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Just as Cold as the North Pole

She had tried to talk Kem into driving, but that had somehow lead to the topic of zombies and the quality of her driving and in the end Pak had been goaded into driving. Yet again she told herself she had to get a new car. It was the salt on the roads, she worried about the paint and the body of the old car. But it hadn't snowed in a couple of days and so she didn't think the roads were too bad.

As usual in the winter Pak was bundled up in the extreme, a heavy wool coat, gloves, scarf, gloves, hat and that was in the car with the heater going. If they had been planning on staying outside she would probably consider putting a second coat on. Pak had once described herself as a delicate tropical creature, it was at least half true.

The 'Lil Bird was neatly pulled into a spot on the strip. She didn't trust the mall since getting stuck in an elevator the previous Christmas. Besides the strip was tastefully decked out of the season lights, poinsettias and so forth. Even Pak, who could be a bit of a Grinch, had to admit it rather put her in the proper mood as she slid out from behind the wheel and out into the frigid (in her opinion) night air. At least the stores would be warm she reminded herself as she pulled her scarf up over her face.

"Where did we want to start? And don't say at the beginning.”

Aishe 13 years ago
Aishe threaded her arm through Kiamhaat's as they watched the cashier wrap up the metal rabbit. She leaned her cheek against the slightly scratchy wool of his coat, glancing up at him to see him smiling back down at her.

[I love you,] she sent to him, for no other reason than she simply... loved him. His quiet smile grew, just a bit, but the love he felt in return was plain. Unlike many of the other vampires Aishe knew, Kem had no subterfuge with which to hide his emotions. Nor did he seem to wish for it.

They went back out into the cold and Aishe turned to look at Pak.
"Where to next?" she asked. "We need to get a few more presents but we're not sure what they are yet, so we can go wherever."

They needed to buy something for Reign, and they still needed to scour the city for something else for Eiryk, not to mention whatever Aishe managed to find that would make a good present for both Cris and Rowan as a couple. She wished, just a little, that she could buy a present for everyone she'd met since moving to the city but such a thing would be impossible, even if she did know where to find them all. People moved around, though, and it seemed that many of the friends she'd first made upon arriving had disappeared.

The ones who mattered, though, had stayed. And that was what counted.
Pakpao 13 years ago
Pak made a face like she had both tasted something very sour and very hot, moving her tongue about in odd ways to make sure Kem hadn't damaged it. Just about every one else would have found something very sharp in their eye, Kem was an exception.

"Yuck! I don't know where your hands have been... and don't tell me either!"

But the Carmen 'threat' brought a chuckle. Lord, how long ago had that been? Ages it seemed. She sort of remembered something about the Great Wall of Paris or something equally intelligent. It may not have been a perfect beginning or the best foundation for a relationship, but for them it apparently worked.

She nodded at what he said about the rabbit. Even not knowing Cris terribly well at all Pak knew if some one had gifted her with an old computer it would be an entertaining thing, a challenge, and just plain fun. Aishe obviously knew her creator's hobbies well enough to consider this, she should go through with it.

As Kem and Aishe paid for the rabbit Pak found another employee and waylaid them, muttering something about the wardrobe and a desk set but arranging to have the kaleidoscope set aside so she could collect it the following evening. Well that was one down, she just hoped Aishe would like it.

Quickly bundling back up Pak frowned up and down the street, looking for inspiration. As she waited for said inspiration Pak was half run over by by a rather good looking guy. He paused long enough to say excuse me and make sure everyone was all right before hurrying off. Without really noticing she watched him head down the street. Catching herself Pak cleared her throat and shrugged.

"Some people are impossible to shop for. Let's go... that way," she picked the direction opposite from the one her jostler had gone, "and see what we find."

You'd think she'd know more about what was on the Strip, but such were the hazards of on line shopping.
Kem`Raaisu 13 years ago
[Love you too, merit,] Kem sent to Aishe when he heard her voice in his head. Her few words kept him warm even as they stood outside in the cold wondering where to shop next. It never ceased to amaze him, how close he'd come to messing things up, how lucky he was to have her still. She could have done so much better but she never seemed to regret her decision.

Kem turned around just in time to see Pak get bumped into by a rather intent shopper. The man apologized and moved on but he noticed Pak staring a little and he had to wonder if she was considering actually socializing again. As far as he knew she and Artemis had, if not 'broken up' exactly, at least agreed to put whatever they'd had on the backburner for the time being. Kem couldn't fault Pak for looking. He knew she was just as susceptible to loneliness as the next person.

