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Coming Home (Open)

She had known where to go, and the taxi that dropped her off in the cool night air departed, leaving her standing outside the towering high rise. She looked up and up, marveling at the feat of engineering that must have gone into producing these beautiful buildings. She clutched her laptop bag in one hand, the garment bag over her shoulder and took a deep, deep breath, walking in.

It was even more impressive inside. In spite of the steel and glass construction, the atmosphere that was projected was one of warmth. There were a few people sitting inside of a central area, which she assumed to be customer service. Steeling herself for what might be a rebuke, she tilted her chin proudly up and crossed the pace, her body language not betraying that she was scared and more than a little bit broken.

One of the women smiled at her, "
Welcome to Meridian, how may I be of service?" Elegantly dressed in clothing tailored for her with simple lines, perfect makeup and her hair professionally up, everything about this woman was perfect. It would figure. Vampires liked perfection.

"I am Elisabeth Bennett of Coventry, daughter of Lucius Flavius Marcellus. I go by Saffia Bennett now. I... would like to meet someone in charge. I seek sanctuary." Surely this must be an odd request, but odd requests were probably the norm. The woman smiled and tapped in the information and indicated an elegantly appointed waiting area for her to sit. And fret. Not that any of that showed in her body language. But Saffia was talented, as Lucius called it. She was an empath, and held other psychic gifts. She brushed the wood of the end table next to her with one hand, seeing a scene in her mind of a grandfather, teaching two young ones how to carve wood, carefully. The scene faded and she sighed. She was used to these brief flashes. They were generally incorporated into her novels. She placed the heavy laptop bag down next to her, glad that neighter it nor the laptop would give her their memories.

Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem was doing his usual, puttering around in the archives. Well, perhaps puttering was the wrong word. It was busy as per the norm. Even with Alfarinn back he'd retained a good deal of the work he'd been doing for their Clan on top of his normal job function. He was almost getting used to it.

So when the request for an authority figure to come meet a new Clanmate came through to him, he wasn't particularly surprised. He headed upstairs to the lobby and located the woman by the description given to him.

"Miss Bennett?"

Kem offered the woman his hand.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Kem. How can I help you?"

He smiled softly; he could be expressive when the situation called for it but Kem's normal expressions were somewhat mild and understated. Nonetheless he approached the woman in as friendly and polite a manner as he knew how.
Saffia 13 years ago
She looked Kem over and a smile of appreciation came to her lips., taking his hand into hers. Her grip was weak and girly, like the image she projected to the world. She was dressed still in her traveling clothing- jeans that were faded and worn, a white camisole and faded flannel button down shirt atop it, unbuttoned. On her feet were comfortable sandals, perhaps tevas. Her curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Work clothing for her, and some of the few articles that she had which had survived the storm's destruction of her home.

"Is there some place we could speak?" She wasn't really sure what to say to him. Her body language hid the intense feeling of nervousness and unease that she felt towards coming home. "After all it would be rude of me to just launch into my 'story' with you standing about. Am I given to assume that you are an Elder in m..the Clan?" She wasn't entirely sure she should be claiming belonging as she and Lucius had spent most of their lives avoiding the clan and politics and even other vampires. She hadn't thought it odd at the time, he was her Father, her lover and her mate at different stages of her life. It was just the way it was.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem returned the weak handshake with a somewhat firmer one, raising his eyebrows as the woman cut right to the chase, dispensing with the polite formalities.

"Of course. If you'd care to accompany me down to the archives, my office is there and we can speak in private."

He stood and gestured to Miss Bennett, indicating the door out of the area she had sat in to wait for him.

"Not only may you assume it, but I will even confirm the truth of it," he said with another of his understated smiles. There was an official title in there somewhere but it wasn't necessary.

Leading her to the elevator they made the short journey down four floors to the underground archives, the vast storage area where the records of centuries of historical information were kept organized and orderly through his efforts and those of his staff.

Kem punched in the code to the door and gestured Saffia through it, closing it behind him and leading her to his office in the corner of the room past the work tables with their computers and the beginning of the seemingly endless shelves of records.

