Top of the Food Chain (attn: Mai)
Amir figured now was as good a time as any to explore what Mai had suggested, and he discovered that attempting to break the land speed record on his bike heading into Nachton was no less enjoyable now than it had been last year or the year before that. He felt a warm sense of satisfaction in that knowledge as he stopped his bike along the Strip and waited for Mai to dismount first.
He changed out of his apathetic 'I don't give a shit' clothing into something a lot more appropriate for the Strip. His jeans now no longer had holes in them, and fit appropriately. His jacket was soft supple black leather, a replacement for the one that had been destroyed by Xephier and his Pack. Beneath it he wore a dark red tee and under that, a white fitted long-sleeved shirt. He wore little in the way of accessories, save a silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand and a chain around his neck with a pendant that disappeared under his shirt.
Amir looked around them, taking in the sights and sounds of the familiar Nachton streets. There was definitely good hunting to be had here. Mara had sent him a return text before they had left the Manor, wishing him a good time and telling him to be careful. Even now she was worried. He'd cheekily told her to leave some Jin for him... the response still had him smiling a little.
"Have anything particular in mind?" He murmured softly to Mai. He'd never hunted with her before, not for sport or fun. He didn't know if her tastes were particular or not. He suspected, though, that tonight would be mostly about the enjoyment of the hunt. That made him happy... yes, he was definitely still a hunter.

She liked the tight stretchy bright red jeans that the girl had chosen for her much more. They fit very close to her body, so close it was like a second skin but they were comfortable and easy to move in. Mai had bent and stretched then kicked and twisted a few times just to be sure. They were paired with a slouchy looking pair of medium brown leather boots that came up just over her ankles. The soles had a high wide heel but she thought she could manage to move comfortably despite the balance shifting footwear. Perhaps it would add a minor challenge to the evening.
A red velvet choker with a dangling silver heart, a silver bangle bracelet shape like a twisted arrow, and a silver vine shaped metal headband with little red gemstone flowers completed the look. Her hair would eventually hang long and free down her back but it had been braided into a loose braid for the ride into town on Amir's motorcycle. According to Mika girls with wild tangled hair only looked good climbing out of a bed. Mai had blinked at her and said that she would not have a bed handy.
The girl replied that if that was the case then it would be best not to have tangles. Sometimes her servant took all the fun out of things. Mika then braided her hair and held it together by a stretchy grey fabric thing that Mika had called a scrunchy. She told Mai to take it off when they got to their destination and to just slide the band onto her wrist.
Placing her 'scrunchy' where she had been instructed, Mai looked around The Strip. It was no longer very early in the evening but the area was still quite full of people.
She answered Amir's question with a small shrug and a thoughtful frown. "Something interesting." Mai did not want it to be too easy or over too quickly. That was feeding, not hunting. "Let's walk and see if any opportunities show themselves." Often times she hunted the hunters. It was a convenient way to feed. She looked like an innocent, helpless, young girl and many lazy predators expected her to be easy prey. They made for a quick and easy meal. Mai had heard a few younger vampires call it 'fast food'. Such a person was hardly a huge challenge however.
It had been a long time since she had hunted with another. Not since Thaddeus had been young and uncertain. Mai smiled. It seemed to be not very long ago at all to her but he felt himself quite grown up now.
Together they did not look quite so much like an easy target. However, they both appeared young so perhaps that was a start. She started down the street, looking into windows and dark alleys with equal interest.
Then he checked himself, realized he'd just referred to the Elder of the Hunt as a 'hot little Asian girl' even if it was just in his head and sort of metaphorical, and corrected his thought process before it could further travel down the path of the unusual. He did manage to scowl convincingly at a guy maybe slightly older in appearance than Amir himself whose eyes lingered a bit long on Mai as he walked by with his friends. Let him think she was his girlfriend. No one ogled the Hunt Elder on his watch, damn it.
"Okay," he said agreeably to her when she decided to shop around some. Amir liked interesting. It was far better than boring.
He watched the opposite side of the street as well, not only for opportunities but for any more suspicious onlookers. He wasn't sure he liked Mai dressing trendy. Someone ought to have a word with her servant.
The thoughts flickered briefly through his head as he assimilated everything around him; where each pedestrian was, who looked edible, who looked far too drunk. He didn't know Mai's preferences but Amir refused to drink from those who'd already overindulged or were high. If he wanted to alter his mental state he'd do it directly, thanks.

She scanned the crowd of people, seeing it all as a general flow of people moving in the same basic direction. With a few exceptions. Two of those rebellious free thinkers would be the drunken sailors, staggering toward her against the movement of the rest of the traffic.
