The Internet is Better
It was a chilly, sunny day. Xeph was a wolf of his word, so around noon he pounced on his very pregnant almost-wife (in a nonthreatening, playful way of course) and told her it was time to shop. She had wanted shopping. And lunch or dinner would have to happen as well, because if Xeph was going to expend energy wrestling the raging hordes away from his mate, he would require sustenance.
He suppressed a groan as they parked his SUV in the outdoor parking of the mall, and told himself that the sooner they did this, the sooner they could finish. Hopping out, he went around the passenger side. He held his arms out for Nikhila and didn't assist her out but rather lifted her gently and set her upon her feet on the pavement. He retrieved her purse from behind her seat and handed it to her before locking the car.
He regarded the enormous mall a little apprehensively. There were so many better ways to shop. Like, the internet. And, the internet.
"So, where do you want to start?" He asked Nikhila. "And what exactly are we buying? You have a list right?"
He sure hoped she had a list. Nikhila always had lists. She was the organizational guru he was not. The yin to his yang. The ham to his potatoes. Or something.
Oh, he got the next choice though? He glanced at The List and didn't actually read anything. "Furniture," he said. "We need baby furniture."
It sounded fun to buy. Slightly extravagant maybe. That, he could definitely throw a credit card at. "And after that, we need to decide where to send my parents on their honeymoon. Because I think that's what we're getting them for Christmas."
Yes. They were about to spend a lot of money in the very near future. Probably approaching seven digits. Xeph was okay with that. Usually he was pretty frugal with the family fortune but in this case, well, new house, first child, fiance, mom getting married... it was that kind of year.
Well that was a very silly thing to forget wasn't it? Of course with all the new stuff they'd brought in for the house it didn't really surprise her that it would be lost in the shuffle. She'd also seen -so- much on line that she'd liked, it was likely that she thought they'd already bought it.
It took a second but Nikhila did a slight double take at his answer.
"Wait... you are passing up the opportunity to go to a 'fun' store to search for baby furniture?"Â?
She was somewhere between stunned and proud
His idea of Lily and Hammer's Christmas present brought Nikhila up short. It was a wonderful idea, much better than hers, and very generous. She still simply wasn't used to Aidan's money. Even though they went home to a very large reminder of it every day lately she just tended to forget it. She knew her annual salary and his and rather budgeted along those lines.
"Do you think they'd like that? Maybe some place with beaches and drinks with umbrellas? Have they set a date yet?"Â?
Hmm. He might have said too much. That second part might have been best kept in the 'inside voice.' Oh well.
"I'm torn between sunny and warm or cold and snuggly, with hiking involved," he admitted. "I was going to try and feel one or the other of them out. I wouldn't mind a cohort. I can tackle Dad if you take on Mom."
Calling Hammer 'Dad' was still a little unusual for him, but he used it a lot to try and make it natural. The label didn't matter much to him; Hammer had been a better father to him than Liam ever was. Xeph did get a kick out of "Grandpa" though, and he knew Hammer did, too.
He imagined it wouldn't be at all subtle to literally tackle his father. He'd have to come up with something slick. Something like, 'So where do you want to go on your honeymoon?'
Maybe not so much like that. Then again... hmm.
"I don't know," he said. "I think they might be waiting on us." He nodded at Nikhila's obvious state and smiled.
"Oh... snuggly would be good too. And it is easier to imagine Hammer in a woodsy setting than a tropical one."Â?
For a -very- fleeting moment Nikhila was a little jealous that Aidan still had both his parents. Although the math on that was odd as he hadn't had his father for most of his life. At that she decided it was far too complicated a topic and after wishing her mother could have met her grandchild let it go. She had Lily; Lily who had been more than supportive during all this.
She smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
"I think I can do that. It might be fun. I hope they've thought about it some. And you -will- be subtle. It will be more fun if it is a surprise."Â?
That was not mind reading, that was simply knowing her mate. He was subtle like a Mac truck.
Nikhila rubbed her belly a little, he wasn't in a dancing mood today but she still was very aware of the child.