"This way it is," he said with a shrug, turning to head in the direction Pak had indicated.

He kept his arm linked with Aishe's as they walked, holding their bags in his other hand.

"Any idea what kind of store we're looking for?"

They seemed to be wandering sort of aimlessly at this point. Kem didn't particularly care, but he knew Pak abhorred the cold and he'd be surprised if she went five minutes without finding a store to duck into, even if she was feigning interest.
Aishe 12 years ago
Aishe moved out of the way of the frantic shopper but Pak didn't. Fortunately their little run-in with last-minute-ness didn't hurt anyone. Attached to Kiamhaat, Aishe hung onto his arm pleasantly while they walked. "I don't know who you could possibly be talking about," she said to Pak with a significant look up at her fiance.

Kem could be nearly impossible to shop for, in her opinion. She knew him well enough to understand the sorts of things he liked but she'd been approached by several people, both friends and co-workers, who wanted some sort of inside scoop on what to buy him as a present. Aishe knew for a fact that Kem wasn't much for receiving gifts. He didn't want or need anything. He bought whatever he needed and he also bought whatever suited him otherwise. She knew now exactly how much money he made and the number staggered her. It wasn't just his age, but the fact that he played the stock market like it was a wii game and seemed fairly successful.

She also knew he donated large amounts to charity with every paycheck he drew.

These things, she had never really learned about him before coming to Nachton. She had suspected he was well off but they didn't discuss finances. Now, living together, he had sat down with her one evening and explained exactly what his (their, he'd said, but she still thought of them as 'his') assets were and where, should she ever need to use them. Even after the huge chunks he set aside for non-profit use, Aishe wasn't certain she'd ever be able to spend that much in a lifetime.

She dragged her attention back to the current topic, which seemed to be more debate on what store they should go to. She looked around and spied a stationery store, and pulled Kiamhaat to it, assuming Pak would follow.
"Let's look in here," she said, still trying to think of a little gift for Rowan that would stand apart from whatever else she got her Creator and his partner. She knew he liked to write; it was apparent from the first few things he'd brought with him to Cris's home. The next had been musical instruments, so there was a chance she'd find something there too.
Pakpao 12 years ago
Sighing slightly at her own day dreams Pak could only hope that people like Kem and Aishe and Alex and Eiryk knew how lucky they were. She was shy enough and difficult enough that Pak doubted she'd ever have that kind of luck. So she just did her best to ignore... well any way. Instead she rolled her eyes at Aishe.

"Don't play innocent with me. You're just as bad as he is."

She grumbled good naturedly. She never asked for help or 'what they wanted', nope Pak did this on her own. Maybe she'd try and make something for Kem this year. Huh, that was an interesting thought. No macaroni and glitter ornaments either, she would have to work at it.

"A warm one?"

Pak suggested, shoving her hands deeper in her pockets. Fortunately Aishe seemed to have an idea and they wound up in a stationary story. Pens, papers, journals, book binding supplies, desk sets, organizers, it was all here. Pak smiled slightly amused, even as the world became more and more oriented to electronics and people pushed for paperless everything things like 'In' boxes were still necessary and popular. Knowing that you could spend quite a bit on a good pen she thought, if they found them, she might get a few as work presents.

"What are we looking for?"

She asked Aishe curious as they began to brows and poke about.
Kem`Raaisu 12 years ago
"I'm not that bad," Kem protested. He didn't think he was particularly difficult to shop for. Maybe he should reconsider, though; Pak knew him better than just about anyone and if she thought he was tough he probably was. Well... it was probably too late to worry about it this year. He'd try to be good next year. Maybe.

He followed Aishe into the stationery store, looking around at the impressive array of papers, envelopes, notebooks, notepads, sketchbooks, pens, pencils, and anything else the literary hobbyist might want. He found himself looking at he different types of paper with a critical eye. He wasn't exactly an expert but he'd been restoring books for a very long time and knew a decent amount on the topic of making it.

He let Aishe answer Pak's question while he browsed, surprisingly interested in what the shop had to offer. He didn't write much, himself, but he loved to read. He thought anyone who liked either pastime would enjoy some of the products here.
Aishe 12 years ago
"They're all warm," Aishe laughed as they entered the stationery store. She immediately noticed the smell of paper, something she never really paid much attention to it, but it smelled nice in here. Fresh. Like arts and crafts at school or something.

