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Foresight (private: invite only)

Amir had done what he'd needed to do with Aishe. Odd, that he had taken care of that angle first. But it had been the easiest, in its way.

Now he needed to speak to the remaining few that he considered his family, possibly his friends. This would be the hardest to do; not because he was going away. He'd left on business before. But what Amir knew, and what they couldn't know, was that he might not be returning.

He planned to... but he couldn't guarantee his own safety. However, Amir had reached a point where he couldn't deny what Mara had tried to tell him for so long, now that it was right in front of his eyes. He was used to being a weapon, someone's tool. That didn't bother him. But Amir would have taken a walk in the sunlight, he admitted to himself, before using his own pawns as carelessly and recklessly as Subira was now using him. And it wasn't just him. His meeting Connor had proven that. It was many of her children, the elder children, the ones who, of all of them, she should have relied upon but for some reason felt she could not.

Amir waited in one of the smaller studies at Heolfor for Mara and Bao, suspecting Mara would bring Jin along. Even if she didn't he would find the Nightsman himself before leaving. He had things to say to Jin that should likely be for Jin alone.

Bao 14 years ago
As always, Bao answered his father's call. He did so without hesitation or question. It was considerably easier to do when he was here in Nachton and answering only required him to go to a study in the Manor.

He was to meet with the curator tonight. That, however, would wait. Bao had never told her how long to wait. He wondered how long she would. It didn't matter, unless she was still waiting for him tomorrow he had decided to be cross with her. While she'd been better behaved since he'd taken her more in hand, she could undoubtedly use a reminder.

Silently he opened the door and half bowed to Amir.

"Good evening Cha."

He remained silent, standing, waiting. But he didn't insist on knowing why he was here. He didn't push Amir. When his father was ready, he would know.
Jin 14 years ago
The first thing scheduled for tonight, once they left Mara's apartment, was to speak to another member of those on the list who were responsible for the Command on the werewolves. This one, Anushayan Sevan, was a sane and reasonable man. He listened, asked important questions and then said he would begin packing immediately. Jin watched Sevan spin a globe and point a finger down at it. He then said it looked like he was going to Prince Edward Island and would they please be so kind as to keep the knowledge of that location just among themselves.

As they left, Jin felt better. It seemed like at least one ancient in the clan was going to be safe for a while. If there were people tracking Sevan then they had better learn to fly. It would take them a while to locate him again. Hopefully Anantya will have found this killer and his people before then.

Mara had received word a few nights ago from Shades that her Creator wanted to meet with her. So now they had arrived at the Manor and had been informed that Amir was in one of the studies. With Mara's hand in his, Jin led the way to there, not surprised to find both Amir and Bao already present.

He whispered to Mara.

"Are we fashionably late?"
Mara 14 years ago
Mara was glad to have been able to help Jin track down one of the Clan's endangered ancients. She had worried a little, once their relationship had gotten more physical, that he might forget he'd told her she could help him. It hadn't been the case at all though. Jin seemed to welcome her company and that made her happy, even if she hadn't been a huge help yet. She was determined to make herself useful, however.

Amir's summons had come as a surprise, given the fact that he'd adamantly refused to be seen anywhere near them in public and even really at the Manor in the past few months. Mara was worried about him although she knew from experience that Amir tended to be resourceful and very very lucky when under pressure. Which he was, even if he wouldn't admit it.

Still, she was nervous about what he'd have to say. Whose voice would they hear tonight? Amir's or Subira's? Mara had learned over the years how to tell one from the other but in the past few decades even she had to admit it had been more and more difficult to do.

As they entered the study Mara unconsciously tightened her hand on Jin's. Bao was already there; Mara smiled at him as they entered. She glanced at Jin and her smile lingered on him as she shook her head.
"Fashionably on time," she whispered back. "A wizard arrives precisely when he means to."

