Not Exactly Roughing It (open)
A quick stop at the towers had Eiryk now in hiking boots, jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie. On him, however, it was not a sloppy slacker look While changing he'd 'subtly' pointed out the space Alex's things had been and that there was still room and dropped a hint or two that he could make more room. Just because he respected Alex's decision to stand on his own two feet didn't mean he couldn't try and persuade him.
Pulling in the parking lot, which was deserted, after all who went hiking in the middle of the night in January? It was dark -and- cold. Well crazier things had happened but neither of them thought it would be crowded.
Locking the car Eiryk ambled over to a sign, after tripping over the curb.
"Apparently there are two trail heads here; a beginner that has some solar powered lighting in spots and an intermediate with very little lighting and more inclines and a greater elevation changes. Which do you think?"
It wasn't like they were in the Appalachians so Eiryk didn't think the elevation changes would be much to write home about.
"They must both be circles as they end here too. At least we won't have to go looking for the car after."
Besides, Marie had nodded and it behooved him to build a good relationship with her, if she'd be minding his shop in the mornings. She was the reason he would soon be able to stay out later at night with Eiryk, once she was trained and comfortable in the store. He'd already made a mental note to have an intercom system installed; Alex was aware that she would be alone in the store for three hours every morning and while he didn't think anything bad would happen to her, he still wanted her to be comfortable. If he and Eiryk made sure they spent those nights at Alexander's place then Marie could be secure in that Alexander would always be a button-press away if she needed him.
Putting that thought on the back burner Alex smiled and looked around at the three riding enthusiasts. "Okay," he acceded. "I don't suppose anything bad could happen, really, with three instructors around."
He shrugged and prepared to look stupid for the sake of diplomatic relations. Alexander was all right with it.
She was far too polite, however, to question him or correct his vernacular. She merely smiled and nodded, saying, "There isn't much in Nachton, obviously, but outside the city limits you might be surprised."
If Eiryk was a vampire it was unlikely he didn't suspect what she was. To humans Ysabel knew she appeared eccentric and unusual; to other vampires Ysabel was a rather obvious tag. She knew she didn't really come off as human and it didn't bother her in the least. All she had to do was pass for human amongst humans.
Alexander seemed to consider the idea of riding with them and finally consented. Ysabel nodded her head smartly and held the tip of her riding crop to her chin thoughtfully.
"That settles it then," she said decisively. "Shall we ride, perhaps next week? It's no trouble for Marie and I to bring horses for you. In fact, I think you would both be fine riding Elegy and Adagio, here."
She looked at Marie for her approval; Adagio was unofficially Marie's horse but he and Elegy were very solid and reliable. Elegy would be perfect for Alexander and if Eiryk hadn't ridden in some time then Adagio would be the logical choice for him. Marie could take Vivace out and Ysabel would bring her Friesian mare, Sapphire, one of the ones they kept in the stable at their home. If Ambrose chose to accompany them he would of course ride Midnight.
Instead Eiryk addressed Ysabel.
"I appreciate the offer. I am fresh out of horses. And yours are obviously much better than anything I could come up with on short notice."
He'd been trying to think where you'd rent one. It shouldn't have been hard to get a horse or two for a night. If it had come down to it Eiryk would have bought two but that seemed a bit over the top so it was his first choice. And given how well behaved these two had been Eiryk didn't think Alex would have much of a problem.
"I think we can let Marie and Alex work out the time. Especially as his schedule is a bit tighter than mine."
If Ysabel was a vampire Eiryk surmised that Marie would know that and as such would know when would be best for Ysabel. Alex could, obviously, do the same for him. Although he'd put money on an after dark ride. But truthfully Alex's schedule was the biggest consideration. No one bat an eyelash if Eiryk decided not to come in. Alex had a store and clients to take care of but if push came to shove for him, Eiryk would just send some one else.
Marie said with a tiny bit of hero worship and utter confidence in her vampire and the horse. It wasn't hard for Marie to guess that Ysabel intended to put the inexperienced Alexander on the most steady of all the Frisians Since Adagio was next in that line she suspected Eiryk would ride him and nodded to Ysabel. She didn't mind riding Vivace at all. He could be a bit of a handful some days but she didn't mind a bit. She wondered, thought, if Ysabel would bring one of the mares in or borrow Midnight for someone. After all she was a very well trained horse as well, although she did have a quirk or two, but most of that had to do with Ambrose only having one leg.
She nodded to Eiryk, still not quite willing to just out and out speak to him if she didn't have to, but slowly warming up to the blond man. It was the kind of errand she was rather used to. Ysabel kept her familiar busy, not overwhelmed or over worked, but there was often a small errand here and there to do.
He looked at the horse that Ysabel was riding and was encouraged by the fact that since she'd asked him to stand still he hadn't so much as shifted position. Whether that was training, boredom, or some combination thereof Alex didn't know. It was encouraging though. Neither mount seemed inclined to do anything crazy, at least not at the moment.
"We'll work it out on Monday, maybe?"
Alex would be working with Marie for several weeks yet until she felt comfortable opening the store herself. He was looking forward to getting her up to speed so he and Eiryk could have a little more time together each evening but first he had to make sure Marie was ready for that.
"You are welcome, sir," she said to Eiryk with a smile and a nod of agreement. "They are better than anything you will find in Nachton."
