The next day ((attn scott))
She slowly peeked open an eye and then glanced at the clock. Six pm and starting to tend towards dusk. Stretching luxuriously next to Scott she thought over the previous night. She touched her neck, barely feeling where he had drank from her, only a bit of tenderness and a bruise. She was tired, oh so tired even now, and wanting a steak. She didn't often crave steaks but she was tonight. She looked over at him with a soft smile. He was back. She didn't believe he wouldn't leave again. How was she going to reconcile her 9 to 5 job with having him in her life? She'd skipped a lot of classes to be with him, more than she should have.
She wiggled down his body, enjoying the fact that he was there, and close to her. She giggled and took him into her mouth. She had woken him up before this way and as she remembered, he enjoyed it quite a bit. She slowly sucked him hard, and looked up, wanting to see his reaction....

His manhood rose quickly for her, and a moment or two later, she could see his eyes flutter open. He raised his head, looking down at her with a small whimper, as if confused for a moment.
"Mmmmm... now THIS is the way to wake up in the morning..." he muttered, resting his head back on the pillow, looking up at the ceiling for a few moments as he fully shook off the effects of his slumber.
He reached over next to him and took the pillow she had used earlier, stuffing it under his head along with the pillow he had used, propping his head up so that he could effortlessly look down at her while she worked.
Scott loved the way her head bobbed up and down, back and forth, but he especially loved how her full lips looked wrapped around his shaft, one hand working at the base in unison with her mouth. He always felt like... steel, in her hands, or in her mouth, or in her slit, or in her ass. Only Miya had this effect on him.
"You must be happy to see me," he whispered playfully, then he let out a sudden long hiss as her tongue worked its magic along the underside of his shaft - a 'weak spot' she had learned about quite early in their relationship. His hips lifted upward on their own volition, pressing more toward her torturous lips and mouth.
Both of his hands slid down to nestle in her auburn hair, making sure to hold most of it away from her face so that he could watch closely.
Indeed. He could get VERY used to this.

Scott blinked several times as he listened to her. His eyes darted from her hand, to her eyes, to her hand, back to her eyes...
"Yes," he groaned. "Anything. Just... don't stop!" his voice croaked, half-command, half-plea.
Oh, she would pay for this. She would pay ten-fold.

His white-knuckled grip on her sheets ended up pulling them away from the corners at the head of the bed, revealing the mattress beneath. He writhed and squirmed slowly to the rhythm of her strokes, his body twisting, trying to corkscrew itself as if in slow-motion while she worked him to completion.
Miya's pause had only heightened the tension, winding him up like a spring.
Scott's hips undulated several times before pressing gently upward, his cock throbbing as he unleashed his essence into the back of her throat with an accompanied groan of extreme pleasure, followed by whispers of her name.
Like a good girl, she didn't stop the stroking, or the fondling. She knew when he became too sensitive, his hand in her hair would pull her away.
He throbbed six times? Seven? He didn't bother counting anymore. When he could no longer take it, one hand tightened on a fistful of her auburn tresses, and he gently pulled her away.
She resisted at first, as if hungry for him still. Scott loved that about her. He knew that if he let her, she'd suck him for hours - just as he would feast on her pussy for hours, if he desired.
He smiled and chuckled softly. They were *made* for each other.

"I'm really hungry, Scott. You promised me a steak?" That was a loose interpretation of what he'd said, but she wanted to tease and test just a little bit. "If we're going out, then I should get dressed." She went to move but the hand only tightened in her hair, holding her in place. She knew that he would pay her back for her bratiness, that was part of the game.He always did.
She gulped and a bit of that smirk faded, "Uh, yes... Sir?" Just the tad bit of nervousness in her voice.

"It seems that our time apart has made you... forget certain things," he said softly, playfully. "I suppose I will need to give you a few reminders."
He sat up, still gripping her hair tightly, and slowly pulled her toward him. On all fours, naked she crawled, following the tugging on her hair. Slowly, he pulled her head up level with his own, and his lips took hers for a long, heated kiss. He didn't care that she had just been giving him head. None of that bothered him. He merely needed her wonderful lips against his, and the taste of her tongue.
"Do you still have that pleated-pink mini-skirt? If you do - wear it. If you don't, wear something similar. Oh," he paused, smiling wickedly, "No panties."
He released her gently, as his eyes roamed over her naked body. He had plans for her. Delicious plans that would far surpass any steak that he would eat.
"And no bra, either. Your choice of shirt, though," he added as he slid to the edge of the bed and rose to his feet in order to get dressed.
The day had already started off well - and promised only to get better.

