Never Too Old (attn: Pak)
It was a cool clear night. A few wispy clouds drifted over the moon overhead and the leaves had begun to fall from the trees, skittering over the pavement as the light breeze pushed them across it. The swings on the playground creaked softly as the breeze blew them, too, all save the one with the silver and white cat perched upon it.
The school yard was empty, for the time being. No little feet pitter-pattered here at this time of night, and while it was set back from the street it wasn't really obscured enough for any clandestine meetings to take place in. It was, for the moment, occupied only by the single feline who seemed to be waiting.
Mara hoped she wouldn't be waiting long. It had been a while since she had been on a playground, and it was an experience best shared with a friend.

The swings, slide, monkey bars and other equipment made her smile. Pak was rarely against a little bit, or indeed a lot, of play time and it was a perfect night for it. With a grin she sat down on one of the moving swings.
"Well PÄ›e,†She used the name she'd given the little cat before knowing the cat was a person, "I haven't seen you for a while.â€
Pak had four inch heels on but it didn't stop her from running back while on her swing, pulling her feet up and setting things in motion. She didn't cheat and use telekinesis just yet relying on old fashioned pumping of her legs and leaning way back in the swing. It didn't take long to get some decent height and speed.
"Should I have brought some tuna?â€
There was some lingering chagrin that she'd brought another vampire canned seafood of various sorts while Mara was still just a cat.

"Nice to see you too, Pak," she said. "I'm not sure the tuna would have kept properly but I would not be opposed to getting some later tonight."
No doubt the neighborhood felines would have loved a can of tuna however. Mara wasn't opposed to feeding them. She often did, which was why she had so many of them hanging around her small home. Her erstwhile home, anyway.
She took a good-sized running start and did her best to catch up with Pak, leaning way back and kicking out her feet to get as much height as possible. The cool wind fluttered her hair around her face as she swung back and forth, higher and higher with each kick.
"How have you been?" She asked her question while she passed Pak on the up-swing.

"So long as said tuna isn't in a can we can talk about that.â€
Although she wasn't a terribly big eater Pak did occasionally enjoy a meal and was really very open minded about what she ate. Sushi wasn't a bad thing, not her favorite thing but it was tasty.
Mara was doing a fine job of catching up so Pak pumped harder. It was a rather childish game but Pak was determined to go higher and faster. She might even jump off the swing and see if she could leap farther than her cousin.
"Fair. Nothing terribly interesting to report.†The swing went back and forth a few times as Pak sniggered to herself. "Well maybe one thing but that will keep. You've been hard to track down, what about you?â€
Not that Pak had made a huge effort to track down Mara, she'd tried here and there to get a hold of the other vampire but nothing concerted. Very simply she'd learned Mara would turn up when Mara would turn up.

"Agreed," she said. "Fresh tuna. From the market maybe."
Mara had no qualms with buying the whole fish and tearing into it teeth first. It wasn't a habit she readily confessed to just anyone; Amir knew but she hadn't mentioned it to Jin yet. There had been a time when it might have come up in conversation but their relationship had been so new she feared to repulse him and recently, it hadn't really been a topic of conversation.
She caught the tone of Pak's voice... a sort of smug amusement. She cocked her head at Pak as she swung past but didn't comment. If Pak said later she generally meant later. Mara was sure she would discover it one way or another but it didn't make her any less curious.
"Oh, me," Mara said, swinging herself forward again. "I had to travel out of town for a few weeks. Duty calls."
She smiled at the sensation of her stomach doing a flip-flop as she reached the top of her arc and swung downwards again. "After getting home I was a little... well, occupied."

Pak agreed. It wasn't exactly near sunrise or anything like that but no doubt there would be a fish market getting fresh shipments in in a few hours. And she certainly knew that fresh was better.
As Mara answered the unspoken informal challenge Pak kicked her shoes off, probably not something one should do with $600 shoes, but she sure as hell wasn't going to jump with them on either. She gained altitude but also turned her head curiously at Mara.
"That sounds like business. I hope everything is alright."
There were things they couldn't, or didn't, talk about. Pak often suspected she was being too circumspect about things but better safe than sorry.
"Occupied? Expense reports or something more enjoyable?"
Far far too often Pak's version of occupied was more work. If it wasn't for Meridian or for Evenhet she did independent consulting and programing for a few other clients, not many but enough. She really was going to have to come up with a hobby or something. She was turning into a recluse again. For god's sake even -Bao- had a date.

