I Don't Bite... Much. (Attn: Alfarinn)
Aishe wasn't sure why Alfarinn lingered at Club E; they were finished with their werewolf meeting, sure, but now they were enjoying a little recreational dancing. She would admit to being curious. Not intimidated, necessarily, but curious. She liked her Clan leader and was happy he was back in Nachton but aside from the one interaction a few years ago when she'd first arrived in Nachton, she had had very little to do with Alfarinn and didn't know him well.
Kiamhaat respected him a great deal and liked him very much on top of that, and that spoke volumes to Aishe. It went without saying, too, that Chris felt strongly for Alfarinn as well. Therefore Aishe adored Alfarinn by association. That, and she loved everything that was Evenhet. having been brought into this world full of such family made her happy.
Alfarinn's hand was cool in hers as they danced to something upbeat and trendy. Aishe wasn't exactly the best dancer when it was something not ballroom, but she wasn't an embarrassment either. As they moved, she looked up at Alfarinn and tilted her head.
"That didn't go so badly," she said a little tentatively.
She wasn't fooling herself; she didn't know why she'd been asked to come along. Aishe was probably close to the youngest, if not the youngest, member of Evenhet. What she could possibly offer in this situation was completely beyond her.
Turning to pay the tab, Alfarinn chuckled at the notion that the Egyptian would be emailing people direction and advice for work from the Tower. "Tell him it will keep. Or throw his phone in the ocean...whichever works best."
Kem was a sender; it made cellphones really unnecessary. However he found that humans, even the ones at Evenhet, tended to prefer a text over mental communication. He would admit it did take some getting used to. For his own part, Alfarinn was always comforted by the ability to shove them out of his head, should he so choose. Sometimes he'd do it to Christian just for practice.
It was a good thing Staubbach was a patient man.
((OOC: Alfarinn out ))