Sorcha - Evenhet

Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines):Sorcha (Pronounced Sor Kah)
Aliases: Various Irish names as needed but none of infamous note
Place of Birth: Norwich, England
Age:(real and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires (Born in 76 BCE) Looks in her late teens or early 20's, 2086
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Novelist
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Noble, Clergy, Scribe


Hair Color: Like her mother's Sorcha's hair is red, unlike her mother's it has never changed. It is still the vivid flame colour it was in life.
Length and Style: Also like her mother, she has a ton of it. Her hair is down to her hips. She tends to wear it loose when not in a nun's habit.
Eye Color: Pale blue, almost white
Skin Color: pale porcelain
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160
Nationality: Briton Celt
Race: (I.E. Vampire, [COLOR=red]Werewolf[/COLOR], human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Graceful despite her height. Sorcha inherited her length from her mother and the delicate polish on them from her father.
Wolf Form ([COLOR=red]Werewolf - please read first[/COLOR]):

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC) [COLOR=red]( Please be as specific as possible, who your [COLOR=red]creator[/COLOR]/[COLOR=red]gifter[/COLOR] was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?)[/COLOR]: Jin

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality
Sorcha is actually very outgoing for someone who cannot speak. She tends to be friendly and sociable and can often be found where there is people. She is fairly hard to anger but can be opinionated and spirited on things she feels strongly about. She can seem mysterious and distracted. It comes from not being able to talk and therefore often being looked over. She tries to remain focused on the people around her but sometimes she becomes lost in her own thoughts.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Like a nun. When embracing her actual heritage, Sorcha tends to wear things that remind her of home. She can and does dress in modern styles but in her own eclectic fashion. (braided hair, a torque, whatever)

3.What does your character like? Feeling a part of something, good bread, music

4. Dislike? Being ignored, being handled or spoken for, confrontation

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.

6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR]
Fears that she will lose touch with reality completely and that she will be locked away with just the voices in her head for company.

Enclosed spaces (Note the above fear) She doesn't like to be locked in anywhere or feeling confined.

Fears not having the chance or courage to ever get to know her mother again.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]

Open Minded: Sorcha realizes that people judge her without knowing her and she tries her best to understand where people are coming from. She tries not to judge without at least first listening.

Observant: Its amazing the things you pick up when people think you're deaf. People seeing her use sign assume she can't hear them... Oh the tales she could put to pen.

Good Humor - Sorcha was once quite the social butterfly. She has a sparkling personality and a quick wit.

Delusional: Sorcha actually sees, perhaps only in her mind's eye, the people whose voices she hears. Obviously only she sees them and that by definition makes her nuts.

Distracted: The voices in her head are sometimes louder than the people around her. She cannot communicate with people very well and, sometimes with the voices in her head,it is like there are several conversations going on at once.

Mute: Sorcha is missing her tongue and therefore has difficulty communicating

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here)
Savage Savant: Dogs
Flaws (Listed here)
Pacifist - Will only fight to defend someone else. Refuses to kill
Won't feed on - The unwilling or anyone she think she might do lasting harm to.
Hears Voices
Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)
Baking (especially bread)
Has house keeping skills, Both Noble and common
management skills
horseback riding
hunting with bow and spear
Perfumer and aroma therapy
Has a neat hand and fairly good art skills.
Plays the Uillean and Northumbrian Pipes, bodhran and fiddle
Understands Gaelic, English, Chinese,Latin, French, Spanish and Italian
"speaks" gaelic hand signs and american sign language

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.) She sees dead people.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - Sometimes appears to be looking at things or people that aren't there.

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

The tale of the Iceni tribe has been put down in history many different ways; there are even several movies about the short Celtic uprising. Sorcha was there to witness it first hand. Really, she would rather not have been.

She was of noble birth and her people held command over a large portion of Britain. The Romans were conquering everything around them and her father sought a peaceful solution. That deal was that he would still rule his land freely but as part of the Roman Empire. He agreed and life went on for Sorcha much as it had before only better. The Romans were no longer enemies to her people and they need not fear the attacks that plagued other tribes.

She met a Roman soldier. Marcus Cassius Plautus. He had been wounded during a fight with one of the surrounding areas; He and the other wounded were brought to the Iceni area to be cared for while they recovered. Sorcha came to visit the soldiers and took an interest in Marcus right away. A friendship formed and Sorcha came to visit him everyday while he was recovering.

