Hey Chica
Marie left the Qwerty, her back pack slung over one shoulder and an iced coffee in the other. She and three other girls in her World History class had meet there to work on a project. Ysabel had been a very helpful and a great resource. The trouble was Marie could hardly cite a primary source that was still living in her bibliography. But she had given her some very good ideas on who and what to research. It had made their study session very productive and had impressed the other girls.
As she walked to the bus stop she heard a voice call after her.
"Hey! Marie, wait up!"
It was Jesus. He'd been in a number of her classes in high school and they had some classes in common now. He had always been very nice and respectful. At first she'd rather liked him, just as a friend, because he both kept his distance and because he was from the southwest and they had a common frame of reference. But lately he'd gotten rather forward, bordering on aggressive.
She bit her lip and wished she'd taken Rica up on her offer of a ride home instead of insisting on working on something for another class and taking the bus home. Still, she slowed up just a little it would have been rude to ignore him.
"Hi Jesus."
"What are you doing here?"
"Working on that paper for class."
He laughed and grinned. It was a charming smile she had to admit that but she could see something else in it, something sly something she didn't like and shied away from it a bit. He frowned slightly before responding.
"Always school with you. Why don't you come to the movies with me today?"
"No thank you. I've got work for Chemistry I need to do yet."
Suddenly Jesus' manner changed it was as if all the times she'd polity turned him down finally made him snap.
"What? You think you're too good for me? You live up there on the hill with your rich guardians and you think you can do better?"
He sneered the word 'guardians' implying that the relationship wasn't what it seemed, making it sound dirty. Marie forced herself to remain calm, she'd learned that she had to stay calm when anyone else got aggressive then she stayed in control and could get out of the situation. Taking a step back she shook her head.
"No, that's not it. I just have work to do. That's all. Now my bus will be her in a minute so..."
But he didn't take the hint, he didn't leave and for all the open street, Marie really didn't have a place to run to. Nor did she think Ysabel would want her to run. It was, however, a Sunday afternoon and far too early in the day to hope her vampire might come to the rescue, besides she had to learn how to handle this herself. But as Jesus started in on another jibe Marie really wished she could learn how to deal with this another day and not alone.
He nodded and shrugged at Marie's next observation, a little self-conscious smile on his lips. Obviously, yeah, it had worked out. Couldn't be better, in Alex's opinion, in spite of the rocky start. "No relationship has a smooth road," he said. "We got over the worst of the bumps for now."
There would be more, Alex was sure, especially since he would age and Eiryk wouldn't. It made him sad but there wasn't anything to be done about that. He couldn't change Eiryk and Alex couldn't see himself spending an eternity drinking other peoples' blood.
He nodded once more at Marie when she said it wasn't her choice immediately either. What little girl wanted to be a vampire? Never mind, he thought to himself as he stood with Marie and made his way to the front of the bus. With the recent explosion of vampires in the media, what little girl DIDN'T want to be one was probably a better question. If only they knew.
He and Marie exited the bus and continued their walk own the road. Now that they were alone Alex regarded the young woman curiously. "So why did you change your mind? You seem a little young to have made such a life-altering decision."
While she had her own issues Marie very much liked to see the people around her happy. If nothing else between watching her vampire and Ambrose and her boss and Eiryk she was learning wast a healthy loving relationship looked like. Granted, they didn't look much alike on the surface, but there were similarities.
It wasn't terribly hot out, not by the standards she was used to, but the humidity was not something she enjoyed. It was probably going to rain tomorrow.
Marie walked a little ways in silence and thought about her answer.
"I think.... its because... well what would have happened if Ysabel hadn't been there for me? I want the chance to figure things out and maybe give back and some people can't do that in one lifetime. I think I'm one of those people."
Alex wasn't, he'd found some one to love, he was giving back. Marie thought that was incredibly brave. She didn't know how long it would be before she could do the same. Certainly she loved Ysabel, but that was different.
"Not to mention all the history I'll get to see and all the time I'll have to learn things."
She broke into an easy grin, lightening the mood a little.
He listened to her reasons for wanting to be one of them. He nodded thoughtfully, although privately he disagreed. One person could give back in their lifetime. They had to be able to. Alexander wanted to. He refused to believe that he needed an eternity to be a productive, giving member of society. Maybe he just needed to be a little more proactive, put some more energy into it. He could do that.
"I can almost see the appeal, when you think about the learning. I admit I'm a little curious what our world will be like a hundred, a thousand years from now." Alex shrugged. "If it were meant to be, though, I'd have met Eiryk another way maybe. As it is I'm glad I have him now. I'll have him for as long as it's... sensible."
