Well-Deserved R and R (private)

Amir parked Jin's car carefully outside the Manor and turned the engine off. He'd been quiet for most of the ride, listening to Mara speak. She didn't give as many details as he had hoped but maybe that was for the best. As she went through her Africa trip he found himself becoming increasingly tightly wound. The thought of her requesting an audience with Subira was a daunting one; always in the past he had been there to stand between them.

He could imagine Mara standing there, her distress palpable, thrusting Amir's ruined jacket at his Creator and accusing her of killing him. Subira would have had her lieutenants with her. Her current second was a woman called Maweii who was nearly as old as Amir. Not one of Subira's children but loyal to her to an extent and an incredible warrior. That position, though, was one Amir had filled until very recently.

He was very glad to have been in the front seat. The more details Mara did divulge the shakier he felt, and facing away from Jin and Mara he could exert some control over himself. He would be there for Mara next time. If there was ever a next time.

Now, he opened the door and stepped out into the warm night air, moving to the back of the car to open it for Jin and Mara. The entire trip the two had been entwined on the small back seat of the car. Mara was clearly exhausted from her long voyage home, but she smiled at him as he opened the door and her smile was as beautiful as ever.

Amir grabbed Mara's bags from the trunk and turned to his two companions, looking at Mara.

"Where do you want to go?"

Amir 12 years ago
Amir was glad that it was Jin who approached him in the bedroom. It wasn't that he didn't want it to be Mara, but a lifetime of platonic touches and restrained embraces had left him hesitant to take that plunge.

He wasn't used to seeing her like this, confident, sensual, playful in this situation. Part of him couldn't take his eyes off of her, and part of him could hardly stop watching Jin. It was a truly dizzying combination of effects. He didn't spare much thought for it, however, because Jin was slowly divesting him of his clothing. Amir stood confidently himself, unashamed to be stripped bare before the two of them, while Jin made short work of the task with soft, alluring touches and caresses that left Amir even more tightly wound than he'd been before.

When Jin asked him if he was ready, however, his words fell upon Amir's ears like a challenge. Amir never backed down from a challenge. Maybe it wasn't entirely appropriate for the setting, usually, but for Amir it was perfect. His hesitation fell away and he wrapped one arm around Jin's waist as the Nightsman came around in front of him, returning his kiss with a soft growl of assent and following him the short distance to the bed.

As Jin made himself comfortable on Mara's far side, Amir watched her intensely. She simply smiled up at him, her pale eyes brilliant in the darkness of the room, very much like two of the stars from his globe. He approached her slowly, offering Jin a soft smile at his words.

"A long way to travel," he agreed. "I'll have to try to be worth it."

As Jin tucked a finger into Mara's bra and tugged Amir's smile grew.
"I think we can leave some intact," he joked softly.

The bed was still low to the ground; he hadn't changed that, just gotten a larger one Amir knelt and offered Mara his hand. When she sat up he drew her forward and kissed her gently, smoothing his hands up her back and giving a little hum of satisfaction at the feel of her silky caramel skin. When he pulled away he lowered his hands, brushing them gently around her sides and down her stomach to the waist of her jeans.

He looked up at her; she nodded her encouragement. Amir undid the button and slowly slid the zipper of her jeans down, sliding his hands back around to her waist and down over the gentle curve of her hips.
Mara 12 years ago
Watching Jin remove Amir's clothing was an experience Mara would like to repeat... often. The two of them were gorgeous together. She was reminded of fire and water; Jin was beautiful, graceful, sensual in every movement. He seemed to flow, to her, whereas Amir stood like a coiled spring, moving less than Jin but giving the impression that he could leap into action at any time. She was entranced by the way they were both different and similar at once, so complimentary to each other.

She waited patiently until Jin returned to her. She smiled up at him when he lay beside her, reaching up a hand to briefly caress his face, toying with a strand of long white hair. It was important to her that he know without a shadow of doubt that she loved him more than life. That if he showed the slightest bit of discomfort with this arrangement they must end it, for Jin was too important to her to lose.

He didn't seem even remotely reluctant though. In fact he invited Amir in, drew him into their circle, and it only made her love him more. Mara knew she was one lucky kitten.