She turned her head toward Pak and gave a little nod. "Business," she agreed, unable to go into detail. "It's done with now. And yes, it's all right for the time being." She was sure Pak understood that there were some things they couldn't discuss openly.
At the next question Mara blushed, pretty sure Pak couldn't see it what with her dark skin and the moving swings and all. "Pleasure, this time," she said. "I missed my family while I was gone."
She kicked her feet out again, swinging higher still. "Do you remember Jin? From Halloween? We, ah, bought a house together."
Mara smiled. "We have a lot to do to get it ready to live in. What of your own love? Your complications? Resolved those yet?"

There was no press for details or information, just an offer to help, if she could. Some day, it was possible, she just might be able to.
The giggle was infectious and Pak felt the years slip away. In her case they slipped by the decade. After all, there had never been time to play when she was a child. Her children had never really had the chance to play. Well, perhaps some after... She shoved that thought to the side. Some days it still left her feeling odd that Bao had seen to her children's needs after turning her.
It had been almost a year so it took Pak a second but she did eventually remember Jin. As she'd been under the impression Mara was more than a little smitten with Amir this news made Pak lose her rhythm for a second and she lost some height. She did, however, manage not to say 'what, huh, who...†or anything equally as eloquent.
"Really? I mean he seemed nice enough but not the way I thought your fancy ran. I'm happy for you though.â€
Pak counted to ten to keep from throwing a tantrum or sulking. Her own complications were frustrating. She did best when she didn't think about them. Pak just sighed.
"No. I think they might be worse.â€

Mara noted Pak's surprise when she said she'd bought a house with Jin. She thought she might understand it, given Pak's questions during their previous meetings.
"How could my fancy not run that way?" asked Mara, who thought Jin was sufficiently charming, handsome, and intelligent to attract anyone on the planet. She wasn't sure how to address Amir's involvement. Mara wasn't so naive as to think their arrangement was something you came across every day.
After a brief few seconds she decided to leave that out altogether. She did trust Pak, but it would be safer for Amir if she spoke about him as little as possible, to anyone, even his own family which Pak was certainly a part of.
"Jin is a wonderful person," she said, bubbly with happiness at the thought of both of her lovers even if she was just singing the praises of the one. "We became friends first, and then, well, one thing led to another. New Year's... Valentine's Day... he became much more."
Mara was happy to let the conversation shift to Pak, which she hoped might forestall any questions about Amir. Under other circumstances she might be sad not to be able to talk about him, too, but she was still feeling rather protective of him so the less said the better.
"How could it get worse than complicated?" Mara asked, her swing now going about as high as it could go.
She contemplated jumping off of it, just to feel the thrill of the short fall.

Pak found her lips twisting into a smile. As she recalled Jin had been pleasant enough and he was rather attractive.
"Fair enough. I just thought they might lean another way is all."
Oh lord. She knew that look, that something in Mara's voice. She'd heard it before and it was something that she never -quite- knew how to respond to given her own situation. Instead she chuckled lightly at the relationship time line.
"Well good."
There really wasn't a whole lot more to say. She might like to meet Jin again at some point but listening to people wax poetic over their significant other was something Pak wasn't terribly good at. She sucked at relationships. And people in good ones tended to make her a little uncomfortable and/or jealous.
She continued to swing as she tried to figure out how to explain worse than 'complicated'.
"You know the saying 'two steps forward one step back'? Reverse it."
Pak allowed her frustration to show, but to keep from going on about things she gave two final huge pumps and fearlessly hurled herself off the swing. It was a good thing she had kicked off her shoes because she hadn't kept her feet and stumbled a bit on the landing. With the stilettos odds were good she would have broken an ankle.
"So we can dwell on that or I can spread rumors. You chose, but the rumors are good."

Another blush tinted her cheeks and she was again glad that Pak probably couldn't see it. Pak didn't seem interested in the intimate details of her relationship though and Mara couldn't blame her if her own wasn't doing so well. She felt bad for going on about Jin... though she'd barely begun. She could continue all night.
Pak clearly didn't want to discuss her own relationship however; Mara could take a hint. She reached the top of her arc and kicked her feet out. Swinging forward again she slid to the edge of the swing and, when she was at the top again, let go and hurled herself off of it.
She loved the weightless sensation of flying. Her senses immediately adjusted to the tilting world and she instinctively knew where and how to land. Her touchdown was as light as it could be, perfectly solid, her knees bending slightly as she hit the ground.
"Oh that was fun," she exclaimed. She turned back to watch Pak.
"Rumor, then, since you insist it's so good."