Tilting her head sideways, Mai continued to 'watch' them, her way. Their heart rate was slow which was normal enough for a human who had been drinking a large amount of alcohol, which they certainly appeared to have done. Their staggering was contrived though, they were catching themselves a little too quickly for ones who had drank so much. They were also too watchful, scanning the expressions of the people in front of them instead of being drunkenly oblivious as their actions would suggest.
When they came closer she smelled more alcohol on them than was necessary. It was as if they doused themselves with the substance in order to really get the point across. One of them stopped in front of her; his partner, appearing not to have gotten the message, was yanked to a teetering halt by his friend's arm around his shoulders.
"Heeeellooo, preddy iddle lay-dee." The first man smiled crookedly at her. Mai smiled sweetly back. Do you sense another predator in front of you or have you not yet learned to see beyond what your eyes tell you? This was her silent question to him. "Cud you 'ell us where the nearish bar ish?"
Mai shook her head and then looked over at Amir. "I am sorry. I am not very good with directions. Perhaps my friend knows the way." Did Amir see them for their true selves? If he did not yet, Mai was certain that he would soon, now that they were close enough to clearly observe.
They could be fun. For the first game of the evening.
It was clear that there was something off about them by the way they spoke. Their overall air was almost as if they weren't actually drunk but were playing the part as if they'd seen drunks on TV before. Amir narrowed his eyes slightly. Why would they fake it, if that's what they were doing? They sure smelled like alcohol.
As they leaned in closer he realized they were hunters too. For what purpose, he wasn't sure. He couldn't tell if they were vampires, or if they just wanted two teens for fun and games. Either could happen. Poor choice of targets for them, but they couldn't know that.
Amir cleared the scowl from his face as Mai turned toward him. 'Innocent young teenager' was a pretty common front for him and he fell into it easily. Everything about him changed; facial expression, body language, movement. He went from being ready to attack, sharply observant, poised on the balls of his feet, to being the careless kid. He swung his arms at his sides, looked around, and then braced one hand on his hip as he 'thought.'
"Yeah, there are a few around here," he said. "It's the Strip."
As if that explained it all... these two had to be really off their game. Even the dimmest kid would have realized that you didn't have to stagger far to find a bar or a club here. But, well, it was to Amir's and Mai's benefit.
"There's a good one this way," he said, leading them down the street to the corner. He paused right at the end, peering around a dark corner. "Huh. No lights. Maybe they closed it? It was a shitty bar anyway. There's a gay club down here though. That might be better?"
He looked at the guys innocently before heading down the next road, never quite ducking into the first darkened by-street.
He couldn't help it if he wanted to play with his food some first.
After three 'near misses,' Amir had them about four blocks from where they'd started, in a much quieter part of the Strip. The guys had dropped their 'drunken' attitudes once or twice and Amir was fairly sure they thought they were the ones doing the hunting, still.
He found a darkened street, one with another bar at the end. They were approaching it from the back side, which meant there was no traffic in this part of the street. Conveniently, there were very few lights as well. It was the perfect set up.
Amir turned and pointed. "There you go. That's a decent one I guess."

She wondered if the guise of sailors was to help with the pretense of not being from Nachton and therefore lost or if they actually were sailors. Mai hoped there was at least this tiny bit of truth in their ruse. She wondered if she would taste the fresh air and sea in their blood.
Her fellow Huntsman was leading the two of them around in circles. It almost made her wonder whether Amir knew where he was going. Mai knew the area, she knew the clubs by their sounds and smells but she rarely went into them. Had they asked her for something specific she would not have been able to answer. What they did in these bars, Mai did not much care to know. They were loud, smelled bad, some were smokey and many were hot. There was nothing appealing about them as far as she was concerned. There were plenty of other places to hunt.
Finally, after several near misses, Amir stopped at the end of a dark narrow street and pointed to the back entrance of a club. It seemed he was done teasing their prey. She kind of wondered how long the two men would have allowed such misdirection to continue before they had taken matters into their own hands. A part of her wanted to find out.
An arm was draped around her shoulder. Mai tilted her head up and looked at the sailor to which it belonged. "Come along wid ush. We'll get yous in." He smiled down at her cheerfully and started pushing her along down the alley. She noticed a similar tactic was being used on Amir.
Mai resisted slightly and looked uncertainly at Amir. Playing social games was not her best skill. She was very good at faking subtle expressions and fabricating elaborate persona the way several of her children were but after so many years she could do the basic ones. She had plenty of practice at playing the helpless harmless little girl. Pretending to be the prey to draw someone in closer was something she understood. This role she could perform with a fair amount of aptitude.