As Amir knelt in front of her Mara sat up. She melted into his kiss, remembering the feel of it not just from his recent caresses but from the past few months as well. His hands on her bare skin felt wonderfully warm and gentle. In all her life Amir had never been anything but gentle. She knew others never saw that side of him. He seemed to reserve it for her, and now for Jin. Mara didn't mind sharing one bit. No one deserved it more than Jin did.

When Amir pulled away she sighed softly at the feel of his hands on her skin. She shivered a little in anticipation and nodded at him when he glanced at her; she wanted this, it was all right. She felt no fear, only desire.

Amir slowly pulled her jeans from her legs and Mara lay back to look up at Jin once more, a sultry little smile on her lips as she reached one hand out to him and the other to Amir. There could be nothing more right for her.
Jin 12 years ago
Amir's kiss was still on his lips as he settled down next to Mara. Jin smiled at her and watched as Amir slowly divested her of her jeans. His eyes roamed Mara's skin along with the Huntsman's hands and noted with, no surprise but plenty of approval, the gentleness that was present in every one of Amir's actions.

After so long without acting on their love for each other, Jin wondered what it must be like to do so now. Was there fear, excitement, both? He almost felt as though he should leave them alone this first time and let them have this long awaited moment to themselves. However, Mara's hand tangled into his hair once more, sending shivers up his spine with the tiny little tugs and touches and she had reached out to take one of his and one of Amir's. Perhaps it would be easier for them if he were here. He didn't know but he would leave if he was asked to and until then he would stay because they had asked him to. Jin smiled down at Mara and then slid an arm beneath her back. He eased her up just enough to slide beneath her so that she could lean back against his chest.

Once Mara was settled, his fingers found the clasp of the lacy bra and made quick work of unlatching it. He gently pushed the straps from her shoulders and then reached beneath her breasts to push the fabric up and away, setting it aside.

"I think." He looked at Amir and smiled. "That its the present's turn next. Don't you?"

Jin looked down at Mara and smiled. "Or perhaps both of you, if that's all right with you." He leaned down and whispered softly in her ear. "You can show him what you've already learned."
Amir 12 years ago
Kneeling at the foot of the bed, watching Mara reclining against Jin, the two of them so comfortable together... this was a whole new Mara before him. Amir was amazed at the change. He wished he'd been able to do this for her, to draw her out like Jin had. Hatred for Subira welled in his chest but he tempered it with the rationalization that if Subira hadn't done what she'd done then he never would have known Mara. And then Mara would never have known Jin.

It was a confusing position he'd found himself in. First murderer, then teacher, then protector, then best friend, now lover, or lover-to-be? Amir wanted this, and it was clear Mara wanted it too, but it was difficult to work past so many centuries of keeping her safe from just this sort of thing. It was bad enough that he didn't know who he was anymore, really.

Mara seemed to sense Amir's hesitation. She sat up and leaned forward, taking Amir by both hands and turning them over, palms up. Gently she ran her fingers over the silvered chevron scars on his forearms. He watched her hands, feeling a tremor course through him. Why touch those now, of all times?

He looked blankly back up at her.
Mara 12 years ago
When Amir had no ready answer to Jin's question Mara looked down at him. He looked somewhat lost. She was glad Jin was there; together, they could draw Amir in. She didn't know exactly how he felt but she could imagine it and it wasn't a good sensation. She knew he hesitated because of their history together. Jin had changed her, for the better, but Amir hadn't been intimately involved in that process so to him this must be completely unknown.

Now was not the time for her to revert to old habits. Mara had leaned on Amir her entire life. She'd hidden behind him and been more than happy to stay in the protective shelter of his wing when it was offered, which was always. She knew it was her turn, now, to offer support and guidance. She worried about him but she couldn't help being so certain that if they could just have him with them, he would be all right.

Mara answered Jin herself, shifting a little in his arms and saying,
"Both sounds lovely. In a moment."

Sitting up and taking Amir's hands she turned them over and touched her fingertips to the chevron scars there. He had told her months ago that he no longer clearly remembered that night.

"My poor Amir," she murmured softly. "She had you then, didn't she?"

He blinked up at her and then nodded once, shortly. Mara lowered her head and gently lifted Amir's hands to her lips, softly kissing the scars. She had wondered when Subira had first Commanded Amir. She had thought, all this time, that the choice to become a vampire had been his. If Subira had already enthralled him though, that may very well not have been the case.

