Resistance 101
Bao surveyed the room again and decided it would just have to do. It wasn't where he would prefer to have this lesson but he had to admit that a suit at the Piazza would give them the privacy they needed. He wouldn't have chosen this venue if it had been just he and his daughter, but she had said she was bringing an observer.
He would admit to being moderately curious who she would bring. If it wasn't that Mara had quite a lot on her plate right now Bao would have expected Pakpao to have asked his sister. Something he had learned about his offspring though, she didn't trust easily. He doubted she would bring just a member of security. No she would pick someone she felt she could rely on. He wanted to know who that would be.
The door to the bedroom was tightly closed and the sitting/living area was tidy, and Bao had impeccably laid out a number of small innocuous items. He didn't want to start these lessons off with major commands. For now though, he sat and read waiting. The desk had instructions to give Pakpao a key and she had yet to be more than three or five minutes late for any of their meetings.
Pak whined at Kem. She really did want some flying monkeys. Maybe she could find some one to genetically engineer them. She could see that he was keeping their sending discreet and appreciated that. She and Bao hadn't gone into details about her abilities (or his for that matter) and Pak didn't feel like starting now.
"How am I supposed to know how your twisted mind works?"
She rolled her eyes at Kem but accepted the water and gulped it down gratefully, giving herself a minor brain freeze. Plucking an ice cube from the glass Pak chewed it thoughtfully. It was good to know Kem would recognize her fighting a command again. She'd sure has hell recognize it if she felt it from him, Pak didn't think any one would forget the feel of trying to have their will subverted.
[As long as he isn't getting into your head through the back door.]
That was something she didn't want to see happen. It would be... bad.
Pak almost giggled as Kem polity turned Bao's question aside. Apparently he wasn't very fond of her maker. Not that she blamed him and she was more than a little pleased that Kem was being so circumspect and protective.
"We met here in Nachton a few years ago."
Pak added. But like Kem her answer didn't give much. Kem could be security, he could be a friend, he could be a lover. Hell even the 'a few' was open to be interpretation. Some of their kind used 'a few years' to indicate a century.
Calmly he raised an eyebrow at Kem. The answer had been polite but evasive, curt. Apparently Kem did not like him. Bao suspected that Pakpao might have told Kem about... his lack of responsibility and assistance.
"I hadn't realized all of Evenhet was personally acquainted."
He replied coolly, after all there were clan member he didn't know.
Pakpao gave him a little more insight into their relationship but he could also see that neither was going to give anything away. He was mildly irritated, but didn't show it. He could be patient. Trust was earned.
"Perhaps one more attempt? We can arrange for another lesson later."
[You really should find out how long Bao has been doing this. If nothing else, he may have left others in straits as dire as yours.]
It was an afterthought mainly but Kem did worry for a minute or so that Pak hadn't been Bao's only little toy.
Addressing Bao once more, Kem didn't bat an eyelash at the equally cool response. "Surely, you've run into one or two over the course of your life," he said. "It tends to happen frequently if you live and work in the same location."
He didn't think anything of his meeting Pak. It hadn't happened under any unusual circumstances. They worked in the same building; they had seen each other around. She left a screwdriver lying on the floor, he slipped on it, took her out, and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. No big story there. If Bao had been looking for more, he was sure to be disappointed.
On the topic of another try Kem crossed his arms, leaned casually against the arm of the sofa, and remained quiet. It was for Pak to say, not him. He'd stay as long as she wanted, obviously.
[You mean how old he is? That'll have to wait till next time I think... but he's said I'm the most recent 'child' and I know he does have others but at least he -says- I'm his only mistake.]
She wasn't defending Bao. Far from it, but she was going to give Kem as much information as she had on him. Some time this week she was going to sit down with MARI and see what she could learn about her creator... without asking him. Kem was right, she needed more background.
Rather indelicately she snorted as Kem and Bao postured with each other. But she was the one to snap at Bao.
"What don't you think I can handle more than one try?"
"Ah, then it is my failing for traveling as much as I have."
