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Things That Go Bump in the Night

Kiyoshi had quietly left his room and trotted out along the trails into the woods. He wanted to be outside. It was getting a little confining indoors. Most people had been kind but Kiyo's own insecurities preyed on him nightly and he had a hard time settling. It was difficult to sleep.

He had been spending a lot of time at Terminus helping to get it ready for its opening, instead of making connections in his Pack. He did it to himself. He knew that.

Yet, he was too afraid to do it any other way. Kiyo supposed after a while fear became a lifestyle. So here he was again, slinking out of a real room with his sleeping bag under one arm, creeping down the hallways and finally out into the woods. More and more he was considering Evan's offer. Maybe he could stay with him.

He liked Evan. He might even like Guillaume... a bit.

Kiyo reached a little clearing just off one of the narrower trails in the woods. He laid out his sleeping bag and then reached into his pocket. He sighed happily as he slipped his fingers into the loops of his poi. Standing still for a moment and breathing deeply, he felt everything around him, taking it all in. The earth beneath his feet, the sky over his head. The soft noises of night birds and other small animals all around. He tasted the gentle breeze and found it soothing.

With that taste still upon his tongue he bent and turned each poi on. He wasn't using fire here in the woods. He had led lights in each one. As they glowed, a slow transition through all the colors of the rainbow, he suddenly began to move. Within seconds his poi were spinning quickly through the air and Kiyo had settled into a relaxing rhythm.

Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Guillaume opted not to explain any further about Terminus and Kiyohi figured that maybe he'd said enough for now. The trouble was, Kiyo thought Terminus was much more than a bar. His few words had been completely insufficient to convey the actual breadth and scope of the club.

It was too late to correct himself, however. Kiyoshi let the two taller men talk to each other and gratefully accepted his poi back. He wasn't sure if it would be considered showing off to spin them some, but he was feeling somewhat nervous after having admitted to Greer that he'd spent some time on the streets.

In fact, between the two Kiyoshi felt downright unacceptable. Guillaume, obviously, was part owner of his own business, a pilot, obviously successful, in addition to being tall and good looking. Then on the other side was Greer, apparently a lawyer, just as handsome as Guillaume.

Kiyoshi thought maybe he'd made a mistake in coming here. He had thought he would feel comfortable in the midst of his Packmates here in the city where he would have a decent job. Instead he found the people more glamorous, more intense, more of everything that Kiyo was not. Even Evan, who he considered a friend, fit in with these people... the vampire was every bit as tall, as successful, as handsome.

Kiyo just sort of wanted to crawl into his sleeping bag and curl up now. He might have made a mistake. Maybe he shouldn't have come at all. No, he sort of liked it here. He was trying to be a part of things.

To that end he smiled tentatively at Greer.
"Well, you know what they say. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you practice, you could give up your dull and horribly low-paying career for the glamorous life of an itinerant poi dancer."

He offered a little bow to Greer and then to Guillaume, having a hard time envisioning either man doing so. It wasn't for everyone. When push came to shove Kiyoshi was just happy to have a skill that earned him a living, even if that living wasn't posh or even at times comfortable.
Guillaume 13 years ago
Interesting, despite the wild hair and the impression he'd gotten of Greer in their two meetings the idea of lawyer somehow fit. Undoubtedly, while unconventional of an attorney, Greer could use his looks to his advantage with a jury.

"I think we might forgive you that. It is a dirty job but some one has to do it and all that."

That was unexpected. Greer didn't strike him as the kind of person who would have been living out on the streets. Of all the things for the three of them to have in common this was not it, alienation, exile, that was not it. He found himself oddly curious to know Greer's story, but he could hardly ask.

He raised an eyebrow and half smiled at his 'agent's' suggestions. They sounded, painful but the mild absurdity wasn't all bad.

"Perhaps you can get back to me when you have come up with that gimmick. Just remember ten percent of nothing is... nothing."

At least Kiyo seemed to be warming up to Greer a bit. He nodded to Kiyo.

"If you can convince him perhaps you too can make ten percent of nothing."

