An Audience (open)
Jin found that the butler had helpfully already put his bags in a room. He decided that he would unpack them later. Reaching into the top of one bag, Jin pulled out a long skinny case. He tucked it under his arm and then made his way to the Japanese Garden.
The place was beautiful with its carefully structured form sculpted with gentle curves of greenery and night flowering plants. He found a small clearing with a little red bridge over a meandering stream. Stopping here, Jin opened the case and took out the flute that was inside.
Placing this to his lips, he began to play softly. It would only be a matter of time.
((OOC: Feel free to join him if you like.))
He is playing something likethisin order to give people atmosphere aid.

He was practicing again, without his cane. Tonight wasn't going as well as the previous attempt though and he didn't know why, but it bothered him. Finally, more irritated that he probably should be Ambrose gave up. He found something to lean against. He still hadn't found the source of the flute though.
OK well two could play at this game. If he couldn't find the flute player the flute player could find him. Ambrose pulled his harmonica out of a pocket and after listening carefully for a few moments started to add his own harmonies. It was a odd blending of sound, he had to admit that but it wasn't bad odd.

Deciding to take the iniative, Jin moved down from his perch and wandered along the path. Eventually he came upon a man leaning against a tree. Continuing to play, Jin came and leaned against the other side of the tree.
Once he ended the song.
"Nicely done." He came around the other side and held out his hand. "Good evening. I am Jin Han."

Ambrose couldn't help but size up the guy, it was just how he was. Little guy, Asian, white hair which made his age hard to guess. Of course this hour of the night in the middle of the gardens made trying to guess his age any one's game really.
He slid the harmonica back into his pocket and nodded.
"I wasn't sure it would work when I started, appreciate you letting me try it."Â?
He accepted the offered hand.
"Ambrose Townsend. That's a nice instrument you've got there."Â?

"Something new is worth trying once and, in this case, I think we should definitely do it again."
Looking down at the flute, he agreed.
"My daughter bought me this a long time ago after my other one broke."
Jin leaned back against the tree again and put the flute back to his lips to start another song. Before he did he explained.
"She would have to be willing to divulge the details of just how it became broken in the first place." Blowing a few notes on the flute, he stopped again and said. " I was hoping to find my Creator somewhere around here. She can be difficult to locate at times."

He snorted a laugh. It didn't matter if he meant an actual off spring or some one he'd turned, that did sound like a kid.
Ambrose was just debating if he needed to pull his harmonica out and try again when Jin stopped short.
"I'll trade you. Mine thinks a full frontal assault is a good time. And she can be damned mean about it."Â?
Which was part of the reason Ambrose went to great pains to keep Damaris in Europe. Not that he could have stopped her if she wanted to come to the states, he just did his best not to give her a reason to visit.
The guy had an odd way of looking for people if it involved a flute. But who was he to judge.

It brought to mind her son and Mai briefly thought about visiting him since he was currently working within the country. She had a duty to fulfill first though and it would undoubtedly take a great many weeks. He would likely be gone by the time she could leave Nachton in order to visit.
Coming closer, Mai listened to the two men speaking. Ambrose brought a smile to her face; He was a good man. She liked him. When the other voice spoke, Mai stopped on the path.
"Jing? Jing!!!"
She finished the rest of the distance at a run. Wrapping her arms around Jin, She sighed happily and looked up at him.
"Why are you here?" Realizing that this might sound as though she were disappointed, Mai added. "I am glad you are here."

"I do not mind. Do you think they could roll it out here?"
He raised his eyebrows above his glasses and wondered if Mai had created another child. Full frontal assault was certainly a familiar experience for him; being the vampiric offspring of the Elder of the Hunt had its trials. Overall though it was not a bad existence. Mai might not be a typical vampire but he found her lovable just the same.
"Mine does occasionally have those tactics as well. However, I would not have said she was mean about it. Is your Creator a member of the Hunt as well?"
Mai's voice cut into anything else he might have added. He then found himself the recipient of a tight embrace. This was an unexpected greeting; Jin was momentarily speechless.
"I am here because Morrigan requested it of me."
He was quite pleased that she was happy to see him. Jin wondered what changes had occured to bring about such an exuberant display. Looking up at Ambrose, Jin nodded his head down to Mai.
"This is my Creator. Have you two met?"
They were both here at the Manor but perhaps Ambrose was new to Nachton or perhaps he was simply visiting. It was never safe to assume.