There was so much of him to put back together. Mara tugged at Amir's hands and he came along willingly at last. Mara, however, turned to Jin with a smile and said,
"Maybe we should show him together."

She gently pushed Amir's chest so that he fell backwards. He didn't resist. With one last kiss upon Jin's lips Mara stretched herself alongside Amir, propped up on one arm. With her free hand she brushed some of his somewhat shaggy hair away from his forehead. Then she leaned down and kissed him softly upon his mouth, pressing herself against him comfortably. He responded to her kiss and she felt one of his arms lift up and wrap itself around her waist.

She didn't think Amir lacked experience or knowledge here, but Mara suspected it might be up to her with Jin's help to carve away at sixteen hundred years of protective conditioning.
Jin 12 years ago
Jin watched them both. Mara displayed a calm confidence so different from the almost fearful uncertainty that she had when they first began to have an intimate relationship. He smiled, feeling faintly proud that he had helped her in some small way and was happy to see the magnetic attraction she possessed here, naked in a bed with two men; though, no doubt she would say that they were not just any two men.

He listened as she discussed Amir's scars. The Huntsman confirmed that Subira commanded him even then. Jin felt a new level of hatred for this woman who had tormented Amir and his children for so long. When Mara suggested they show him love together, he nodded.

Stretching out on the other side of Amir, Jin ran his hand in a lazy pattern along the man's chest.

"Do you wish to practice the previous lesson?" He smiled mischievously at Mara. "Or..." Jin reached over and brushed his fingers across the necklace she wore. He smiled, feeling the living warmth of it; the stones soaking up the heat of her body. "Perhaps we should go back to the beginning?" Hopefully she would catch his meaning; Jin felt that the first time Amir and Mara were together that it should be something mutual. He also thought that having Mara sitting in his lap, moving the way he, personally, vividly remembered her moving, would definitely cure Amir of any further awkwardness and restraint.

Looking down at Amir, he smiled. Jin took a strand of his hair and held it between his fingers like a paintbrush. He made swirls and designs in feather light touches across the Huntsman's chest and neck.

"You decide, Xiao Mao. I can find something to do with myself; I'm sure." He gave her a brief grin and picked up his 'paintbrush' to make a swirl playfully around one of her breasts before dotting the nipple.

"Of course, it need not be right away..." Jin pressed himself closer to Amir. He dropped the strand of hair, letting it fall to his companion's chest and then slid his hand slowly up along the inside of Amir's thigh. "We've got plenty of time." Jin leaned down and brushed his lips along one collarbone and then up to Amir's neck. "I believe we all promised not to go anywhere."
Mara 12 years ago
Mara looked down at Jin's fingertips brushing the necklace he'd given her, the one she was never without anymore. She smiled softly, her eyes caressing both him and Amir. When he suggested they go back to the beginning she thought about that a moment, trying to understand his meaning. She closed her eyes briefly, her smile growing a bit as she recalled that perfect night with Jin, as he opened her eyes and demonstrated for her that love was not painful, love wasn't forced. It was gentle and fiery at once, passionate yet tempered, both savage and soft. She'd embraced that lesson and he had reinforced it time and again.

"I think the beginning is an excellent place to start," she murmured across Amir's smooth chest.

She brushed her fingertips over his skin as Jin slid the silky ends of his hair over it as well; Amir's response was obvious. His desire was clear. It was only his hesitation to act on that desire that held him back, and Mara suspected she and Jin could overcome that easily.

"We do have plenty of time," she agreed, her eyes locked on Jin's sensual movements, shivering pleasantly as he reached over to include her in his teasing.

She mirrored Jin's motions, letting her own hand drift down to slide gently up the inside of Amir's other thigh, up over the hollow of his hip, and across the hard ridges of his abs. In response Amir closed his eyes and let out a long, pleasant sigh.

"Except," Mara continued, coming to her knees and straddling Amir's legs to pin him down, "I have been waiting for you for a very long time already."

She looked down at Amir as she spread her hands over his chest, bracing herself against him. She had to be the one to act. With Jin there, and with Amir beneath her, it was comfortable. She felt no embarrassment; she only wished she knew how to include both men in this act. Jin, however, had assured her in his way that he knew what to do. She trusted him. He knew he was desired as a part of this event.