What she was really attempting with the resistance was to see how strong her would be attacker was. Was he a human or a vampire? She suspected the latter; his heart rate had still not much increased despite the excitement that should have preceded his attack. The arm pushed her forward with ease. "Now, now...It'll be fun. His slurred speech had all but disappeared.
Of course even if these two were vampires there was no guarantee they were clanless. They could be Evenhet. There was a truce. They should try not to kill their wayward brethren. However, if they were attacked... that would be a different matter. There would be little in the way of evidence in any case. Hunting their own kind had the added benefit of being easily concealed...if you killed them.
Mai allowed herself to be guided toward the back entrance. Once they were deep into the darkness the drunken guise was dropped completely. The one with his arm around her let go of his companion and turned her toward the wall.
"Fun for us anyway." He amended and smiled widely at her, showing his fangs. Mai kept her eyes lowered. He had not noticed them yet so she would see how long it took for him to realize who she was without the most obvious feature giving her away. She put both hands onto his chest and made an 'attempt' to struggle. "Oooh, yeah, baby. I like it when you do that."
The vampire leaned forward, pushing his body up against her's, her hands still pressed against his chest. He bent down and sank his fangs into her neck.
Mai closed her eyes for the space of a heartbeat, enjoying the moment. The feel of his fangs, the draw of blood, the pause against her neck. In another heartbeat he would know the horrible truth.
And there it was.
The vampire jerked away from her neck as if her blood had been poison. She wondered how much fear was required to overcome the pure euphoria of drinking such ancient blood. The other vampire's eyes were wide. His heart was now racing, for a vampire, and he was sucking in air as though he could not get enough. He tried to scramble backward but tiny hands had fists full of his clothing. Now he pushed against her struggling, in wild animal terror.
"I like it when you do that." Mai said quietly and gave him a serene smile. The man screamed. She opened both hands and released his shirt. He fell backward and began scrambling on all fours toward the main street. She watched him move for another heart beat before she followed.
Running light and quick, Mai caught up to the crawling vampire. She stepped up onto one of his hips and walked easily along his back. The boots were more troublesome on a moving surface. She would have to explain this problem to Mika when she returned home.
She hopped off her crawling prey and stood in front of him. He froze and began...crying. Mai sighed softly. She didn't like it when they did that. Kneeling beside him, she grabbed one wrist and dragged him, whimpering and sniffling back into the darker depths of the alley.
"Shhhh," Mai knelt beside him and tilted her head to look at him closely. "Is this how you wish your last moments to be?" This produced louder sobs.
"Hey," was all he said, a warning note in his tone when the other man turned Mai toward the wall. Clearly the Elder was in no danger but why stop the game so soon?
"Let her go!"
"Easy now, we're just having a little fun. You won't feel a thing," the man with his arm across Amir's shoulders said.
Damn straight, was Amir's first thought. He turned toward the taller man and narrowed his eyes as he watched the next few actions as if in slow motion.
The man raised his other hand and took Amir by both shoulders. Gripping him tightly he pushed him back toward the wall. Amir went without resisting, moving, in fact, faster than the man actually pushed. As he got a little room Amir smiled wickedly.
He pulled his fist back and punched. "Bite that," he said as he connected solidly, planting his blow at his attacker's mouth.
Amir felt bone shatter, smiling as he pulled his hand away. The man fell back, cupping his hands over his mouth. "What the fuck..."
Amir looked at his fist. There was a sharp canine tooth embedded between two of his knuckles. He slowly lifted his hand, pulled the fang out, and held it up in front of the man. Then, he casually flicked it over his shoulder.
The vampire before him gave a shout and came at him again. He was balanced and well-prepared for several blows, light on his feet, uncannily so... but it was immediately obvious to Amir that this attacker did not have his years. Two thousand years of fighting werewolves tended to make one sharp, and while it had been a year since Amir had actually faced off against a werewolf, he had not slacked off in his training one bit.
He dodged each blow easily, smiling softly, almost kindly, at his attacker. "My turn?" he asked as the man hesitated.
Amir shot his left hand out, grabbed the vampire's arm, and pulled him close. As he did he moved around himself until he was behind his attacker, holding his arm up behind him. It would have been easy to break it from there but that was no fun. Instead he lifted and twisted, spinning the man out and away.
Instead of attacking again, the vampire turned and ran opposite of the direction Mai and her attacker were. Amir sighed.
His shift was quick and smooth and in no time at all the jackal shot forward, easily outpacing even the running vampire. Before the man could reach the end of the alley Amir had leaped beyond him, turning and skidding to a halt. He shifted back, crouched, and jumped before the vampire could change his course. Amir leaped past him, slinging his arm out clothes-line style as he did, taking the man around the neck, and dragging him with him as he stalked deeper back into the alley.