When her father passed away the Romans came to take their land away. By celtic law women were allowed to own property. Her father had no way of knowing that the Romans would not consider her and her older sister as legitimate heirs.

When her mother protested, she, her sister Rionach, and her mother were all taken prisoner. There were plans to do unspeakable things to her and her sister but Marcus intervened. He cast about the army camp grounds for two harlots who could pass, certainly at a distance, for herself and her sister. He then payed them well to kick, scream and bite the men that were coming to "rape" them. The women were used to taking such risks by being camp followers and they knew just how far they could push the resistance act before one of the men decided to really hurt them. Perhaps it wasn't the best solution but it appeared to have worked. The Roman leaders had not gotten a close look at either of them and Boudicca, her mother, was forced to watch from far enough away to not know the difference either.

Boudicca was flogged and they were all released with a "see, this is what happens to women, even noble barbarian women, when they defy Roman law" warning. They did not know who they were messing with. Her mother was filled with righteous fury, even though later Sorcha and Rionach told her that they had not been harmed. Gathering other tribes to her, Boudicca began an uprising that briefly turned the tides of the war. She managed to take down several major Roman cities, including Londinium, burning it completely to the ground. (A fate that has happened to London at least several more times in its long history)

Sorcha was a silly girl, in love with the man who had risked so much for her. She knew that her mother would never approve of her marrying a Roman, certainly not now. So she decided to sneak away in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Rionach saw her and followed. Both girls were captured by the Romans, yet again.

This time Marcus did not know of her situation in time to save her. This time the Roman army had a lot more reason to hate her family. Sorcha was not spared the rape and to make certain that she could never lead her people the way her mother did, both she and her sister had their tongues cut out. While she sat in a tent at night waiting for whatever fate would befall her in the morning, someone new arrived. He was a small man with strange white hair and cat like eyes. He told her not to be afraid and then he managed to sneak her out of the middle of the Roman army. Sorcha tried to make herself understood to the man that he needed to go back for her sister. Eventually he understood her meaning. The strange man looked sad and shook his head. He told her that her sister had died at the hands of the Romans during their sport with her.

The man, his name was Jin, offered her safety and a chance to become something that would be safe from these men. (Jin also knew that her mother was the object of attention to his clanmate, Balthasar, Elder of the Rose, who had come with him to England.) He turned her that night and found her some Romans to feed on when the thirst would over come her. One of those men was Marcus. Sorcha refused to touch him, even in her hunger. Jin did not understand but let him go free.

The Iceni were routed into an ambush, Boudicca's army was at a disadvantage. Sorcha and Jin watched the last of the battle in the early evening. The Celtic long swords were being crippled in close quarters and were no match for the deadly Roman shortsword and shield. Sorcha walked among the dead after the battle. It was a gruesome task but she searched for her mother. She found Marcus instead. He was mortally wounded and reached out to her for mercy. There on the battlefield with the smell of blood,bile and filth all around her, Sorcha became for one man the Morrigan, sending his soul to whatever next realm he believed awaited him.

Or so she thought. Sorcha still sees and hears Marcus, as well as her sister Rionach. They are the two voices that she hears quite often and the only two who have remained with her throughout her unlife.

Having seen so much destruction, and feeling she was the cause of death for her sister and Marcus, Sorcha refused to ever use her abilities to harm another. Jin later told her that her mother had escaped death in much the same fashion as herself. Sorcha, however, could not face Boudicca, nor explain how her foolishness caused so much despair. To this day she has refused to see the woman now called Morrigan.

When Christianity made its way to England and Ireland, Sorcha saw it as a new threat to her people. Especially when the Christians began eradicating the old religions of her homeland. She eventually became a nun and secretly began keeping written books of the old beliefs and history of her people. She moved to the convent in Kildare as one of the women who kept Brigid's flame eternally alive.

She remained separate from Jin's clan of Anantya and he respected her wishes and kept her life a secret. When Evenhet split from their parent clan, Jin suggested that Sorcha take refuge amongst them.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Mai
Other Characters you play - Alfarinn, Mai, Jan, Christian, Jin, Tavi, Vaughn, Morrigan, Sorin...etc.. etc..
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - I used my web browser
Have you read all the Rules? I've even written one or two O_O
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? I am shocked, shocked I say! (erm, yes)
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? *whispers*.... yes