One Step at a Time
Mara had not ventured far from the Manor since the attack in the alley, save for her meeting with Sorcha and a brief journey out here and there to feed herself, after which she scurried back to the Manor in a heart-thumping panic. She had to get over that. Even running around as a cat didn't help; everyone who might want to harm her knew exactly what she looked like and there was only one silver and black mau roaming the Nachton streets as far as she knew.
She didn't want to go to Shades'; she was vexed with her great-grandfather for tipping of Mai, who had in turn brought Amir into it which was exactly what Mara had been trying to avoid. It did give her a warm little feeling of comfort, however she tried to deny it, to know that he had had his say. She knew why he was trying to distance himself from her but she loved him and missed him. She had forgotten that that went both ways... and he was still looking out for her. As for Shades, when Mara had expressed her displeasure to him he'd ruffled her hair, laughed, and told her she was welcome to take her concerns to the Elder of the Hunt. Hrmph. Jerk.
Mara knew the Manor wasn't entirely safe either; vampires allied with Subira could move here freely but she doubted any of them would be foolish enough to try anything here. She wasn't fooling herself though; she stayed close to the Manor because Amir was here, and because Jin was here. She knew she was being a little bit dependent but she couldn't help it. She would get over it eventually.
Tonight, however, was a quiet night. It was unseasonably warm so she had ventured outside, as a cat so she would remain warm, and now lay upon one of the benches in the gardens with her paws tucked up underneath her. She was mostly watching the sky and tracing constellations but every now and then her eyes drifted halfway closed like a real cat's would, as her thoughts wandered here and there for a minute or three.
Of course, if it hadn't been for that he would have stood and politely excused himself. He had learned his lesson about getting between them. It resulted in dry cleaning bills and awkward conversation. Instead he inclined his head at the giant tiger that had joined them.
"Good evening Jin."
The instinct to leave was still there, but there was something suggesting he should stay too. Bao didn't know what to make of that.
Becoming human once more, Jin came to stand behind Mara once more. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned against her back.
"You were? Was that why the fuzzy tips of my ears were burning?"
He cast a glance at Claire, and stepped to the side long enough to give her a little bow in apology. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle." Everyone else anyway. He was just being playful, likely Mara understood even if the others didn't.
"Good Evening, Bao, Claire."
Returning to his comfortable place behind Mara, Jin looked from one face to the next. "Okay, so what were we discussing?"
"Pardon, Monsieur." She leaned close and spoke to him quietly.
Turning back to their new arrival, Claire smiled and shrugged.
"There is no need for apology. Bon Soir."
When he asked what they had been referring to, Claire looked to Mara and then back at Jin. She did not wish to get ahead of things. Mara had obviously wanted to let Jin explain the situation.
"We were just speaking of where I volunteer, Erasma Women's Establishment, and about its founder, Sofia. I was told she had a family emergency and went back to Greece." Claire gave him a knowing look. "But Sofia has no family in Greece and hasn't had any for centuries.
Claire backed the conversation up a little bit, which made Mara smile gratefully at her. She turned herself on the arm of the bench a little so she could look at Jin. "I told her we had been there but it was your case," she said, her expression apologetic. She hadn't meant to step on his toes but the conversation had gone on and, well...
She lifted her shoulders at Jin in a half a shrug. "I mentioned tracking Sofia."
Mara looked back and forth from Jin to Claire, having brought Jin up to speed on the conversation thus far.
He did his best to ignore Mara's reaction to Jin's arrival and return to human form. It wasn't over the top or any thing like that, in fact it was rather subtle. But it was from Mara, and there were somethings he didn't care to know about his elder sister.
"I am a late comer in to these proceedings and rather curious what has drawn so much attention to her in the first place.�
He didn't think the Night would just show up if she went MIA. No, something more was at work here. Granted it was none of his business, but Bao was as curious as the next person. Providing the next person weren't Mara.
He didn't know how much of her private life Sofia shared with the vampires she knew. He also didn't know much about Claire, perhaps she too kept men locked in cages in her basement.
"I am sorry to say that, no, she did not go to Greece. The trail ended in her building. The one next to the shelter."
