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About That Hobby... (attn: Bao)

Amir was angry. In the 36 hours or so he'd been away, taking Jin to his meeting, he had not managed to calm himself any. Oh, it didn't show. Amir had far more control over his emotions than that, but inside he was seething with irritation. He could hardly believe this was the man he'd raised. For the most part Bao was exceptional; he knew his job and did it well. He was a loyal family member, a loyal Clan mate.

But now, this. Endangering himself foolishly. Endangering the Clan. For what purpose? Surely this wasn't some obscure command from the Order of the Rose. What reason could Bao possibly have to Command a werewolf?

He rode the elevator up to Bao's office in absolute silence, thinking. As the doors slid open he entered Bao's suite. It was decorated elegantly as always. On any other night Amir might have noticed which pieces of art Bao had chosen to display and pick at them mischievously. Tonight it barely registered.

He came into the office on quiet cat feet. Bao was sitting at his desk, not on the phone, and he rose when he saw Amir. Amir pinned Bao with his dark glittering gaze as he crossed the room with swift purposeful strides. There was no expression upon his youthful face. Not anger, not happiness... just neutrality. he could not punish his child with his emotions high.

He stopped in front of Bao and, without a moment's hesitation, the motion so fast that the normal human eye might not have even registered it for some time, he raised his hand, pulled back, and slapped Bao across the face hard enough to hear his neck pop with the force of it. Well, he wouldn't need to visit a chiropractor if nothing good came of this.

With that one blow, Amir let his hand drop. He glared at Bao, his eyes fairly crackling now, mouth thinned into a tight line of unhappiness.

((ooc: Permission to smack the s*** out of Bao))

Bao 13 years ago
Bao was checking the progress of several projects and cases that his office was working on. Currently there wasn't anything he was personally handling. That, however, was all to the good he was finding himself busy with other things. He hadn't expected to form any kind of relationship with Pakpao but they were making progress. It was the curator who had caused problems, she'd managed to convey that he was holding her. It made the bitch a liability but Bao hadn't been able to let her go. Partly it was that he was loathed to lose such a resource, but partly because he wasn't entirely sure how to do so without causing more problems.

Tonight, however, she was the farthest thing from his mind. He was up to his eyebrows with other what was going through the office. It was not surprise he didn't hear Amir come in. He didn't always stand when his creator walked into the room, but as Amir had not offered any greeting or any comment about the art Bao knew it was business. There was something off about Amir's expression but Bao couldn't place it.

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, before even he could react Amir struck, quite literally. Bao heard and felt his jaw pop, the force of the blow snapped his head around and pain blazed from jaw to cheek to sinuses. While not enough to knock him to the ground he did brace himself against the desk. Although he tasted blood for once he was not worried about his shirt or suit, no that was not important. He had very clearly disappointed his creator to an exceptional degree and that made his blood freeze. He'd seen this reaction from Amir before but it had never been directed toward him.

Bao tried to say something but honestly was at a loss for words. This was just as well though as he tried to speak and found his jaw was dislocated and misaligned. He could fix it, and it would be easier now than later but he didn't move to do so, nor did he respond to Amir in kind, this was not a sparing match the look on his maker's face told him that.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir pulled his hand back slowly and adjusted the cuff of his jacket back down as if straightening a suit sleeve. He ignored Bao's obvious discomfort; the awkward angle of his jaw meant it was dislocated and Amir felt it spoke volumes about his level of annoyance if his only reaction to that was relief at being spared any excuses.

"The Curator of the Arch," he said mildly, no anger evident any longer in either his voice or his actions.

He waited for a few moments. Then he sighed, turned away, and walked back to one of the leather armchairs to sprawl into it. His brow furrowed as he looked at his silent child.

"You disappoint me," he said. "I raised you with standards. With, I should hope, some kind of ethics. I expected more than this from you. Moreover, I did not expect to learn about it from someone not even in our immediate family."

He fell silent. Finally he let out another sigh.

"Fix your face, already," he said with an edge of impatience.