Ysabel didn't need to worry about false modesty. Her Friesians were several cuts above anything she'd seen on these trails. She had visited local stables as well and not found any hoofstock comparable. As far as first rides went, Alexander's would be enjoyable. She would see to that, for the sake of Marie's relationship with him and because it was a matter of both personal and professional pride.
Regarding the scheduling Ysabel nodded as Alexander said he would work it out with Marie the following week. That would be fine. Marie would arrange for something in the evening after her classes, and obviously going out at night suited Alexander and Eiryk.
"I'm looking forward to it," she said with a smile. "It's nice to have someone to ride with." It was no polite lie. Ysabel loved her horses and sharing them with others made her happy.
Turning to Marie she said, "Shall we?"
To Alexander and Eiryk she nodded her head cheerfully. "I'm glad to have met you both. We will see you next week."
She waited for Marie to say goodbye as well before they turned Elegy and Adagio back onto the trail and headed off at a light, airy trot.
((ooc: Ysabel out pending responses))
She smiled self consciously a little afraid she'd said too much. She probably shouldn't have teased Alexander like that. But so far he'd been very nice, very polite so... maybe it was OK.
"I think that sounds like a plan."
After watching Ysabel trot off a little Marie smiled at both men and half waved.
"It was nice meeting you Eiryk. I'll see you on Monday Alexander."
While Marie might be a little timid around strange men, she was Ysabel's familiar and to totally ignore Eiryk would have been very rude. Something she couldn't do, so she had said a very polite goodbye to both of them before trotting after her vampire.
((OOC... Marie out too))
"She seems like a sweet girl, maybe a little shy for retail but I don't think she'll eat you out of house and home."
Eiryk half snuggled up against his boyfriend. They'd spent a few minutes just standing there talking and it suddenly felt colder than it had. They probably ought to get moving again, but he wanted to give the ladies a decent head start. Even if the horses were going to make much better time Eiryk didn't want to be right on top of them.
"I never would have thought to take your riding." Eiryk mused, "well not horseback riding any way."
There was a lewd insinuation in there somewhere, but it wasn't up to Eiryk's usual standards. In stead he was actually being mostly serious. Mostly.
"I think she'll be all right," Alexander said. He slipped his arm over Eiryk's shoulders. "We'll have to spend the nights at my place, if you don't mind. I want to be within easy reach if she needs me. But of course she won't eat me out of house and home," he said, smiling down at Eiryk. "I told you, it's covered. having her there will give the few hours I need in the mornings so I can stay out a little later with you. That's worth it."
Otherwise Alex would end up going to bed by nine or so and he and Eiryk would hardly see each other. This way he could stay out a little later, maybe until midnight, and still get enough rest to get up, run the store most of the day, and give lessons afterward.
Alex rolled his eyes at Eiryk and punched him lightly on the shoulder at his comment. "Come on," he said with a grin. "The sooner we hike, the sooner you get to practice."
Yeah, he meant it that way.
Honestly Eiryk didn't care where they spent the night so long as he didn't get burned hen waking up and Alex was there. He might, just might, see about helping Alex with a few minor improvements though. For starters they were going to need a bigger bed.
"She is still giving you one night a week totally off though yes?'
Eiryk batted his eyelashes a bit. He was hoping to sneak in a day trip or two here and there and was starting to toss around ideas for Valentine's day.
At the promise of riding he decided to think about something different and grabbed his lover's hand and started hiking again. Of course he wasn't watching where he was going and managed to fall up a minor rocky slope. It was a good thing he'd put on jeans.
He mostly anticipated Eiryk's next stumble and pulled him upright before he caused himself too much damage. He shook his head at Eiryk and brushed some dirt from his leg. "Impossible. How does that even happen? Aren't you supposed to have some kind of otherwordly... you know... not-clumsiness?"
It was said with a laugh; Alex's theory was that Eiryk got so into whatever was on his mind at the moment that he simply forgot to coordinate anything. He'd seen Eiryk be supremely graceful on occasion. Rare occasions. There might have been only one. But still, it had happened!
Except perhaps more time but Eiryk had to good grace not to say that. Alex was making some big concessions here.
How Alex did that Eiryk would never know. But he often had a good jump on these potential disasters. His own personal knight in shining armor, or squire in hiking boots or something.
"That wasn't in the hand book."
Eiryk said with a wry grin. Actually if he fell off something tall enough he could glide down and not kill himself. But he didn't think Alex would appreciate him jumping off a ten story building to demonstrate this.
"Maybe I should take one of your yoga classes and try to over come this. Think it will work?"
Alex rolled his eyes at Eiryk playfully. "That'd be a good read, why are you holding out on me?"
He wished. A vampire handbook would come in really useful. How To Properly Care For Your Vampire or something like that.
The train of thought was derailed as Eiryk threatened to take a yoga class. "Anything but that," he said sincerely. "I'd either be too distracted trying to keep you from hurting yourself, or trying not to make out with you in front of everyone else. How about some private lessons?"
He grinned at Eiryk suggestively.
Someone must have written something down somewhere at some point but if they had it was either well hidden or lost to history.
Stopping for a moment Eiryk looked very put out when Alex apparently didn't want him in his yoga classes. But a slow lustful smile spread across his face at the alternate offer and that suggestive grin.
"How many more miles on this trail?"
Eiryk kissed Alex in a less than chaste manner and leered.
"I'll race you."
Granted as a vampire he could move faster for longer. But as he also had a habit of tripping over air, it should work out about even. He didn't really notice who got back to the car first but as it did end in a private yoga lesson, of sorts, it seemed like they both won.
((OOC... both out))