He was sorry, not that such a vampire was gone, but that he had to tell someone that might have called her friend. He was not the most sentimental person in the world but some things were just wrong. Sofia was twisted; such vampires were better killed and sent on to whatever was next. For the sake of humanity but more importantly for the sake of the clan.
Jin hugged Mara tighter, leaning a cheek against her shoulder.
"I was not aware that she was dead when I went searching for her. I have been following up on the deaths of clan mates. They all have one ability in common." Jin regarded his clan mates solemnly. "Command."
He sighed and continued. "Sofia was an Ancient with the ability. Those are the people being targeted but younger vampires with the ability have also been killed." Jin shrugged. "I was going to speak to her. Tell her she wasn't safe, ask her to come back to the Manor."
"It was too late." He finished sadly.
Her hand flew to mouth, and if possible, she became more pale. Claire braced herself on the bench and stared out into the night. She listened with half her attention to the rest of Jin's explanation. Yes, Sofia had been old. Claire had seen the woman use command, mostly for good. Though some men once tried to force their way into the shelter to get someone's beaten and abused wife. The results were immediate. Sofia had been a master of the ability, weaving it with subtly if she chose or swinging it like a hammer. Those men were found dead later. Claire had not been surprised, nor concerned. They had threatened the women and she understood what that meant to Sofia. Claire treated the sick but she was not naïve. Sofia dealt harshly with men, too harshly, but she had her reasons.
Sorin. Where ever he was there was someone looking for him. Yet another someone. There would be no trial from the sounds of it. No defense. She wondered why these people were being singled out for death.
"Why? Do you know?"
She could find him. Warn him. Or she could lead this murderer right to him. It was tempting to reach for Bao again. Claire sat rigidly on the bench, clutching the edge of it with white knuckles.
His cheek on her shoulder was comforting when she would have shuddered in fear. She held the reaction in check and folded her arms over his at her waist, slipping her fingers between his.
Regarding Bao solemnly Mara nodded while Jin spoke. She didn't think it was widely known that Command was one of his abilities; he had very little to do with the wolves. Amir was in a far brighter spotlight there. Still though, Bao was her sibling, her friend of sorts, and she would not like to see him injured in any way.
Mara squeezed Jin's hand almost imperceptibly. He was normally not quite so blunt but she remembered his reaction at discovering that darker side of Sofia and it was not difficult to imagine his speculations about Claire, which she thought might be similar to her own. She admired his fortitude in dealing with such an uncomfortable topic. It couldn't be easy to do.
There was little for her to add unless addressed directly about her own part in it, so she just favored Claire with a sympathetic expression and waited to see if there were any more questions forthcoming.
Almost immediately he thought of Amir. It was an ability he and his creator had in common. And, even without evidence, Bao's short list of suspects for something like this included the wolves, very near the top. Certainly that would be a gift they would resent, possibly fear and given Amir's work with them he would be a tempting target.
To a lesser extend Bao thought of himself. But there was only one wolf he held in his control. She was a stubborn thing and had proved capable of running around his commands and even challenging them, but she was coming to heel. He'd just be more careful. His expression lightened some as he noticed Mara looking at him with something akin to concern. Bao only faintly shook his head. He wasn't terribly troubled, not for himself.
In all honesty he was more worried about her. While Xephier's pack had seen them both it had been Mara who had killed one of them and taken the good doctor hostage. Even without command she was a prime target for retaliation.
He was surprisingly sensitive to Claire's reaction and regarded her with an expression of calm and concern. He wasn't certain if it was Sofia's death the brought her sudden distress or if she herself were capable of command. For the second time that night he lightly placed a hand over hers. This time, however, he left it.
"How long has this been going on for? Is it limited to Nachton?"
The one question he didn't ask was did they have a suspect of any kind. He couldn't imagine the Night or the Hunt just sitting on information like that. If some one were killing ancients or any member of the clan, any lead would be exhausted.
"From what we can tell. All of the Ancients were part of those that put command on the werewolves after the war." Jin held up a hand, to say there was more. "However, we know that a vampire is involved. Why? That we don't know."
Jin turned to Bao. "There are several things that point to a vampire and the first answers your questions. When the deaths started happening closer together we were finally able to find the thing that linked them all together. Their ability and their part in the Treaty. Once we had that piece we started looking for all the vampires who had taken part."