It wasn't so much of a challenge after all, he thought with a little sigh. But the hunt was always fun no matter how easy. This vampire's blood was singing to him; his own thirst raged hot through his veins and he decided the game was over. There was no one here to caution him against drinking too much; he could restrain himself with Jin and with Mara but tonight he and Mai were alone and he doubted the Elder would keep him from drinking his fill.
Heaving the vampire like luggage, Amir tossed him up against the wall and watched him slide back down it again. He closed the distance between them in that short time and his hand shot out, now gripping the man around his throat and pinning him in place.
Amir smiled, shrugged, and bit into the vampire's neck, drinking deeply and without restraint for the first time since his little visit to Xephier's Wolf Resort.
It was wonderful.

Something rose up from the street behind her and to the right. It was a rock and it hurtled through the air toward her head. A telekinetic. Interesting. It appeared he hadn't given up just yet. Mai smiled and tilted them both out of the rock's path at the last moment. The sailor shuddered beneath her, his muscles twitching and straining. Two objects came at her from two different directions. Impressive.
Dodging those seemed to have defeated her playmate. He slumped in her arms. Then she heard a rattling noise and the dumpster nearby started to rise. Mai lifted her head away from his neck and looked at him with her white eyes.
"Do you really think that will work where the others have not?" She smiled at him. "Bigger is not always better."
"" The dumpster dropped back to the ground with a clang. This noise plus the screams and sounds of fighting were easily covered by the loud thumping music pouring out of the club. No one would come looking because they heard something out of the ordinary but eventually someone would walk past, or come out the back. They didn't have much time to finish feeding.
Mai bent to the man's neck again.
She pulled away and looked at him. "Please don't kill me. I will do whatever you want. Anything. I'll be your bodyguard." Mai raised her eyebrows at this suggestion and gave him a faint incredulous smile. He seemed to realize the absurdity of what he had said. "or servant or whatever you want....just don't kill me."
Letting go of him, Mai stepped back. She watched him carefully to see if he would try to run now that he appeared to be free. The man stayed where he was. He was smarter than he first seemed. She tilted her head while she considered him.
"The only way for you to live is by joining Anantya."
The vampire nodded his head vigorously. She could have asked him to do anything short of setting him self on fire and he would have agreed to it. Mai blinked at him. "Yes, I will join Anantya. I didn't know..." He stammered. "We weren't taught. We just..."
Mai reached out a hand and placed a few fingers on his lips to stop the stammering explanation. "Give me your coat."
He looked confused but quickly shrugged out of the navy double breasted peacoat. Taking it from him when he held it out to her, Mai slipped it on. She thrust both arms out toward him and looked at her hands, the coat hung over them a good six inches at least.
"Uhm...oh." He quickly reached down and began rolling up the sleeves of the coat until it came to her wrists. She smiled at him and nodded her head.
"Present yourself at the Manor tomorrow night, two hours after dark. If you are not there." Mai looked down at the coat and then back up at him. "We will track you down and kill you...slowly."
The man nodded his head quickly. "I will be there. I promise." He stood up and then turned to look for his friend. "Uhm...what about him?" Mai turned and regarded Amir and the other vampire.
"Apparently he did not make the same deal."
He barely registered what was happening as the other man agreed to join Anantya. What a waste, the thought flitted around in the back of his head. He wondered what Mai's views on eating your Clanmates were, if they were only very recent converts. Even that thought was fleeting as his meal roused himself to struggle anew.
The vampire Amir drank from tried to push him away with arms much weaker than they should have been. He spoke, his voice choked as he turned to his companion.
"No... don't... you'll never be free. They'll turn you into one of them. Mindless, arrogant assholes."
Well, that short speech wasn't going to make Amir any less inclined to stop drinking. He didn't like to think of himself as mindless, it hit far too close to home.
Much as he wanted to pull away, to say something witty, anything, he could not. He absolutely couldn't tear himself away from the pulsing vein that fed him so readily. So he lifted one hand and gently, almost tenderly, pressed his index finger to his victim's lips.
And he drank.
He didn't stop until he realized he was clutching a cold corpse and there was no more blood left to be had. His heart squeezed in terror at the ending of his meal and he reluctantly pulled away from the shriveled husk that had once been a vampire. A poor excuse for one, but a vampire nonetheless.
Amir stood and released the corpse, dusting a very thin layer of fine ash from his hands as he turned toward Mai's new friend with glittering eyes. He walked a few steps to rejoin the Elder, no longer the carefree teenager now but the stalking hunter, graceful on his feet and efficient in every move.
He raised his eyebrows at the man and then turned to Mai. "Not a bad start," he murmured.

