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Get your own Christmas spirit(Secret Santa: Attn Eiryk)

Jan found himself at the mall during Christmas because that was what you did. Or something? Really he was bored and watching the other people around him rush around in a state of panic was somewhat amusing.

He heard a noise coming from the front of the toy department and decided to wander that way. It was a strange mix of sounds. A heated discussion was going on between two women...

"My kid wants the yellow one. Its the only one Tommy doesn't have."


"I was here first and I don't give a damn what little Tommy doesn't have."

"How rude! Where's your manners?"

"I'm rude?! You're the one trying to pull the toy out of my hand, bitch!"

Jan came around the corner to see a whole stack of these colourful odd looking creatures. They looked like alien bears or something with strange, somewhat obscene, looking mouths. He could tell from the one being tugged between two shoppers that they sang when you squeezed them. That was hardly earth shattering but other people were picking them up at a regular pace.

Jan was amused; he leaned against a nearby pole to watch the drama.

Eiryk 14 years ago
Eiryk was all about the multitasking he really was, just maybe not during the holidays. But he had a couple things he needed to get done quickly before he and Alex left and here he was. It was dangerous! He'd already fallen up the escalator, gotten caught in a revolving door and had a cashier try and charge him three times for one item.

At least he was done, everything was being delivered of course, otherwise he was libel to drop it and break things. The fastest way out seemed to be through the toy department. Somehow it had slipped Eiryk's mind entirely that toys were a big deal for Christmas. He was getting jostled around pretty good but was taking it all in stride. That last one though, a frazzled looking guy with a cell phone in one hand and multiple bags in the other turned just at the wrong time and Eiryk stumbled. The stumble turned into a fall, the fall turned into a crash, right into this display of... things.

The store must have been stashing some inventory inside the display because when Eiryk hit it more of the things went flying. Not only did they send up a racket, to Eiryk it sounded like musically inclined cats in heat, but the other shoppers went into a frenzy seeing more of them. Suddenly Eiryk was half buried in grabbing grasping parents. And some of them were not, well they got rough, careless, and a little personal.

"Hey! No! Leave off. I don't want one I swear! Help!"Â?

He hadn't been attacked like this since back in the day. And even then he'd been allowed armor and weapons. At this rate Eiryk was certain he was going to be ground into the flooring and turn to ash.
Jan 14 years ago
Jan had just been considering how best to help the situation out in some way when another shopper came along and fell into the displays of thingamajigs. They made an awful noise, all howling together, but that sound was almost drowned out by the rush of feet and yelling parents.

It appeared there were more of the coveted colours underneath the table.

The poor guy who had fallen was being...oooh that wasn't called for...and that required a drink and a movie... Jan shook his head and shouldered his way into the fray. Leaning down to the blonde, he smiled and reached down.

"Need a hand? Or should I just call security...or a riot squad?"

Someone shoved him hard and Jan turned to give the guy a glare. He never understood why adults found angry goth teenagers so frightening but it occasionally had its advantages. The two women were now gone but they had been replaced by a whole group of children and their parents. Several kids seemed intent on yanking out the toys underneath the poor sprawled stranger. Of course, because the ones loose wouldn't be good enough.
Eiryk 14 years ago
Half floundering half swimming Eiryk was trying to escape. As molested and abused as he was getting, he really didn't want to hurt any one. Which didn't seem to stop him getting jabbed and elbowed and called names as he accidentally grabbed one of desired items. Even the kids were in on the act. At least there was one person who seemed to be more interested in helping than grabbing. But Eiryk couldn't let him risk it.

"Run! Save yourself it isn't worth it!"Â?

Maybe he could get a message to Alex. "I love you! I didn't mean to leave you but I was trambled by a rampaging mob. Go on with out me."Â? Not the best farewell ever, he was going to have to work on that.

The kid seemed to have made some kind of a hole and Eiryk managed to scramble to his hands and knees and started scuttling out in the direction.
Jan 14 years ago
Jan laughed and shrugged.

"We'll be more likely to survive the mob if we make a stand together."

At least they didn't have pitch forks. He hated it when rioters had pitchforks, those tended to be accompanied by torches. Good stuff ended up being burned that way.

