It's all coming back to me now....
She woke before Scott. She usually tried to, edging carefully out of the bed and wandering off to the kitchen for coffee. She really wasn't ever awake before her coffee. Cradling the cup in her hand she glanced at the clock. She'd known it was towards evening but hadn't realized how late she was. Hitting the play button on her cell's dock, she listened to the voice mail messages. Two from her supervisor, unsurprising, one from the real estate agent and one from Scott's boss in DC. Also unsurprising. The next one was from a creditor, threatening to damage her credit report forever if she didn't pay them. And the last one...that one was from the repair shop. Her beloved vintage bug was dead and there wasn't much that could be done to repair it. It really was best to just let it die a quiet death and get a vehicle that was not only in better repair, but would need no repairs every other week.
Miya put the empty mug of coffee down and let the tears come. She was mourning an old friend in her bug. It'd been cheap, the only thing she could afford and she'd probably put thousands of dollars of work into keeping it running. It was impractical. She vaguely remembered Scott fixing at least one thing that had been wrong with it in their tenure. Car problems eluded her, and she should get something more practical. The problem was, how was she going to afford it? And it wasn't like she could just ride her bike to exhibit openings, she'd already been reprimanded once for doing that so she tried to take cabs.
Bleh. Today was supposed to be happy. Today Scott would make her his, completely. She knew the smell of the coffee would wake him up, so she dried her tears, washed her face in the kitchen and headed back into the bedroom, crawling up the bed slowly so that she straddled him. She had taken a moment when coming into the bedroom to turn off the lights and light the candles in her room - cinnamon and vanilla, throwing their light onto the walls and mingling with the smell of blessed coffee.
Miya wasn't sure if he was asleep or faking it so she did what she wanted to do. Nude except for the silk robe she wore, she slowly began to grind herself against him, the sheet all that was separating her from him. She grinned down, her bed-head hair wild and untamed by a brush. She ground him into the bed, making him fully hard. The only way it would be better was if she woke him up by burrowing under the blankets and taking him into her mouth. She knew how he loved that, but what she was after was him to flip her over and pin her down. And as soon as he woke up she was sure that he would be obliging....

The scent of cinnamon, vanilla, fresh coffee... and her. Her scent was always strongest in the mornings. He imagined his was, as well, but not in a 'good' way, not like hers.
Scott inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with everything about her, stretching, flexing, waking up... and then he realized the obvious, that some parts of him were awake before others.
Miya's hips slowly ground against him, her wetness soaking a small patch of the thin sheet - the spot just over the ridge of his raging hard manhood. If only the maddening sheet wasn't in the way... but he knew it was on purpose, she loved to tease him just as much as he loved to tease her. Despite her often submissive attitude, she loved 'rebelling' against it, and she loved provoking him - just as she was doing now.
His hands slowly moved up, untying her robe very slowly. Once the tie was undone, he just left the robe open slightly, revealing more of her dark skin, and let the garment practically hand on her shoulders. He watched as her nipples hardened, clearly visible against the fabric as it slid and teased her skin. Her hips swirled again in response, harder this time, conveying an eagerness that never - ever - failed to excite him.
In one strong, smooth motion, he sat up and spun her to the side, onto her back, their loins still pressed together. It was his turn, now... his hips did the grinding, sensuous and suggestive, pressing his hardness upward, where her clit would be beneath the thin sheet.
She caught her breath at the sensation - he smiled. He had found the one spot that would immediately render her near-helpless to him once more, her playful rebellion brought to an abrupt end.
"Good morning," he whispered. He watched the light dance on the walls, on the sheets, and across her skin. Her bright eyes almost glowed, and he felt himself getting lost in them. He had always adored her eyes, so bright and exotic. Scott always joked that his 'baby-shit brown' eyes were so... mundane, but he truly had always wished to have eyes like hers.
Scott couldn't tell that she had been crying, but he could sense her despair. He was going to ask her about it, drag it out of her, find out what was wrong - but her body's actions told him she needed something else right now - and he was only too happy to oblige.
His lips fell to hers, kissing her full lower lip slowly. Yes, he probably had morning-breath - but unless she protested, he didn't care. He definitely didn't care when she had it - his desire far outweighed silly things like that.
Scott slowly reached down, and raising his hips slightly, he began to pull the sheet from between them. They looked into each others' eyes, as the only layer of protection she had from him was slowly stripped away...
And then he was inside her, a single, smooth thrust that buried him to the hilt. They groaned in unison as she slowly raised her legs to rest her calves on his hips.
One of his arms held him above her, while the other roamed up and down her body, pushed the robe aside even more, revealing her breasts that he adored. His hand quickly set to caressing... kneading... urging quick hardness from her nipple as his hips set into a slow, steady rocking rhythm.
No formalities. No words. No other foreplay. Just that smooth, silky connection mingled with their mutual cries of pleasure, sounds and feelings that often said more between them than words ever could.