He was done being irritated. Now they had a mess to clean up.
Bao 13 years ago
The curator? Bao didn't bother to hide his own surprise. He had thought that his little side project was well hidden, even from Amir. The bitch had managed to say more than he'd thought, or perhaps the rest of her pack had more than two brain cells between them. As soon as the curator had told him they knew Bao had known it was the beginning of the end. He'd been foolish and he knew it, he just hadn't expected Amir to become involved.

As much as he loathed the idea of having disappointed Amir, in some ways that pronunciation was more painful than the blow, Bao made no excuse. Nor would he even if he could speak.

Using his thumbs he applied pressure down and back. It took two tries but he did get the jaw reset. He opened and closed his mouth experimentally once or twice and was satisfied with the results. It would take a few hours to heal completely but it would be fine.

"She was under control. I knew she had become a liability but did not realize you were aware of my interest in her."

And that was a fine question. Bao was very curious what had brought the curator to Amir's attention. He had said it was some one outside of their family. Had Mara known and told Amir Bao would have believed and even understood. His sister would only be looking out for everyone's best interest, but it hadn't been her.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir frowned as Bao popped his jaw back in place. It turned into a scowl as the first words out of Bao's mouth made him want to go back over there and knock it loose again.

"Under control? Hardly," he drawled. "Or else this wouldn't have turned into the disaster it has. In what way, shape, or form was it your business to mindfuck this Curator?"

He did even address the other half of Bao's statement, although it had hurt him and he would admit it if confronted. Bao had hidden this from him. Amir knew his children had private lives; he didn't expect them to be open and honest about everything they did, but Bao usually was. At least he'd thought Bao usually was. Apparently that wasn't the case. He'd hoped that Bao would have shared with him something of this magnitude but obviously that was also not the case.

He couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed. He kept that emotion off his face, however, watching Bao with dark eyes. Finally he shrugged.

"You will release this werewolf from your Commands as soon as we can arrange to get her to meet with us. I will be with you. You will set this right and then you will leave her alone and you will not revisit this affair with any werewolf at any time. Is that understood?"
Bao 13 years ago
'Was' had been the key point of that statement. Bao was not fool enough to believe the woman was still completely under control. Even if she was, she'd been compromised he knew that, but he also wasn't fool enough to point out the past tense to Amir.


He inquired cautiously. Of course the very fact that any one else knew he was doing this was a disaster but he was also quite concerned this had now blow up beyond his ability to manage or mitigate the situation. And while he was perfectly fine taking risks himself Bao would not have risked his family or the clan intentionally.

There was no way around it, he should have let her go when she'd told him they knew. Ordinarily that was something he'd have gone to Amir with but Bao had remembered all too vividly Amir's last encounter with werewolves and had been afraid to put his creator in that position again. In his own mind Bao had been protecting Amir.

The other half of Amir's statement Bao took as rhetorical because there was no official business that had required this action. It was an independent outside project. A pet project he had been part of for years and that had gotten more complicated as those years wore on and one that he suspected Amir didn't quite approve of.

Both knowing Amir was right and it being totally contrary to Bao's nature to disobey a direct order from his maker he offered only a stiff nod and a mild protest but not a contradiction.

"As you say, but you do not need to trouble yourself further. It is my issue to resolve and I will do so immediately.”

Truly he did not want to risk Amir again and the she wolf had made it clear that they knew, which meant that she was protected. Without knowing the details of that protection it could not possibly be safe. He knew his maker was less involved with the mongrels than he had been and Bao wanted to keep it that way. It was doubtful Jin or Mara would forgive him if something happened to Amir and he certainly would not forgive himself.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir sat up in the chair and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and favoring Bao with a hard, dark glare.

"Disaster," he repeated. "Her entire Pack is aware of what you did and who you are. You can imagine how pleased they are. Your foolishness has endangered every one of us."

His frown deepened.
"I still have yet to hear the reasons behind this control. Why, Bao? Why her? And why did you continue even after you knew what she was? You cannot begin to imagine my deep, deep curiosity at the logic that led you to these actions."

He raised his brows at Bao. Amir wanted some answers. Not evasion. He wasn't used to this beating around the bush from Bao and he didn't like it. He was used to being obeyed.

When Bao attempted to dismiss him yet again Amir stood in a swift, smooth motion, but did not move forward.