The store was clean and decorated in soft colors of beige, cream, and peach. There were elegant metal shelves full off products, none of them with backs, so you could see straight across all the shelves. It gave the small store a much more open feel.

"Something for Rowan," Aishe answered Pak as Kem diverted himself slightly to look at the sheafs of loose paper. "He writes a lot."

What did you get for a writer though? Aishe suspected he must have paper aplenty if that was his hobby. What writer didn't have tons of paper on hand? She sighed softly as she walked through the aisles, looking at cards, notepads, all kinds of items Rowan might like.

It frustrated her that she simply didn't know. She should have taken the time well before this to get to know Cris's partner. Aishe felt slightly guilty, hoping that Cris hadn't noted her lapse and been hurt by it. He would never say, she knew, but that made it all the more important for her to seek Rowan out and grill... er, get to know him.

"I just don't know what he might like," Aishe said to Pak. "You don't know him well either, do you? Does anyone?"

None of them really knew Rowan. He was living with Cris and yet he seemed yet an enigma to them. How was that possible?
Pakpao 12 years ago
"You could try a pen, but that can be oddly personal to a serious writer."

Pak wasn't much of a writer but she'd known a few and they seemed to have favorite pens. She didn't even have a favorite keyboard, whatever was in front of her worked. Granted she didn't much care for the ergonomic ones but if that was what was there, she'd use it.

She frowned a bit and thought about Rowan. She'd only really met him the once. He'd seemed nice enough, cute, charming and he hadn't held a grudge when she'd dropped a book on his head. That was a good sign of a decent person.

"We've met, he seed OK and he was willing to read the Austin meets monsters genre of literature."

So they knew he wasn't stodgy.

"Eiryk knows him." Pak said with a shrug that said 'Is there any one Eiryk -doesn't- know?' "From the sound of it they've known each other quite a while."

Not that Eiryk had told too many stories or anything, but Rowan had come up in conversation here and there and from the rough time line Pak had of Eiryk's life Rowan showed up earlish. So if Aishe wanted insight he was probably the one to go to. With an odd combination of frown and laugh Pak shook her head.

"Have you ever noticed how much and how many people wind up mixed up with that damned viking?"

It was good that she knew a few social people other wise she probably wouldn't talk to any one but MARI and her staff.
Kem`Raaisu 12 years ago
Kem wandered through the shelves of neatly organized stationery, listening to Pak and Aishe as he perused the offerings and tried to keep in mind something that Aishe might like for Rowan. It was difficult, not knowing the man at himself, either. His information was third hand knowledge at best.

He did locate some that he thought Aishe might be interested in, using the one fact he did know about Cris's partner - that he was recently come to Nachton. He picked up the package and brought it over to Aishe to show it to her, flashing his fleeting grin at Pak.

"Willing to read it without being bashed over the head with it, or did he actually look interested?"

Pak sometimes confused 'willing' with 'forced to under duress.' Kem was only trying to get some clarification on the matter. He waited for Pak's reply while also keeping an eye out for physical retaliation. In the meantime, he handed the sheaf of paper to Aishe.

"What do you think? Something like that? Surely he has friends or family back in Europe?"
Aishe 12 years ago
"I'd worry about getting the right one," Aishe said. She knew pens were sort of particular; she had worked with archivists. They were notoriously picky about what they used to write with. What if Rowan felt the same? Did she get ball point? Archival ink? She had no idea.

As Kiamhaat asked Pak his question Aishe chuckled softly, glancing down at what Kem handed her but not really looking at it. She was nodding at Pak again.

"You're right, Eiryk has mentioned him. I should have thought to ask him. I still can."

She pulled her cell phone out and scrolled through her contacts to find Eiryk and Alex's home number. Aishe hesitated before pushing the 'call' button though; it wasn't yet midnight and she knew this was the time Eiryk and Alex typically set aside to spend with each other before Eiryk actually worked and Alex went to bed.

Looking down at the paper Kem had handed her she smiled; it was a pretty blue paper with a silhouette of the Nachton skyline in dark blue and gray along the side. She nodded thoughtfully.
"I know he writes letters, this would probably be nice to send."

She glanced at the phone again. Then put it away.

"It'd be like cheating," she said, looking back and forth from Kem to Pak. "Wouldn't it? I should get to know him myself."

Aishe shrugged at Pak's next question. "I don't know how many people get mixed up with him honestly. I haven't know him that long either!"