Mara shifted herself, positioning herself over her Creator, and looked down at him. Dark eyes glittered back at her and she laughed softly as she moved.
Amir 12 years ago
Amir remained quiet as Mara and Jin discussed his fate. He watched the interplay between them; even as Mara focused her attention on him he could tell she was very aware of Jin, as Amir was. It was as if there was very little separation between the three of them. It was difficult to give more attention to one than the other because he, too, was conscious of both of their movements.

Mara stretched out beside him and he wrapped his arm around her. Jin lay against him on the other side and he immediately did the same, uttering a little 'mm' at the feel of being caught between them. Their teasing touches were enough to drive him crazy; he'd been wound tightly since hearing them in the shower and now his reservations were falling away as Jin and Mara included him somewhat seamlessly in their playtime.

There seemed to be no need for him to respond as Mara and Jin discussed the situation across his chest; not verbally anyway. He couldn't help but respond to their touches, every little caress and stroke sending a shiver coursing through him. For a moment he thought they simply planned to tease him mercilessly for the rest of the night. that, he wasn't sure he could hold out for.

Mara, however, made the decision for them all, moving up to kneel over him. Amir stared up at her for a second, feeling her slight weight on top of him, her warm hands on his chest.
"I'm sorry," he finally said, murmuring softly. Those words almost never crossed his lips; he was far too proud for them. But it seemed appropriate.

"For making you wait so long," he finished.

His hands came up to rest upon the gentle swell of Mara's hips. Amir glanced at Jin, wanting to make sure this was all right with him, but even as he did his attention was jerked back to Mara at he sound of her soft laughter. It was a happy sound, not particularly humorous, just glad. She moved over him and he sucked in a short, harsh breath as she slid herself down onto his aching erection. Amir closed his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth; the sensation was impossibly good. He couldn't resist lifting his hips to meet her as she enveloped him in soft silken warmth.

"Oh shit," was about all he managed to choke out as his fingers tightened on Mara's hips. The feeling was intense; so much so that he had to force himself to remain still and attempt to regain some kind of control. It was in there somewhere.
Jin 12 years ago
Jin smiled as Mara decided that they had waited long enough. It was certainly fine by him and she knew Amir better than he did so if she thought that he needed no more gentle easing into the situation then she was probably right. Besides shocking Amir into explicatives was far more fun.

"Very eloquent." Jin smiled down at the Huntsman. He slid his hands beneath Amir's shoulders and raised the man up, sliding in behind him. Wrapping his arms around Amir's chest, he leaned down to speak quietly next to his companion's ear. "If you ever want to change Orders, we could use such a diplomat..." Jin nibbled lightly on the outer edge of the ear in apology for his gentle teasing.

He glanced up at Mara and smiled. "She does often overwhelm me in exactly the same way." She looked more beautiful than words could describe perched on top of Amir, confident and happy and seeing Amir so open and obviously affected was also beautiful. It made Jin's heart ache with love for the both of them. "You should be gentle with us, Mara." He grinned, mischievously. "We're fragile."

Despite his words, Jin slid his hands up along Amir's abs, feeling the hard ridges beneath his fingers. His mouth found the Huntsman's neck and Jin teased it lightly with both tongue and fangs. His hands made their way further up Amir's chest. "Do you think you can handle both of us at once?" Jin rocked his hips against the Huntsman's back in illustration of his meaning. He was asking a lot of Amir's stamina, quite probably too much, but it would be fun while it lasted.
Mara 12 years ago
Taking the initiative with Amir was clearly the right thing to do; Mara watched his face, not as unreadable as he normally tried to make it. In fact, for once he was being completely open with them both. Was this how Amir was when he allowed other people in? He was wonderful. Mara sighed in pleasure as she slid down upon him, gently rolling her hips and smiling at the expletive Amir uttered beneath her.

"You are worth the wait," she told him softly, brushing her fingertips over his shoulders.

Mara nearly purred with delight as Jin slid himself beneath Amir and embraced him from behind. She watched with hungry eyes, listening to Jin's lightly teasing words as his mouth traversed the golden skin of Amir's ear and neck. As Jin's hands traveled up Amir's chest Mara reached out and tugged one of them away, bending forward and pressing a soft kiss to his palm as she turned it over in her hand.