"Soon... soon."Â? She said a little dreamily, "I don't want them to miss it, but that doesn't mean they should put things off too long."Â?
He had to give it to her. He knew he'd been almost inexplicably unreasonable during the course of her pregnancy but she'd been patient with him even when is was she who should have had every single thing she'd wanted. And she had, a little voice inside said... aside from traipsing all over Nachton day or night, she hadn't had it too rough... and yet he still felt guilty. He'd make it up to her.
"It is easier, I'll grant you. Although the temptation to buy him an obnoxiously loud Hawaiian print shirt is almost irresistible," Xeph said thoughtfully. "I'll feel him out on it. And yeah, I know. Subtlety. I won't get out my big stick. Not at first."
He smiled at Nikhila and continued to walk with his arm around her waist. It wasn't the easiest way to travel through the mall but just because it was daylight didn't mean he was letting her out of his sight.
"They know that," he said patiently. "They'll do as they like. They're adults, remember?"
Even with the crowds and the determinedly cheerful Christmas carols and the blatant commercialization of the holiday Nikhila was relaxed. She was happy to be out, to feel a little bit more like part of the world and less like something locked up in a box. She leaned her head against Aidan's shoulder for a moment as she stopped them to look at the kids lined up to sit on Santa's lap.
"I know. I'm not pressuring any one, I swear. If they want to remain engaged for a decade there is nothing wrong with that... although it will make it awkward to give them their honeymoon this year."Â?
Of course, she had absolutely no room to talk. They hadn't set a date either. There were only two things that had been determined, the first was it would be after the baby and the second was she needed to write her brothers and see if one of them had the red sari her mother had been married in. Of course given what happened to her mother Nikhila wasn't sure about that. Perhaps she should just get a new one. That and she wasn't sure she wanted any contact with her brothers, it had been years since she'd last seen Makesh and it hadn't gone well.
She steered them into another store. It was an odd little store that she'd heard her staff talking about. It sold an odd combination of witty tee shirts, science toys, fancy coffee and some random teacher like goodies. Nikhila was figuring on getting gift cards and perhaps something small for her staff. She'd already spotted a Venus flytrap that their administrative assistant would no doubt love.
"I need a -very- good bribe for Jack."Â?
Jack being the Assistant Dean who would be covering for her while she was out on maternity leave. She was already feeling guilty about turning over so much responsibility to him. It wasn't that he couldn't do it but, it was a lot. Of course she was only on the other side of the property and would probably stop by to visit now and then, but Nikhila hated leaving things undone.
"A pony or a new car or something."Â?
As they wandered into the eclectic goods store Xeph was slightly distracted by some of the fun toys but still kept an ear out for what Nikhila had said.
"A pony? I didn't realize Jack was the pony type. Get him a pony if that's what he'd want. I kinda thought the interim pay raise was the big motivator."
Naturally they'd bumped up Jack's salary while he was the acting Dean, and Xeph had planned on recommending giving him a bit of a raise once he went back to his normal Assistant Dean duties anyhow. Nikhila loved him and Xeph, as a professor himself, thought he did a great job. He'd never heard anything but praise and Xeph liked to reward good work.
He picked up a Newton's Cradle and examined it, then put it down and started it moving. He loved toys like that. He might play the anti-educational card for kicks, but Xeph had always loved learning and in his opinion a toy was only really fun if it incorporated some kind of new knowledge.
Well okay - blowing something up was cool too.
"But I want to know."Â?
She would be patient and mature later. But she was happy for Lily and Hammer and wanted to see them married.
But that was for later, right now she was taking care of her staff.
"I thought every one wanted a pony."Â? She paused and considered the pony a little bit. "Of course, Jack might just eat the pony. Maybe we should stick with the raise."Â?
But she kept looking before finding a model car kit. But not just any model car, it would be radio controlled and solar powered once built. It should keep Jack entertained and she suspected his students would get a kick out of it too.
She picked up another toy or two and a tee shirt before stopping at the registrar and getting gift cards too.
"Furniture next?"Â?
He laughed louder at Nikhila's suspicion about the pony; the thought had crossed his mind but hadn't really wanted to upset Nikhila with the idea that her gifted pony might be an hors d'oeuvres.