He almost said something about his job bar tending but suspected that Kiyo would find that more threatening than teasing. Navid always seemed to put his foot in his mouth with the bartender and he was trying to fix that.
Greer Grayson 13 years ago
Greer's shoulders slumped and he gave Guillaume a sad nod. "Its true. Sacrificial lamb. That's me." It was more true than he cared to dwell on; though a part of his brain said that his brother had been the one to pay the ultimate price so that he could live. What did he really have to complain about? It was selfish of him.

He nodded and looked thoughtful. "Feathers... no. Flying...hmm, maybe." Gris smiled up at Guillaume. "I'll work on it. Can you swing from a trapeze?"

Turning back to Kiyoshi, he laughed. " I will have to practice very hard then." He gave the other wolf a pair of big green eyes and then stared out into space. "I can see it now. I will be famous. My name scrawled out big where everyone can see it...because its written in graffiti on my favorite over pass near my very own street corner." With a big sigh, he said. "Someday."

He returned his gaze to the smaller werewolf and smiled. "Until then I will leave the poi spinning to you but perhaps I can practice with you if I see you at the campfires?" Gris had yet to make very many friends here since he came to Nachton. He had been busy at the firm. In fact, he had spoken to Guillaume more than most other werewolves except for the man's cousin. "If you have a spare set and are willing to spare some time for more lessons."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo would admit to being a little lost while the two taller wolves bantered about job prospects... or business stuff... or whatever. Their haggling seemed a little over his head so he simply contented himself with swinging his poi in slow arcs back and forth, deciding it wouldn't be showing off if he just did it a little... it made him feel slightly less nervous to have something to occupy his hands with.

Greer's words had Kiyo feeling very uncertain. Was he teasing Kiyoshi? Sure, Kiyo had pointed out the whole not-so-glamorous thing with some level of sarcasm himself, but he was clearly a poi dancer even if he tended bar... and while he had admittedly spent some time under an overpass, he did aspire to greater things than a graffiti-sprayed advertisement.

The green eyes bore no malice though, and Kiyo laughed softly, if a little bit tensely.
"Maybe you should stick with the lawyer gig," he agreed. "It's probably a lot more reliable."

The question of lessons by the campfire was raised and Kiyo paused in his poi-swinging for a moment. He didn't often participate at Pack gatherings. He attended them once in a while, but this would mean he would feel obligated to be present more often.

If he were to teach Greer some of what he knew, though, he would be able to hang out on the fringes of such a gathering... that was okay with him. They could hardly spin poi in the midst of things.

"Okay," he said to Greer. "It's a deal. Next time."

He cringed to make such a promise, but it would be okay. He could do it.
Guillaume 13 years ago
He wasn't sure how much of that comment was humor and how much was true. The slump of Greer's shoulders was something he recognized though. He saw it in the mirror on occasion. He studied Greer for a moment and thought that he saw truth in the way he stood and sounded. But he didn't press the issue. It seemed to make Kiyo a bit hesitant as well.

"Pardon? A trapeze?" The idea took him off guard but after a moments hesitation he recovered enough to quip back. "With or with out glittery spandex?"

Well that was good. He was encouraged to see Kiyo agree to teach Greer a bit more with the poi. While he had no real interest in learning to spin poi it wold be nice to see them both at the fire. He would probably check in with them if he did see them.
Greer Grayson 13 years ago
"Maybe." Gris smiled at Kiyoshi and his sage advice.

Turning to Guillaume, he looked thoughtfully at the man. Walking a full circle around the taller Were, Gris came back around to stand in front of him. "You would do glittery spandex justice. No one would call the fashion police about how you filled it out...But I would say that was up to you." As the saying went: spandex was a privilege not a right but Guillaume had earned that right.

Kiyoshi agreed to teach him at some future campfire event. Gris smiled at the man. "Thank you. I think it would be fun to learn." It would give him something else to do. He enjoyed the social gatherings of the R'asa but sometimes he felt out of place. So often he was new to the city and knew very few people. Greer hoped to make Nachton a more permanent home but until he knew more people it would be good to have something that could occupy his attention and need to fidget.

"Well, I think I should go get some sleep, especially if I would like to keep that Lawyer gig. It was nice meeting you, Kiyoshi." Gris turned to the Frenchman and gave him a small smile. "And it was nice not doing verbal battle with you, Guillaume."

