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Duck, Duck, Goose... but not...

OK so it wasn't his best idea ever. C'est La Vie was a good hang out and, thanks to Reign, he was pretty familiar with it. But it was a pool hall, granted a nice one not too smokey (he hated the smell of cigaret smoke), not too dark, not creepy or run down but not the ideal second date location. Of course, he hadn't planed on having to fix his truck, -again-. So Drew was a bit tight on cash and he knew the bar tender, Shelley, would extend him some credit without making a big deal of it. He'd snuck in a little earlier than they'd said to arrange things with her.

She had quite cheerfully threatened his life but had agreed to spot him. Thank god. She also set him up with Reign's favorite table which was both good and bad. Good because it was in a prime location in one of the corners, semi private and you never had any one on two of the sides. Bad, because it was a nine foot table and everything, he had learned, was harder on a nine foot. Most people played on eight or even on the seven foot bar boxes. Lord he needed to stop hanging out with Reign so much. He never would have thought about any of this before.

He took two cokes from Shelley and set them on a small table next to the pool table and racked the balls the way Reign had taught him for eight ball and did his best to look non-nonchalant and semi cool while hoping he didn't show up too early.

Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi was more than a little relieved when Drew finally seemed to decide that the parentage was okay. She had been a bit worried as she watched him sort out the last name she had given him and put that with the potential use of a bodyguard together. Well then, so far so good. Explaining the pack would be another hurdle to overcome but that one would be much further down the road.

"I will tell his PR people that."

Glancing back over to the drink that Antoine ordered, she rolled her eyes.

"Sex on a pool table. I told you; he has an odd sense of humor."

Tavi gave him a sly smile and made to reach for him.

"Though the idea does have some merit. " Grinning, she added "And that would most definitely reach the tabloids." Just in case he thought she was serious, Tavi added. "Maybe we should save the illegal public displays of affection for date three."
Drew 13 years ago
"Hey, it might get them to relax a little. Or at least cut you some slack. After all, they are electing him not you.�

Drew grinned. Although, he was again struck by how young she looked. Some people just looked young. He, however, couldn't imagine the mayor's some time body guard sending an underage girl/woman a drink. So this was all kosher, had to be.

Odd sense of humor his ass. That bastard was hitting on her. Drew scowled and had half a mind to go over and tell the guy off. The other half of his mind recognized Tavi's game. Since she didn't seem interested in the Birdie guy Drew let it go and instead obligingly stretched across her using his long arms to his advantage he picked up the drink and sniffed it cautiously. It smelled fruity and sweet. Not his cup of tea.

"Nah. Damned uncomfortable.�

He dismissed the idea and took an experimental sip of the drink. As he did so, Drew realized what they'd both said and he got a bit flustered, swallowed wrong and took to coughing.

"So I've heard. I mean...� More coughing and some pounding on his chest. "Um... yeah... er... who's turn?�

He turned on her hoping to just maybe side step that whole avenue and possible faux pas.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
The VR's public relations people were supremely efficient and quite perturbed with her lack of enthusiasm in playing the good little daughter. She already knew that it was impossible to please her parents so she didn't bother to try in this latest scheme either. Vaughn's people had just shrugged and worked it into their public image for her dad. Now he was open minded, very patient and tolerant with his wayward child. Amazing the Rockwell spin that could be put on anything.

She shrugged but nodded, not really interested in talking about her father's day job.

They moved on to other more interesting things and Tavi raised her eyebrows at Drew's offhanded comment.

"Is that so?" She smiled at him and poked a finger lightly against his chest. "YOU better hope you win this game because now I have a good question to ask."

Sliding down from the stool, Tavi favored him with a bright smile. "Its mine. Say whatever prayers need to be said."

Perhaps she felt a need to back up that threat and therefore was concentrating harder than usual, perhaps she was feeling relieved that there was one less thing that was a secret, or maybe she was just damn curious about this experience with pool tables. Whatever the reason, Tavi managed to do well for herself this round. She dropped three balls into their pockets before missing on the last.

Turning back around to Drew, she said.

"Might want to work out the phrasing in your head now."
Drew 13 years ago
"That's cheating!� Drew protested cheerfully. "And you never know you might be disappointed by the answer.�

It actually was a bit of a disappointing answer. Nothing had happened, just enough that he knew it was not something he actually wanted to try.