That was perhaps uncalled for, more sarcastic than he needed to be but Bao had issues being anyone's punching bag, even a very polite punch, if he didn't deserve it. This issue was between he and Pakpao.
"No, I'm quite certain you could go at this all night, but I should like you to end on positive note rather than tired and frustrated."
Completely unphased by Kem's attitude Bao inclined his head slightly.
"Could we presume upon you again?"
Mistake, his ass. Turning Pak was probably the best thing Bao had ever done. Kem was aware that he was operating under something of a heavy bias but he was all right with that.
Still leaning against the arm of the couch Kem gave no indication that he and Pak were having their own private little conversation. He allowed his lips to turn up slightly at Bao's sarcastic response, glad to know his cool responses bothered Pak's Creator. Let him be bothered. Kem wouldn't lose any sleep over it. He simply nodded his head briefly at Bao; if that was the conclusion he wanted to draw then so be it.
"I agree," he said softly on the matter of quitting on a good note. "Keep hammering at it, Pak, and your brain is going to turn into oatmeal. Though I guess you wouldn't have to worry about it then."
He shot a quick grin at his clan-sister then turned back to Bao. "Of course you may. I'm here to help."
Here to help Pak, was the unspoken finisher there. Bao could take a long walk off a short pier for all he cared. Having a similar history, Kem had an innate and immediate dislike for those who turned a human and simply walked away.
[It is OK Pee Chai even if I was planed I acted unexpectedly, not wrong just differently. It doesn't make it all right for him to have done this... but some mistakes are good. Penicillin.. or silly putty.. one of the two was a mistake. Maybe both.]
Tonight Pak was surprisingly balanced. Another night she'd be a mess and would use that label in a fit of depression and it wouldn't be nearly so accepting, but tonight it didn't bother her. She was a mistake, but that didn't matter.
She snorted at Kem.
[Probably not the -whole- clan. Not everyone finds me as cute and lovable as you do.]
She was something of an acquired taste and knew that. That, was also OK.
It was somewhat reassuring to see Kem continue to bristle at Bao. While she knew Kem was on her side it was still very reassuring to -see- it.
Sighing she rolled her eyes at Kem, she'd throw something at him later.
"OK OK fine one more go, but make it good. I'm not going to call it on something light."
Again it was hard to suppress a giggle. It wasn't hard o follow Kem's train of thought. She'd gotten very -very- lucky the day she'd left that screwdriver on the floor.
Of course Pakpao would want to try something hard. Perhaps he should incorporate something she would want to, or at least be OK doing, into his command. Yes, that might be best. Straddle the line between command and desire.
"I thank you for the help. I don' know hat she would have made this much progress without you. If you would allow us to use you for target practice again..."
He picked up the same throw pillow Pakpao had earlier sent flying at Kem and handed it to her. His lips twisted in a wry semblance of a smile.
Again, with no warning his words took on power and he concentrated on bending her will to his. There was no holding back either, he knew her will was formidable.
"Throw the pillow in your hand at Kem now."
"Glad to," Kem said to Bao as the latter passed him with a throw pillow to hand to Pak.
He wondered how this was going to go. Clearly, Bao didn't realize that Pak was already inclined to throw things at Kem's head. Especially something as soft and fluffy as a pillow... Pak didn't have ANY reason to resist this Command.
Pak drew back the pillow to throw it, paused, bit her lip and thought about it for a second. She was going to cave, she knew it but Bao chose to play dirty.
That was too much for Pak and she threw it right at Kem's face without any further hesitation. With any luck at all Kem would catch it. He was used to her antics. So Pak didn't even stop to see if it hit. She turned on Bao snarling.
"God damned son of a bitch. That was cheating."
Still fuming she tossed herself on to the couch drug her purse to her and rummaged through it until she found her cigaret case and her lighter. She was more than slightly irritated with herself, why couldn't she learn to go with baby steps why did she have to taunt him like that, egg him on?
"So much for ending on a good note."