"I will not repeat myself Bao," he said, his voice low, silken, calm. "I have told you what will happen, and that is exactly what will happen. I will set up a meeting with this woman. You will accompany me. You will drop your Commands and I will arrange for her to forget you, and what you did to her, if such a thing is even possible. After that you will return to your Clan with me and do your job, and nothing more, for quite a long time. I will ask you once more. Is that understood?"

The last few words were emphasized, slowly spoken, with a sharp edge to them that warned Bao that the question would not be repeated a third time.
Bao 13 years ago
That was not the answer or information he was hoping for, but he honestly had not expected his maker to be forthcoming. Not now, not this time and would not press for more. He was surprised by how much Amir said these wolves knew, he had been so careful to keep things from her it was slightly shocking that he'd been traced back to the clan. He was humiliated by Amir's semi lecture. It was some what impressive how effectively his creator could convey with so few words.

Through all this though Bao kept his expression composed and neutral. While this usually took no thought right now it was a conscious effort.

"That was never my intention."

Apologies were useless at this point and he would not try and dismiss his actions with something so trivial, trite and meaningless. No an apology wouldn't work, it had to be fixed.

He frowned for a second trying to think exactly how to explain this mess to Amir.

"She was for the genetic manipulation work. None of the scientists have my gift. At first it was just for blood samples, she could be made to forget those encounters easily. There is a lead, a break through here I attempted to use her more actively to obtain more information, she had to remember more it proved.... beyond me."

He still didn't have the Sorensen woman's dog, nor her mother's files nor Doctor Gounder. Every time he'd attempted to reach one of these things the prize had been snatched from him. It was infuriating.

Knowing, or at least guessing what was coming next Bao continued.

"By the time I knew there was a problem I hesitated to consult you given your ... encounter with the other pack."

There were no words in Bao's extensive vocabulary to say he was worried, but he had tried to express it.

"Yes Cha."

There was no other answer to that question. If the others wanted the Sorensen woman's dog they'd have to arrange it themselves. Amir's regard for him was more important than nearly anything. Bao recognized he'd come perilously close to losing it already. His only consolation was that if he had totally fallen from grace Amir wouldn't still be talking to him or working with him to fix this. There were other easier ways to drop commands.

His thoughts touched briefly on Claire. If those other methods were taken what would become of her and the wall he had built between Claire and Jaquline? That thought lasted only a second, it was hard to consider anything beyond the order he'd been given.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir betrayed no emotion at Bao's explanation. Bao knew Amir didn't support this genetic manipulation. It was foolishness to think they could recreate controllable werewolves. You could not design loyalty. You could inspire it in a number of ways but it could not be built into a person, and loyalty was needed to manage an army.

He blinked when Bao stated he didn't want to consult Amir because of his recent history with the wolves. He arched his brows higher.

"I have played with them several times since coming to Nachton and I'm still sitting here," he pointed out. "Doesn't that make me qualified to give counsel?"

It didn't matter to him what shape he'd been in after his encounters; the fact was he was capable of dealing with it. With help sometimes, yes, but he still had a vast amount of knowledge that Bao should have tapped before getting in this deep. He shrugged though.

"It doesn't matter now," he pointed out. "What matters is that we rectify this and you leave it alone from now on."

Bao agreed contritely, without argument, and Amir nodded with satisfaction. Maybe he wouldn't have to pop Bao's jaw out of place again. He had never struck Bao outside of a sparring match and to be honest, he hadn't enjoyed it. But it had at least made an impression.
Bao 13 years ago
"Your encounters with them have been ... more difficult than usual. I did not wish to subject you to another."

Bao knew Amir's advice would have been sound, solid and perhaps invaluable, but he also had suspected his maker would react just this way, insisting on being involved, meeting these wolves face to face. He had, of course, also wanted to keep this rather embarrassing situation from Amir.

It was something of a relief that his maker wanted to just end this rather than dwell on it. Bao was also grateful for the help, he had rather convinced himself that if he were to drop the commands on his own the curator would simply turn on him and rip his throat out. While that wouldn't kill him out right there was no doubt the woman was smart enough and thorough enough to leave him out in the sun as well.

"I should have asked for your help earlier."

