Killing Time
Julian was wandering around the Marina somewhat aimlessly. He had his violin with him but wasn't playing it; he'd had a performance earlier in the evening so he had it along but the show was done and he was enjoying a little down time. Since arriving in Nachton he'd spent most of his time practicing and socializing with the other members of the symphony. There weren't too many of them his age, though, most of them being older. He was friends with the handful that were in his age group, and got along just fine with everyone else.
He'd had a couple of dates in the last few weeks but nothing that had really panned out. He'd turned down a few as well, mostly from other men who seemed to think he was gay. Julian got that a lot. He didn't really mind, he supposed he gave off that vibe. It was probably the violin. And the manicure. And maybe the hair. Whatever it was, it had long since ceased to phase him.
Breathing in the cool air he tugged his coat tighter around him. It wasn't truly cold yet but he was dressed warmly. He didn't know if Nachton ever got as bitterly cold as the Catskills in deep winter but he'd find out. He liked the city and wasn't planning to go home.
Strolling down the pier he looked with interest at the boats docked there, ranging in sizes from tiny to huge. Particularly impressive was the one all the way at the end, a huge affair with the moniker 'Buccaneer' which looked pretty tricked out, complete with jet skis and what appeared to be an on-deck hot tub. Not bad. Who had that kind of money?
Coming to the end of the pier Julian halted his walk before he reached the end. He wasn't very high up but still he avoided the drop-off there. He was content to enjoy the ocean from five feet away from the end of the pier.
"First album? Impressive. I'll admit to being jealous of that talent, I wouldn't have a clue how to compose anything.â€
Even his calligraphy was a matter of copying, he didn't write anything himself... other than his journals. But that hardly counted, it wasn't creative it was just a matter of recording things as they happened. He did make a note to poke at Google and Amazon until he found this album though.
"I've done small town life and big city life. I've pretty much decided that the more people you cram in a small area the more adamantly the guard their privacy. They need a bigger bubble. Small town folk... I think they get lonely. Have you ever tried a winter in Minnesota? You're happy to see anyone by that second month.â€
Actually it wasn't much different in the old country, of course they had the whole long house thing going. There was a difference between communal living and living together. Hmmmm... maybe that's why he liked his life in the towers so much, best of both worlds really.
He grinned... to each their own. For him, writing music was just as enjoyable as performing it. It was all one and the same. For every composer out there, too, there was a critic. One man's music was another man's cacophony.
"No, I can't say that I've tried winter in Minnesota," Julian said with a short laugh, "and to be honest I'm not likely to. I'm afraid my profession calls for a far larger population, unless the cows and the cornfields are going to start showing monetary appreciation for a good aria."
Somehow, Julian didn't think that would be the case. He was realistic enough not to get caught up in the romance of playing for enjoyment. Sure, he loved what he did. But he loved eating too, and that required money. So, he supposed he could be a little mercenary when it came down to it.
Eiryk said with a bright smile. While he was teasing and not really serious, if Julian took him up on the offer he'd be happy to oblige. Which reminded him, he still owed Cris a day in security. He did have to start writing these things down. Occasionally he forgot them in a rush of enthusiasm for something else.
While he'd had one or two cows that he would swear liked it when he sang to them,
"I have yet to meet a cow that is an avid patron of the arts. Wonderfully non-judgmental audience though. You might try starting out with some local bovines though rather than the middle of nowhere in Minnesota. It could be the start of something big, Music for Milking. A Concerto for Churning?"
Well the alliteration didn't work out quite as well there but it was a step up from Bosonova for Barbequing. It was an interesting thought though, after all some people swore their plants grew better if you played music to them. He'd never seen that with his bonsai trees, but anything was possible. Maybe cows would give more milk if serenaded with classical music. Quite the niche market there, much like decorating tour buses.
Looking up at Eiryk's boat he said, "So is there something I bring bring to this tour next weekend? I'd hate to arrive empty-handed."
He didn't outright offer to play; that was usually the thing most people asked of him and it was his most obvious offering, but given the fact that he'd mentioned not hanging out with musicians he thought Eiryk might go a different route with his request. He wasn't sure. He didn't mind providing music here and there if that was what was desired. He'd feel more like the hired help though, he thought, if that was the case.
"Do agents still get ten percent?"
