect proposal was kind of what every girl wanted. At least every blond Creole girl at that table right now.

The mental image of Jin with ribbons in his hair had her covering her mouth to stiffle giggles. Her golden eyes danced with mirth as she glanced at him then to Artemis. She had to bite her tongue to keep from suggesting his hair was just as suited to flowers and ribbons.

"You all sound like very dangerous company when in public gatherings.." she teased when Artemis was done listing his potential pranks. "You make me glad none of my brothers or sisters were ever into practical jokes."