As she said it her eyes were drawn to her Creator. He was leaning against the large table in the room, arms crossed, looking thoughtful and serious. It was an expression that might have seemed unusual on his young face if one didn't know that Amir was the next oldest person in the room after Jin.

Unable to restrain herself, feeling a surge of bubbly warmth upon seeing him, Mara let go of Jin's hand and crossed the room to Amir. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest and smiling happily.
Amir 14 years ago
Amir looked up as Bao entered. "Hey old man."

It was an old joke, of course. Amir was obviously far older than Bao but no one ever guessed that at first glance.
"How's the illegal business?"

Everyone knew law didn't pay unless you were playing both sides of the line, which Bao was an expert at. Amir had always admired that about his middle vampire.

In only a minute or two Mara and Jin appeared. Amir, leaning against the table, glanced up through lowered lashes and saw their linked hands. He enjoyed that. Mara looked happy. Hell, Jin looked happy. His stomach did a funny turn-over at the idea that it Jin should be so lucky, but it wasn't a horrible surprise. Jin was an exceptional Clanmate, mentally and physically.

Mara let go of Jin's hand to come over to Amir and he wrapped his arms around her, dropping his lips to the top of her head softly. It had been far too long since he'd held her. He felt the loss keenly. It was a strange, uncomfortable mix; happiness that she was so content, slight jealousy that Jin was the one who'd caused it. Gratitude that Jin had caused it. Wistfulness that he were somehow involved in it.

He raised his eyes to Jin as he let Mara go. She didn't linger; she moved right back to a very serene-looking Jin and tucked herself up against him. Amir let his lips twitch up a bit and gave the slightest of nods to Jin. He'd asked the Nightsman to love her, and while he was sure his request had little to do with it, he was happy to see that Jin was doing just that. He received a slightly worried, questioning frown in return and to that, Amir shook his head slightly.

"I'm glad you could all come," he said, including Jin in the statement although his message had been addressed to Mara. "I was hoping to get you all together so I wouldn't have to repeat it too many times."

Amir grinned quickly before sobering.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving Nachton for a little while."

He avoided Mara's gaze.
"I don't know when I'll be back," he said, "but it's likely I'll be gone for at least a month. Maybe a little longer."
Bao 13 years ago
"Productive as always Cha."

Bao almost smiled at his creator, it was an expression as near to fondness as Bao ever got. He did, however, genuinely like Amir.

He only half raised an eyebrow at Jin and Mara's arrival. They did look like they were enjoying the other's company. Still it wasn't a surprise given the two times he had seen them together. He was more surprised that Jin was here than anything. Bao was more interested in Amir's reaction. He had never fully understood their father's feeling's for Mara. They were not clear to him. He only understood that Mara was Amir's favorites.

Given the amount of work that Amir had been doing here in Nachton this news was a little surprising. Although, Bao would be a little happier having his creator removed from Nachton for a bit, the wolves had not been kind to him. On the other hand, however, at least he and Mara had been here for him. He didn't know how he felt about Amir being solo again.

"It is rather sudden. Will you require any assistance?"
Jin 13 years ago
Jin had watched Mara go to hug Amir, smiling at the both of them. It was nice that she was getting a chance to see him. Jin was still worried that Amir was in more danger than even he knew; there were the werewolves, the murderer out for those with Command, and whoever it was that had attacked Mara to send him a message. So when Mara was safely turned away from him, Jin gave Amir a worried little questioning frown. Amir seemed to understand his silent query and gave him the barest of negative answers. That was a relief then.

He wrapped his arms around Mara's waist when she came back to him, giving her a small smile before turning his attention back to Amir. Her Creator announced that he was leaving on business of some kind and that he would be away for about a month. Jin was silently happy to hear this; perhaps they could catch their killer before Amir returned and that would be one less threat to him.

Jin listened but added nothing for the moment. He had been included but he was not Amir's child and he knew this meeting was for their benefit, not his.
Mara 13 years ago
Mara was suddenly even gladder for Jin's arms around her, for without them she surely would have run back across the room to Amir. As it was her entire body went rigid and she immediately felt her heart skip a few beats... and not in the way it did when she saw Jin walk into a room.