He watched the man crawl towards him. Jan moved slightly to the side to give him space but not too far to the side or the spot would be taken quickly by another member in the crowd. Using his telekinesis, Jan pushed the stomach of one of the blue ones further away; it caught the attention of a small child who pointed. He pushed it again and she rushed to it, followed by most of the other kids. They shoved each other back and forth and drew the attention of some of the parents.

Space somewhat achieved.


Jan turned, raised his eyebrows and pointed to himself with a questioning expression.

"Yeah, you. If you're not getting one then get out of the way!"

He turned and picked up a red toy and a green one and then smiled back at the mall bully.

"Ok, you've got your's now move!"

Shaking his head, Jan said.

"No, no, I can't decide. Red....or green?"

Making a face, he appeared to ponder them for a moment. Looking down at the blonde, he asked.

"Which do you think?"
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Good man."Â?

Eiryk didn't dare get to his feet, he just kept going as fast as he could. There was a massive shift in interest and people seemed to be dissipating from his little area. Not about to look a gift horse in the mouth he made his final escape and managed to get to his feet.

Granted his scarf was only half on, his coat had come unbuttoned and was only one one arm any more, his collar was half up half down, his shirt might have ripped along the shoulder, and he'd lost a glove, he was alive! Free! Alex wouldn't have to be single again. Although, it might not hurt to create a will just in case he was caught in Black Friday next year. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't take care of the man?

Eiryk just blinked at the kid and shook his head.

"Personally, I would go with black or blue at this point."Â?

Making something of an attempt to straighten himself up he smiled brightly at the loud mouth. If the guy got nasty he would be OK with getting a bit more aggressive than usual. Instead he simply strongly 'suggested' to the guy,

"If I were you I'd just pick one and move along. This is a dangerous time of year."Â?
Jan 14 years ago
Jan watched the blonde crawl out and then finally stand up.

"You look like you just came from a war... or a really good party. At least you appear to have survived with all your limbs intact."

He looked at the two choices in his hand. It had not been his intention to get either of them but, upon further thought, Jan tucked both under his arm. Maybe he would send one to the Towers for Theo and send the other to... hmm, maybe Carol. She could terrorize everyone with it for weeks.

Jan chuckled at the stranger's comment to the rude individual that had spoken to him before. He was surprised to see the guy quickly pick up a green creature and turn to leave. The fellow hugged the toy to his chest and looked around at everyone suspiciously.

Shaking his head, he turned back to the blonde.

"I guess he took you seriously." Pointing to the crowd around the toys, he said "There is certainly evidence to support your claim."

Jan felt someone tugging on the boxes under his arm and turned to find one of the kids pulling on it. She appeared to be about eight; certainly old enough to know better. Pressing the box tighter, he leaned down and asked sweetly.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

She stopped tugging. Expressing only momentary surprise by his kind words, the girl pointed to the box imperiously and stated.

"I want that one."

Jan gave her an insincere smile and said.

"It is a gift for someone else so I'm afraid you can't have this one."

The girl looked upward, that was his only warning that something might be about to happen. Jan tilted his head to follow her gaze and saw a big man, expensively dressed. The more noticeable thing would be the box in the man's hand that was on a downward swing towards Jan's head. He leaned to the side and rolled into the guy, knocking him over backwards.

He -might- have also pushed with his telekinesis so the guy fell harder than his mere topple into him made it appear. Standing up, Jan raised a hand to his mouth in feigned horror.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so close."
Eiryk 14 years ago
"Either of those would be preferable to rampaging holiday shoppers."Â?

Although Eiryk did surreptitiously check to make sure he had all four limbs. He wasn't surprised to see the loud mouth leave and chuckled at the kid. He seemed nice enough which was a bit of a change from most teenagers he encountered.

"My calling in life is to be either the bad example or the before picture."Â?

He should have known that words wouldn't solve this, or at least not finish it. The shoppers could smell blood in the water as it were. At this rate he'd buy one for Alex just as a souvenir.

Good lord, even the little girl? She was a decoy for the guy? Seriously what was the world coming too. People looked in the history books and called his people barbarians, had they been to a modern mall?