Gris started walking toward the buildings that were in the clearing beyond the forest. He tossed another good bye over his shoulder. "You two have a good night. Enjoy your sleep under the stars, Kiyoshi."

((OOC: Gris Out ))
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi wrinkled his nose and shook his head vigorously at Guillaume when Greer was facing away, walking around the other were. In Kiyo's opinion there was never much excuse for spandex. It was unnatural!

He smiled tentatively at Greer, though, when he took him up on the offer of future poi lessons. Kiyo had never taught anyone how to do anything. He wasn't the authority or the go-to person for any subject. He thought he might be looking forward to it if the entire concept didn't fill him with trepidation. He would give it a shot though and see what happened.

"You too," he said to Greer as the other man made his excuses and headed off. At the last remark though Kiyo's head turned sharply to look guiltily at his sleeping bag.

Shuffling his feet a little on the leaf-covered ground Kiyoshi glanced up at Guillaume.
"He seems nice," he ventured, aware from Greer's words that obviously the two of them must have had some sort of altercation in the past. It hadn't happened tonight though, obviously, so maybe they were both over whatever had caused it?
Guillaume 13 years ago
Guillaume raised an eyebrow as Greer sized him up for spandex. He didn't quite know what to make of it, but he wasn't threatened by it.

"Perhaps the glitter would be over the top."

But he left it at that. It was just a mild joke there was no point in perusing it any further.

"It was nice to meet you."

That first meeting was probably best forgotten. It had not been his finest moment, even Thérèse hadn't forgiven him immediately and she was family and understood where he was coming from. It would be harder for an outsider.

He let Greer leave without another word and was uncomfortably aware that he was now alone with Kiyo. No matter what Navid did he always seemed to say something or do something wrong when it came to their bar tender. In an odd sort of way that stressed Guillaume out. Nodding he agreed.

"I think he might be."

Discretion was the better part of valor. Navid quickly decided if he was going to have any kind of working relationship or within the pack with Kiyo they would just have to take it slow. So he would excuse himself.

"It was nice to run into you tonight Kiyo. But I trust you won't be offended if I leave you to your privacy?"

Guillaume smiled, almost cautiously, pulled on his shirt and after exchanging a polite goodnight headed back to find his car so he could go home.

((OOC and Guillaume out pending response))
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
"Oh uh no. I won't be offended. It's okay I mean."

Kiyo gave a little wave to Guillaume. "It was good to see you."

Privacy? What privacy? Kiyo laughed dryly to himself. Maybe next time he'd use the unlit poi if he wanted to find some peace and quiet. It hadn't been horribly bad, really... he had conversed with not one but two Packmates without anything terrible happening!

Nonetheless he decided it was good enough for one night. The peace was somewhat shattered. Not in a bad way... but he wouldn't find it tonight. Kiyoshi huffed a small sigh and waited until Guillaume had disappeared before rolling his sleeping bag back up and hitching it over his shoulder.

The return to the Asylum proper was a stealthy affair. Kiyo didn't really want to be found out so he kept to the shadows and tried to stay out of anyone's way, purposefully avoiding the more well-traveled paths. He didn't know if anyone would understand his need to be apart and didn't want to have to explain himself.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi walked toward the main building after putting her motorcycle away. It had been a late night doing a few deliveries for the R'asa. The last one involved a disguise and relocation. The odd hour was because of the 'items' to be delivered. It was the only time when the woman could safely slip away with her baby son while her abusive husband was asleep in bed.

They had taken all the pictures of the kid away that they could find and then changed the look of the mother. They didn't want the father using any photos of the child to locate them either now, or with aging technology, later. It would be difficult anyway; the boy was less than a year old but better safe than sorry. Tavi delivered both of them to the small airport. Evan would see to it that mother and son found a ride out of the state tomorrow or the next night.

She had just been looking down at her dye stained hands when she heard a tiny noise and looked up. Someone was moving on the path in front of her and being very quiet about it. If she hadn't been so close she would never have heard anything at all.

"So...just what have you been up to, mister?" Tavi recognized the form as her new roommate, Kiyoshi. She smiled and poked the sleeping bag over his shoulder. "Must be interesting if it required sneaking out with a sleeping bag to do it." Tavi waggled her eyebrows at him. "Got a screamer for a girlfriend? I can see where that might be a problem in such close quarters...the sleeping bag out in the woods is probably a good idea."