"What? Why?"

She felt her breath catch in her throat. Amir almost never went away without her. "Where will you be?"

His words had made it clear he was going alone and Mara didn't like that. While she wasn't sure how she would have felt about leaving Jin if Amir had asked, she also didn't like him going alone. This raised another issue for her; she hadn't considered what would happen if Jin and Amir weren't in the same place. How could she be with them both?

She could not, and her presence was obviously not requested this time. She felt herself deflate under the hurt it caused. Amir had pushed her away, yes, and she should have expected this. But she knew he loved her. And she loved him. She looked at Jin since Amir would not look at her. She knew the emotion was naked upon her face but she couldn't help it.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir shook his head at Bao. "Not this time," he said, "but if I'm wrong I will call you."

He wouldn't be able to call anyone, he was fairly certain, but they didn't need to know that.

Mara's response was predictable. Amir couldn't hide the fact that it pained him just as much to hurt her as it did to leave her.

"It's work, 'eni," he said, finally looking up at her. "I have to go. It'll be all right though. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He shook his head and shrugged when she asked where he'd be.
"I'm not entirely sure," he admitted honestly. It didn't do to lie to Mara if he didn't have to; she was too good at reading body language. "Chances are I'll be all over the place."

He gave a sigh. He wasn't happy about this either but he didn't see that he had a choice, now that he'd finally worked out a solution.
"I'll be leaving in the next night or two. I just wanted you to know."

Amir had had this discussion with them before. It generally went the same each time, only, he'd never left Mara out like this before. Bao sometimes, yes, depending upon whose skill sets he required. But Mara had been his companion for centuries.
Bao 13 years ago
Perhaps that is what felt so wrong about this sudden trip, he was leaving Mara. Bao would not admit it but he felt better knowing Mara was with their creator, it was better he was not alone some one had to watch his back.

He only nodded at Amir's words knowing they were true. He would call if Bao was needed, just as Amir knew Bao would drop everything and come for Amir if asked. There was no question about this. It simply was.

Ah, that was the other thing that was bothering him. That chat he'd had with Mara a while back. They had no way of knowing if this was a stupidly reckless command or a well thought out assignment.

No, the long and the short of it is this trip bothered him on several levels. He almost suspected Amir wasn't telling them everything. Certainly he wasn't, but it felt like he was leaving out something significant.
Jin 13 years ago
Jin listened to Amir and watched the reaction of his children. It seemed obvious that they were very concerned by this trip. Well it seemed obvious that Mara was concerned, Bao was certainly harder to read.

Mara turned to him, the look on her face expressed very clearly her hurt, love and worry for Amir. Jin looked down at her sadly, feeling helpless to make her feel better. Over the centuries he had watched Mai go into dangerous situations and sometimes he had been afraid that she would not come back. He held Mara tighter and whispered softly.

"It'll be okay. Amir is good at taking care of himself, and sometimes even other people."

Jin smiled up at the Huntsman who had helped drag his butt out of the fire once or twice over the years as his partner on missions for the clan. They hadn't been together often but he knew that Amir was quite capable.

"Is this for the Hunt?"

That might explain the need to move around and why he could not say more about it. Perhaps knowing that it was for the Clan would make Mara feel better.
Mara 13 years ago
Mara did her best to huddle even though she was still standing. She was miserable. Amir was leaving her. The thought terrified her and depressed her. She had Jin though, and he was holding her tightly and whispering reassuring words to her.

He had no idea, she thought sadly, just how true his words were. Amir put everyone before himself. He might be proud, impulsive, irritable, and stubborn, but when it came to Clan and family he never hesitated to care for them. She could never have had a better Creator. She acknowledged Jin's words by nodding at him.