He hung out and looked around some more while Nikhila picked up an item here and an item there, then flashed his credit card for the purchases and nodded at Nikhila. "Furniture it is," he said. "Where do we go for that?"
He wasn't worried about quality; Nachton's mall had some excellent stores. Nor was price an issue. Xeph was more worried about getting stuck bouncing from store to store while they looked, than anything else.
She slapped his hand and furnished her own card for the gifts. They probably just ought to combine accounts. But for the moment, she took care of things herself. After all the Academy paid her a good salary, Aidan of all people must know that.
They were back out in the press of the corridors between stores and Nikhila dug up another map. There seemed to be a small cluster of furniture stores and one antique store, on the far side of the mall... and upstairs.
"Escalator and then... that way."Â?
She pointed. She could really stand to sit down for a few minutes but was determined to get Aidan out of here as soon as possible. She didn't want him going crazy or thinking the internet was the only way to shop. But they were making excellent progress on the list, that had to be encouraging.
Reaching the cluster she looked to him to pick the first store.
"Enie Minie Minie Moe or Rock Paper Scissors?"Â?
His internal monologue remained internal, fortunately, and he smiled as they headed to the cluster of furniture stores. He surveyed them closely. There were three plus the antique store, which he wrote off. He didn't think antiques were strictly necessary.
In two of the furniture stores a couple of young people chatted behind counters or read magazines, looking bored. But the middle one, this was where they would go. It was smaller than the other two and somewhat clustered. There was a young woman with sad eyes doing something at a computer near the register - data entry or something. And an older woman, maybe in her mid sixties, a pleasant plump grandma-type, who went from piece to piece, polishing wood with a rag and a can of lemon-scented pledge. Xeph could smell it from where they stood, tangy and too strong to werewolf noses. It made him want to sneeze.
"That one," he said, pointing at the store where the people inside seemed happier and prouder of their jobs. "Let's go there."
She fussed at Nikhila being out and about in her condition but didn't guilt Aidan about it. Instead the woman almost immediately adopted him. Forcing Nikhila to hide a grin behind her hand. It was possible the sales woman was flirting, but in this case Nikhila didn't feel any jealousy. Just amusement. It was nice to see someone make a fuss over the father for a change.
It took her a second to realize she'd been asked a question.
"We were hoping to find something with clean lines but not modern or sterile. Something with character, not cookie cutter."Â?
Being assured that 'I think I have somethings you might like.' they both followed along in her wake. Nikhila absently sought her mate's hand. She liked having contact with him right now.
With a smile she brought them both around the small store once. Xeph could tell she was paying attention to what caught their eyes. Then she took them to a padded bench in the back corner and asked them to sit down, which they did.
When they were settled she produced a small catalogue, explaining that since their storefront was so small here at the mall they didn't have every single item here but that their larger home store, not far outside of Nachton, had many more selections.
She bent down several pages of the book, indicating three or four of the bedroom sets she'd shown them already, and then another four or five that met similar criteria but weren't on display here. When Nikhila and Xeph claimed they had no further questions the woman, Grace, judging by her nametag, left them for a few minutes to have a quiet conversation with the young woman at the register.
"I don't know that I can get back up."Â?
She whispered to Aidan. The bench was a bit low and there was no back for her to brace herself against. Well, it didn't matter just yet. What was more important was her back and her feet could both use the rest. Was it possible to give birth to a thirty pound werewolf pup? He was starting to feel that big.
At least Grace had been attentive and knowledgeable, they wouldn't have to look through the whole catalog. With her head bent over the book Nikhila suddenly snorted a half laugh.
"Maybe... sometimes the internet is just as efficient."Â?
This wasn't all that much different than looking through a catalog and no matter what they picked they certainly weren't carrying it out of the store with them today.
She had it narrowed down to two, but was going a bit cross eyed. Each set had a crib, a changing table and a wardrobe dresser type of unit. Which made Nikhila wonder how many cloths the child was going to have.
"You pick this is suddenly too complicated. Oh and we'll need a mattress. Don't let me forget that."Â?