His office, though moderate in size, was always meticulously neat. Kem pulled out the comfortable chair on one side of the desk for his guest and moved around to sit behind the desk himself. He slid his laptop to the side so he could see Saffia clearly and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together beneath his chin.

"Would you care for a drink? Coffee, or tea?"

He didn't expect the answer to be yes, since she seemed very eager to say what she had to say, but it would have been rude not to offer and Kem hated to dispense with manners for any reason.

((ooc: Assumed Saffia would be following Kem since she requested to go someplace private. Let me know if that isn't the case, and I can edit. ))
Saffia 13 years ago
She followed him through what seemed to her to be a maze. She breathed in the scent of the archives and smiled. It reminded her of a library, one of her favorite places to write. She sat down in the chair offered, dropping the garment bag, then setting the laptop bag down carefully. She watched him warily out of brown eyes, containing her nerve with cool body language. She knew that many of her clan were empathic - Lucius had not been, but he had mentioned that his Sire was as well as his brother. Saffia didn't know much about them, she had met his brother once and had disliked him immediately. The dislike was mutual and Lucius hadn't been able to leave quickly enough.

"Tea, please. I am British, I think it is in our blood to have a cup of tea in our hand during a visitation. I know that it certainly helps me think." She waited for the Elder to seat himself or see to the tea. "I suppose that I should start at the beginning. Please call me Saffia."
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem nodded. "Tea it is."

It took a phone call, and that was all. Normally it was something he'd have done himself but this occasion seemed to warrant more official and formal avenues and it would have been rude to abandon Saffia in his office by herself.

While they waited he nodded at her.
"All right, Saffia, then. I hear the beginning is a very good place to start."

He hadn't expected a long story but perhaps there was more to this visit than he had been informed of. The message had mentioned something about sanctuary. An outdated term, to be sure, but also a moot point. Any Clan member in Nachton was granted access to the Clan territory and the safety it provided. If Saffia was in some other sort of trouble, he guessed he was about to hear of it.

It would take a few minutes for anyone to get down here with any sort of refreshment, so he figured she may as well begin her tale.
Saffia 13 years ago
She took a deep breath. "Lucius always told me to avoid the clan, to avoid others. So we lived apart, for all my life with him. We only took two familiars in that time. We treated them well, they were both girls who had a certain streak in them, one that wasn't socially acceptable. Lucius always said that if we hadn't taken them in that something would have happened to them." She took a deep breath. "There was a storm where we lived, near New Orleans. We hadn't heard about it, our electricity at the beach house had been out for a while, and I... I don't wake easily. Not during the daylight. Neighter did Lucius by the time that we awoke the storm was terrible. I..I don't do well with storms." In fact she was phobic in how spikey she felt talking about the storm. Her voice shook as did her hands. "I hid under a table, Lucius was protecting our familiar, Janice, with his body. The roof had come off, and the last thing I remember was the windows exploding inwards. Shards of glass hitting me. I think I passed out." She gripped her other hand hard enough to turn her lightly tanned skin pale white. "When I came to, Janice was dead. There was glass in her body, and she had somehow gotten outside. She was bled dry. There were authorities there, inquiring as to why we had not evacuated as ordered. They wanted to take me to a health care facility, but I declined and instead went to a hotel. There were questions, the insurance had questions. I claimed our familiar was our daughter. Her paperwork said so. But Lucius was not found. I don't see how he could have died to the storm but that was the only explanation. I thought he would come back to me, so I stayed in New Orleans a week for him to come to me. I can only conclude that he died in the storm, that I was unable to help him." Along with her phobic fear of storms was the mix of pure grief at the loss of her life partner. "And so I defied his proscription and have come home to seek sanctuary. I have no desire to deal with the insurance or the authorities. I am a writer, I create worlds with words. It's the only thing that I am good at, that I have ever been good at."

She took another deep breath, looking over his shoulder at a fixed point on the wall and not into his eyes. She was scared of being rejected by the clan she had never before claimed.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem listened to Saffia's story with mixed emotions. Why would this Lucius have told her to avoid the Clan? That was an interesting attitude. Evenhet was, from what he knew, typically the kinder of the three Clans, more accepting of oddities or personality flaws. Maybe he was biased, but that was his perception.