She was moving atop Amir, but very slowly as she waited for him to respond to Jin's question. Mara suspected she knew what his answer would be. She supposed this facet of Amir's personality could have changed but she hoped not. It was one of the things she loved best about him.
Amir 12 years ago
Amir was suddenly overwhelmed with sensations. Between Jin and Mara, he found him sandwiched in an utterly pleasant way between two cats. Well, he'd said he could take them both on before. Jin's solid presence at his back was a comfort; clearly, the tiger did not mind sharing, as he'd said. And Amir, for his part, didn't mind being shared either. There was a whole lot of sharing happening. It felt good.

As Mara moved slowly Amir closed his eyes and let loose a low moan. Her body on top of his, soft and curvy and perfect, was a wonderful counterpoint to Jin's muscular frame at his back. The Nightsman was driving him to distraction with his mouth, clever words aside.

"I'm the soul of diplomacy," Amir panted, half growling it as Jin played with his ear. "If by diplomacy you mean tactlessness."

He watched as Mara's response to Jin was to kiss the palm of his hand, a tender gesture that made him smile even through the gritted teeth that were keeping some of his more vocal assurances back.
"Why Jin," Amir said, shuddering as he pressed himself up between Mara's athletic legs, "I had no idea you were so delicate."

He shifted his hips restlessly, arching as Jin's mouth found his neck. Amir sucked in a sharp breath.
"I assure you, you won't find me so breakable."

Amir flashed a quick grin at Mara, which dissolved as he moaned softly, offering Jin more of his neck. Now he knew how Jin felt, not so long ago. This onslaught was... incredible. Mara was gyrating slowly on top of him and Jin was pressing against his back, his meaning very plain.

Of course, that sort of challenge... could he handle them? Amir growled softly and lifted his hips, closing his eyes in ecstasy as he felt Mara around him.

"Bring it on," he said, letting out a soft disbelieving laugh.

They might just kill him.
Jin 12 years ago
Mara's gentle kiss sent a little shiver down his back. He felt loved, here with both of them, not left out like he had feared he might. He closed his fingers over him palm to capture the kiss in his hand; he brought it to his heart and held it there a moment, giving her an affectionate look of silent thanks.

Jin smiled as Amir expressed surprise at him being delicate. "Yes, very." He murmured softly against his friend's neck, knowing that neither of them truly believed such a thing. He had no fears for his reputation when they both knew him so well.

Amir seemed to be up to the challenge of both of them. Jin smiled at the ragged laugh, happy to see the Huntsman behaving more sure of himself. Reaching over to the nightstand, he found the bottle of lube that he had put there to replace the message oil that they had used not long ago. When he had some of it in the palm of one hand, he wrapped the other arm around Amir and continued his exploration of his companion's neck. Jin moved himself over to the side just enough so that Mara could watch him as he coated his erection with the slippery stuff in his hand in long slow strokes.

Once done, he slid those fingers across Amir's opening in teasingly light circles before scooting himself back into position behind the Huntsman. When his friend raised himself up, Jin slid beneath him, guiding his straining member until it was in place, poised and ready for Amir to slide down onto him at his own pace.

He laid his cheek against his companion's back. One hand held Amir tightly around his chest and the other slid lightly up one of Mara's thighs. Jin sighed happily, thinking that he was well and truly blessed to be with the both of them.
Amir 12 years ago
Amir opened his eyes to look at Mara. With her weight on top of him and Jin's arm around him he felt pleasantly trapped within that mutual embrace. As Jin worked himself into position Amir reached back to rest one hand on the Nightsman's hip while his other arm remained tightly around Mara's waist.

The sensation of sliding himself down onto Jin while being buried deeply inside of Mara was outrageous. Amir tilted his head back and leaned against Jin as he settled himself in place. Yes, this might kill him but he was going to die really happy. He clutched at both of his lovers while he felt a tremor shake his frame.

In such a position, Amir realized, the movement was definitely up to him. In spite of being ensconced between two deliciously sexy felines, he actually had the most control here. Each shift was bound to bring pleasure to someone, possibly all of them. He began by moving his hips in a circle, grinding himself down onto Jin without pressing too hard while pulling Mara down. The ramifications of his movements were immediately obvious...