Tavi picked off a leaf clinging to his bag and twirled it around in a her fingers. The devil was in the details and it was her job to notice such things. She liked to keep in practice. Of course, Kiyo didn't really have the air of the thoroughly laid about him. She could be wrong but if so then his girlfriend...or boyfriend, she amended mentally, was not doing it right.

Remembering that he was almost painfully shy the first time she had met him, she let him off the hook. Tavi wrapped an arm around his waist and smiled. "So how did the interview go? Evan wasn't too scary was he? If he was I'll go over there right now and kick his scrawny undead butt. You just say the word."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi knew it was too late to hide when he heard someone close behind him. He whirled as he recognized the familiar voice and momentarily tried to conceal his sleeping bag behind him but it was sort of stuck on his shoulder and pretty unwieldy to boot, and he ended up just sort of squirming in place with it looking odd.

"Oh Miss Tavi. Hi. Um, nothing. Nothing interesting at all, just... getting out for some fresh air." He stammered as he tried to explain himself. Even as he remembered to breathe Kiyoshi's eyes went wide at her next suggestion. Which part, he wasn't sure. "No!" he said emphatically. "She's not a screamer. I mean I don't have a girlfriend. Or anyone else. Just me."

He huffed a short sigh and his eyes followed Tavi's hand as she removed the small leaf from his sleeping bag and played with it. Then she moved closer, put her arm around his waist, and he froze. He wasn't stiff, exactly, he just wasn't sure what to do. So he stood there and trained his eyes upon her and waited. He liked Tavi, he thought. She had been kind to him, and she seemed like a good person. So he waited to hear what she had to say next.

To his surprise she changed the subject. His brows flew up as she did so.

"It went well. And Evan's a good guy. A great guy." Kiyo automatically defended his boss, his friend really, although the word still felt strange.

He tried to imagine little Tavi pummeling Evan and failed.
"I don't think he's scrawny," he cautioned mildly, concerned that Tavi just might attempt it.

"They gave me a job," he said, venturing a smile and including Guillaume in his statement, since he did have two bosses.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi laughed at the quick denial of the girlfriend. Well she wasn't wrong about the lack of 'after shagging' air about Kiyo. It was good to know that her observations weren't wrong there and not just for professional reasons. He was kind of cute.

She was beginning to wonder just what was wrong with her though when the guy went completely still at the friendly hug. Did she come on too strong or something? Drew seemed to have a particular problem with her aggressive tendencies. So much for an alpha wolf with that one. Was it too much to ask for a guy to be able to handle her? Apparently, it was.

Listening to Kiyo's defense of the vampire, Tavi grinned and then sighed with resignation. "I suppose you don't want me to kick his ass then." She wondered what Evan had done to earn the glowing praise. He did have an easy charm about him when he wanted to which helped since he chose to move in werewolf circles as a vampire. He might be a little daft though; she always wondered whether he had a secret death wish. "Its probably for the best. I'd have to jump to kick his ass anyway and that gets tiresome after a while."

Tavi laughed and rolled her eyes at Kiyo when he also defended Evan's physique. "Keep it up and I'll think you have the hots for him."

She paused her teasing to grin and hug him tightly. "That's awesome, Kiyoshi!"

((OOC: Note, she's kidding. She doesn't really think Kiyo has the hots for Evan. ))
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo did a double take at Tavi's bright laugh. It was so carefree, so expressive. He didn't laugh often. He smiled softly at her, admiring her for her confidence. Kiyo shook his head immediately after though; he didn't think she should kick Evan's ass.

"I'm not really sure Evan would appreciate an ass kicking," he said with a soft, hesitant laugh of his own. "All the jumping is good for the quads though." He squatted a few times to demonstrate and then glanced down at Tavi's definitely well-shaped legs.

"Not, uh, that your quads need any help."

They were certainly all there. Just like they should be. Yup. Kind of like Evan's ass... which most certainly did not need any kicking. Not that Kiyo had looked. At either. At all.