He noted Saffia's tremulous voice and felt sympathy for her family's tragedy. It wasn't easy to lose everyone you cared about at once, especially when you had planned on being with them forever.

When she had finished her tale, they were interrupted by the arrival of a tray with a tea kettle and two cups, with various condiments. Kem stood and moved around his desk to take it from the small woman who handed it to him... and was met by a pair of sparkling green eyes in a pretty face.

Aishe raised her eyebrows at him and flashed him an adorable grin as she turned to leave. [Had to get in on it, hmm?] he sent to her as she exited the room, and was met with a little laugh in return.

Turning away from the door he placed the tray on his desk and poured two cups.
He handed one to Saffia. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said sincerely, "as well as your troubles. I'm not sure why you were warned to avoid your own Clan, but you're among family here and I hope you can make a home for yourself with us."

He took the second cup of tea and re-seated himself behind his desk. English style tea service wasn't his favorite, but that wasn't the point here. He drank his tea without flavoring it with either cream or sugar. He'd have preferred an oolong tea or a refreshing green. This would do for now.

"So, am I correct in assuming you'd like to live here, at Liefde? Will you be writing as your primary occupation, or were you looking for other work?"
Saffia 13 years ago
She held the tea between her hands, it was comforting to her. The person who had brought it in wasn't the typical servant she was expecting, "Am I allowed to live here? I had come hoping to get advice on where to live. But, yes, I am a writer. I publish serial romance novels as well as teen 'thrillers'. I have several 'vampire' books out at the moment, a kinder, gentler romance for the teens to dream about. They like a little fear, a little romance, a kiss, and on and on. I'm quite good at it, or so I'm told. It is a way to avoid people and still earn a living. Lucius always kept us..apart." She sighed and raised one of the warm hands to her head as if it hurt. "I did not know really what to expect coming here. I confess I feel a tad bit lost. I don't really know why I came back. It was the only place I could think of to go. Lucius was wrong about many things, I had hoped he would be wrong about this as well. It has been a very long week, friend Kem."

Then and only then did she begin to sip her tea, finding comfort in the ritual, the flavor, the taste. Some things never changed thankfully.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem was concerned, not only because of Saffia's upset, although he imagined time and stability amongst family would cure that, but because she seemed to have been raised to go against everything Evenhet stood for.

"Of course you may live here in the Towers," he said, "but I would urge you to explore some, and perhaps be a little more social. It might be good for you."

He sipped at his tea, considering his next words.
"Your Lucius," he said, keeping his voice lighter, not wanting to sound critical. He needed to ascertain some things about Saffia, though. "Did he also belong to Evenhet?"

He regarded Saffia mildly.
"The reason I ask is that there are certain aspects of our Clan that you seem to have been... misled about."

Putting his tea cup down he leaned forward, resting his chin on his folded hands.
"For example, it's our goal to work together out in the open with humans, not avoid them altogether. You will find it impossible to live and work here at the Towers and not interact with them on a constant basis."

He watched Saffia and let this information sink in, since it seemed new to her. Internally he sighed and wondered what sort of upbringing she could possibly have had. Even the vampires of Anantya and Tacharan understood what the Evenhet were all about. It was no mystery.
Saffia 13 years ago
She listened to him and then shook her head. "I have no issue with the humans. I do not wish to interact with their authorities, however. The concept of power frightens me. And I can only assume Lucius was of this clan. It was the clan he always spoke of. We were always apart. But never did I mistreat those under our protection." It was interesting she used I instead of 'we'. "I met his brother one time, but Lucius could not get us away from him quickly enough. It never struck me as odd, I always did as I was told." She took another deep breath, sensing his concern. "I am a writer, Elder. I observe humanity but apart from it. It is how I was taught. Even when I was mortal I felt apart from humanity. It was why I joined a convent." She cradled the cup in her hands, letting the warmth warm her fingers.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem smiled at Saffia, listening to her speak. There was something so strange about her attitude. Something he was completely unaccustomed to in centuries of being an Evenhet vampire.

