Tomfoolery (Attn: Ambrose)
Sorcha turned back to the man that she had brought past the two guards and the girl on the inside who had asked what kind of kinky activity they had in mind. Her companion looked both excited and scared. His large brown eyes only got bigger as he looked down the list of things that were catered to in this place. He tried to look at Sorcha without looking, resulting in a couple of jerky head twitches. Eventually he settled his gaze on the floor, deciding that was best.
A spirit in a fireman's uniform walked along beside them as they went down the hall.[COLOR=DarkOrchid] "[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrchid]He's been a bit destructive...ever since the fire." [/COLOR]Sorcha turned enough to notice the family resemblance and guessed that she was looking at her companion's brother. The clothing was too modern to have been his father, at least not and look that young. Sometimes figuring out the age of ghosts was difficult but in this case she thought it fairly straight forward. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"He's got so much going for him. I don't understand why he feels guilty that he lives. I chose the dangerous job. He seems to think he should be dead instead. Like he's not very worthwhile."[/COLOR] The ghost frowned at the man with her. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"That's stupid. I was no saint but he's my younger brother and he always looked up to me, ya know? Then I become a firefighter and he thinks that's all noble and shit. Yeah, if I had his talent then I'd have played music. I was always jealous. He was so creative. Don't let him do something stupid, okay?"[/COLOR]
Sorcha nodded ever so slightly as they reached the room. It was rather plain, with a bed and a nightstand.
[I'm Sorcha] She sent to her companion, looking around the room while she waited for a response.
"I...I'm Tom." He went over to the bed and sat down on it heavily. "You're real... I mean you're a...a vampire." Tom blushed a deep shade of crimson like he didn't believe what he just said out loud.
[So I'm told.] She smiled at him. [I hear you want to be bitten. Why?]
If it were possible Tom became an even deeper shade of red. He looked down at the bed as he answered. "I always liked vampire stories. My brother would take me to any new ones that came out because my mom was always working. When I got older I still went to see them. They always seemed so strong and...beautiful." He looked up at her then, brown eyes somber. "Like you."
Sorcha gave him a crooked smile. [Well aren't you just the little charmer.]
"The accent's hot too."
[Don't force it, Tom. You were doing much better with honesty.] She chuckled at him and then slid her shirt off, noting his interested and embarrassed expression. Perhaps there was a good reason for wearing all that black. You could spill blood on your clothes and not have to worry about it showing up. Tom was wearing the dress code in black loose pants with tons of straps and a black shirt with a green logo on the front that said 'Play It Hard"
Sorcha came to stand in front of him and pushed the shirt up and then over his head. She set it aside with her's. Pushing him further back on the bed, she crawled up onto his lap. She was tall, slightly taller than him and this position sometimes made her wish she was a tiny little 5'3".
Leaning him back a bit onto his elbows so that she didn't have to hunch over to reach his neck, Sorcha sent. [You're sure about this?] As she leaned forward and lightly grazed the skin of his neck with her fangs.
Tom was holding his breath, and at her question, he let it out in a shuddering sigh. Swallowing hard, he found his voice, sort of. "Oh yeah...I mean, yes...please."
She could feel him hard beneath her and decided that whatever fear he might have was not stopping him from enjoying the experience. Wrapping her arms around his chest, Sorcha pulled him tight to her and sank her fangs into his neck.
"Ow....ohhhhh." Tom sighed and became almost boneless in her grasp. Sorcha smiled softly against the wound on his neck. She sucked slowly, taking what she needed and drawing out the experience that Tom had so desperately wanted. Soon he was trembling and moaning, none too quietly, as she teased him with soft kisses and occasional sips.
Sorcha moved both legs to one side of Tom, perching on the bed, still kneeling over him, her mouth against his neck. Judging him ready, She sucked hard on the wound. He cried out in release, going rigid in her grasp as waves of pleasure flooded through him. Sorcha gently kissed the wound dragging her lips across it to make sure the punctures healed quickly.
"Oh my god...that was..." Tom panted and just shook his head. She cradled him, one strong arm around his back and stroked his hair away from his forehead with the other.
[No need to explain. Trust me, I remember.]
Tom looked down at his pants in dismay. "I'm never going to live this down with Ambrose."
Sorcha smiled, reaching for their clothing. [No, probably not.]
Tom shrugged the tee shirt over his head and then looked at her shyly. "Can I...see you again? Sometime, maybe?"
She put on her own shirt and then reached over and ruffled his brown hair, smiling softly as she got off the bed. [We'll see.]
[Now let's go see if your friend hasn't abandoned you to my mercy since you drug him to this awful place.]