How was he supposed to last, this way?

The combined feelings of Mara's and Jin's bodies so intimately joined with his were forceful and euphoric. Amir had wondered what if felt like to be either of them, many times in he past few weeks. Now he was in the unique position to understand; it was almost as if they could make love to each other through him.

Leaning back, Amir turned his head, pressing down upon Jin once more and capturing his mouth when Jin leaned forward. Amir kissed him deeply, without restraint, tasting him thoroughly before pulling away and pushing up on his knees, deeper into Mara, tugging her down to plunder her lips as well. A few more thrusts like that had him pausing.

"Okay," he panted. "Handle you both... yes. But the duration wasn't specified."

Amir wasn't exactly a slouch but this was something else again. The three of them seemed to have melded into one whole; he could feel Jin straining beneath him and Mara trembling atop him and they met in his core, shaking him profoundly.

Amir slid his hand down Jin's thigh and then lifted it to his chest, where the Nightsman's hand held him tightly. He twined his fingers with Jin's. As he began to move again Mara reached down and tucked her fingers beneath Jin's hand so that she held both of theirs.

At that moment it seemed like there was no deeper tie in the universe.
Mara 12 years ago
Mara couldn't help but watch as Jin wrapped his hand around his own member and coated it with gel. She knew he and Amir had loved each other while she had been gone but clearly she'd never witnessed such a thing; she'd only read about how it could be accomplished. Perched atop Amir's lap she had a deeply intimate view of the two men as they joined; Amir's eyes rolled back and fluttered closed briefly before opening to look at her. Jin's eyes closed and he uttered a little gasp of pleasure as Amir sank down onto him.

Poor Jin, she thought suddenly, they were really going to turn him into a zombie tonight. He didn't seem overly concerned about that though, and Mara had very little time to dwell upon it herself. Amir moved and she was suddenly included in the three-way embrace. She closed her own eyes and let her body flow with the way the men moved beneath her, rocking her hips with the circular motion and letting out a soft moan of happiness. She couldn't imagine anything better than finally, finally being able to love Amir with Jin a perfect, willing, participant.

As Amir and Jin kissed Mara felt a little stab of hunger within, sated almost immediately as Amir turned back to her and claimed her as well. He tasted like Jin as much as himself, and Mara felt like he'd simply transferred Jin's passionate kiss to her. It was erotic and wonderful.

She did not pause to wonder if Amir had done this before; the three of them fit so seamlessly together it never crossed her mind. Whatever any of them had or hadn't done, this was right just the way it was now. She could already feel that silken heat within her core building. Every time she took in the sight in front of her it grew stronger.

Amir's pause brought it to a halt before it threatened to overwhelm her; his words floated up to her ears and made her lips spread in a grin. She glanced at Jin, love evident in her eyes and on her face.
"Having issues with patience, merit?"

She pressed herself down upon Amir, squeezing tightly with her legs, able to touch both of her men that way. Amir began to move once more and Mara uttered another soft moan as he stroked her slowly, rhythmically. His hand came up to tangle with Jin's and it only seemed natural to place hers with the two of theirs. With her other hand she reached down past Amir and gently brushed her fingertips against Jin's forehead, turning away a wayward lock of white as they moved as one.

Leaning down Mara pressed her lips to Amir's neck. Her eyes fluttered to Jin and she arched her brows briefly. She fully intended to bite Amir, to drink lightly from him and taste him upon her lips. She did not think Amir would be opposed to two pairs of fangs claiming him.
Jin 12 years ago
Jin wondered if they were going to manage to make him a zombie after all. He had told Mara that since she had gone away that he had plenty of time to rest and recover from her zombie making attempts; however it seemed that tonight was more than making up for any rest he might have had. If future nights followed like this one then he would be a zombie in half the time, rest or no.

And would that be so bad?

As Amir slid down onto him, Jin closed his eyes, gasping softly in surprise at how good it could feel even after having obtained such a satisfying climax not so long ago. The three of them together; it was beyond compare.