"It's the third night, love. I've not changed my mind. I want this more so tonight. Make me yours? Completely and forever?"
Just then he did that perfect long stroke that she liked so much and all of her pretty words went out the window. She just closed her eyes and let the orgasm ride her.

Always so willing, her body so eager to receive. Every inch of her reacted as though it was so pleased to see him.
"Yes... we shall complete the requirements... soon," he responded to her question. "Remember, it is not a permanent bond. If we separate, in time, it will fade on its own."
He gave her a smooth, long stroke - and that sent her over the edge. As she climaxed, he smiled down at her in triumph.
"You know I love that..." he whispered throatily, moving his lips to her neck. His hips still rocked against her, pressing eagerly, his girth inside her tightness wreaking havoc with each movement. "I love feeling your body squeeze and possess me, gripping me so tightly," he whispered, moved to such words whenever she drove him wild with lust.
His mouth lowered to her neck - and she could feel the points of his fangs against her skin again - but he was teasing, dragging them along her skin, not yet penetrating...

"Dammit Scott DO IT." Her frustration, mingled with lust and desire was obvious in her voice, if not her emotions as well. She was ever so slightly insecure and saw this as a way to be closer to him, to be completely his again.
If she had known about this she would never have left him. She regretted doing so almost every moment that she had been away from him. And then his fangs has scratched her skin and she made sweet little moaning sounds in answer. Miya always liked it just a tad bit rough, though she also liked the gentleness as well at times. She managed to get one leg free and hooked it around him, trying to draw him closer. Then her desperation broke free.
"Scott... Master... Love... please." She begged him, she wanted it so badly.

She begged him, and he could hear the eagerness in her voice. He smiled - but made sure she couldn't see it, or she'd likely be pissed.
Instead, his face at her neck, he teased her some more.
"I am just making sure I find the right spot," he teased, licking and teasing her sensitive skin.
Meanwhile, his hips began to move again, slow, steady - commanding. She was his, and with all of her offerings and willingness, he was going to take her.
She begged now - but soon, she'd be pleading. She would be moaning and pleading, which turned him on even more. Eventually he'd give in, he'd give her what she wanted - he almost always did, but for now - he enjoyed that power.
He felt her hook her leg around him, and his thrusts increased in speed and intensity. Her body accepted him... welcomed him... and he gave in to that. His hips swayed, sliding into her at angles she didn't expect - and he varied his depth to keep her guessing.
Scott loved her for a long time - they didn't know exactly how long, but their sweaty bodies told them it had been at least a couple hours. After their bodies had spent themselves repeatedly, she lay in his arms, asking, "When? When? When?"
"I love you," he said to her, gently moving stray hair from her face with a hook of his finger. "I don't know if you'll ever know how much you mean to me."
He lowered his mouth to her neck - and without further ado - his fangs penetrated her skin for the third time in as many evenings. Her blood nearly leaped into his mouth in two tiny spurts, and he fed.
So sweet... she had been so sweet the previous times, but this time was even sweeter. Maybe it was just his imagination, or maybe it was the mere thought of how much closer that had just become.

And then, in his time, he had given in to her. He'd bit her, causing her body to react in his arms. She didn't think that she would ever tire of the way this felt. It wasn't just that the bite was pleasant - because it was. It wasn't even her vampire fetish or the fact that she truly enjoyed being bitten and marked. It was that it was her Scott. That she sustained him. She had agreed long ago to become his, then had thrown it away and now wanted to desperately reclaim it all.
Now she truly was his. They would be bound together and she smiled. She hadn't realized what it would feel like. She had thought that it would be a sense of him there, and it was to a lesser degree. But she knew, knew that if she was in trouble that he would come for her. He would be there, holding her safe and secure. She clung to him, not really wanting him to stop. She didn't want him to at all. This was a feeling she wanted to experience again and again and never wanted it to end.
But soon enough he finished feeding from her and she lay in his arms in a happy post-sex-orgasm-endorphins haze. She was rather quickly becoming addicted to him. He was amazing. She found herself smiling and idly tracing one hand along his skin.
"I'm sleepy." She managed to get out around yawns, snuggling closer in his arms. "Thank you for that, and for the sex and for being here." She was rambling, happily. She would never be alone again.

He could already 'feel' the bond forming. He smiled, and hoped that she would be able to accept it, herself. He wanted Miya to be happy.
"You're sleepy? Well of course you are," he whispered softly, kissing her forehead gently as she snuggled more into him. As usual, he would sit through the remainder of the night, listening to her breathe, feeling her warm breath on his chest, the gentle rise and fall of her stomach against him.
"Thank me? No... thank you. I would never take you by force - you had to give in willingly for any of this to work," he smiled.
And soon, her breathing settled, and she dozed off. Scott wondered what she dreamed about, as he lay his head against the top of hers gently, and sat with her through the night.

Thy had always played games, daring ones for the thrill, and nearly been caught now and then. A smile spread over her lips as they lay there together and in her sleep she murmured, "Loves you."((Scott and Miya out!))