It was as if Tavi had read his mind; Kiyoshi was grateful for the darkness they were in. It hid his blush as she accused him of having a crush on Evan. That idea flickered quickly through his mind and he considered it. Kiyo hadn't had all that many relationships. Moving around a lot, losing jobs, competing in tournaments, wasn't a lifestyle that lent itself well to having them. Top it off with Kiyo's natural submissiveness and he had quickly learned that he had very little to offer a partner. Confidence was usually a sexy trait, and Kiyo had none of it. So, he figured, any crush he may form would likely be pointless.

Though... Evan's ass was kind of worth an unrequited crush. Hell, Tavi's quads sort of were, too. He shouldn't discriminate. It wasn't like either of them would ever know he'd considered them in that light, right? Kiyo had gone from having no friends to maybe having two. He wasn't going to screw that up.

Tavi hugged him again and this time Kiyo reacted properly, having had a little time to overcome his natural shyness. He hugged her back and then smiled at her.
"You really think so?"

Kiyo was thrilled to be employed where he was. That Tavi might be happy for him made him feel a little special, and maybe a little intimidated. He wasn't important... that the daughter of the Savia and Sarkis even acknowledged him was a little frightening. But she was so friendly, just as she'd been at their previous meeting, that even Kiyo had a hard time not responding to her.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
She looked down at her thighs and then back up at him. Tavi grinned. "Nice of you to notice." She ran....a lot; her legs were one thing about her that probably did show any kind of muscle and tone. Everything about her was slender and slight though, even her legs. Tavi didn't foresee a future on the cat walk for herself any time soon but she could rock a mini skirt and some super high heels.

Kiyoshi hugged her back this time and she beamed at him. "Of course it is!"

Stepping back Tavi pulled him inside and steered him toward the a stool at the little bar that divided the kitchen. She went over to the fridge and looked back at him.

"Hungry?" She bent down and looked in the meat drawer and pulled out some nice steak meat. "If you want it cooked then I'm not your girl." Tavi went and got a plate and then looked back, waiting for his answer.

"So tell me about Terminus. I saw the outside tonight. It looks impressive. I really like the glowing blue rocks around the entrance. Those are wicked!" She was curious and would like to go some time but she didn't want Kiyoshi to think she was stalking him or something or taking advantage of a friend who worked there; though she supposed she was friends with Evan too and he would certainly want her to come by some time when she was not delivering people.

"Do you like it there?"
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi felt himself blushing again when Tavi noticed him noticing. Smooth, Kiyo. It didn't matter how it was meant, whether or not it was just idle speculation. You just shouldn't be commenting on it! He sighed at himself, ducking his head and turning away a little in embarrassment.

He followed Tavi inside, into the kitchen, and obediently sat where she steered him, leaving his sleeping bag on the floor next to the stool. He was about to tell her he wasn't hungry; the daughter of the Alpha did not need to feed him. But just then his stomach growled pretty convincingly and Kiyo nodded.
"I could eat," he said softly. "And cooking just ruins it anyhow."

Kiyoshi couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten anything cooked. He had been Gifted too young to really remember. He watched Tavi while he considered her question, but his answer was not long in coming.

"I like it there a lot," he said, a little shy to admit that. "I've never worked someplace where they know what I am and are all right with it. I always ended up calling out sick and not being able to explain myself." He shrugged. "I lost a lot of jobs. I was starting to get a reputation."

It was surprising, coming from a werewolf, to say what he said next.
"Evan's really a nice person. Guillaume is too, but sometimes... I don't know. He doesn't seem very happy most of the time."

Not that Kiyoshi was the optimism poster child himself, but he wasn't angry at the world... just terrified of it. Guillaume always seemed so stern... so very lacking in humor. Kiyoshi was still uncertain of what he was thinking at any given time, and some of his expressions, words, jokes... they made him think that Guillaume didn't entirely approve of him. Whether it was because he was Nothos, or because he was a submissive little weenie, Kiyoshi didn't know.

Tavi seemed interested in the bar though, and Kiyo couldn't recall having seen her there before.
"Why haven't you come to visit? You should."

He would remember to ask Evan if Tavi could swing by before hours sometime. She might enjoy being able to wander around the vast area of Terminus before it filled with people. Kiyo enjoyed it.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi gave him a bright smile and then brought over two plates. "See! That's the way I've always thought about it, personally." She handed him a fork and knife and then a plate with two large pieces of meat on it. Tavi then set her plate over next to his before standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Okay, drinks..."