A small breathy moan escaped his lips as Amir began to move; Jin watched Mara from behind the Huntsman's shoulder knowing that Amir's steady thrusts were going to accomplish much for his, their, kitten. She looked beautiful astride them both, like an Egyptian queen. He smiled adoringly up at her, feeling once more a rush of relief and happiness that she was home again.

Sharing this time with both of them was blissful and a relief of its own; Jin had tried to remain confident and calm for Amir's sake while Mara had been gone but a part of him worried that their threesome would not work so smoothly in truth as it had in words and plans. Seeing them together now and feeling nothing but love and desire made his heart swell near to bursting with love and gratitude.

The blissful smile he still wore was swept away beneath Amir's kiss; Jin forgot all else as he focused on the lips that pressed against his own and the tongue that tasted him. He poured all the passion he had into his response, leaning in hungry for more as Amir turned his attention to Mara. Watching that equally passionate embrace stoked the flames of desire even higher.

Amir stated that he could handle them both but implied that he would not last long doing so. Jin grinned, eyes shining as he squeezed Amir tighter in a comforting hug of sympathy. If anyone was in a position to understand, it was him.

His thumb stroked gently over the two hands that twined with his and Jin smiled up at Mara when she gently touched his brow. She leaned down to Amir's neck, her fangs trailing across his sun brown skin. Jin smiled and pressed his lips close to Amir's ear.

"Beset on all sides..."

With one final glance at Mara, Jin then trailed his lips down to the Huntsman's neck. He pressed a small kiss to the warm skin beneath his lips before slowing sinking into Amir's neck with a sigh of pleasure.
Amir 12 years ago
Amir was completely unable to respond to either Jin or Mara. Beset on all sides, indeed. One moment he was enjoying the feel of controlling the situation somewhat, moving himself in ways that would cause pleasure to one or both of his partners. The next, he was pinned down as pleasantly as he imagined one person could be.

He felt Jin's fangs sink into his neck and gave a short cry of enjoyment, clutching at the two hands in his. Amir closed his eyes tightly as the erotic sensation coursed through him, pushing him to the edge of bliss. The second bite knocked him over the edge as Mara's delicate little fangs pierced the other side of his neck. Amir's other hand tightened on Mara's hip, or was it Jin's? He had no idea.

Wave after wave of pleasure crashed through him and no matter where or how he moved Amir was met with some kind of stimulation... Mara on top of him, Jin beneath him, fangs and hands and hips all rocking and thrusting and caressing together. He had no concept of who started and who ended where but he felt those two warm, tender mouths upon his neck and welcomed them. They could drain him dry if they liked, as his body throbbed in time with those gentle draws. He had never experienced a climax like this, so intense, so raw.

Amir stopped trying to control anything at all and just surrendered to the sensations, letting his body move where it would, married completely to the two beloved people in bed with him. Even as he spent himself he was still overcome with the completely carnal sensations of the dual bites in his neck. he might go insane with pleasure... and if that happened he was pretty sure he'd be the happiest madman in the universe.
Mara 12 years ago
Mara turned her head in as Jin bit Amir gently. She could smell the delicious tang of blood, and she could feel Amir tense beneath her, within her. Opening her mouth she mirrored Jin's bite on the other side of Amir's neck. His response was immediate; his body writhed beneath hers, constantly moving yet not trying to escape. He pressed down upon Jin even as his one hand pulled her down to him. She could feel him throb; his cry of pleasure echoed in her ears.

The taste of Amir's blood, the scents of their three bodies combined, the feel of him buried deeply inside of her as he came forcefully yet without violence drove her on. She rolled her hips against his, letting his blood course down her throat, moaning softly against his neck as she let her own desire move her. She pulled away before she could drink too deeply, licking Amir's neck and then letting her tongue flick out over her own lips as she tilted her head back. Beneath her Amir still moved, and beneath him, Jin. Their bodies were in concert, in a motion Mara could never have described without feeling it herself.

Another soft moan escaped her lips as she circled her hips against Amir and she bent her head to kiss him deeply, shuddering as she followed him over that delicious precipice. She could feel him pulsing within her still and it was as if her own body picked up that rhythm as she climaxed around him. Her legs locked onto both of her lovers, trapping them all together if they hadn't been so already. She sought to pull Jin even closer, wanting the contact from them both.

