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Full Disclosure (Private: Jin)

Mara walked out of the study after their meeting with Amir, worried and preoccupied, one thought on her mind. That was finding Jin, who had said he would be in the kitchen. So she headed that way. She had to talk to him. And she was worried and upset; she needed to be with him.

She thought he would understand; Jin loved his own Creator very much. While Mara realized it wasn't meant in the same context she knew he would empathize. Once in the kitchen she went straight to him, noting the kettle of water on the stove and the two mugs on the counter.

Jin opened his arms as she approached and Mara didn't hesitate to rush to him, burying her face in his neck and wrapping her arms around him. She felt a wave of relief and love as she rested her cheek on his shoulder and let out a shuddering sigh.

"He's doing something dangerous," she said. "He's going to do something dangerous, and stupid, and I can't help him."

Mara looked at Jin, upset and not trying to hide it. "I love him and I can't help him. I'm not sure I ever could."

Jin 13 years ago
Jin listened to Mara explain about her father. He was in Evenhet and was still very much alive, or whatever their kind were. She defended him but Jin was not sure he was ready to think very much of the man who appeared to have found morals and compassion for humans a little too late to help his daughter.

He smiled softly at her when she told him about how she had followed her father around and kept an eye on him. Mara was such a kind person, so willing to care and forgive.

"You should talk to Sorcha sometime. I think the two of you have something in common."

Biological parents that are still around. How many vampires could say that? Not many. Ironic that the only two he knew of, both, refused to let their kindred know. Mara's reasons where in many ways backwards from Sorcha's. His child was afraid her mother would not forgive her for the terrible wrongs that she believed she had done. Mara's father would need forgiveness. Jin thought she had already done this but he knew sometimes that you only thought you had forgiven until you're able to confront the one who had hurt you. Perhaps she was afraid that she would be angry with him after all?

His musings were pushed aside when she asked him if he were serious about living together in a place of their own. Nodding, Jin said.


He smiled at Mara and shrugged his shoulders.

"I've been away from Mai for decades and even if we lived somewhere else in the city I would still be closer to my Creator than I have been in a long while. We'll tell her and I am sure she will come by from time to time. Especially if we have new woods for her to hunt in."

Jin held her close and she wriggled against him, laughing happily at her excitement.

"Then we can go look for places tomorrow, if you like."
Mara 13 years ago
Mara only had a moment to be curious about Sorcha before the full impact of Jin's suggestion hit her like a freight train full of Hello Kitty! dolls. She clung to him in pleasant shock and then rubbed her cheek along his.

"If I like?" she asked him, a wide smile upon her lips. "How else can I show you I like it?"

She closed her eyes and rested her head against Jin for a long moment before saying, "I've never done anything like this. It's scary, a little. In an exciting way. I never really wanted this before you."

Not really. Mara had always had Amir; she'd rarely ever lived far from him. They'd never had a chance to live like Jin was suggesting. How would the to of them go about finding a home? What kind of home would it be? Mara's aparment was cozy, as was Jin's, but both places were a shade small for two people and their various hobbies.

She opened her eyes back up, still smiling.
"I can't wait to start."
Jin 13 years ago
Jin smiled as he watched her. She said that she liked the idea even though it was a bit scary as well. He thought about it and didn't find himself very intimidated by the idea, which might have surprised him a few months ago. They had been living together already so he knew that they could get along during the day to day life. There had yet to be arguments over who slept where, which way the toothpaste was squeezed or who took out the trash.

He kissed her hair and thought about where they should start looking for houses. Reaching for his iphone, Jin set it on the bed and pulled up the browser. He typed in Nachton real estate one handed so that he could continue to hold Mara with the other. With some search criteria set he paired the choices down and then showed the results to her.

"We can go look at these tomorrow and decide which ones we like."

Jin didn't plan on touring the homes with the realtors. They only got in the way, glossed over the flaws in the home and try to push you into making a decision. No, he was certain that he and Mara would enjoy exploring the places on their own and would make a more informed decision that way.

"Just think of how many doors we will get to open."

Or windows they could crawl through. It depended on the alarm system of the place.
Mara 13 years ago
Mara was nearly shivering with excitement as she curled against Jin and peered at the tiny iphone screen with him. The houses they looked at were fantastic. Big ones, small ones, all beautifully prepared and cleaned and ready to be lived in.

They got into it, searching several websites and databases; eventually getting out the laptop and taking advantage of the larger screen. Mara remained cuddled against Jin, taking notes on his phone while he surfed through different sites.

It was thrilling to Mara, who had never done this before. Always she had simply gone with Amir, moving where he moved, not giving much thought to their living space, which was always adequate. Now, as she and Jin discussed it, she realized how hard Amir must have worked to accommodate Mara's hobbies, her private nature, and her need for her own space.

Now she and Jin discussed kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, guest rooms, and, of course, bedrooms. That discussion might have led to musing about beds, which might also possibly have led to some flirting. That may have gotten a little more involved. They might have remembered to move the laptop aside before it slid off the bed.

In the end, Mara couldn't really remember what they decided about the bed, except that Jin's was pretty comfortable.

((ooc: both out))