Yoshida Akahana - Anantya

Basic Information
Birth Name (Name Guidelines):Yoshida Akahana
Aliases: Akiko, Hana, Akane, Dharma, Kitsune, Hanae, Hanako
Place of Birth: Kyoto, Japan
Age:(real and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires here, see the real/apparent age calculator for werewolves here) 2013, turned at 19
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Runs an escort service
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Priestess, Courtesan, Oiran, Geisha, Dancer, Singer, Musician


Hair Color:black
Length and Style: Long, straight, to her butt
Eye Color: Golden
Skin Color: a warm honey
Weight:125 lbs
Nationality: Japanese (Of partly Chinese Ancestry)
Race: (I.E. Vampire, [COLOR=red]Werewolf[/COLOR], human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: slender, graceful, fine boned. Facial features include a narrow face, high forehead and cheekbones.
Wolf Form ([COLOR=red]Werewolf - please read first[/COLOR]):

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC) [COLOR=red]( Please be as specific as possible, who your [COLOR=red]creator[/COLOR]/[COLOR=red]gifter[/COLOR] was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?)[/COLOR]: Mai

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality Charming, serene, curious,mysterious, calculating
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Appropriate. She does a lot of different things and for each she looks the part. Cultured and shy, or domineering in leather and heels.
3.What does your character like? new things, interesting people, good conversation, excellent alcohol, nice relaxing days at home, people of deep faith.
4. Dislike? Dogs, werewolves, strobe lights, people who judge on appearance,hospitals, religious fanatics.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR]

Werewolves - She was attacked and left for dead by a pack of werewolves. She distrusts them and while one would not scare her, three or more would be too many.

Seizures - Fears that one day her seizures will happen at the wrong time and get her killed. Already they have happened during times of stress and the results have been nearly terminal in both cases.

Large Emotionally Charged Crowds - A party or a speech is fine until the crowd becomes riled up about something and then she becomes nervous. Bar brawls, religious revivals even some political rallies would frighten her enough to want to be elsewhere. This is compounded by her knowledge that she can control small situations but not large ones.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]

Adaptable - Well versed in various cultures, Akahana is able to fit in smoothly wherever she finds herself. She is trained to maintain her poise even under surprising, perhaps shocking events, and is able to keep a level head under most circumstances.

Outgoing - Not at all shy, Akahana is willing to talk to anyone about anything.

Interested - She's finds people fascinating and likes to get to know them. The more she knows the more she is concerned for their welfare.

Strong personality - Sometimes she's too much for some people to handle. Akahana is flirty and can come on very strongly.

Hard to tie down - Not tie up, that's easy. She's loves people and anyone who has a relationship with her would need to understand what she does for a living and that while she may love them she is still going to see other people.

Nosy - She's curious about people and tends to want to know their interests, thoughts and secrets.

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here)

Shapeshifting - white fox

Flaws (Listed here)

Picky Eater - Must find the person interesting. These often times requires she take longer to hunt.
Sensitive to light - especially pulsing or rhythmic lights
Nervous Twitch - Epileptic seizures

Werewolf -

Abilities - Listed here (Include Tier Points) -

Flaws - Listed here(Include Tier Points) -

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read http://www.sanguineaffliction.com/forum/showthread.php?t=157]here[/URL])
Speaks many languages over the years as an entertainer
Has a PhD in psychology and degrees in anthropology, religion and business and marketing
Sculpts and makes pottery
Plays the Shamisen, Koto, Flute and Piano
Flower arranging
Knows the customs and etiquette of various cultures
Drink mixing
Alcohol tasting
Modeling and acting
Knows various Martial Arts thanks to her Creator, is fond of aikido and tai chi.
Acupuncture and Acupressure

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.)
Has golden eyes

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention -

Likes to push people to do things they wouldn't normally do or think they can't. She doesn't generally force people but enjoys watching someone do something new and expanding their horizons or comfort zone.

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

They told her she was different from the beginning.

-A graceful little girl learns to walk far more quickly than most children. She is seen as blessed. She continues to grow ever more beautiful and people talk about how unusual she is. Harmless now, a mother worries about her bright guileless daughter who captures the loving attention of those around her. Soon that interest would become something else.-

-Sent to the temple, Akahana learns to read and write. She soaks in every lesson with a quick mind and eager heart. She is known for her kindness and her ability to listen. People find her easy to talk to, they take comfort in her concern and lack of judgment.-

-There is a drought. The temple is blamed, especially one of its priests. A small mob comes to confront him. He hides inside refusing to come out and face their angry accusations. Further angered by his cowardice, they storm inside to seek him out. They find a very sick girl, the one who looks like a fox spirit, slender and graceful. Some claim her illness is evidence that the priest has done wrong and others claim she is to blame. Akahana is pulled out of the temple along with the priest. She reaches the courtyard and stumbles. Falling to the ground, she begins to writhe and twitch. The mob sees this as a sign of her guilt. She is possessed by an evil spirit and is responsible for their troubles. They beat her, trying to drive the spirit from her body. When the mob stops kicking and punching, she is barely breathing. They leave her there on the ground to die.

A small figure sees the girl from the shadows as the people disperses. Intrigued the stranger finds the girl still breathing, but barely. She chooses to gift her with immortality, finding her tenacity encouraging.-

-A new vampire finds a home amongst the Order of the Night. She uses her interest in people to learn the things her clan wants to know. She finds that she must play many new roles and throws herself into learning how to charm and entertain.-

-As a courtesan she finds that she still gives temporary solace,perhaps of a different nature, to those in need. It is in this role that she becomes a favorite entertainer to the wealthy and powerful in Vietnam. A group of wanderers take up temporary residence on the outskirts of town. Akahana is asked by members of the clan to suggest to the leaders that they force the newcomers to leave.

She departs a councilor's home after entertaining at a successful small party where she managed to speak to many of the leaders about the strangers, convincing them with her charm and ability to decide the travelers are a nuisance and need to be made to leave. A group of the drifters confront her, one of the members a fellow courtesan who knew of the party. The confrontation leads to a fight. She is overwhelmed by the wolves. Torn, bitten and bleeding, she falls to the ground, once more shuddering and twitching, oblivious to her surroundings. On the verge of sunrise, they leave her for dead. She crawls to a nearby damaged fishing boat, crawling under it, she spends a uncomfortably painful day in desperate need of blood.-

-A murder is killing those with command that had forced the Treaty on the werewolves. She is asked by her elder to join his cause and find out what she can. As his confidant, she comes to Nachton.-

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Mai
Other Characters you play - Mai,Jin, Jan, Alfarinn, Sorcha, Christian, Evgeni, etc...
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - Roz promised cookies or something
Have you read all the http://www.sanguineaffliction.com/forum/showthread.php?t=160]Rules[/URL]? yep
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? O_O
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? * Counts Digits * yes