"Not what I meant. I thought they might lean to another man is all."
Mara hadn't mentioned Amir at all tonight, which wasn't unusual but it was noticed. There was no reason to press though, after all if she'd gotten involved with Jin it might be an awkward or a sore subject. Best to let it lie.
"But I suppose that's neither here nor there under the circumstances."
She watched with something akin to irritation but more with amusement. It was positively not fair that Mara could fly and land with so much grace. She hadn't landed -too- badly from the height she'd jumped from but it didn't compare, although her more uncontrolled flight might have been more thrilling in its uncertainty.
Pak said with a playful roll of her eyes, obviously not taking their little 'contest' too seriously.
"One of our mutual acquaintances has a date and quite frankly I would love to be a fly on the wall for this one."
It was still hard to call Bao her creator, but regardless of relationship the man was a block of wood, he looked like he never took the coat hanger out of his suit jacket and he wouldn't know a joke if it subpoenaed him. So anything to do with emotion at all, let alone a softer emotion was going to be funny.

That was all she would say on the topic; let Pak draw her own conclusions. Mara skipped over to the seesaw and patted one side, smiling at Pak as she hopped lightly up to the other.
"A mutual acquaintance? You must mean my brother?"
For her father to have a date would be no news; he had lived with Aishe for years now and seemed quite happily settled with her. The only other person they really had a mutual interest in was Bao.
"There is a young woman he seems, hmm, attached to. I was wondering how long it might take him to act upon it." She grinned at Pak. "Did he mention it to you?"

"Huh. Well why not? If everyone is happy I think that is all for the best.â€
And she meant it, but said nothing more. Pak just wanted to reassure Mara that she was fine with the decision and arrangement the three of them had had struck up.
But she wasn't about to pry and let the seesaw distract her. Although, she eyed it suspiciously for a second before hopping up on to it. Of course Pak immediately started thinking how telekinesis could be used with this bit of playground equipment.
Mara's answer piqued her curiosity and Pak raised both eyebrows.
"Really?†She drawled. "Do tell what do you know about her?â€
If this woman had agreed to go out with Bao she was going to have to be special. Lord knew her creator wasn't exactly emotionally accessible. And quite frankly Pak had never even considered if he was attractive or not but, she supposed, some one might think that.
"He did. I think he was trying to be discreet we had a nice little chat about over our chess game. And I -think- he was looking for advice.â€
While she might not have been quite gracious about it at first, Pak now found the whole situation amusing and couldn't help but grin as they rose and fell on the teeter totter.

She smiled as Pak joined her on the seesaw and they began to rise and fall with the movements. Her friend's interest in Bao's date was obvious. Mara lifted her shoulders.
"I don't know her well," she admitted. "She seems sweet. She is very kind. And, I hope, incredibly patient."
Her mouth twisted wryly with that last bit. Mara didn't doubt that Claire would need vast amounts of patience to date Bao. Even Mara, with her reservations and fears, had attempted to have relationships. She had never seen Bao really try... not all that hard.
"Oh, what kind of advice?"
Mara grinned at Pak. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a good old-fashioned gossip session. She didn't mind having one at Bao's expense.

Pak asked incredulously. Those were words that she would never have anticipated. Bao was so damned cold. But the observation of patient got Pak to laugh. That was one trait the woman would -need- to have. From the look on Mara's face, she realized how true that was.
"What does a sweet and kind woman see in him? Does she have a name?â€
Knowing her creator Pak was certain that he would only be involved with a vampire of his own clan so she didn't even ask about that..
"Nothing too unusual, where to go, what she might expect. I got the feeling he was more trying to make sure his skills were current. When was the last time he took a woman out for pleasure?â€
Not that she had a lot of room to talk , but still Pak occasionally made a stab at going out. At the very least she interacted with the general public and was able to pretend to fit in with a social situation.

"I don't know," she said in response to Pak's first question. "You and I are surely biased, so neither of us is predisposed to see Bao in a romantic light. I imagine he must be quite appealing to unrelated eyes."
Bao was certainly not bad to look at; Amir was vain enough not to create an ugly vampire. His eye was always drawn to pretty things. Mara had no doubt that it was her own eyes that had given him pause so long ago. Were it not for them she didn't think she'd ever had had the chance to tell him her story.
"Her name is Claire, and I'm afraid I don't know her very well at all. I am only recently come to Nachton. And I must admit I generally prefer my privacy. I have many Clanmates whose names I do not know and whose faces I would not recognize."
She grinned a little and nodded as Pak explained the sorts of questions Bao had asked. Now that was funny; she gathered it had been kind of a long time for her brother. Mara had thought Amir was practically celibate... Bao made him look promiscuous.
"I haven't spent much time in intimate contact with Bao," she said to Pak as they rose and fell with the gentle motions of the seesaw. "I can't say when the last time he had a date was."
She shook her head, laughing softly. "I wish I had an ability that let me go about unseen. Sadly, he'd be sure to recognize me no matter how I tried to hide myself."
Mara would still kill to be a fly on the wall for that date. Just to have something to watch. It would be like reality TV. She wondered what Jin would make of it.