She stuck her head back in the fridge as he explained about the working situation at Terminus. Turning back to him with one hand still hanging onto the door, Tavi smiled sadly. "Yeah, its rough. Its why a lot of people end up doing work for the pack. I'm a rebel too though." She winked at him. "I like having my own space and my own thing." Though lately she found herself working within the pack more and more. Something would need to be done and she could do it, so she did. Maybe she was growing up or something. Tavi gave herself a mental shake and then looked back into the comforting light of the fridge.

"We have: orange juice, milk, mineral water, beer, cranberry juice, coca cola, root beer...some really nasty energy drinks." Tavi shut the door and turned back to him. "and probably some wine on the rack in the pantry. Preference?"

Coming back to him, she leaned against the bar and frowned thoughtfully. "I don't think I've met Guillaume. Evan said his partner was another pilot but not much more about him really." She got the impression that the guy was not a vampire though because Evan had mentioned some things that were being delivered that Guillaume would sign for the next day. " Maybe he's not happy." Tavi shrugged. "I wouldn't let it get you down. Some people take longer to warm up to; eventually you'll figure out a way of working with him or around him."

Tavi smiled when Kiyoshi asked why she hadn't come to visit yet. "I haven't had time yet with the latest case I'm on but it should be done soon and then maybe I will come back and hang out and celebrate. Do you play video games at all?"
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyoshi definitely felt odd being served by Vaughn Emiliano's daughter, but as he and Tavi talked he did his best to stop thinking of her that way. She was Tavi, a very nice wolf who'd been nothing but friendly to him since his arrival in Nachton. And he liked her.

He nodded at her understanding of his situation, glad she got it. It was sort of nice talking to one of his own kind about it. She had to understand.
"I need space too," he said, still unable to raise his voice beyond a soft murmur. He glanced down at his sleeping bag and shrugged at her with a sheepish little smile.

He accepted the plate from her with a murmured thanks and lifted his shoulders at the drink list
. "Just water is fine. Thank you," he said. The two generous pieces of meat looked delicious and he didn't want to ruin the taste with a drink. He waited for Tavi but didn't start to eat; he couldn't eat before she did. She was superior to him. It didn't matter how hungry he was; he made no move to touch knife or fork.

"I just try to avoid him," Kiyo said. "He's nice, really. One of us." He gestured between them both. "He's just... drier, I guess. I feel like everything I do is wrong somehow. I'm sure that's not the case. It's just the way he is, and the way I am."

When Tavi said she was busy with a case Kiyo raised his eyebrows curiously.
"What kind of case?" But he nodded and continued to respond to her. "Normally, no... I move around too much to spend a lot of time with a gaming console. But since I've been here I've played a few. I like them."

Tavi would probably be a fun partner for video games. Kiyoshi had very little competitive streak though so he tended to play games where the players all worked together, rather than the ones that pitted you against each other. He suspected with someone more dominant than he (which was... well, almost everyone), he might feel inclined to throw his game if he were winning... or not try his hardest at all. He didn't like either of those options.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi wondered what Kiyoshi needed space from. Near as she could tell from their conversation and the few times she had seen him in passing at The Rails, he seemed to be on his own. Maybe being sociable as a bartender was a bit much for him sometimes. He seemed naturally pretty quiet.

"I figure everyone does." Tavi smiled at him and pulled out the water that he requested. She gave him one arched eyebrow, 'Water, really?', before handing him the bottle. Pouring herself a glass of the, much edgier, cranberry juice, Tavi eventually came to sit down next to him.

Kiyo talked about his other boss, Evan's partner. She was not shocked to hear that the guy was a werewolf. Though she was a little surprised that one of their kind would deal so closely with a mulo. Perhaps people were becoming more open minded. This whole coming to the city might have been a good idea after all.
"I doubt you do anything wrong. Maybe he's just not good with people." Tavi shrugged.