He let out a deep sigh and finished. "Many of them were already dead. Their deaths were decades and more apart from each other. Some appear natural, some murder, and the methods have quite often been different. Its hard to tell cause of death in many cases, of course." Jin shrugged, their kind left very little to examine. "But seen on the whole, especially now that the deaths are coming closer together...its obvious. A vampire, an old one. I suspect, as we have seen the wolves in the cities now, that the hold on them has been almost completely broken. I think that is the reason for the increase in... frequency." Finish it now before Anantya has time to do anything to resolve the problem. Jin didn't think it could be repaired at this point. They would have to go to war and begin the command anew.
"My Creator..." She told him softly. The other would likely hear as well but it was meant as an explanation to him. She had told him before who her sire had been. Bao would know why this news was distressing for her.
She listened to the rest of the information. The news that an Ancient was picking off members of the clan was further unwelcome. Sorin needed to be warned. Claire would do her best to track him. She knew just the item. He might not be pleased that she used it but Claire knew that it had great personal meaning for him.
"This person or people, do you know where they might be? Or where they might strike next?"
They had to come to Nachton eventually.
As Jin moved one hand to gesture with it, holding it up, Mara was fairly quick to gather it back when he lowered it again. She was glad that he had shown up when he did. She never would have been able to answer all of these questions herself.
She heard Claire's soft whisper to Bao and determined that Claire's creator must have Command, not Claire herself. She smiled softly at Claire, glad that she seemed to draw some comfort from Bao.
She made a small noise of distress when Claire asked her next question. "I tried to track something the murderer had touched, something from Sofia's," she said softly. "There wasn't enough of an impression on it for me to do anything with it. All we learned was that he left through the sewers and headed downtown."
Mara lifted her shoulders helplessly. They had done their best.
Jin was obviously frustrated and Bao couldn't say he blamed him. This was a nasty little puzzle he frowned a bit, thoughtfully.
"Do you think he is attempting to free the wolves?"
That might concern him. He would consider it later.
He nodded almost imperceptibly at Claire. He felt for her. Not only was her creator apparently in hiding, it seemed he had added yet another person to the list of those seeking him. It would undoubtedly be getting harder to hide. The only comport he had was not to remove his hand.
"Ah, so all we have to do is question everyone who has ever been downtown."
It wasn't sarcasm or mocking, it was just Bao's version of humor. He had great respect for Mara's abilities and wasn't belittling them. He did, however, understand how maddening that little information would be.
Perhaps the situation was unjust but murdering your clan mates? He could not fathom such logic. It was possible the immortal had gone mad. It was not unheard of. Perhaps they remembered the war and this psychotic behavior was the product of some dementia. He had the list of people with command that had set the curse in place. Perhaps it was one of those?
He held Mara close, leaning against her shoulder as she explained how they had tried to track the murderer. She had been so helpful, finding out about Sofia and then giving Anantya a little more information about the assassin.
Looking at Claire, he said. "It seems they are in Nachton now. I suspect they have unfinished business here."
His hand was still on her's. It was more comforting than he knew. She was considering doing something potentially far more stupid than asking thoughtless questions.
Claire nodded to Jin. Then turned to Bao. "Maybe, maybe not." His dry humor would have made her smile in other situations. "Whoever this is will need blood. Hunting is a good way to be spotted by our people. Perhaps they are using donated blood? I could certainly listen for any word that blood has gone missing, or large amounts are being donated somewhere new." She put her other hand on his arm. "Perhaps you could find out which suitable properties have been bought recently? I suppose a killer could just rent an apartment but it would seem to me that they would need a larger base of operations. Somewhere secure but likely not to be noticed. A warehouse maybe? Factory?" She shrugged. They may be looking for more than one person and she might be completely wrong about the assassin. He could be lounging at the local Motel 6 with a hooker on each arm. It was still somewhere to start.
Another thought occurred to her, Claire looked at Jin. "The attacker could have reported their presence to the clan. They could be staying right here among us, accepted as Anantya." There would be no need to worry about hunting then. An outside property was still a good thing to look for. You can't go around killing people in the Manor if you live are living there, best to do that elsewhere.
She nodded along with Claire's words as well, understanding her clan-mate's need to contribute if her Creator was one of those with Command but half suspecting Jin would have thought of all these possibilities already. She knew he'd been spending a great deal of time on this problem.
