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Pak parked in the driveway. It was late, or early depending on how you looked at it, she doubted Kem was going to be going any where and she did hate leaving the Lil Bird on the street. She stretched in the driver's seat and almost turned around. It was late, she would be bothering him and really she should be able to work this out on her own.

Finally she decided that even if she didn't talk to him about the whole command thing she wasn't wasting a trip out here. With a bit of sending and some telekinesis the door was opened, Pak came in took off her shoes and relocked the door. It was Pak's way of more or less saying she was planning on staying the day.

Kem wandered out, apparently from the bedroom and apparently read for bed. Maybe she should work on her timing a bit.

"If you want to tell me to get [color=red]the hell[/color] out you'd better do it fast."

It wasn't a growl or a threat though, just a fact. She'd leave and wouldn't feel chased out after all she was the one intruding.

Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
"I have a hard time seeing you as boring in any circumstances," Kem said mildly.

It was difficult to tell what Pak was thinking. Bonding gave him a sense of her feelings but not her exact thoughts. He wasn't too alarmed still; she was mostly calm if unsettled and slightly frustrated.

Then she perked up a little... at least for Pak she perked up. Sarcasm counted as perky.

"If you hadn't left your screwdriver there..." He shook his head at Pak.

"If you hadn't left it there I wouldn't have a little sister now. So it's all for the best," he finished. "Do you want me to go with you to this so-called training session?"
Pakpao 13 years ago
A year or so ago Pak might have protested, she might have let his conversation drag her down but she had gotten better about that. And now she could also feel Kem in her head, sort of lurking. Concerned but reassuring and more important, there. That was really all she needed.

"Oh don't even try to make this may fault -you- should have been watching where you were going."

She playfully growled back at him. But if she had known that leaving her screwdrivers about would get her a reward like a big brother, she would have left a dozen all over the archives years earlier. Pak slid across the couch and snuggled up against Kem feeling safe and secure, not quite happy but she'd take two out of three.

"Yes. I want your opinion on him. But if you think some one from security is better or you don't have time that is fine. But you are my first choice."
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem wasn't even about to argue that he had had a box in his hands at the time. It wasn't worth it.

"Okay. It's my fault we met and now enjoy and loving platonic bond. Guilty as charged." He grinned at Pak.

He was surprised when she cuddled up against him; Pak wasn't always the touchy feely type. He raised his arm up though, so she could slip under it, and held her close.

"Of course I'll come," he said. "Just say when and where. I'll be there."
Pakpao 13 years ago
OK maybe this bond thing was a good deal, it was working out, at least for her. It was a lot harder to be scared stupid and to doubt yourself when you knew you had total support of some one. She didn't know what Kem got out of this bond, but she wasn't knocking it

She leaned against Kem and told him she'd keep him posted about her next lesson with Bao. She also made note to see about talking to Mara about this as well. The odds were good that she'd had similar lessons. Obviously Mara couldn't come to the lessons, not if Kem was but she might have some insight.

They talked for a bit more and soon enough Aishe came in from playing with the racoons and the topic of conversation shifted a bit. Pak did have the good grace to officially ask to stay the night before the sun came up. It was something that she'd done often enough before that she had a few things stashed at their place which made things easier. Kem and Aishe turned in and Pak made herself at home on the couch. It was, to her mind, a productive night.

((OOC... all out with permission))