Still leaning forward, Kem rested his hands on his desktop, very gently. He didn't want to startle Saffia in light of her recent tragedy, but certain things needed to be said.

"Miss Bennett," he said softly, firmly, leaving no doubt as to who Nachton's resident Elder was. "I realize you have been brought up by a person you cared deeply for, who is no longer with us. But if you belong to this Clan then you do not merely 'have no issues' with humans. You are committed to working with them."

His voice remained firm, velvet over steel.
"That means working closely with their authorities and ours to ensure our races live together, openly and in harmony. That means you do not merely 'not mistreat' those in your care, but you understand them, who they are, what they desire, and work with them to live harmoniously. We do not command humans. They do not serve us. That isn't how things work in this Clan, in your Clan."

Kem smiled softly, kindly.
"There are many among us who write," he stated. "I myself have spent centuries as a scribe and a writer." He gestured to the archives, outside this very door in his direct care, which contained written records of thousands of years of history. "No one knows more than I, the importance of the written word. But may I suggest you experiment with becoming a part of humanity, instead of living apart from it? You might find you achieve a quality of realism and subject intimacy that might improve even your writing. That is what I have been told."

His smile didn't fade.
"We all grow through the learning of new techniques. Perhaps this can be a new one for you."

Poor Saffia, was his thought. She had been brought up wrongly. The things she claimed to learn were in no way, shape, or form, congruous with the goals of her own Clan. She needed to learn, and quickly, lest she find herself Clanless in Nachton... a very dangerous city for any vampire to be unaffiliated in.
Saffia 13 years ago
She listened to him talk, skeptical and more than a little confused. She thought that perhaps they were not communicating effectively, something that made her damn herself because she had so little experience with talking to someone who was not Lucius. "I look forward to the experience, but I feel as if I have in some way disappointed you? I apologize if that is the case, and should you desire me to work with or tell the truth to the authorities in New Orleans I will do so. I was taught a strict policy of secrecy, I did not know that we told the humans that we were among them. I am more than a tad bit confused, actually. That is part of the reason I came here, to see the truth for myself, to be a part of a greater whole. I have certain abilities that I have inherited from Lucius or so he told me. I feel emotions from everyone, and I often see visions when I touch objects. Lucius shared the ability to see visions, but he was never... sensitive to emotions. It was the way that it was." She had never known any different, and with what this man had said about the clan's relationship with humans she wasn't about to say what Lucius had done with his two girls. "Perhaps a mentor?" She smiled and thought of all the thing that she would need to take care of in order to establish herself here.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem sighed softly. "If anyone has disappointed me, it was your Creator," he said, leaning back in his chair once again. "It seems you lack a basic understanding of who your Clan are. That's very dangerous, Saffia. Your Clan should be a support to you, not an enigma."

He raised his eyebrows at her.
"I assumed you had finished your business in New Orleans," he said, "but by all means, you should be working with the authorities. It isn't necessary that you divulge everything about your existence to them but I do hope you haven't made their jobs any more difficult by not working with them at all."

It did sound that way from her words. In a mostly human world, it was so very tempting for many vampires to abuse their resources and gifts to make lives easier for themselves. But that wasn't what Evenhet was all about. Saffia needed to learn that lesson.

"As far as learning goes," he said, "we have many wonderful resources here at the Towers that can help educate you on matters you should have known long ago. Am I correct in assuming you at least know who your Clan leader is?"

Kem gestured to the wall, knowing that MARI always had an ear out in some way, shape, or form. The panel on the wall of his office flashed on, displaying a picture of Alfarinn.
"This is him. Alfarinn. He travels a lot to oversee matters throughout the world, but when he is home, he makes that home here in Nachton. Otherwise, matters of Nachton and its surrounding suburbs fall to me."

He smiled at Saffia.
"Don't worry. We can fill in the blank spots of your education that have been left lacking, if you are willing to learn. You may stay here at the Towers as long as you're willing to observe the rules we have lived by for hundreds of years, which include first and foremost, the safety and the security of our Clan."

Kem watched Saffia's reaction to his words.
"Is that what you'd like?"