She'd only known Eiryk for a little over a year. Long enough to understand just how much destruction he could cause unintentionally but not long enough to know how long his own contact list was.
Pakpao 12 years ago
Pak rolled her eyes at Kem as he reappeared. Honestly, you'd think she had no social skills at all. She had them, they were just occasionally slightly questionable and occasionally a little rough around the edges. She'd done her time back in Siam, toward the end of that career, playing gracious and polite games Pak preferred to cut to the chase these days.

"I seem to remember he was looking at it before something -might- have fallen on his head."

To his credit though even after that Rowan hadn't been rude or stormed off. She probably should get to know him. But how did one just ask the guy out for a cup of coffee? And then there was Christian, who intimidated Pak for no apparent reason, he just made her nervous like he was going to uncover some deep dark secret about her past and throw her out of the Towers. Logically she knew he couldn't just take away her home and family, but she'd thought that before Bao showed up that night too.

Huh, you know that was it. That's why she was afraid of him. His manner and his position of power were not terribly different from her maker. You learned something every day. Maybe she could do something about this now. Later though. Later.

She was distracted enough by her own personal revelation and the paper to forget to drop something on Kem's head. Of course, she probably owed hem a pass or two or ten thousand so it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh that is pretty. A solid step up from hotel stationary and quite useful. I'd use it."

If she wrote letters, which she didn't not my hand any way.

"It wouldn't be cheating it is research and as long as you don't rely on stalking him and inside information forever I don't think it is an issue. I mean Rowan hasn't been her that long you're not expected to be old and rares just yet."

It was Pak's version of reassuring. She hoped it made sense and worked. Personally she didn't think Aishe was slacking in the getting to know you category, not by any stretch.
Kem`Raaisu 12 years ago
Kem's eyebrows snapped up at Pak's words. "Pak. You didn't."

Pak did have rather a nasty habit of assaulting people in the cranium when she determined their behavior warranted it.
"What could he possibly have done to you?"

He was still somewhat surprised; Pak tended to save the direct assault for those she knew well. He didn't know she was acquainted with Rowan. And by all accounts the man Cris was seeing was generally well-regarded. That was the rumor in the archives, anyway.

He smiled and nodded when it seemed like his gift suggestion might be acceptable. Kem knew Aishe would still be looking out for a larger 'main' present to get for Cris and Rowan but a few little ones here and there wouldn't be bad.

He remained silent on the topic of using Eiryk as a resource; Kem didn't disagree with Pak but he wasn't going to try to talk Aishe into or out of anything. She used to be much shyer. Nachton had changed her in more ways than just the physical. He thought the changes were good ones, but he was, quite possibly, a little biased.

He thought she should seek out Rowan and get to know him though, which was the main reason for his silence. If Aishe chose to go to Eiryk first, Kem would support that decision as well. The point was it was hers to make.
Aishe 12 years ago
"Didn't what?"

Aishe looked back and forth from Kiamhaat to Pak before Pak's words truly sank in. She covered her mouth with her fingertips to hide a little gasp.
"Oh no. Did you really?"

She reconsidered going to Eiryk to find a good gift for Rowan but she was still determined to make it something he and Cris could do together. She knew what Cris's schedule at work was like, and from him she knew that Rowan's was just as bad. Their time together was precious and in somewhat short supply, so she thought it very important to get them something for the both of them. She had considered everything; a puzzle, perhaps, maybe a dinner out for two? She'd looked into upcoming concerts, events, entertainment, and was still waffling on the subject, not knowing if they'd prefer the opera or a rock concert.

Kem had made a few suggestions of his own but his were far more extravagant than Aishe intended; she hadn't yet learned to think on a scale that included a budget of more than seven figures. It made her wonder what his plans for their honeymoon were though; he had asked her to let him plan it and hadn't given her a single detail yet.

"I know it doesn't really matter and isn't an issue," she said, smiling softly, "but I'm so happy for them, for Cris, really, that I want to give them something nice. I don't know that my approval matters so much but I want them to know they have it. I've never seen Cris so happy."

Of course, Pak might not have seen the 'happy' in progress as Cris still maintained his work image, which as far as Aishe knew, terrified Pak for some reason.
Pakpao 12 years ago
"It was a small paper back, I said -might- and I'm sure there was a reason."

Pak defended herself. She didn't quite remember the reason right now but she was sure there had been one, after all she didn't just assault people at random. Not often, never with the out right intent to harm and generally with a reason.

"Besides, we had a nice chat and it was ages ago. He probably doesn't even remember."