When the catalogue was presented to him he beamed. "Oh, okay. That one." He stabbed his finger down on the first page. He liked both sets; it didn't make that much difference to him. There was one purchase out of the way.
Xeph smiled at the matronly Grace. "And we need a decent mattress," he added. "One of those nice organic ones in the back of the catalogue."
He stood and completed the purchase at the register before going back to Nikhila, holding his hands out, and lifting her to her feet. "Wasn't that easy?" He asked her.
As they left the store he looked around. "Do you need a drink? Food? Anything?"
He raised his eyebrows playfully, implying that 'anything' could literally be... anything.
"You and a team of horses."Â?
It was perhaps not the best or most sophisticated decision making process, but it was well... decisive. She approved. And it would be delivered and was small enough they wouldn't have to beg the Pipers for further assistance.
Slowly and a bit awkwardly she got back to her feet with Aidan's help.
"I need a restroom,"Â? the child thought her bladder was a squeeze toy apparently "and... I don't know. The sitting was good but so is food..."Â?
Nikhila mused aloud. She'd been eating more and rarer red meat the longer she was pregnant. It was probably the wolf in her. It was being suppressed during the full moon and it was coming out in other ways. That or she was just having a very odd food craving. Who knew.
"But we can keep going. Just finish up and then get home."Â?
She would be fine either way. He was being so sweet and attentive she didn't want to keep him out any longer than necessary.
It was, maybe, a little low of him but he decided to turn that to his advantage.
Suddenly Xeph became the King of The List. He scrutinized in it detail and kept them moving from one store to the next in quick succession, counseling, advising, and overseeing everything.
In the meantime he kept an eye on Nikhila. He wanted her a little worn out and ready to go home - not exhausted to the point of tears.
Fortunately, Aidan had things covered. She wondered how he'd manage without The List, but it didn't matter. They had said list and he had it under control and she was grateful because she kept wilting. Nikhila was trying hard not to brace he hands on her back too much or look too longingly at random chairs and benches.
It was getting harder and harder not to think wistfully of a nice warm fire and the wonderfully comfy couch. But the list wasn't done. Almost though five sixths! On the other hand though... fire, couch, book, Aidan. She sighed a little bit.
"Maybe home would be good. We could finish on the internet?"Â?
She didn't want to give up, but at least she didn't feel bad about throwing in the towel early. They'd gotten a lot done and if one more person jostled past them or bumped her with a bag she was inclined to bite them, which would be awkward as she couldn't shift right now. She'd have to make a note of their name and address and get back to them in a month or two.
Halfway! What on earth had made Nikhila think they could do this entire list today? The pregnant lady was crazy!
He schooled his features into concern. Nikhila did look pretty tired. "We can finish up at home if you want," he said. "I'll start a fire. You can put your feet up. I'll rub them."
He pretty much had her where he wanted her, he figured. Maybe in another lifetime he'd feel slightly guilty about manipulating his fiance.
Maybe pigs would fly.
"You want to head out?"
He slipped his arms around Nikhila's shoulders and rubbed her back, kissing her forehead softly. "I don't want you too worn out."
That was the truth; he just wanted her worn out enough to go home.
"We can finish, I mean we have a good start."Â? There was absolutely no conviction in her voice. "If you want..."Â?
She didn't know if he was cheating or not but that idea was so very close to what she had wanted to do and it did sound delicious. Nikhila wavered as she considered it, and it was supposed to snow later this evening. They could be happily huddled around a computer screen with a cheerfully crackling fire watching the snow fall, possibly with hot chocolate, with marshmallows This was sounding better and better.
Laying her head against his chest she took a deep breath. She didn't want to appear less than capable not now that he was getting a little better about letting her out. But, she -was- tired. Oh he'd let her out again eventually. He'd have to. Truthfully, now that she'd gotten this shopping out of her system sort of touched the holidays, Nikhila wasn't sure she wanted out again any time soon. Not until after the baby. She nodded against Aidan's chest.
"Yes please. If you're done I think I'm ready to go home. If you make a fire and get a laptop I'll make hot chocolate Do we have any marshmallows?"Â?