busy busy
I'm not around for a few weeks and you people get busy on here it seems. Lots of reading for me over the holiday while I'm in Austin! Hopefully things here at work are settling back to somewhat manageable so I will be back around. (We had one person in our group killed in an accident combined with global year end "OMG I have to spend my remaining IT budget NOW".. and only 2 people to process said needs)
14 years ago
Eeek... wow. I'm sorry to hear that. Take care! Come back when you can.

14 years ago
Wow... that's crazy. :/ I'm sorry!! Hope things get better soon!

Octavia Emiliano
14 years ago

On the bright side you'll have something to read for the holidays.

On the bright side you'll have something to read for the holidays.

Ellis Duban
14 years ago
=/ See you soon and have a safe holiday! /hug