He had given her a lot of information that seemed very new to her. She might prefer to walk out of his office and back onto the street and try her luck on her own. It was up to her. If she chose to stay though, she would be living under a set of rules that were apparently foreign to her. He thought, though, he'd made it clear that she must still live by them if she expected to remain here in the Towers.
Saffia 13 years ago
Saffia took a deep breath as she shook her head to the question of if she knew her clan leader. She hadn't even known if she had one although she knew that if there was a clan then there had to be someone in charge. "I would indeed like to live here. I want to learn about my heritage." She took another deep breath. This was very disturbing to her. How little she knew.

"There is some unfinished business in New Orleans. I did not lie to the police, I did not tell the truth. They have a missing persons report out for my 'husband' and I had already arranged for the funeral of my 'daughter'. They were very apologetic and very angry that we did not evacuate when told to. We honestly, honestly did not know. I did not use my talents against the police, it is against my personal ethics to do so." She looked away a moment. "My question is this - had I informed the police that I was a vampire, and so was my 'husband' then wouldn't they have dragged me in for a psych exam to find out if I believed the fantasies I write were indeed reality?"
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
Kem blinked at Saffia for a moment, sure he'd been fairly clear on the idea that the safety of the Clan was foremost. Could she not differentiate between being open with humans in the Clan and being circumspect around those she wasn't sure of?

"If you don't know, then of course it's best to keep your identity secret," Kem said patiently. "Our Clan has many humans in it, though, and they all know what we are and work with us without being subservient or tied to us in any way."

He swallowed a soft sigh.
"How old are you, exactly, Saffia?"

She seemed like a newly-turned vampire. She knew nothing. How was that possible?
Saffia 13 years ago
She nodded. They had not been communicating clearly. Perhaps it was entirely her, she knew that she was not thinking clearly. She hadn't had a chance to stop and rest and let everything catch up with her since the storm. "I do not know my exact age. There was civil war in the english countryside. My research has told me that this was around 1200-ish but no one can give me an exact date - the raid on the convent that I lived in was never documented." She took another deep breath to steady her nerves as she spoke evenly. "I do not think I have made it clear enough that we lived a very isolated existence. Anything that you think that I should know... please don't assume that I do. I would rather have someone explain an important point than unwittingly create havoc in my ignorance." She was beyond naive. Intelligent yes. But she had been too long isolated.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
"Oh, no," Kem said a little wryly, "It's very clear."

Isolated was one thing, but had they lived in a box? Kem sighed
. "Well, regardless, it's good that you've chosen to come to us now. I'm sorry you didn't know before that you had such a resource at hand."

Kem himself had spent the better part of 800 years not knowing about the existence of his own Clan, but he hadn't had anyone to learn from at all... Saffia had had a Creator. That fact alone was deplorable. She should have been taught.

Well, she could still learn if her naivety didn't kill her. She had come to the right place. Their resources were vast, and their knowledge base was too. If she were willing to learn, she could hardly help but do so here.

"I'm assuming you need furnished accommodations," he said gently, not wanting to remind her too harshly of the fact that she'd lost everything. "That's not a problem."

Liefde had apartments both empty and furnished. Kem picked up his phone and made a quick call over to Liefde. When he was finished he said,
"We have room for you. You'll just need to head over to Liefde and talk to the woman at the front desk. She'll help you pick out an apartment you like, and show you around the Towers a little."

He stood, noting the light on his phone was flashing, indicating messages he'd missed during their conversation. Sometimes, work was never done.
"If there's nothing else, then, I'll have someone bring you over there. It is a pleasure to have met you, Saffia. I hope you're happy here in Nachton. Please don't be afraid to call on me if you have any concerns."

((ooc: Kem out, pending Saffia's response))
Saffia 13 years ago
Saffia nodded and was relieved that the interview was over. "Thank you for your assistance. I think it will be good to no longer be alone." She wanted to ask about a mentor, but could do so at another time. What she really needed to do was take a few days and let the last few weeks catch up with her. She was tired, exhausted really. She reached down to collect her garment bag and laptop bag. She fixed his name and face into her mind with that peculiar mental stomp that she had. She truly wasn't sure what to do next. Possibly sleep. She had been going non stop for a rather long time.

((Saffia out))