Drew again wished he'd paid more attention to Reign when she was trying to teach him things. And he couldn't help but give Tavi a hard time about her sudden run of luck.

"I think someone here is a ringer.�

Taking a healthy swallow from his coke Drew surveyed the table. He actually could see a number of shots he could make. Well that some one could make.

"Never give up, never surrender.�

He intoned before settling down at the table. He managed to make two in a row, leaving Tavi with a slight edge. His third attempt, however, left his ball hanging just at the lip of a pocket. A good stiff breeze would have knocked it in. It was remarkably irritating it didn't fall.

"You sure we shouldn't just call that one a gimme?�
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi laughed and shrugged. " I believe divine intervention is valid if you can manage it."

Taking a sip of her coke, she then grinned at Drew and his accusation. "I told you, the earlier display of ineptitude was a ruse. "

The statement was completely untrue; she was not a bad player but she was not a great one either. It was more luck than anything and from what Tavi could tell they seemed to be pretty evenly matched.

She groaned at the ball that almost made it in and then laughed.
"You were robbed. Apparently the Powers that Be are on -my- side."

Taking her turn, Tavi focused on the table. It was much easier when there were more choices. She tried what looked to be the least tricky shot on the table. The cue ball hit the one she had been aiming for just not with enough force to make it fall into the pot.

Sighing, Tavi turned around.
"It would seem the Gods of Pool have struck me down for my over confidence. I am chastened." She made a pleading gesture, palms together and eyes heavenward before returning to the table.
Drew 13 years ago
"See and this is why you shouldn't trust your pool game to supernatural beings. They are fickle.�

Drew scowled at the table. He had one more ball on the table than Tavi so they were pretty close. He tried to walk up to the table like he'd watched Reign do a thousand times. Maybe the slight swagger and blind confidence would improve his chances.

Well that and taking the total gimme shot he'd left.

That ball fell neat enough, but the cue wedged up against the rail. Drew was not happy with the turn of events. He always worried he'd miss and tear the felt and, while he wasn't sure, he didn't think he could afford to have the table refelted. Despite his earlier quip against divine intervention he did mutter a small pray to the pool gods before taking his shot.

He managed to smash a ball into the side pocket. But he had no control over the cue ball and it bounced around the table and eventually fell into a corner pocket. He groaned.

"I think we both might need new gods if we keep this up.�
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi laughed but shook her head no. She'd still keep the faith.

"They are just testing you to see if you only honor them during the good plays."

Drew's round was going well but then he scratched. Tavi put a comforting hand on his shoulder and looked into the pot where the little white cue rested.

"Alas, for the Gods have found your words displeasing. "

She turned and leaned against the pool table, watching him with large green eyes. Bestowing a sorrowful look upon him, Tavi shook her head sadly.

"Now you must offer up penance in the form of three cubes of chalk and the next rack."

It would be nice of the gods of pool were to favor her with another good round. She had her choice of where to place the cue. Such a gift might not come again. Tavi decided to use it to have a better chance of sinking a ball in a very tough position that could later cause her to lose if Drew could keep her from getting a good angle on it. Placing the cue and holding her breath, Tavi set up the stick and then tapped the ball dead center. It rolled where she aimed, clipping the target ball on its side and causing it to roll gently into the pot.

This left her with nothing useful, the cue was sitting very close to the rail and almost all her balls where at the other end of the table. It was going to be impossible to get enough force on the cue where it sat. Giving it her best shot, Tavi was not surprised that it missed the ball she was aiming for completely.
Drew 13 years ago
"I thought there was a very clear separation of church and pool?�

Drew argued before blinking at her determination of a sacrifice.

"What no getting naked and doing a funny dance? I could have sworn that was part of this sort of thing.�

OK that was a shameless, and he hoped, distracting flirt but he was not at all above that. Drew chalked up his cue and debated his shots again. He managed to get two more and there was just one ball and the eight left on the table.

Drew bowed his head and threw a chalk over his shoulder ostentatiously. Before Tavi could say anything he looked up and explained.