His friend had made a different choice. If he had truly believed they were 'mindless arrogant assholes' then he had made the correct decision for himself. He had stayed true to his beliefs. Very brave. She commended him on his willpower. It was a shame that he had chosen to die rather than bring that strength to Anantya. Mai could only hope that his friend had more than a sense of survival to offer the clan.
The body crumbled to dust. The young vampire beside her shook himself one last time, watching Amir rise from his feeding. Different. Dangerous. It had not gone unnoticed. When her companion stated that this had not been a bad start, the younger man moved quickly and quietly behind her.
She smiled and turned to place a soothing hand on his arm. "He will not harm you." Mai gazed at Amir and then looked back to regard the other, taller man. "We do not harm our own." There were many benefits to being a part of a clan but one of the foremost would be the protection it offered. There was no group of vampires more powerful than Anantya. There had been others at one time but they were no more. Anantya had conquered them all until only they remained...until Evenhet. Occasionally the clanless would form groups and call themselves a clan, giving themselves this name or that. Such trappings of organization meant very little to her hunters.
Patting the sailor on the arm, Mai gestured to the entrance to the alley. "Go now. Find something to eat. We will meet again." Tomorrow, one way or the other.
The man nodded quickly to her, edged warily past Amir, and then moved hastily toward the freedom that the main street offered. She watched him go and then turned toward her companion.
"We will continue." Mai hugged the big coat around her, looking like a small girl in her father's jacket. She walked back toward the lights and considered the next portion of the game. "Let's do this." She turned to Amir. "I will pick someone for you. You pick someone for me. How you choose to hunt is your choice." Mai watched the slow moving throng. "Do you have that which you will not eat?"
He nodded once as the man moved away quickly and turned back to Mai. He wouldn't question her. If she saw the man as a potential asset to Anantya then Amir would... well, not eat him. Immediately. He wasn't about to be his buddy on the next field trip to the zoo either. Amir was well aware that he had few friends, even in his own Clan.
Still silent, he watched Mai in the huge coat with rolled up sleeves. He followed her toward the edge of the alley, taking in the sights and smells around them. Nights like these, he was glad he didn't share in the ability to detect more than usual. His senses were keener than a human's as it was... having them even more sensitive would be awkward. How did one cope with the city like that? He had enough of the unwashed human mass as it was.
He laughed softly at Mai's idea. "Okay," he agreed, wondering what sort of target the Elder would choose for him even as he took in the options while considering her.
"I prefer them unaltered by drugs or alcohol," he said. "but it is only a matter of preference."
After all, the two they'd just fed from had been drinking. Amir's preferences sometimes went by the wayside when hunger was poking at him. "What about yourself?"
Did the Elder have a preference? Amir had never hunted with her before, obviously. He was enjoying it, however. Mai liked a challenge, as did he. He smiled as he considered a likely target, a difficult target, waiting for Mai's response.

"I rarely find alcohol pleasing...or other poisons that humans have begun putting in their bodies." In truth it was becoming more and more difficult to find a decent tasting meal. Most of them ate horrible artificial diets that left them terribly unhealthy and their blood unappetizing.
As if to prove her point, a group of young people stepped out onto the sidewalk from the brightly lit 'restaurant' shoving salty fried strips of potato into their mouths. They were all laughing and joking as they continued to eat while they went on their way. One of them lit up a cigarette, as if the grease and salt were not doing enough damage to his body.
Mai crossed the street to remove herself from the smoke. The city smelled bad enough without the sharp stench of burning nicotine so close to her.
She looked around for someone suitable for Amir. The person needed to be a challenge but she also wanted to find someone who suited his preferences and would likely remain untainted for however long it took him to successfully stalk his prey.
After another block, Mai found someone perfectly suited to her, well Amir's, needs. She turned back and smiled at her clan mate.
"Her" Mai's white gaze stared unblinking at her choice of prey, making it clear exactly who she meant.
The woman stood out in the crowd. People parted to let her pass. It wasn't simply her no-nonsense gait, which suggested that she had somewhere to be unlike many of the people wandering leisurely between the different shops and bars. She doubted it had anything to do with the large bag the woman carried clutched tightly in one hand. Most likely it had more to do with the long black and white robes she was wearing and the cross swinging to and fro from its place on her belt. Many people still respected those affiliated with least enough to move out of their way.
"She is who I choose for your target." Mai smiled sweetly at Amir. The nun was perfect. She was less likely to abuse alcohol and drugs and more likely to have a decent diet of wholesome nourishing food. The woman was almost a gourmet treat. Mai was almost sorry there were not two of them out on whatever errand the woman was hurriedly walking to.
