AFK for at least 1 week, probably 2

If there are any technical problems (permissions, etc), please contact Vex on . Staff issues - Aishe or Mai.

I'm afk for at least 1 week, maybe 2. See you guys soon.

Pakpao 14 years ago
Hope everything is OK. We will do our best not to break anything in the mean time
Aishe 14 years ago
Be safe Roz. We'll hold down the fort until you return!

Vivienne Sena 14 years ago
=) Nothing major, but my mother will be here for the next week and possibly my mother in law the following week. I gotta cut my wow, too =x /dies
Reign 14 years ago
LOL Have a nice visit and have some fun too.
Panos Mehalitsenos 14 years ago
Im gonna touch everything while your gone.

Have fun with the fam!
Jin 14 years ago
Creepy, Panos! Way to make her feel the need to return quickly!

Hmm, that might be a good plan. *helps Panos break things* Hurry back, Roz!

Have Fun!