Living in Blissful Sin
It was a chilly night but not too bad; Mara's new coat kept her plenty warm, as did her hand tucked into Jin's. They had opted to go by foot this time rather than take Jin's car. Mara had rapidly gotten used to having Jin near. Since Valentine's Day they had rarely spent a daytime apart. She had been a frequent visitor to his apartment and he to hers. She fell asleep nestled against him and woke up wanting him and having him there.
Tonight they were simply walking. Mara had delivered a few cases of her newest designs to the three shops in the mall that sold them for her; this round was all spring flowers done in glass, of course. She was curious to see if there was a lot of interest. Her glass animals tended to sell well.
Business finished, they were walking hand in hand down the strip. Mara didn't shop much so she was taking in the sights as they talked. As they reached a corner her attention was drawn to a two-story building with a small, tasteful sign in black and pink that said "Sinsations."
She broke off mid-sentence and stared a little. The windows were darkened but there was a pretty display in them that showcased corsets, teddies, and all kinds of creative lingerie. She slowed down, curious. She would have had to be blind not to notice that her boyfriend was particularly interested in what she wore. Mara was fairly particular in her choice of underthings. She liked things to be pretty, soft, complimentary. Jin seemed to appreciate the wrapping, as it were, every bit as much as the present within.
Glancing over at Jin Mara found him grinning at her with an air of impish mischief. She stopped and raised her eyebrows, her face growing red as his dark eyes flickered to the store and back to her. Curiosity and the desire to please her partner won out, as well as, she admitted to herself, the fact that she did like to dress prettily. Revealing, not normally, but if it was for Jin there was a lot of appeal in the idea. And who else would it be for?
"Should we...?" Mara turned toward the doorway, casting a glance at Jin. She wanted to do things he liked... and this, she could have fun with.
He looked back at the display that had various different version of the ticklers, as they were calling them. "I like this one." Jin pulled out one of the ones with the softer fuzzy feathers. The one behind his back had some of the softer portions but also some actual long feathers as well.
"One of these..." Jin clamped down on his lip as she hit the little button in her hand. Reaching out, he pulled her close, pressing her tightly against him. Moaning softly against her shoulder, Jin stayed still for a moment as little shivers of pleasure radiated through his body. He bit Mara gently on the neck, before pulling away.
Smiling, he said. "You're an evil woman." Knowing that she was likely going to tease him more, Jin looked at the little toy in his hand. "I don't know. I'm not sure I see the appeal..." With that he took off at a fast walk around the end of the aisle, the two feathered wands still in his hands.
He bit her neck, softly, but enough to cause a shiver in her as well. And then her mischievous tiger was off, disappearing around the end of the aisle with her cat toys! Narrowing her eyes in an unconscious imitation of the evil woman Jin had labeled her, Mara turned the dial on the remote up to 6.
Pressed the button.
And waited.
"That's quite enough of that, young lady, unless you want me to go to jail." He grinned. Leaning down, he scooped Mara up and threw her over his shoulder. Taking another couple of the little cat toys from the display. He marched to the counter with his prize.
"I'd like all of these and this too." Jin smiled at the cashier, gently patting Mara on the behind to clearly illustrate his meaning. He now found himself in a hurry to leave.
Mara laughed as he headed up to the checkout counter with her. "I'd bail you out," she said, gathering Jin's long hair in her hands and moving it out of the way so she didn't inadvertently pull any of the soft white strands.
"That's the second time tonight you've offered to pay for me," she said softly, close to his ear. "If I didn't know you were much smoother, I'd have thought you were hitting on me or something."
Looking down she mischievously slid her hand into his pocket and flicked the dial on the hidden remote up once more, then pressed the button and tried to look innocent.
As he neared the counter he had put the little remote in his pocket, reluctantly relinquishing his hold on it in order to not be asked about it by the clerk. They knew that he had paid for it but he didn't want to cause them an unnecessary concern. He just hoped to get out of the store before Mara managed to pick it up again.
Her words about his pick up methods made him chuckle. "Perhaps I'm just looking for a binding contract or a receipt of sale just in case anyone else wants to lay claim to you." Jin knew better than to even joke about being able to return her, not with her potential access to the toy he was currently wearing. Worse she might refuse to play with it and that really -would- punish him for his witty remarks. Besides Jin couldn't fathom ever wanting to return her even jokingly, perhaps though he should ask if they had a warranty plan.
Jin's eyes widened as he felt the pulse of the little toys. He looked sharply at Mara who was unconvincingly feigning innocence. The look was plenty believable, Jin just knew better.
Taking a deep breath, he asked the woman for their other bags. His words were more rushed than strictly necessary and his smile was a bit crooked as he hastily gathered the handles of all the bags and made for the door at a quick walk.
Stopping in the stairwell, he set Mara down and pulled her close, giving her fiercely demanding kiss before leaning to her ear, and growling softly. "You better be prepared to deal with the consequences of all this teasing when we get home."
With that said, he fairly ran for the door.
She hid her embarrassment at being toted around like a sack of potatoes under a soft laugh as they shared her pick-up joke. She lifted her head once more and placed a warm kiss on the nape of Jin's neck, beneath the heavy fall of hair. "Let them try, merit," she said sweetly, her voice promising retirbution to anyone who attempted to take her from Jin. "Just let them try."
Mara was not about to be claimed by anyone but whom she chose, and she could not imagine choosing anyone but her tiger. She was highly selective when it came to her choice of mate apparently. That, or Jin was simply too good and no others could possibly come close.
She repressed another laugh as the effects of her remote control usage became evident, at least to her, in Jin's hurry to complete his transaction and make for the exit. When he put her gently down on the stairwell and then proceeded to kiss the heck out of her Mara was momentarily stunned. It passed quickly though and she pressed herself against him with equal ferocity, savoring his mouth, his lips, his tongue.
As he growled his mock threat into her ear Mara slyly slipped her hand into his pocket. As Jin flew down the stairs and out the building Mara jogged along slowly behind him, flicking the dial back up on the remote she'd just retrieved and pressing the button as she hummed a little tune to herself.
Oh yes, she was a glutton for punishment.
((ooc: Mara and Jin out))