Eiryk really didn't want to get involved in the fracas, but at the same time he didn't like the idea of the kid getting into trouble either. After all, he'd been the only person who'd made any effort to help him. He didn't feel like apologizing to the guy though.

Instead he reached down to pick up the box the guy had dropped and handed it back as she stood, very unsubtly placed himself between angry dad and the kid.

"Just an accident. I'm sure that's exactly how you'd want to explain it to your daughter."Â?

This time he didn't put any extra weight behind his words. Eiryk didn't like to over suggest things, besides, he'd hope this guy would just take the offered out. It was that or an assault charge after all.

He smiled at the kid, although it was a little more strained than it had been a moment earlier.

"Right? Just an accident? Of course it was."Â?
Jan 14 years ago
Jan watched the guy turn his glare on the blonde but otherwise the stranger refused to comment. He could tell from the way the man moved stiffly away from them that he was going to be sore in the morning.

Served him right.

Carefully keeping the satisfied smirk off his face, Jan turned to answer the question he had been asked.

"Oh, certainly."

Looking to make sure the girl and the dad were gone, he shrugged.

"Truthfully, I'd given it to her but I don't condone that behavior."

Unless you're better at hiding it. Live and learn, kid, live and learn! Jan was hardly the bastion of good moral conduct but he harbored a special hatred for spoiled rich kids.

The crowd had mostly moved onward and now a couple of annoyed and haggard looking employees were on the scene. They stood for a moment, taking in the wrecked display of toys that were now scattered everywhere on the floor.

"That's the third time today."

"Yeah, I'll be glad when this season is over."

Jan chuckled and started picking them up and putting them back on the shelf.

"Tis the season to be self centered and greedy."
Eiryk 14 years ago
Eiryk squeezed one of the creepy little frenzy causing toys and it sort of 'sang' after a fashion. He shuddered delicately and shook his head.

"You are probably doing her a favor by keeping it away from her. These things are disturbing and unnatural."Â?

That said he would buy this one and give it to Alexander. Trophy of war and all that. With any luck it wouldn't give either of them nightmares. Hmmmmm... maybe he'd leave it under Alex's pillow. Eiryk grinned to himself at that idea. It would be entertaining.

Stuffing the purple fuzzy thing in his pocked for now, he helped putting them away for a second or two. At least until it became clear they were more in the way than anything at which point he stepped aside and shrugged philosophically at the kid.

"It all started when they gave rare and expensive gifts to a child two thousand years ago. Set a bad example."Â?

Perhaps if the magi had just come and politely paid their respects they wouldn't be having this problem today.

He extended his hand with a smile.

"I appreciate the help though. Thank you."Â?
Jan 14 years ago
Jan laughed and squished the stomach of the little toy he had just picked up. It responded with a deep .

"Yes, a voice that deep shouldn't come out of anything that small. Of course the same thing could be said of Rick Astley."

Refraining from a live Rickrolling of the mall crowd, Jan sat the little toy on the shelf and turned back to the blonde.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the very cynical view of the Christian birth myth. It was the 'reason' for the season so he had been told.

"Hmm, perhaps. But what kid plays with myrrh anyway? They would have been better off to give him a couple of microcamels and a tiny building set."

Jan shook the stranger's hand and returned the smile.

"Any time. I'd hate to see someone have to go to holiday parties with a black eye but no good story to accompany it. If you there is more trouble at the front gates then just use the Creepy Thing Signal." He pressed the creature in one of the boxes he had under his arm. "I'll come running!"

((OOC: Jan out pending response ))
Eiryk 14 years ago
"No one in their right mind plays with myrrh."Â?

Eiryk shook his head although he did like the idea of the micro camels. He chucked as the kid left.

"Not as intimidating as the Bat Signal though is it? Have a good holiday."Â?

He smiled at the kid. Nice enough, oddly polite from his experience with modern teenagers. Still amused Eiryk watched him go before checking to see exactly how much damage had been done to his clothing. None, thank good this was a Burberry and just this season too.

Stopping only to pay for the... thing. Eiryk headed out, quite relieved to be out of the mall.

((OOC... and Eiryk out too))