He walked along with Mai as they moved away from the cloud of cigarette smoke. If he found it irritating, how must it seem to Mai, who clearly relied on senses other than sight to move around? Mara and Jin were similar in that regard; their senses were keener than his and even to his the scent was insulting. Amazing that they could even function in the city.
Amir looked for someone to suit the Elder's tastes as well. He saw one or two possibilities but Mai had wanted a challenge and these seemed easy. Mai was old, ancient... he wouldn't insult her by picking targets that would hardly trouble her. As she turned to him with a smile and pointed out the target she'd chosen for him, Amir followed her direction with his own gaze.
He laughed softly at the sight of the nun hurrying toward her destination even as he spotted a likely target for Mai herself.
"Very good," he said, his mouth curving into a smile. Nothing like the pure and righteous for a little after-thug snack.
"I think for you," he said, "something equally tasty."
He nodded his chin in the direction of a pair of police officers standing by their double parked squad car. They were unlikely to have consumed alcohol or drugs while on the job, and neither of them was currently smoking or appeared to be twitching for a nicotine fix. They were obviously a team so separating them and getting them to leave their squad car might prove somewhat difficult but that was what Mai had requested. One seemed too simple for her.
"Will they suit?" he looked at her with a smile, hoping his choice of target proved both palatable and adventurous enough for the Elder. It would be shameful to have been invited along to hunt with her and fail to prove to be adequate company.
Standing relaxed, hands in his pockets, Amir waited for Mai's response. Out of his peripheral vision he tracked the progress of the nun as she moved with purpose along the street. He wasn't worried about losing her; at this time of night there was a limited number of destinations for her. He would find her again if she turned off the main Strip.

She considered the two men carefully before turning to her companion. "I accept."
Before taking her leave of Amir in order to pursue her targets, Mai favored him with a slight bow. "May you hunt well."
Moving back up the street some, she then crossed and headed toward the policemen at a fast walk. She needed to separate them in order to feed off them both without leaving a trace. Unfortunately she did not have the ability to make them forget being attacked by her. Unless she wanted to kill the men then she would have to separate them and feed from them both without them being aware of it. Mai appreciated the men as fellow warriors and felt their deaths would be a waste. She did not need nearly so much blood as two full grown humans would provide, especially not after feeding from a vampire earlier tonight. She was actually no longer very hungry. Still she could drink some more without it going to waste from over indulgence.
Mai rushed up to the two men and tugged on the arm of the closest one.
"Woah, Aren't you out a bit late, young lady? Its a school night." She considered his question. It had not occurred to her that she should be in school.
Nodding her head, Mai said. "Yes, but my father said he had to talk to there." She pointed to a nearby nightclub. " He said he would be just a moment but its been half of one hour and he has not returned. I am worried about him but I cannot go in to find him."
The two men looked at each other and then the one that spoke first said. "I can go in and try to find him. Tell me what he looks like."
She smiled at him and said. "He is Japanese. He is a little taller than myself, wearing a blue shirt and black pants. Short hair."
The officer nodded and headed toward the club, leaving Mai alone with his partner.
The other man smiled at her and seemed content to stay there and wait. That was beneficial. She walked toward the store nearby and pretended to be looking into the window. Turning back to him, Mai said. "I am told there are laws in this country that prohibit such revealing clothing to be worn in public. Is this true?" She pointed toward something in the store. The officer came over and peered in to get a better look at this criminally skimpy garment. When he bent closer to stare into the store, Mai reached out and quickly struck him in the occipital lobe. The movement was fast and sure. She doubted anyone saw anything at all. Mai caught him as he slumped unconscious and 'helped' him to his car. Her aid consisted of strong arming him with one hand wrapped around his waist, hugging him tight to her side, and another up against his chest to keep him upright so that he merely appeared dizzy to anyone nearby, and then physically carrying him to the vehicle.
Mai carefully sat him in the passenger seat and then leaned forward and bit his neck. She drank quickly, pulling away when she felt him starting to come around once more.
She looked at him uncertainly and then gave him a small smile. "Are you unwell?"
His stomach was growling as he tracked her progress through the busy Strip. Shifting, he tracked her progress down the next two or three blocks, running a parallel course to hers that kept him in the shadows behind the buildings.
The bag she carried was similar to the old fashioned doctor's bag. Amir recognized it and considered it. Did he care about the person she was going to help? Not personally... he was hungry and she, like every other human, was food. It didn't matter to him if she held some position of religious authority. Amir put no faith in any god; he trusted his hands and his skills.
The fact that she was clearly a medical professional was more important to him. Amir took interest in her in the way a cattle breeder took interest in the veterinarian who watched his stock. He couldn't feed from this one until she died... not if she was helping keep other potential meals healthy.