It was her opinion that she could be rather forgettable. Some people might argue that, but in most situation she just blended in. But Pak chose to let the matter drop. Sufficed to say she had indeed met the famous Rowan and either she had made a poor impression or she had been forgotten and either way she couldn't say she actually knew him.

Happy? Well in theory Pak was happy for them too. She was happy any time two people were able to find each other and something of a bond. Slightly jealous, but happy. Regardless she turned a rather quizzical look on Aishe for that comment. How could you tell Christian was happy? Or sad, or anything really.

"I'm sure we can find something for them. This might not quite be the place though..."

Pak had found some rather nice pens, nothing stupidly expensive but nice enough, and grabbed a handful to give to some staff members. It was the thought that counted right? And they would look good on a desk if nothing else.

"Wait... approval? Are you now the official match maker for the clan, or just the Towers?"

And should she fill out an application?
Kem`Raaisu 12 years ago
Kem simply continued to regard Pak with arched eyebrows, completely disbelieving any innocence on her part. He knew her too well for that.

Aishe's assertion that her approval wasn't necessary though, made him turn. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her close, leaning don to kiss the top of her head.

"Of course it matters," he said to her softly. "Cris loves you."

He knew Aishe had suffered a little bit of doubt on the topic during Cris's long absence and while that was mostly gone now, she was trying to strike a balance between clingy and uninterested. He thought she was just fine; granted, he didn't know Christian well at all himself so Aishe was a better judge, but he wanted to be supportive.

He took the paper from Aishe and went to pay for it; even if she didn't decide to give it as a present he would find a use for it. He liked it too.

"Are we ready to move on?" He asked when they were back in a group again. It was only getting colder outside, but he had to admit hanging out with Aishe and Pak, having nothing pressing to do, was relaxing and enjoyable.
Aishe 12 years ago
Smiling at the rather one-sided exchange between Pak and Kiamhaat, Aishe shook her head at their friend while Kem went to pay for the writing paper.

"No... why would I do that?" she asked Pak, her brow furrowing. She tried to explain what she'd meant. "I just meant... you know, Cris is my Creator. He's my family. I know it would hurt me if he didn't approve of my being with Kem. That's all. I want him to know I like him being with Rowan."

Aishe knew Pak didn't have the same relationship with Bao as Aishe had with Cris but she still felt defensive of her Creator, who despite Towers rumor had never been anything but kind and caring toward her.

"Cris isn't what you seem to think," she said, her tone firm but her smile softening any chastisement. "He's a wonderful person. Maybe a little hard to get to know at first but I've never met anyone so sweet."

Kem returned to them and Aishe grinned at Pak. "Almost anyone, anyhow," she amended, slipping her arm around his waist.

"Let's go someplace else," she agreed with Kem, then said to Pak, "You're right, though, I'm not going to find what I want for both of them here. Got any ideas?"

She briefly detailed to Pak the things she'd been considering as they headed back out into the cold. Pak wasn't exactly a dating wonder but maybe she had some ideas for things two people could do.

In the meantime they still had the rest of their Christmas list to take care of.
Pakpao 12 years ago
Ah OK that she understood. After all Kem and Aishe would have to approve of any one she got involved with. Not that Pak was anticipating that happening any time soon, but if it did there would be some approval going on.

"Fair enough. Although it would be more interesting if you were a match maker..."

Great now she was going to hum Fiddler On The Roof to herself off and on for a while.

Aishe's observation startled Pak a bit, but she was able to mostly cover her surprise by fidgeting with her scarf and gloves as they went back outside. Out of respect for both Aishe and Christian Pak checked her initial response, which was to say that some people thought highly of Bao too. As far as she knew, other than outward appearances the two men weren't that similar and certainly someone who had turned Aishe so carefully and was part of Evenhet couldn't be much like the man who'd literally left her on the side of the road.

"I'm sure he is a good person."

She said vaguely sort of side stepping the issue as they stepped back into the cold night air.

What did you get two people who were in a new relationship that showed you wanted them to be together or at least liked the idea of them together? Aishe was right it should be something they could both do, and while a concert or a movie sounded nice you didn't really interact much.