Looking up at Bao she saw that he seemed concerned as well, but not overly so. Was she overreacting? Mara leaned against Jin and bit her lip softly. She looked at Amir when Jin asked his question, waiting for the answer.
Amir 13 years ago
Ironic, Amir thought, that the one person there who wasn't one of his was the one who was talkative. It wasn't that unusual for him to be gone doing work... granted, it wasn't common either but still. The long faces were surprising.

He cast a grateful glance toward Jin and then looked at Bao, who was stoic and unreadable as always. Shrugging his shoulders, Amir addressed the Nightsman's question as best he could.

"It is for the Clan," he said. That much was absolutely true. Granted, what he was doing might also hurt the Clan in a different way but Amir was damned either way it happened... this way was the better way to go in his opinion.

"It's just a month or so. That's all."

This time he looked at Mara, giving her tacit approval to track him after that month if she wanted to. He knew she would wait if he asked her to. But it occurred to him that if he lasted that long, it would be good to know they would look for him at that point.

Very good.
Bao 13 years ago
Bao set his jaw, unhappy with Amir's answer. He, like Mara, would understand it and its ramifications. This was bad. Some one should go with him. Bao simply couldn't comprehend the idea of a world without his creator in it. So no, he didn't think Mara was over reacting, he simply didn't show his feelings to that extent.

He found himself pushing Amir, something he only -rarely- did and only then when he felt exceptionally strongly about something.

"Cha I have nothing pressing at the moment. I am certain I can be of some assistance."

That was nearly true, he could have things lined up to arrange for a month or two absence with some effort. Nothing, with the exception of the curator, needed his attention right now and he could arrange for her to keep as well.

More important than any of that though was Amir's safety though. He would rather lose his hold on the she wolf than his father. He could help, even if it was minor just seeing to some details, of that he was certain and if he could take Amir's mind off one or two small things then that would be more focus Amir could dedicate to staying alive.
Jin 13 years ago
Jin narrowed his eyes slightly but made no other comment to Amir's statement. He had asked if the outing was for the Hunt and Amir had returned that it was for the Clan in general. That suggested to him that whatever he was doing was not being done for his Order. He was coming to the conclusion that Mara was right to worry. He had no say in the matter though and Amir was doing what he felt he had to. This meeting was so that his kids wouldn't worry and Jin did not plan to undermine that effort by voicing his suspicions.

Bao, it seemed, was also concerned, if his pressing the offer of his assistance was anything to go on. Jin hoped that Amir would take his child up on the company but he doubted that it would happen. He suspected that whatever Amir was doing was too dangerous for Amir to want to involve his children.
Mara 13 years ago
Mara watched Amir with hopeful eyes as Bao pressed his offer but she didn't think their Creator would take him up on it. Amir was wont to grow more stubborn, not less, having already turned it down once.

Jin remained silent and Mara glanced at him. He was watching Amir intently, but they all were really. She watched her Creator, unspeaking, hardly moving. She felt horribly guilty about it but in a way she was glad he had given her no choice. How could she choose between two of three men in the world she loved? How could she pick between love that was and love that had always been?

Maybe she didn't love her Creator enough. Maybe if she did she would insist on going. Instead she latched onto his words. One month.

Mara did look at him then. He was watching her with serious dark eyes. He nodded at her, just briefly. She raised her head, understanding. What she was supposed to understand she wasn't sure. But he needed her to do this and she would.

"One month," she said softly.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir shook his head firmly at Bao. "No. Not this time. Don't think I don't appreciate it, Bao, but you have enough to worry about. Don't forget you've trouble enough here, whether or not it is rearing its ugly head. Help Jin, if he can use you. Just as you would me."

Without using those exact words Amir instructed Bao to regard the Nightsman as he would Amir himself. Of course they all worked for the Clan but family mattered and Bao was, after Mara, Amir's closest child. If Amir didn't return Bao should look to Jin and Mara for instruction. In doing so, Amir acknowledged Jin as part of the small family. Jin might not know that or want that, but Mara had done it when she'd made it clear that she cared for him.