Although, to quote a show he'd once seen, ten percent of nothing, carry the nothing... concerts and CDs along these line probably would not be huge sellers and one would probably have to start out with freebies on YouTube and the like.
"Sounds like a great weekend to me. Not sure I can manage those 4:30am starts for the morning milkings. But they do milk twice a day. I'll get us a road map."
The manners he appreciated. But Eiryk shook his head, it would have been rude to ask or even imply that Julian should play for the privilege of a quick sail.
"No need. Just yourself. Oh, and a jacket it can get cold out on the water. Everything else will be taken care of."
Between Alex and Esi there would be food and drink. Oh... speaking of which.
"Any allergies? Food wise that is."
Alex would be proud of him for remembering. Well Eiryk thought he would be.
He grinned, enjoying Eiryk's lighthearted cheerful banter. There was nothing he enjoyed more than meeting someone who had the same sense of fun. It always made for an enjoyable, if somewhat quirky, conversation.
He waved a hand at Eiryk. "I'm not much of a morning person either, truth be told. Concerts are almost always late at night; you get used to not turning in until 1 or 2 at the earliest. I can't remember the last time I woke up at sunrise."
Julian's profession just didn't lend itself well to early mornings. Like anyone in hospitality or entertainment, he worked the hours most people saved for enjoyment. Friday, Saturday nights, Sunday afternoons and evenings... and then rehearsals most other afternoons and night times.
"Okay," he said when Eiryk told him it wasn't necessary to bring anything. "I usually have me with me so that should be fine." He gestured to his already bundled-up self. "I'm not usually great in cold weather for long periods of time so, as you see..." He already had on a heavy coat and gloves, a scarf, and there was a hat in his violin case that he'd decided it really wasn't cold enough out for. "I will dress accordingly."
The ocean, at night, in November... yeah. He'd be bundled up looking like the Staypuft Marshmallow Man. And he was fine with that.
"No allergies. None that I know of anyway," he said with a smile. "I'll try anything once. I can't promise twice."
It didn't really occur to him to be nervous about meeting a bunch of strangers on a boat in a new city. This sort of thing, Julian loved. How could you meet anyone at all if you were so cautious you didn't let yourself get caught up in adventure? He was looking forward to it.
"Good enough. Then we'll get along fine."
Most of his friends kept the same hours. He and Alex... well they made accommodations to each other's schedule. Some days Eiryk wished he could manage mornings, or to be up during the day. To go out and hike with his boyfriend and other daylight activities. It was enough that he had Alex though.
"Wonderful. I'd be concerned if you arrived without yourself. It would be difficult to play host to you other wise."
Chuckling at how bundled up Julian was Eiryk thought about the weather. Well it was a bit nippy out, he just hadn't noticed it yet. Of course, he tended to be better in cold climates than most. That was more due to his upbringing and habit of gravitating north than his nocturnal life style though. But he'd have a few extra blankets on hand if things got chillier than they expected.
"Great. I have a couple of foodies who will be joining us and I don't want to get in trouble with them if you turn out to be a closet vegetarian or allergic to cauliflower or something."
About then Eiryk's phone chirped. He knew without looking what it was and so didn't pull it out of his pocket. It was a pet peeve of his, after all people had communicated face to face just fine for centuries.
"I'll see you then. But you'll excuse me I think I have an emergency right now. It was lovely to meet you though, have a great night."
Again Eiryk offered his hand before offering one final cheery goodbye and going to put out whatever fire it was that had come up.
((OOC... out))
As they finalized their arrangements Eiryk's phone sounded from in his pocket. He didn't pick it up which in Julian's mind gave him points, but he did excuse himself shortly thereafter to take the call from whoever it was.
He shook Eiryk's hand again and bid him farewell, and good night. Having met someone new, someone who was willing to introduce him to more someones, made Julian happy. He wasn't quite ready to go home so he wandered back up the dock and took a little tour of the shops there. He found a few things to send to his folks, although they'd said they were going to come for a visit and listen to the symphony in a week or so, so maybe he would hang onto them.
He stopped at the marina for dinner, just because he was in a good mood and a good mood deserved shrimp scampi, not microwaved ramen. He had a drink with dinner, and then another drink, and maybe a drink to go. After that, he was more than ready to head home, shower, and faceplant himself in bed.
((ooc: Julian out))