With that in mind he followed her to a tiny, ramshackle apartment building but did not go in after her. He waited, for upwards of fifteen or twenty minutes, while she attended to whatever she'd come to do. The apartment building was in a convenient, out of the way alley that dead-ended against a dilapidated wooden fence. The kind of people inside probably couldn't afford the fees of a doctor and didn't look like they had insurance.
Amir was not idle while the nun was inside, however. He untucked his shirt, mussed his hair up a bit, and generally did his best to look untidy. Then he slid himself down on the stoop in front of the house. With his fingernail he pressed against his forehead, just beneath his hair line, and quickly cut his scalp. The wound was small and closed quickly but not before several convincing rivulets of blood trickled down over his cheek; scalp cuts were good for that.
It wasn't long before the nun emerged from the house. She couldn't help but notice Amir sitting there, moaning softly. She approached him and bent close.
"Help... me," he moaned softly.
"What happened here," the woman asked, bending close. She was middle-aged, maybe in her late forties. She had a thin face that looked as if she brooked no nonsense but her eyes were kind.
"Two men," Amir said. "They went that way. Took my wallet."
He lifted his hand and waved down the empty street, indicating the Strip. His 'attackers' could be anywhere by now. As he expected, though, the woman leaned in close and frowned.
"You're injured. Here, hold on."
Amir lay there obediently, the image of the innocent, victimized teenager, while the nun rummaged through her bag. She turned back to him with a bottle of antiseptic and some gauze. He allowed her to clean the blood from his head; very kind of her.
Where she crouched in front of him, leaning close, Amir could nearly smell her blood. Her neck was right next to his mouth. It would be a simple thing to Command her but he didn't want to. He hadn't used it to hunt with in months, since before his visit with Xephier, and he knew he should get over that reluctance but he couldn't.
Instead he waited until the sister had finished doctoring him and pulled away a bit. He sighed as she did, but patience would catch this prey faster than aggression.
"Can you stand?"
Amir closed his eyes and looked tormented. "Don't know," he said, his voice trailing off.
"Let me help you. Then we can get you someplace safe."
Ah, kindness. He held his arms out, almost childlike, as the nun bent close again. It took no effort to brush the cowl of her habit aside as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Amir barely felt her struggle as he pulled her close, rather than standing up with her; she was nowhere near strong enough to put up a fight and she settled down immediately as he bit into her neck. So compliant.
And so delicious, he nearly forgot to let her live. Her blood was pure, untainted, and pleasant. It wasn't as strong as the vampire's had been but it had the benefit of being untouched by impurities. No drugs. No alcohol. Not even a greasy burger, as near as he could tell.
It was difficult to pull away but he did, leaving the woman pale and shaking but otherwise unharmed. He hadn't even drunk too deeply.
"Thank you, Sister," he murmured as he pulled away. The nun grasped at her rosary as she backed away, mumbling in Latin. Amir smiled at her, fangs shining in the dim moonlight, and gestured her along.
"Go on," he said, not unkindly. "I'm sure you have other business to attend to."
There was no point in Command, not here. What would she say? Help, help, a vampire just drank my blood? Coming from a nun, it would sound even more ridiculous. He had no fears in letting her run. There was nothing she could say that anyone would believe and she was far more likely to cloister herself away in prayer.
Suddenly there was a little splash of something cool against his face. Amir blinked water from his eyes and looked at the nun, who somehow had the presence of mind to be standing there, holding a tiny empty glass vial, her hand shaking.
Had she just splashed him with holy water?
Amir was still laughing long after the nun had realized the futility of her gesture and finally fled. He walked to the end of the alley and leaned against the wall, waiting for Mai. She would find him.

Mai gave him a pleased smile and then stood up straight. "Good. I am going to watch at the entrance for my father. Okay?" She gave him a little bow and turned around to move down the street before the guy could tell her otherwise.
She moved into the nearest alley and shifted forms. Scurrying from hiding spot to hiding spot, Stoat Mai moved closer to the entrance to the nightclub. She crept up over the little raised landing that existed just outside the door and then carefully hid behind the guard's legs. As soon as he opened the door for another group of people to enter, Mai slipped in with them careful of moving feet as she darted past.
Once inside, she wove through the crowd until she reached the people out in the open area performing some sort of chaotic tribal dance. The music had a very loud thumping rhythm that accompanied the pumping,sliding, and other motions that were going on in the club.
Searching for the other officer would have been easier if she could have extended her senses to encompass the entire place but it was painfully loud already. It was hard to focus but Mai considered where he might go in order to more easily locate someone in a crowd. The first choice would be the upper level.