"Offering to the pool gods. I know I should have an alter and stuff but I didn't come prepared.�

Stupidly enough it worked, he made the shot, but he also scratched... again. And muttered some profanity under his breath. How -did- Reign do this?

"Just the eight left for me though.�

It was half grin half leer, but he was a little pleased with himself.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi laughed and shrugged. "I am new here. I do not know your laws and customs."

When he retorted about her penance with his own suggestion, she raised both eyebrows and gave him a long full body appraisal.

"Not for the Pool Gods but if you wish to earn favor with Tavi then you are more than welcome to use that method." She grinned. "The more creativity the better though simple enthusiasm might be just as good."

Laughing, she clapped happily at his offering to the divine. She was less pleased after he successfully made the shot. Tavi wondered what he might ask since it looked like he was going to win this round.

When Drew scratched there was a little more light at the end of the tunnel.

"So I see." Raising her eyes skyward, Tavi muttered the ingredients to a nice souffle recipe in Romani. She then leaned over the table and took her shot. Her last ball went in but she missed the shot on the eight. It was out of her hands for now.
Drew 13 years ago
"I'll get you a pamphlet.�

Drew grinned, which only grew wider when she obviously scoped him out. It never hurt to have your ego stroked, even a little and semi subtly. And he sure wasn't going to complain when his evil plan of distracting her apparently worked. It was all he could do not to do his best evil laugh.

Instead he settled on just nailing the eight ball with authority. Yeah, it felt cool. Never mind that he'd played more or less like a noob the whole game. Never mind that the last shot had been pretty easy. The point was he had done it and looked cool in the process.

Looking a little pleased with himself he crossed back to Tavi and leaned up against the wall doing his best to look thoughtful.

"So... what were those stakes again? Cause I think I might have won. Might have, not sure, but I think possibly.�

From any one else that might have sounded like bragging, but Drew managed not to come off that way. He most likely appeared something like a puppy who had just done something good wand was very clearly looking for praise.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
"Can't I just watch the movie?"

She watched him sink the eight ball from her perch. When he came back with a cheerful swagger, Tavi couldn't help but smile. Taking a long sip of her coke in order to delay answering him, she eventually set it down.

"I believe you have the right to ask any question you like and I will answer honestly or do some other thing of your choosing if I don't wish to answer."

Tavi raised her eyebrows and asked.
"So what will it be? I am an open book."

She leaned her elbows against the table and waited, giving him a faint smile. Losing this match wasn't so bad; she would get to see what he was interested in.
Drew 13 years ago
"I think it works out to be more like a thirty minute infomercial. And at the end you buy something for $19.95 plus shipping and handling.�

Drew said with an easy grin slipping into his best TV announcer voice toward the end.

"Hmmmm... any question?�

He mused allowed. It was an interesting dilemma. There was a lot he wanted to know but at the same time he didn't want to be rude or disrespectful or even in appropriate. So how to do this with taste and tact and still getting Tavi to reveal as much about herself as possible.

Drew thoughtfully chewed on his lower lip for a second. It was an unconscious habit, he honestly couldn't stop himself even if he had tried.

He leered a bit at her, remembering an old joke about reading an open book in brail. But it wasn't in his nature to actually say that. With a final thoughtful 'hmmmmmm' he opted to let Tavi set the pace.

"Right... OK... so what is the single wild and craziest thing you have done? Bar none.�

She could take that in any direction she would like and no matter how she answered he'd learn a little bit about her. Essay questions were the best.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi laughed at Drew's very accurate sounding commercial voice, wondering how much television he watched.

When he asked her the question she grinned and held up a hand.
"Hold on, thinking."

There was just so much to choose from and ultimately Tavi was having a hard time deciding which was the wildest thing she had done. More over, some things would be hard to explain without explaining the pack.

She glanced at Antoine; there was this one time when the Frenchman ran this romance con on a wealthy married woman while they were in the Alps. Unfortunately for Birdie the R'asa needed him for something that went south. The woman, who thought him deathly ill or some such as Tavi recalled, saw him sneaking out of the condo. A mad chase on the slopes ensued. He called Tavi and she appropriated a snow mobile from ski patrol and came and got him. However, that was hardly -her- wildest memory.