"Yessir." She spoke simply, crawling across the bed and sliding off it next to him. Her apartment had very little closet space, and the miniscule space that served as one in here had very little room to hold much of anything. She thumbed through the clothing, choosing the skirt he had specified. She knew it, he'd bought it for her. He'd bought a number of her clothes, things she would never have been able to afford on her own. She chose thigh highs first, knowing that the specification of no panties meant that he would not tolerate nylons covering her sex. She had an idea what he was planning, for he had done it before. This skirt barely covered her, and it made clear she had nothing on under it. A deep breath as she paired it with an almost sheer black camisole. It made very clear that her breasts were small, firm and her nipples were hard in anticipation. She picked out some heels, he liked watching her in heels, but these were only an inch and a half. They were actually comfortable for dress shoes.
She ran her brush through her hair, pulling part of it back in sparkley barrettes that caught the light. Matching earrings twinkled against her hair. She touched her throat, trying to remember what went there. Something did and it was very important. She turned to Scott with a slight frown.
"I don't remember what I'm missing but I know it's important." Her hand against the base of her throat, trying so hard to remember.

He pulled the black tee over is head and shoulders, and then buckled on some blue jeans and then pulled on his shoes. Then, after thinking for a moment, he also took out a necktie from his bag, and tied it around his neck, even though his shirt didn't have a collar.
He wasn't going to a $1000 a seat political dinner. He'd be fine.
He turned to watch Miya get dressed. How she moved stirred his heart - among other things - as he watched her prepare. She was so gorgeous - and again he wondered how she could have went so long without having some young buck trying to score with her. And being that this was Nachton, he was even more surprised by that than usual.
She turned and caught his eyes watching her, moving over her curves as if his own hands were moving over her skin. Blushing a little, Scott turned and moved out through the bedroom door.
"I'll wait out here," he mumbled as he walked into the main living area. He then walked over to the window, and not seeing any sunlight seeping around the edges, he slowly peeled back the corner.
Darkness, or at least near darkness. He sighed.
If they were lucky, they could go out, eat, and get back before they were even noticed by any of the locals.

"Yes... you are right," he said, smiling at her. "And yes, I still have it. But... you'll have to earn it back. And you'll have a chance to do that soon."
He smiled at her, holding out his hand in an open invitation. "Let's go. I'll drive.

"I'll show you soon enough," he smiled.
Scott gave the woman behind the desk a long, close look as they passed. Her eyes met his and they locked on each other until he and Miya had left the lobby. Was that a harmless smile on the lady's lips? Or was that one of those 'knowing' smiles?
~You're being paranoid, Scott.~ He thought to himself. But, he did remind himself that anyone - ANYONE - in Nachton could be a vampire or a familiar.
They reached the car and he opened the door for her. Scott watched as Miya moved one slender leg into the car, then slid her arched back into the passenger seat with a feminine grace that he couldn't replicate if he tried. She pulled her other leg in and smiled up at him.
He paused, smiling down at her, appraising her lean thighs and the outline provided by the black shirt she chose to wear.
"Put your hands up over your head for me, will you dear?" he asked gently, leaning on his arms, one on top of the door edge, the other on the roof of the car, looking down at her.

He removed the necktie from around his neck and untied it. Then carefully, he wrapped one end around her wrists, binding them together tightly, though not enough to cause any pain. He then looped the other end up and over the head-rest of her seat, and wound it around the metal support-strugs of the head-rest itself. He pulled out all the slack until her hands were firmly secure up and over her head and shoulders, elbows raised near the ceiling of the car. He secured the other end, then leaned back to consider his efforts.
He felt himself becoming aroused in seconds. Her back arched, her perky breasts strained forward, hard nipples clearly visible, aching for touch. She was vulnerable, helpless... and his.
He leaned in to kiss her full lips once, very gently, then backed away and shut the door. Scott was grateful it was dark, not to mention the tinted windows would prevent wandering eyes from seeing her bound in such a position. Regardless, to the random passerby, she would merely look like she was leaning back against the seat, lazily stretching.
He *always* loved how she stretched. Her curves were all accentuated, and he couldn't keep his hands off of her.
Scott opened the driver's side door and slipped in. He started the car and looked over at her. So tempting, to simply untie her and take her back inside. She would do it, too, if he commanded it. She knew when he commanded her, he was either concerned for her safety... or his lust had passed a certain level where he stopped asking, and started taking what he wanted.
He swallowed, then pulled away from the curb.
"So, a steak, huh? What's a good steak-place around here?" he asked casually, as if nothing at all was different.