She waited for an opportunity to head up the stairs, deciding if one did not present itself then she could always swap forms. Her cover came in the form of a drunk man headed up to the upper level with two drinks in his hand. To her advantage, he happened to be wearing a long trench coat. Mai slipped out from her hiding spot and rushed for his leg. She clung with a dainty but strong grip to his pant leg, tucking her tail up under her belly. The man looked down briefly at the stair and turned in a small circle before deciding that he was imagining things and kept moving.
He sauntered down the street back toward where he'd seen the policemen, hands in his pockets, carefree, a delinquent teen slumming the Strip once again. He didn't stop to talk to anyone. There was a time when he'd at least put on a front, flirting with a woman here or there, looking interested in some of the 'college' crowd. Now though, he wasn't even interested in pretending. No woman could hold a candle to Mara and no man could possibly match Jin.
Amir finally found the squad car, still in the same place he'd seen it at first. His smile took on a slightly wicked cast as he saw the one cop leaned back in the seat, looking for all the world as if he were sleeping on the job.
There was no sign of Mai, or of the other policeman. This area was lively enough, a few clubs around, a few restaurants. Amir had no clue where the Elder might have gone with her other target.
He leaned himself casually against a light-post, glancing here and there, keeping an eye out for an Elder... in both two and four legged forms.

She would need to bite his neck. Even this crowd was likely to notice a furry white animal hanging over the man's shoulder.
With a sigh, Mai retreated to a dark corner and hide underneath one of the small round tables. She changed form and crawled out from her hiding place. Gliding down the stairs, she slid easily through the people coming and going so that the officer wouldn't see her just yet.
Reaching the bottom, she moved toward the entrance and stood on the edge of the dance floor. She pretended to look around for her wayward father and hoped that she looked lost herself. Soon enough someone came over and tried to help her. The man asked her how she had gotten in here and told her that she needed to leave.
"No!" Mai shouted. "I need to find my father!" With her senses, she knew that her angry gestures, if not her shouting, had drawn the policeman's attention. He was moving quickly down the stairs. Mai broke away from her helper and ran into the crowd on the dance floor. She wormed her way to the middle of the writhing masses with ease and waited for her prey to come to her.
He seemed frustrated that he was not clearing a path. In most situations people moved out of the way of a police officer whether they were pursuing someone or simply walking down the street. So many of the dancers seemed lost in their own world. Mai could smell the alcohol stench heavy in the air here, mingled with sweat, perfumes and other odors. The officer was having to shove and shoulder his way through the crowd. Mai moved her way in a circle, coming up behind him.
She hit him quickly in the back of the knees with her foot and then struck him in the back of the head as he crumpled. Mai knelt over him, her long hair forming a curtain hiding her actions from the crowd. She took a few deep fast swallows and then licked the wounds before disappearing into the forest of bodies once more.
Mai moved through the crowd toward the exit. No one stopped her from leaving though the guard at the front gave her a confused look. She didn't pause to give him a chance to stop her.
Continuing to act the part of the desperate daughter because the other officer might be watching, Mai looked around and then hurried off down the street, looking repeatedly in both directions as she went. Eventually she slowed down and waited for Amir to catch up. He had been waiting for her outside of the club but she did not wish to be helped 'home' by the two well meaning policemen.
Once he arrived, she smiled. "Does hunting help ease your spirit?" Perhaps it was an odd thing to say and something not many people would understand but Mai thought her fellow Huntsman would understand her perfectly.
Amir would admit to a slight bit of hero worship.
He followed her for a little while until they were away from the area she'd been hunting in, and then he caught up to her, walking alongside her with his hands shoved in his pockets again. He was looking up at the sky when she spoke; he glanced at her and then returned his gaze upward.
"Yes," he answered her question. "It helps me feel... purposeful. Like that's what I should be doing. Is that how it is for you?"
Amir had never actually asked Mai a personal question before. It had never occurred to him to do so; he'd been conditioned to respect and obey. Never question. Just do. Even while controlled he'd rebelled though, and now that no such control existed he had many, many questions.
Maybe he was curious. Had that been a personality trait of his, way back when? He already knew he was quiet. Or at least he was now. He also knew he still loved the stars, the night sky, and flying. He still enjoyed tactics, strategy, and war games... although not as much as flying. That was a big difference; before, he'd have said it was the other way around. At least that was a step toward finding himself.

"Let us go home. There is much for our Order to do." Mai turned to Amir and smiled. "I am glad you are back. Now it is time to keep you busy." She laughed happily and ran down the sidewalk toward where they left Amir's two wheeled vehicle.
((OOC: both out))