"Maybe... rock climbing? A couple's massage? Twister? What about a stay at a B&B outside of town?"
Kem`Raaisu 12 years ago
Kem wrapped his arm around Aishe's shoulders in return as she defended Cris to Pak, although that was hardly necessary. He knew Pak's issue was just with authority figures; if she actually spent any time with Cris it was likely she would quickly reach the conclusion that Cris wasn't an evil Evenhet Overlord or anything. He put the notion on the back burner for later; they should definitely get her in the same room with him at some point. It would be a good 'family' activity. Funny... fractured and odd as they may be, they were a family. He and Aishe, Pak, Cris, and now Rowan. It was a nice thought.

They walked along outdoors, discussing eventual ideas for Cris and Rowan. Kem hadn't expected them to be so difficult to shop for. He wondered how Cris would feel if he knew the three of them were out here battering their brains to find him a Christmas present. Hopefully, not embarrassed.

"Oh hold on a second," he said as they passed their second kitchen store of the night. He made the trip in and out again very quickly, displaying his one purchase to Pak and Aishe when he was back outside once more.

"For Reign," he said with a sly grin.

Their baking battle had gone on and on, reaching new heights. In light of some of their recent experimentation he'd bought her a new cake decorating set. A big fancy one with lots and lots of different little tips for making intricate designs. It was a fair challenge... decorate me a cake... if you can. Muahahaha. Etc.

In the meantime he kept his eyes open for other gifts for her, as well as anything Alfarinn might be interested in.
Aishe 12 years ago
Aishe nodded at Pak's suggestions. She had thought of most of them already and hadn't exactly discarded them but was still considering.

"I don't think a massage would work," she said with a little mischievous grin. "I think I see the two of them as the hands-on types."

It was probably more information than Pak wanted at that juncture, but every time Aishe had noted Cris or Rowan with her empathy there was a very distinct red overlay to everything that suggested, to her, an incredibly physical relationship.

"Oh what if..." she rolled her eyes upward. "I don't know about sending them out of the city. Cris might not like that."

Her Creator didn't like to leave the home turf often; maybe that was changing with Rowan around but Aishe didn't see any reason why spa night couldn't happen at home.

"Is there a bath store around? I know it seems odd but what if I got them a little gift basket? Massage oil, candle, that kind of thing. Coupled with a dinner out, maybe one or two other things. All the ingredients for a nice night out and a relaxing evening without it being too much hassle."

She was still going to get them a puzzle. She and Kiamhaat loved putting them together themselves. Aishe smiled, thinking about it. Hot chocolate, being snuggled under a blanket with her fiance with a movie playing in the background and a puzzle spread out on the table in front of them. She couldn't see how anyone wouldn't enjoy that.

She looked at Kem and Pak for approval of this idea. Kem, however, had darted into a store quickly, returning with a cake decorating set. Aishe groaned and laughed.

"This is going to be the first case of a familiar killing her vampire," she warned Kem. "That, or she's just going to retaliate by getting you something even worse."
Pakpao 12 years ago
"Dear God is she still cooking for you?"

Pak had sampled some of Reign's baking attempts. The woman had started with boxes and slice and bake but she seemed to be branching out a bit. This was going to drive her crazy, she'd undoubtedly try and use it.

"Get her a gift card for a cleaning service too, or you'll be held responsible for any frosting on the ceiling."

Honestly, what were half of those little tips and things? She didn't understand most of them and Kem's familiar, her sponsoree, would try to use them all in an effort to please Kem. Other than the baking though Reign still seemed like herself. It was good they had a healthy bond, good for both of them.

Suddenly Pak clapped her hands over her ears and shook her head. She did refrain from saying "lalalala".

"So long as they are happy they can be... er... well... you know details aren't necessary."

Fantasy had its place, but she did her best to refrain from thinking about people she knew in certain situations. Kem and Aishe were on that list, Eiryk and Alex and they had just discovered Christian and Rowan were on it too and she didn't even know them that well.

"That isn't a bad idea at all a nice evening in can be fun." There was a pause and a dismissive shrug, "So I hear."

Although, she would have thought getting Christian and Rowan out of the Towers and obligations would help that, but Aishe knew her creator considerably better than Pak did. And since Eiryk had redone her new place and turned the bathroom into something rather unreal Pak had rediscovered the joys of a long hot bath.

"Do either of them eat much? Maybe have a dinner delivered too?"

You did have to ask about that though, some vampires hardly ever actually ate, some were absolute foodies. You never could tell. The conversation seemed to drift back to Reign more or less.

"What could she get him that is worse? A kiss the cook apron? A barbeque grill? Something that makes Julian fries?"

Not that Pak had any idea what Julian fries were but it seemed to come up on infomercials now and then.