Amir avoided Jin's gaze, in the meantime. He would tell him what he could if he had the chance. Looking at Mara though, it was clear that she at least had some grasp of his meaning. He nodded to her; she raised her head in subtle acknowledgment. A month, if he made it that long, should be enough to accomplish what he needed.
Bao 13 years ago
A flicker crossed Bao's face when Amir declined his assistance, but there wasn't much more he could do. His eyes darkened and he regarded Jin coldly, professionally, when Amir included Jin in his direction. He had absolutely no qualms about assisting the white haired Nights-man with anything he needed. However, no one could take his father's place.

"As you wish Cha."

He turned to his sister's lover (he could only assume they were lovers from what he'd seen of them thus far) and bowed slightly stiffly but still polite. His offer was sincere, if slightly stilted, but there was no resentment.

"How ever I may aid you."

Bao cased a covert glance at his sister wondering if she knew more of this than he did. It wouldn't surprise him if she did, Mara had a gift for information gathering.
Jin 13 years ago
Amir's statement was shocking, to him at least. Jin blinked, and quickly schooled his features into a bland expression that masked the surprise. Why would Bao take direction from him in Amir's absence? Perhaps the Huntsman was trying to find something to keep his son occupied with so that he did not go looking for him. Jin was more than willing to having help, but he'd didn't think it was going to improve his relations with Bao.

He was already under the impression that Mara's brother disapproved of him and now he was being told to answer to him. Jin groaned inwardly. This probably wouldn't help his opinion at all.

Turning to Bao, he found a small smile and nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Thank you. I appreciate you assistance, Bao." He could not tell how the lawyer took the news. Bao seemed somewhat stiff about it but then Jin noted that was how he normally appeared. There was perhaps a subtle difference and that small change was just more confirmation that he was not approved of by the Roseman.

Jin glanced back at Amir, wondering what was going on with the Huntsman. He supposed they could give Amir his month and then begin to worry if he did not return. Jin resolved to mark the days and he was certain that Mara would be doing the same.
Mara 13 years ago
Mara felt comforted by the fact that Amir seemed to have a plan. Whatever he was doing he was setting things in place, as he normally did when he was making provision for all sorts of outcomes. She was worried, very worried, about what exactly he was doing that he couldn't tell them about.

She felt Jin stiffen in surprise at Amir's words. She understood his trepidation but she understood what Amir was trying to do. He was making it very clear that Jin had his trust, that he felt secure in the Nightsman's inclusion in their small family. It warmed Mara's heart. She hated conflict. She couldn't stand infighting. Amir was doing this primarily for her, letting her know he approved.

Bao's cool response didn't help matters any, she imagined. Mara slipped her arm around Jin's waist in a silent show of support, smiling at her younger brother as well. She knew what he was thinking and she agreed. Jin was not Amir.

But Jin was an Elder, a Nightsman, very good at his job, and worthy of taking orders from. On a personal level, of course, he had a grip on her heart that was unshakable and she had never experienced this sort of closeness with anyone but Amir.

"All right," she said softly. "I wish you would let one of us come. But if we can't then we will await your return."
Amir 13 years ago
Amir sighed with relief as everyone seemed to tentatively be in agreement. He'd been worried about that. He knew his plan would onyl work if they were working together, if they believed him, and trusted him enough to leave him be for that length of time.

Now if only he could summon the faith in his plan that Mara seemed to have found. He smiled, nodding at Jin and Bao both. They would all be fine. He knew he was asking Jin for a huge favor. If he survived this, he'd owe Jin for half a lifetime.

"You can't come along, not this time," Amir said to Mara. "It'll go quickly."

He said it as much for himself as for them; it just might go a lot faster than he'd thought.

"That was all I needed to tell you," he said with a shrug. "I know I can count on you."

That last was, of course, for Mara and Bao. And it was his way of dismissing them. He crossed the room to Bao and put his hand on his shoulder.
"It'll be all right," he said.