But Ambrose was amused. He sure hoped that was a dry sense of humor because that was funny. Of course he couldn't help but wonder if Belle could get the damned thing out here.
Lord, two women both willing to try and murder their off spring? Maybe being turned did something to the maternal drive. That or they both just took it for granted that their children would be able to regenerate just about anything.
He'd only just nodded the affirmative. The half Scots woman who'd given him this life was indeed part of the Hunt. And hadn't stopped gloating over the fact that Ambrose had finally joined the order. But before saying any of this a very small Asian woman had enthusiastically greeted Jin.
Once Ambrose realized who it was he was very tempted to excuse himself. He wasn't much on manners but Ambrose wouldn't have dreamed on intruding on the Elder.
"Er.. yeah. We have. Once or twice."Â?
He nodded politely.
This information managed to alter Ambrose's fairly mild assessment of Jin. The man might belong in the 'scary' category after all.

Mai was going to be very busy.
She looked over at Ambrose and smiled.
Stately proudly, "Hai, Ambrose is of the Hunt. We have met."
He had proven to be a very good Huntsman and she was happy that he been brave enough to try. Schooling her face into a look of seriousness, Mai said.
"He is very dangerous with stick."

He looked from Mai to Ambrose when she said that he was dangerous with a stick. That sounded promising.
"Truly? The bo is a weapon that I am most comfortable using. I may not be quite so skilled but perhaps you would not mind practicing with me?"
Mai had certainly never called him dangerous.

OK so he had smashed his cane into bits when getting that freak off Belle, but that was just practical was all. Regardless, Ambrose smiled at the memory, crazy elder baiting him into trying to attack, while hopping on one foot no less.
"I just hate to see a good stick go to waste is all."Â?
Well he'd felt better about trying to attack with his cane that trying to hit her. Elder or not, Ambrose wasn't keen on the idea of just plowing his fist into the face of a little girl And she looked like a little girl, even if you did know better.
Bow? Where the hell did that come from.
"I've never been much for archery. You'd have more of a student than a partner."Â?
Ambrose was confused, but doing his best to hide it. He wasn't keen on looking like an idiot but damned he was missing here.

"Ambrose has much talent with the loud weapons, guns. I know nothing about them."
She frowned thoughtfully at the younger member of the Hunt. Deciding something, Mai took a step away from her son and bowed slightly to Ambrose.
"You will teach me this"
That decided Mai stepped back next to Jin. She was the Elder of the Hunt; she should know these things. Modern weapons were what many of her Order used and it was a weakness of her's if she did not at least understand them. She might not prefer them but Mai felt it important to be well rounded. It would also be good for Ambrose to teach them.
"You will come also, Jing.?"
((OOC: Apparently in Mai's world "well rounded" means knowing how to use all kinds of weapons. She's worldly!! ))

It became apparent though that there was something he was missing here because Ambrose thought that he meant the archery weapon. Jin looked back towards Mai in confusion for a moment before deciding that it was something to ask later.
"A bo. B..O, is like a staff smaller in diameter. A stick."
He smiled and looked at his amused Creator. Jin had the sneaking suspicion that the woman had been joking. Mai...joking? She had changed a great deal since he saw her last.
Then she declared she would learn to use a firearm. It was all he could do to keep his mouth from falling open in shock. He blinked several times, and replayed the statement again in his head. Yes, she had said she wanted to learn to shoot a gun.
He was so busy trying to sort that anomaly out that he almost missed her telling him that he was joining her. It was framed as a question...almost.
"Hai, Mai-sama."