Alexander wasn't sure yet how he felt about Eiryk being around, youthful, handsome, sexy, when Alex was old and tired. Alex wondered if he would want to die just to get out of the way and let Eiryk move on. He had thought about it a lot lately; maybe it would be best for him to 'retire' someplace sunny and tropical. It might be best if Eiryk remembered him in his youth, or his middle age, rather than as a doddering old man.
It was a morbid thought though, so he responded to Marie's change of mood with a smile. "Have you thought about what you want to do first? Where you want to go?"
Which was saying something because Ambrose wasn't even two hundred years old.
"I mean... Really look how much has changed just since I was born."
She wrinkled her nose a bit and thought that maybe it would be nice if there was some happy history being made these days. And certainly nothing was as glamorous as what Ysabel had talked about as far as the courts in Europe. But Marie had hope and if nothing else she would have time to learn about all those things. Maybe she could write a book.
Marie frowned again at Alexander's choice of words.
"But love isn't sensible is it?"
Alex seemed to be thinking hard about this. Of course it was a conundrum she was quite familiar with. It had taken her a long time to make her decision. It would probably take Alexander a while too. All she could really do though was hope her boss knew he could talk to her about this. She might be young and a little in experienced in matters like this but she could listen if nothing else.
The subject changed and she brightened viably.
"England, then France, then Scotland and Wales and then I think Italy. Although... maybe Italy after France."
Marie had mixed feelings on Italy. It was the first language Ysabel had taught her so it had something of a sentimental claim but other than that she just wasn't sure.
"Have you traveled much?"
Shaking his head at Marie's question about love Alex said, "Love isn't always... but old age is supposed to be. I'd like to hang onto my dignity, and maybe take myself off to a nursing home before Eiryk feels obligated to change my diapers."
He said it with a grin, joking for Marie. She didn't need to know how serious he was about that. It wasn't something to dwell on for now, not really.
"I haven't traveled much at all," Alex addressed her next question. "Across the US some, on various hiking and camping trips. But out of the country, no... just to Canada. And that can't possibly count much."
He hadn't even taken a plane; he'd just driven. Alex didn't think that made him a very worldly traveler. With Eiryk, though, he suspected he might see more of the world than he'd ever thought possible. His boyfriend was already planning several vacations, all of which involved more money than Alex could fathom spending in a long weekend, but all of which he did want to do.
They were coming up on Marie's house (well, her guardians' house) and Alex admired the enormous structure with its beautifully crafted gate across the driveway. He stopped there, not intending to come in. He'd just wanted to make sure Marie got home all right.
"I'll stay here until you're inside, Marie," Alex said, parking himself at the front gate.
They were close to the preserve. Alex could easily cut through it to get home himself, and that would be an enjoyable little mini-cross-country hike.
Wow, that was something else to think about. Perhaps living with Ysabel had warped her perspective a bit. Alexander was still young and he had his own business to run of course he hadn't had much time for travel. But she just smiled.
"Boarders always count even if they are just between states."
Pushing open the gate with a casual familiarity she blinked a little as Alexander stayed there. It wasn't a long walk up the drive but it seemed rude to leave her friend/boss at the gate.
"Are you sure you don't want to come in for a second? I can get you something to drink. I made some iced tea before I left this morning."
Marie made good iced tea and she was rather proud of that fact, but she never said anything about it. But even a glass of water, something after all he'd gone out of his way for her today and she did appreciate it.
North America was a large continent after all. Alex didn't mind the fact that he hadn't left it. He would eventually, if he had any say in the matter. Eiryk wanted to and that counted for a lot as well.
When Marie invited him inside he just smiled and shook his head. "No, I'm fine really. I just wanted to make sure you got here safely. I'm going to go back home; I have a date with a guy about a thing."
Really he just wanted to get back to Eiryk. All this talk about mortality made him feel like there was some sense of urgency tonight. He wanted to hold his boyfriend, kiss him, love him, and act as if they did have an eternity. Alex's life would be over far too soon and maybe it was selfish of him, but he wanted Eiryk to remember him.
"It's okay," he reassured Marie. "I'll see you at work on Monday."
He remained standing until Marie had disappeared inside, then turned and headed back the way they'd come until he found a trail up into the side of the road that led through the preserve. He picked up his pace and jogged most of it. He'd need a shower when he got back to Liefde, but somehow he couldn't see Eiryk objecting.
((ooc: Alex out pending response))
"Tell Eiryk I said hello and pet Thora for me."
Marie had liked the little kit, she was cute.
She nodded.
"I'll be there early. Thank you again for helping me today."
With that Marie trotted up the drive, let herself in the house and went looking for her vampire.
((OOC... Marie out))