"I am not sure its the wildest, but right now its the one that comes to mind." Tavi patted the stool next to her. "While working for the police I was very helpful undercover because I look so young. Perhaps you've noticed?" She gave him a wink. " Anyway, I had befriended this rich celebrity's kid while they were trying to track down some of this high end but dangerous drug that was going around all the nightclubs. There was going to be a bust at the place where we were partying. Unfortunately somehow the information got to the dealer minutes before. My friend offers the use of her vehicle to get us all out of there quick. She had a Jaguar Xj220." There was a little gleam in her eyes as she remembered that car. "Anyway, she said I should drive. We already knew I was much better at it. So now I'm driving away with the guy that I'm supposed to be there to catch with a stash of drugs in the vehicle. I had to make a good run for it just in case my cover was still needed later but I needed to make sure I got caught. I made them chase me all over London before getting to an area where I knew construction had the roads all buggered up. I suppose I could have made it more convincing if I crashed but I just couldn't do that to such a beautiful machine. "

Tavi took another sip of her drink. "Besides the others were quite green. I think they were convinced enough that I tried my best."

Eyeing Drew, she asked "Was that good enough or would you like to know about the time I had sex on a high speed train?"
Drew 13 years ago
Drew settled down on the stool next to Tavi, quite ready for a story. He did like stories cultural hazard he supposed. And it was a hell of a story. He believed her, that wasn't the question but damned. He just didn't have anything to compare to that at all.

He was pleased that he managed to look more amused than shocked as he listened though. He grinned when she mentioned not crashing the car.

"I'm glad you took the risk with your cover. I wouldn't have wanted to smash that nice a car up either.�

Not that he'd even ever been in one. But he had seen one or two, more since arriving in Nachton than Arizona but that was besides the point. The point was that he might be a bit out of his league here. Suddenly drew felt a bit ordinary and boring. Aside from the fact that he turned into a wolf three times a month... and he sure wasn't going to talk about that.

"I sure can't compete with that.�

Her other offer left Drew looking a bit like a fish. He opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to figure out the best response to that. He didn't think there was one. He finally gave up, laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah I can't compete with that either.�
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi smiled at Drew when he agreed that the car was worth her cover. She shrugged when he said that he had nothing to compete with those kinds of stories. It didn't matter to her, Tavi felt she was probably wild enough for the both of them.

Sliding down from her stool, she came to stand in front of him again, wrapping her arms around his waist. Grinning up at him, she said.

"Well, we'll just have to make some stories worth telling together."

Tavi slid a little closer so that she could lean against his chest.

"If you're up for that."

He seemed like a good guy; Tavi briefly wondered what her father would make of that. Normally she ran with the wildest of the wild. Finding someone you genuinely found interesting and dating him because he was a good person, was that growing up? She decided that if such a thing were part of being an adult then it didn't seem so bad.
Drew 13 years ago
Yeah, she was cute and tiny. It was a bit weird how young she looked but while he did wonder how much trouble her appearance had gotten her out of, he was tetting over it. He was learning to see past it. Of course he was now getting a look at her wild side. It wasn't scaring him off though.

His arms just naturally went around hers in response and he grinned down at her. The next natural thing to do was to kiss her, a bit more aggressively than earlier that evening.

"Hmmmm... I might be.�

He said still leaning into her. He paused a bit for dramatic emphasis, kissing her again to fill the silence.

"But where are we going to get a Jag?�
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi returned the grin. Drew's smile was impossible to resist, likewise, the heated embrace. She melted into his arms and his kiss, pushing closer. She held him tightly,wanting more but willing to let Drew set the pace. He seemed a little more cautious than most of the men she had dated, not that he seemed hesitant right this second. Tavi also felt that he was a better person than most of the others, certainly worth taking the time to get to know better. He was probably worried about being a gentleman and that was kind of nice for a change.

She smiled up at him when he asked where they were going to get a jag.

"Oh, I don't know but I think I might be able to find one."

Or steal one. Tavi thought she better have a good excuse for where it came from if a criminal act were involved in its procuring. Perhaps she would find some other way to obtain one that was more legal. Difficult, but not impossible.

Right now there was pool to play and questions to ask!

((OOC: Both Out ))