She couldn't explain how she loved them in that moment, it was just enough that she did. In slightly different ways, with slightly different feeling but no less intensity for either of them. They were a part of her now, both of them. She had never known how empty she'd been until Jin had opened her eyes. Now, with the two of them here, Mara understood how lucky she was. She opened her eyes and looked down at them both; beautiful, selfless men inside and out who somehow wanted to share her, and share each other.

She turned her eyes upon Jin now; she had seen the pleasure upon Amir's face, she felt the grip of his hands. She wanted to look upon Jin's face and see the same pleasure reflected in his eyes and his expression that she saw upon Amir's and felt on her own. She needed the confirmation that this was good for him, that he had no doubts. Knowing that they were all this happy was the very last puzzle piece, the perfect finalization to this reunion.
Jin 12 years ago
The taste of Amir's blood was rich, warm and as strong as the man above him. Jin felt it flow into him, filling him. He wanted more; there was no way he couldn't want more after the first taste, but Amir had two people drinking from him. Jin didn't want to leave the Huntsman lacking.

A small taste from each of them seemed to be enough to achieve the effect that they were hoping for. He moaned against the golden brown neck beneath him as he felt Amir tighten around him as his climax overwhelmed him. Jin gently licked the tiny wounds he had made and held his companion all the tighter as Amir writhed on top of him, causing him no end of pleasure with his fevered movements.

Mara moved above them both, circling her hips in a rhythm that was seductive and graceful despite its urgency. He watched her bend down to Amir and pull him into a passionate kiss, holding the Huntsman close as she shuddered and succumbed to her own pleasure.

Jin reached up with his free hand and gently caressed her cheek with his thumb when she leaned back to watch him. He found himself possessing stamina only by way of thorough recent practice or perhaps physical exhaustion which left his body a little slower to respond each time. It didn't matter, Amir and Mara had managed to bring him close to brink yet again.

He clasped both hands around Amir's chest, holding tightly to his companion as he moved with deep powerful thrusts. Jin laid his head against Amir's shoulder, moaning softly as he could feel that edge drawing closer once again. When it overcame him, he sat up and tilted his head back, watching Mara through half closed eyes, as he shuddered and gasped with pleasure once more.

Spent, sated, loved and unbelievably happy, Jin rested his chin on Amir's shoulder and raised his eyes to Mara.

"Welcome home." He said to her and then turned and kissed Amir on the cheek. "and you too." The Huntsman was home now, with them, a part of their relationship, valued and loved by both of them. Hopefully there was no doubt of that left in Amir's mind.
Amir 12 years ago
Lost in the dual sensations of his partners climaxing around him, Amir took his time coming back to reality. He was enjoying the feel of Jin behind him, his strong arms clasped around Amir's chest, just as much as he loved the weight of Mara in his lap. Those last few moments lasted forever, and for that time it was almost as if their hearts beat together in perfect time.

Amir opened his eyes when Jin spoke, and realized the heartbeat was still there. He relaxed back against Jin as Mara came forward to lean against him and they went in unison into the embrace of their tiger, who rested his head on Amir's shoulder. Amir felt the soft kiss upon his cheek and leaned into it.

Oh. Home. That was the feeling, wasn't it. Amir closed his eyes briefly and let a soft smile pass over his lips.

"it's good to be home," Mara said softly. Amir nodded, agreeing with her wholeheartedly.

They made reasonably short work of cleaning up and freshening up a little but within a few minutes they were back in the cool darkness of Amir's bedroom, nestled under the covers. Amir found with some amusement that, while he'd bought a bigger bed, they were so cozily ensconced that it appeared they could fit two or three more in with them if they wanted.

He found himself surrounded once more and wondered if that had been the feline intention. Jin and Mara were still touching each other, hands linked. Someone was gently tracing a fingertip down his side. Unwilling laughter welled up and he tried to bite it back, but it didn't seem to go unnoticed.

What ensued was five minutes of growling, chuckling protest as Amir did his best to not succumb to the mischievous tickling of his two companions. To be fair, he at least attempted to give as good as he got. With limited success; he really was outnumbered.

Of course, as they all nestled together after the impromptu wrestling match, Amir figured that being outnumbered might be all right after all... when Jin and Mara were involved anyway.

((ooc: All out))