How come every time he dealt with her he wound up feeling intimidated and awkward as a new born calf? It was some kind of super power she had Ambrose decided.
Knowing his bow would be clumsy and he'd never get it quite right, not the depth not the form nothing, rather than insulting her by screwing up he nodded, as was his habit.
"Of course Elder, if you want. Name the time. Both of you if you want."Â?
And he'd be running to Belle for help on this one. His normal teaching methods tended to involved shooting people when they fucked up and shouting. Neither seemed appropriate here. At least Jin seemed as shocked as he was.
Still a bit astounded he tried really hard to pay attention to Jin. Those things had names? He added that to his list of things he'd learned tonight.
"Ah. Yeah... no... not so much. I've never used one of those."Â?
Rather than dragging things out he explained where the Elder was coming from.
" I usually carry a cane."Â?
Slightly embarrassed he tugged at his jeans, pulling the left leg up far enough to show the prosthetic.

((OOC: Mai sort of out. She is near enough to hear them, most likely, but has decided that staying still will not happen tonight. Does not do as I ask.. I swear. >_< ))

Turning to Ambrose, he replied.
"She will likely show up when you are ready. Or when you are not."
He chuckled ruefully at that.
"If there is a time that it convenient to you then let me know. It appears I will be a student in your class as well, Sir."
Ambrose helpfully cleared up the misunderstanding about the stick and he even went further to explain why he would need one. Jin nodded his understanding.
"Ah, well, if you wish to know some "stick" fighting techniques then I can bring my bo and perhaps we can exchange lesson for lesson."
Frowning in thought for a moment, Jin pulled out his iphone. He leaned back against the tree and pulled up a webpage.
"I have considered a problem that we might have."
He turned the iphone over to show the page to Ambrose.
"Perhaps the lesson should wait a few days while we get several pair of these in. Unless there are some here at the estate?"
((OOC: the page he showed at the sound muffling earphones on them. Mai will find it hard to shoot a gun without them.. Actually I am not sure how this is going to work, silly girl))

Well damned.
At least Jin hadn't done more than nod at his lack of limb. Ambrose -hated- admitting to it. He went out of his way to hide it.
"Yeah... that doesn't surprise me. I think I might talk to some one about getting some targets and a safe place to practice set up tomorrow and just keep it set up until she's ready."Â?
Even if that was two years from now. Nope. He was going to be prepared for this one.
"Sure. Why not I'd give it a try."Â?
He'd probably be a miserable student and there was no guarantee he'd stick to it, but since it was offered he'd be a fool not to try it.
Problem? Ambrose leaned over and looked at the ... well ear muffs. Huh. He'd never even considered that, he was just used to the noise. But he nodded.
"There must be a pair or five around here. But it might not hurt to order a few just in case. Don't worry, we'll be ready."Â?

"Well, if we can find the sound muffling earphones then I think I can convince her to show up when you're ready. It would probably better for all concerned to get this over with. She might have a new idea next week but I doubt she will forget."
Years down there road and she would suddenly show up on his doorstep expecting lessons like they had just been talking about it yesterday. Jin was quite familiar with the peculiar behavior of his Creator.
Returning to what they were doing before Mai had found them, Jin waved his flute at Ambrose.
"Shall we find this piano and your friend?"

What huh? Wow Jin could switch gears fast. Ambrose wondered if the man knew he had that in common with the Elder.
"Huh... what? Er... yeah. Not quite sure where Belle is at right now."Â?
He pulled his phone out of the other pocket and checked the time. She wouldn't be at the Historical Society at this time of night, he didn't think. Possible she was dealing with the waif.
"Let's go find the piano at least. You can see what you think of it."Â?
And they could find his cane. It was probably all in his head but Ambrose would feel better with it. That and he didn't want Belle knowing he was trying to ditch it. Not until he had it down pat.

"Perhaps the sound of beautiful music will lure others out of their hiding places. Or they might come to tell us to stop making so much noise."
Moving towards the Manor, Jin turned to Ambrose.
"The harmonica is quite the conveniently portable instrument. Do you play any others?"
He had chosen the di zi for its ease of mobility. Sadly, there was no instrument that he knew how to play that could be slid into a pocket.