"Do you think? I suppose he is pretty enough but I would have thought personality would have counted for something."
It was just odd for her to think about this. Pak was only just beginning to, maybe not like Bao, but understand him. She was learning what buttons she could push and could occasionally see flashes of humor. -Very- dry, -very- understated humor but humor nonetheless. He had also shown some signs of compassion and caring, well at least once. OK maybe he did have something going for him.
"Well just based on her name I'd say she sounds on the 'proper' side. Of course, I can't see him with any other kind of woman. A party animal, or a tomboy just doesn't seem like his style."
Not having had any family while she was 'growing up' and in fact only having found honest close ties since meeting Kem Pak had trouble with not keeping up with Bao. Of course, he probably didn't encourage that kind of relationship and he seemed prefer his privacy just as Mara did.
"No secret Anantya abilities for sneaking around unseen? Oh maybe if we knew where he was going we could plant a camera or hack into a security system. This could be fun."

"I do think," she said in a somewhat pained tone of voice as she readjusted herself on the toy and raised her eyebrows at Pak. "He does have a personality," she said, feeling obligated to defend Bao to his own child. "I've told you, he can be kind and caring. We all make mistakes. Some more than most. But Bao is a good man."
Not as good as Jin. Or Amir. But Mara was operating under a substantial amount of prejudice. No one could ever be as good as either of her lovers. It was simple fact, one she did not feel needed to be stated or argued.
She nodded her head at Pak's assessment of Bao's 'type' and then swung her feet a little bit, trying to remind her friend that she was still stuck up at the top part of the seesaw and would like to resume play. Mara added in a little bounce for effect, hoping it would bump Pak into motion again.
"None that I possess," Mara answered regarding her abilities, shrugging her shoulders. It wasn't really a secret, which Clans seemed to have which abilities. The more people you knew the more you learned. Mara wasn't exactly sure what particular talents the Evenhet tended to have but she felt certain Amir would know. She had just never really had cause to be overly curious.
"Didn't you just say you discussed where to go?" She said when it appeared Pak didn't know where Bao intended to bring Claire. "He hadn't made up his mind? I sure hope he's had some inspiration, although Claire has always seemed... well, very polite and ladylike, I suppose. I imagine even if Bao didn't quite know where to go she might guide him to a decision. She is a lovely woman."

Pak conceded. It was still a little odd to Pak that Mara would defend Bao to her, after all Mara knew what Bao had done to her.
Mara's jarring about on the up side of the see saw woke Pak up a bit and she started them in their steady, almost soothing, up and down game.
"No I'll give you he isn't all bad. I'm still just surprised by the idea that he'd... date.â€
In her experience Bao didn't quite know what to do with feelings. They were not scheduled after all. Where she was often controlled by her feelings, Bao kept his under -tight- control. He'd have to lighten and loosen up if he were getting involved with a woman.
"I wonder if things go well it will mean he'll cut me some slack in the dojo...â€
A relaxed Bao might be a good thing.
Pak cut short these musing and nodded to Mara and rolled her eyes slightly.
"We have rather different taste. I don't think he was even amused by my suggestion of roller skating and air hockey followed up with a malt.â€
The air hockey and a malt she was more or less serious about the one was fun and the other, well Pak did know where to find the best malt in the city.
"He seemed rather stuck on the idea of the Arch and some star gazing. I think I talked him into at least taking a bottle of wine for the latter and convinced him flowers would always be appreciated.â€

She laughed softly and shook her head at Pak's hopes. "Don't count on it," she said with a chuckle. "Amir trained Bao. Cutting slack was not a part of that training. If anything, he's likely to go harder on you just to prove that having a date isn't going to make him go soft."
Mara had been there and done that, although Amir had never wavered from their routine... he had never been softer or harder, that she could recall. It was always the same. Learning and training were separate and apart from anything personal. You put aside any personal matters upon entering the dojo and you left them outside until you were finished. Amir had never brooked distractions. Mara couldn't imagine Bao doing it either.
"Roller skating and air hockey? That sounds like fun," Mara said. She thought for a moment. She imagined Jin and Amir might enjoy that. In their own way. Jin would like the activities for what they were; time spent with friends and lovers doing something that was purely fun. Amir would justify roller skating by maintaining it was a good training exercise and then take his air hockey far too seriously. Either way, they would all enjoy them she thought.
"Maybe I will steal that idea for myself," she said with a grin.
She nodded at the suggestions Pak said Bao had mentioned. "Two of his favorite things. Art and stars. There's a meteor shower happening for the next few nights. It should be fun."
She suspected Amir would be watching it, too. He hadn't mentioned it to her but Mara was aware that Amir was, in some ways, still trying to come to terms with himself. If he chose to watch it alone she wouldn't bother him. Probably not.