And that worried her, too. Not only was Amir at risk because of his prominence in using that particular ability but Mara knew Jin was in danger as well. Not because of Command, obviously, but because sooner or later he might get far too close to having some answers and he would be a threat, if someone didn't already have him marked right now.
Mara couldn't do anything about that. For either of them. She could feel the color draining out of her face as she considered the possibility of losing either Amir, Jin, or both of them. She could hardly ask either of them to stop being what they were though. She knew they both had dangerous jobs. And she knew they would do them to the best of their abilities for as long as they could.
And she would do hers. If Amir and Jin were in danger, they at least had backup. Lots of it. If either one of them was missing for so long as an hour, Mara would find out why. She thought that given the current situation a little bit of paranoia wasn't uncalled for.
Mara gripped Jin's hands tightly, as if she could keep him from disappearing that way. Poor Claire must be terrified, if she felt about her Creator the same way Mara felt about Amir or Jin.
He didn't say anything to Jin, but instead took it as a given that any of his resources were at the other man's disposal if they were needed. Bao did not, however, say anything as to do so would be to step on Jin's toes or imply he wasn't considering this from all angles. And he had confidence that Jin was doing everything he could.
Bao softly squeezed Claire's hand. Her ideas were good, there was no doubt of that. Although he -loathed- the idea that this creature would be hiding in plain sight. He had hoped to calm her to get her to keep thinking and addressing the possibilities one at a time to see what additional information Jin would offer, but the hand on his arm distracted him slightly. Bao was rusty, but... He gave up and said nothing, only smiled without smiling. An expression it had taken him a hundred years to master.
Seeing Mara go slightly pale though he raised an eyebrow at Jin. He needed to keep his elder sister safe and if possible happy. He should be less than amused if Mara were hurt.
"Property is also a good possibility. I've considered it Even though this vampire is old, it is possible they did not have any real estate in Nachton. If they are not at the Manor then they will need a place to sleep, if nothing else." Jin sighed. "I just haven't had the time to follow that lead. I've been working on contacting all the people with command. They need to know that they are in danger."
Jin returned Mara's tight squeeze, taking comfort in her presence. A large part of him wanted to slink off and find somewhere private so that they could turn their focus to other things. However, it was good to discuss this and more people helping in the search would mean the sooner this monster was caught.
Bao's sympathetic gesture and kind expression were noticed, slight and subtle though they were. He happened to be sitting next to a person who had spent hundreds of years reading facial expressions. First for her father and then for her....other father.
Sorin might need to face Anantya for his crimes but Claire would be damned if some demented killer was going to take him away from her. He deserved to pay for what he had done and that might mean his death, likely it did, but this was different. She wouldn't lose him like this. Not while there was something she could do.
She gave Bao's hand a light squeeze and leaned into him, touching his shoulder with her own. "Thank you." Her voice was quiet.
Standing up, Claire smoothed her coat and put her hands back in the muff. Perhaps she could savor the lingering memory of Bao's wrapped around her own as she made her way to the Manor.
Claire turned to Jin "If there is anything you need from me then, please, do not hesitate to ask." Addressing everyone she said. "I am afraid I have things I see to."
((OOC: Claire out ))
"Jin, I can help you," she offered. Mara's skills were definitely best used in exactly this way, finding information and looking for small details of that nature. She was doing nothing right now, not really, aside from the little bit of scanning Amir had asked of her. Not even Shades had work for her right now.
And, was she not also of the Order of the Night? If he had run short on time why hadn't he asked for assistance? Mara would be only too happy to do what she could. And if not her, for whatever reason, there were others.
As Claire stood to leave Mara turned back to her. She noted once again the brief contact between Claire and Bao; although Claire seemed mostly to initiate it, her younger sibling was not discouraging it. It was a fact that interested Mara, but not to distraction. She filed it away to be examined at a later date.
"Good night, Claire," she said as her clanmate left. "I'm sorry, again. About Sofia."
She turned her pale eyes to Bao and raised her eyebrows at him. Was he really just going to let Claire walk away, upset? She tilted her head in the direction Claire had gone and blinked once or twice. Mara was no good at the relationship thing, really, but even she could get that one right.