Concentrating hard on not thinking about Tom, he was probably perfectly safe if Sorcha really was Evenhet, he stayed at the bar and just watched, waiting for a likely bite. Finally a cute brunet, a little tiny thing, dressed in red, obviously hoping to standout, showed up at the bar panting. He looked her over hard to see any signs of being bitten recently.
Fortunately that was perceived as interest and she sidled closer to him.
See something you like?"
"You look delicious."
[i]It was a terrible line, but it was direct and to the point. Vampire or human he didn't care he just wanted her willing.
She nodded and he ordered her another drink and found them a booth. No more words were exchanged, she was just a snack he didn't want to get to know her. In the darkness of the booth he sank fangs into the offered neck took what he needed and then threw some force, command into his words.
"Finish your drink and go home. Don't stop for any one. This never happened."
Her eyes went dreamy and she nodded. Ambrose might have preferred a bit of fight or fear in his meal, but he didn't miss it tonight.
Sliding out of the booth he found the guards, bouncers, security... whatever. He growled at them he was baby sitting and waited in the hall.
Some times perception was -not- a gift some of this shit... yeah he didn't want to hear it.
Finally Tom and Sorcha reappeared. Ambrose only closed his eyes trying not to say anything. He didn't want to talk about it right now, hell he didn't want to talk about it later. But since this was what Tom had wanted he didn't want to take it from him.
He told Tom in a voice that really couldn't be denied. To get in a cab and go home. Once his friend had left he sighed at Sorcha and leaned on his cane, not sure how he felt about this.
"So... was it good for you?"
He said with a certain amount of irony and charming boyish grin that he reserved for special occasions and awkward moments.

Hooking her arm through that of her new friend's. She smiled in the direction Tom went off in. Turning to Ambrose, she shrugged. [He's sweet.]
They walked along the hallway to the elevator in the back. At least there was no reason to go back to the main portion of the club. They could take the private lift back down to the sewer.
Turning to Ambrose, Sorcha said. [Did you know vampires are a happy memory for him. We remind him of his brother. I think its nice that we're something good to someone even when they thought we weren't real.] Too bad more of their kind did not live up to such a glowing reputation. [Did you find something to eat?]

The question, however, just made him shrug.
"Not my place to do that. I just wanted him to be safe, maybe get it out of his system."
He wouldn't baby sit every time but this first one was different. At least now Tom knew what he was getting into and could take care of himself.
Sweet was not an adjective Ambrose associated with Tom, of course neither was wanting to come to a place like this, so he just let the comment pass. It was enough that she had enjoyed herself and the company apparently.
Ambrose started at that comment, no he hadn't known that. Hell he hadn't known Tom had a brother. He might as Tom about that soon.
"Yeah, I found a bite. Not what I'd call fulfilling but it will do."
The hunt was more his style, a gimme just didn't mean anything to him. At least he hadn't had to play the cripple card to resort to a quick meal.

She answered his reasoning with a modest smile. [Somehow, I doubt it.]
It wasn't that she thought her involvement was so very special. Tom would have enjoyed just about an vampire's bite. She had tried to make it gentle for him and memorable. It had been what he wanted. Sorcha imagined that it could have been worse in this place. Tom could have easily met the wrong vampire. He was such a nice guy that she was glad that he didn't. She hoped he didn't come back here often looking for someone else to bite him.
Ambrose had also found a meal so at least his evening was not a total loss.
They reached the sewer level and then back up to the street. Before parting ways, Sorcha pulled out her little notebook and wrote down a number and name.
[For Tom. I would much rather him come find me again than come back to this place alone.] She looked down at the entrance. [It would be a shame to lose him to one of the more brutal of our kind.]
Smiling she gave Ambrose a quick kiss on the cheek. [You're a good friend and not nearly so grumpy as Virgil implied.] With a parting chuckle, she headed off toward her car, leaving Ambrose to sort out what she meant on the way to his.
((OOC: Both Out ))