And then he asked her about steaks. Steaks? Her mind wasn't on food. Her mind was on him. Her mind side tracked and she tried to remember the names of any specific restaurants. She couldn't for the life of her remember. "Uh. Somewhere on the strip? I guess." She squirmed on his leather seats, covering them in her wetness. She really couldn't help herself, she wanted to squirm, and she wanted him to touch her. She needed him to touch her. She strained towards him, trying to touch him with any part of her body. With a sigh of pure, primal frustration she gave up and waited to see what he had planned for her.

Good. They could go out, eat, and get home. Safe and sound.
He looked over to Miya, watching her hips gyrate slightly against the leather upholstery, arching her back as she did so. He reached down and flipped a switch, turning the built-in seat-heater on high for her seat only. That would help keep her... warm.
His nostrils flared. He could scent her already, and it was wreaking havok on him. He wanted to recline her seat, and while she was tied to it, fuck her as if it would be their last time together.
He smiled. Over the years, he had built up a pretty substantial reserve of will-power. Miya just lowered that resistance a bit - even if she didn't know she was doing it.
He casually slid his hand over to rest on her thigh. His fingers clenched possessively, and then his fingertips slid up the inside, up past where the thigh-high stockings ended, and her bare-skin began. He was amazed at how smooth her skin was. He simply couldn't get enough of it.
Scott drove a little below the speed-limit as he headed towards the strip. His hand drove onward, as well, finally reaching the slick folds of her womanhood, already drenched with excitement. His middle finger slid effortlessly between them, then upward gently, caressing the most sensitive spot on her entire body.
Her back arched even more, pressing her breasts forward as if invisible hands were cupping them. She was ripe and ready, eager even - and he loved her for it. His finger slid and circled slowly, seeking to arouse her even more.
Scott intended to make this the most exciting food-run she's ever made.

"How appropriate" she moaned, not aware that she had spoken that aloud. The amused grin that Scott bestowed upon her as his fingers curled up into her, stroking that oh so sensitive spot inside her didn't seem to matter as she spasmed against the seat, jerking her wrists hard against the binding, but not loosening it at all. She didn't want to be let loose. She wanted this.
Soon enough, too soon, the lights of the strip were visible. Scott slowed down to take in the various places, maddeningly slow. Then he turned around and looked again. His torments of her body were only just beginning.

He was in second gear the entire time, which meant he didn't have to shift gears except at red-lights when he had to stop and drop to first. Even when a pair of cocky teens pulled up next to him in their Camaro and revved their engine, he continued the slow pace, more intent on pleasuring Miya than drag-racing some children.
"Pussy!" the young man in the passenger seat shouted, as they peeled rubber and sped ahead, giving up their taunting.
As Scott's hand continued to stroke her wetness, he could only smile at the ironic choice of insults the boy had thrown his way.
Miya was dripping... from the excitement of being tied-up, the heat of the seat on her bare flesh, the feel of warm leather against her skin, the feeling of his fingers touching her the way she liked, the feel of her stockings tight around her thighs, the feel of the material of her blouse caressing hardened nipples when she arched, the notion that the tinted windows were all that kept anyone from seeing her being tortured... all of it simply piled together to drive her crazy.
Scott began a series of deep-teases... caressing her quickly, frantically, building her up to near-climax - then suddenly stopping, as he playfully did something else.
He stroked her vigorously, feeling her begin to tense... then he stopped.
"Oh look, maybe THAT place would be good," he said, turning to give the restaurant they just passed a better look.
A few moments later, once she had relaxed, he would begin to quickly bring her close again... then suddenly stop.
"Ooops, a red-light, need to downshift," he teased, moving his hand away to rest on the gear-shift. Miya watched the light, hating it, hating the red light, hating that he had to stop, *willing* the light to turn green again. Eventually it did, and as he shifted into second, his hand moved over and began her torture anew.
But then he saw another place... and just as she was working up to release, he pulled his hand away again, heedless of her moans of protest.
This went on for some time as they reached the end of the strip, then he found a spot to turn around.
"You don't mind another run down the strip, do you dear?" he asked as he smiled mischievously at her.

"Fuck you Sir." She got out before she blushed darker against her creamy skin. She saw the look he'd given her when that was her answer to whatever he had asked of her. She honestly didn't remember what the question was. She didn't really care as his fingers went back to work on her body. She prayed that he would take mercy on her and fuck her soon.