He snapped back at her. There was no excuse for her behavior. This might not be a setting where he could throw her to the ground and remind her of that but that didn't mean Bao was going to tolerate disrespect. They were still working after all and she didn't get to indulge in a tantrum.
"This is a non-smoking room."
He said mildly. He'd chosen it specifically to irritate her. She sneered at him but immediately stalked to a sink and put the clove out. She hadn't burnt herself out yet, but he did try and nudge her toward the positive.
"Yes, it was possibly less than sporting. But you did at least think about it, you didn't instantly obey as you did earlier. So it is good, just not perfect."
Not certain how he would be received Bao crossed the room to Pakpao and cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder.
"That will come."
He watched fascinated as she retreated behind that extreme poker face of her's and only nodded.
He couldn't disagree. It was a non smoking room... though Pak's language didn't bother him any. Moreover, it amused him that it did seem to bug Bao.
Kem replaced the pillow on the couch and gathered up his laptop. "Oh come on Pak," he said cheerfully, "it was a positive note... I'm positive you just lobbed a pillow at my head."
He shrugged at her. "We can try it again next time. I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunity to experience more sneak attacks."
"Yeah, it will. But next time I ask for something hard... can I throw kitchenware at Kem?"
Pak cracked a smile, Bao wouldn't get the joke. But Kem would. Between the two men trying to be nice Pak was feeling a little better and sighed dramatically at Kem.
"I was going to do that any way. -Now- what am I supposed to do for the rest of the night? I hate being off schedule."
Pak looked over at Bao who made a sound suspiciously like a laugh. It was short and felt... rusty, like it hadn't been used for a while. But that is what it sounded like. She shrugged and let the idea go though, her creator didn't laugh. He barley smiled.
Feeling good again it was tempting to ask for another go, but Pak really didn't want to burn out and she did have some work to get done. Before Bao could say anything she jumped in.
"I promise to let you know when we can do this again, but I have to check with my beautiful assistant. And it may have to cut into the time you spend throwing me around. Acceptable?"
Struck by the image of her beautiful assistant she sent to Kem, [Will you wear sparkly tights next time? If I ask nice?]
But her hand was on the door knob, she was done and ready to go.
Nodding when she didn't shy away from her next lesson, Bao couldn't help but notice she didn't offer to give up their chess games. He smiled in spite of himself, of course she wouldn't. Those she enjoyed and had a nasty habit of winning.
"Yes, that will be fine so long as you give me notice."
He offered his hand to Kem again.
"Thank you for coming. I very much appreciate your help and hope you will join us again."
Very aware of schedules and commitments even though Bao would have been quite accepting of their continued company, he made no move to keep them only to socialize. Still he meant what he had said to Kem. Although, he half looked at Pakpao and added,
"It does make a difference to her if nothing else."
Even Bao could see that. Again he wondered how Kem and Pakpao were involved, but ultimately Bao knew it didn't matter. Kem was good for her.
He put his laptop back in its carry-case and shook his head at Pak's returning sarcasm... her mood was obviously improving.
Nodding at Bao he returned the handshake. "I'd be glad to." Of course he would come along, if for no other reason than to make sure Pak wasn't being taken advantage of. One good meeting didn't not entitle Pak's Creator to trust. At all.
Opening the door, Kem gestured to Pak. "Ladies first. And because I'm not leaving my back unprotected around you."
As they left the room he returned her sending. [The day I wear sparkly tights is the day you let me graffiti your baby.]
Hrm... that might actually be tempting to her. He'd have to watch it. To distract her he said, "Let's stop at the pub on the way out. I'll buy you a chocolate stout."
Kem could only pray that worked.
((ooc: Pak and Kem out))
Bao sat down and considered this for a moment or two. There were precious few people he had enjoyed being around or sought out and his daughter was quickly becoming one of them. It was a shame she had this devotion to her clan. But that was the price that he paid for his mistake.
With a sigh he collected his thoughts and his things and left. Granted the Piazza didn't rent rooms by the hour, but he didn't need the room any longer there was no point in staying.
((OOC... Bao out as well))