Cutting her steak, she popped a piece of it into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. Her current case was another one that required her find something.
"Remember the cat?" Tavi gestured with her fork, circling it around and around in the air to mimic their chasing the annoying furball around the room. "Well the owner was so pleased to have his little precious back that he has apparently told everyone he knows. A friend of his has been looking for his daughter. Well, not exactly 'his' daughter. The girl was his step daughter but he loves her and is worried about her. He and her mother got a divorce and he heard that the girl had run away from home. He was hoping to find her and make sure she was okay. Give her a place to stay if she needs it, etc." Tavi shrugged. "I've got a couple of leads. The problem is that the mother doesn't give a damn about her daughter at all and has been less than 'helpful'."

She sighed and ate a few pieces more of the meat. The talk of video games made her think of her brother, as any electronic thing did. He would be all about Terminus if he were here.

"I like the new stuff. Games where you move around. I don't sit still well unless I'm sewing, but then one leg it still moving. I suppose I could game standing up but if I can jump around then all the better." Tavi looked over at Kiyoshi and asked. "So what is your favorite so far."
Kiyoshi Salinas 13 years ago
Kiyo accepted his bottle of water with a smile and a little shrug. He wanted to taste his steak. Unless alcohol was involved he wasn't a very adventurous drinker. He sipped it and regarded Tavi uncertainly when she suggested any fault lay with Guillaume's people skills. Kiyo wasn't sure that was the case; Guillaume seemed perfectly at ease with people, from what Kiyo could see. If they didn't get along the fault was surely Kiyoshi's.

Tavi finally dug into her steak and Kiyo happily followed suit, slicing a piece from his own and popping it into his mouth. He gave a little sigh of happiness as he chewed, enjoying the buttery smooth texture of the raw meat. He glanced at Tavi, wincing and nodding when she asked if he remembered the cat. Stupid cat.

Forcing himself to eat slowly Kiyo listened attentively to the story Tavi told. It hit slightly close to home as she described the mother's attitude. Kiyo knew how it felt to be rejected by your own family. He might not remember a whole lot about them anymore but some things stuck with you, and that was one of them.

"I wish I could help," he said honestly. "It sucks to have no place to go."

It didn't matter how old or young you were. People always wanted a place to be, with people who cared about whether you lived or died. Kiyo felt sympathy for this unknown girl.

As they ate Tavi moved onto the topic of Terminus and, more specifically, video games. It didn't surprise him terribly much to hear her gaming preference. Tavi seemed like a lively person to him, energetic, with a vivid personality. Kiyo smiled at the idea of her bouncing and jumping around while she played.

"You need a wii," he said, "or whatever that new one is. I keep forgetting what they call it."

But they had one. Tavi would probably be very good at it. Kiyo considered his own preferences.
"I don't like one on one games, where you try to kill each other. I like the stuff where you all play against a computer monster or something. My favorite is Gauntlet. I've been told it's old school but I like it."

It was old school... and you could play it forever on a dollar. It was damn near impossible to die. That qualified it as great entertainment in Kiyo's book.
Octavia Emiliano 13 years ago
Tavi paused the chewing and looked at Kiyo thoughtfully for a moment before turning away and spearing another piece of steak and putting it into her mouth. He was a member of the R'asa but Nothos. Was he Gifted recently? She didn't know what his home life had been like before he became a part of the pack but she hoped that he knew that he always had a place to go now.

"Some people aren't so lucky." Tavi said. She reached out and squeezed his arm, giving him a tender smile. "You've always got a place here." She would make sure of it; anyone among the Vyusher who gave him a hard time would have to deal with her and there were few people even among the pack who were up for that.

Tavi turned back to speaking about the case so that she didn't make him uncomfortable
. "I don't know. I might could use your help at some point. It depends on what I find. If I can and you're still interested then I will let you know."

Picking up her drink, she spun around on the stool a little bit as he suggested she needed a wii.
"Oooh yeah. Those looked like fun." Tavi wondered if she could manage not to throw the remote into the television.

She squeezed her eyes closed and furrowed her brow trying to force her brain to make an association with the familiar sounding name. Finally it made sense
. "Ah ha! The fantasy game!" Tavi smiled. "I used to play the elf." Fast is what she did so she could relate to him. It probably gave away her age that she could remember when it was popular. It came out when she was around 12 and of course, being Tobi's twin, meant that she spent a lot of time in the arcades. She had been more a fan of air hockey and pinball but the driving games did hold her attention as well. If she could have driving and explosions then that was even better.