It was a hard admission but on he needed to make, although it seemed that Amir had accepted that he was owning up up to hims mistake.. He certainly would not be bothering the curator again, right now he was not going to be bothering any children the woman had either.

"Yes Cha. I hope that it can be fixed and will have nothing to do with her from now on."

Given the fact that she was the curator of one of his favorite places that might be a touch difficult, but it wasn't as if she lived there and if this was done right she wouldn't remember him at all. He would worry about that later.

"When is this meeting?"

[i]And how would Amir set it up..."
Amir 13 years ago
"You should have thought about that before you began these games, then," Amir said. His tone was no nonsense. Never had he been so disappointed in Bao.

He simply nodded shortly when Bao admitted he should have sought Amir's help much sooner. Amir could only agree; he couldn't take back what had already been done, much as he wanted to point out again and again that this could have been avoided. It wouldn't do any good now.

He nodded once more. Now Bao was behaving as he had expected from the outset. His capitulation was more in line with how Amir had raised him... obey the chain of command, and within their family chain, Amir was at the top.

"It can be fixed," he said confidently. He didn't much like to use Command now, since Subira had made free and easy with it in his own brain, but it was warranted in this situation. His smile quirked up a bit. "All right... it can be... patched up."

Perhaps 'fix' was too strong a word, but they would do what they could.

"I don't know when," Amir said. "I'll let you know."

He stood and smoothed his shirt.
"Until then, you will stay away from this woman, and remain at the Manor, your town home, or here."

He raised his brows, waiting once more for Bao's assent before moving toward the door.
Bao 13 years ago
He had considered that, in depth. But Bao offered no excuses. Amir's disappointment was evident and he doubted that anything he might say would change that.

Amir's confidence, well near confidence, was reassuring. It wasn't like Bao to need looking or cleaning up after but knowing that Amir was willing to try was.... well it was the order of things. It was how this should have been. He should have been working with Amir and not under the radar. It was a mistake he wouldn't make in the next few thousand years. But his faith in his maker was so great that Bao accepted that answer with his own quiet nod.

"Of course."

That edict stung. To be placed under house arrest like a delinquent child. Bao clenched his jaw, and was momentarily pleased he'd obviously relocated it correctly. He -could- be trusted not to do any further damage to the curator, not to run off half cocked.

Still, even knowing that he had a meeting with Pakpao and several meetings with clients Bao swallowed the slightly bitter pill nodding ever so slightly.

"As you say."

He would just reschedule, he would have to. If something absolutely couldn't be moved he would speak to Amir on a case by case situation and hope that this meeting happened quickly.

"Is there anything else?"

There was no attitude in that question. Not one iota. Bao simply wanted to know if Amir had any further instructions or restrictions.
Amir 13 years ago
Amir did not miss the tightening of Bao's jaw. He didn't feel any sympathy; he had been more than lenient in limiting Bao's movements. He could still work, he could visit his town home, and he could wander the Manor. He wasn't trying to punish him, if Bao would look past his own selfish hurt for a few seconds. Amir was trying to protect him. There was an entire wolf Pack out for Bao's blood. Amir didn't know if Evan would be successful in requesting a meeting, only that the other Huntsman was going to try. Two of the three locations Amir had left him availability to were not as secure as they could be; the only place Amir could guarantee Bao's safety was at the Manor.

However, he did not intend to leave Bao without protection from the Hunt. Amir was a capable bodyguard. He would stand between Bao and a wolf Pack if it came down to it, regardless of his disappointment in the decisions that had led Bao to this position.

"There's nothing else," Amir said. "Finish your business here. I'll be nearby."

His voice softened, losing its edge just a little. Amir offered Bao a brief reassuring smile and left. He spent a while scouting around Bao's building, looking for anything or anyone suspicious, before returning to stand guard outside the only reasonable entrance to his offices.

Soon, they would meet with this Curator and hopefully Amir could use his powers for good... for once. If everything went well Bao would be safe. He had to be safe. Amir had rarely felt anything as strongly.

((ooc: Amir out but not gone!))
Bao 13 years ago
Perhaps it was wrong that Bao was more fearful of his creator's reaction than that of an entire pack of werewolves. In that light it was something of a relief that Amir had found out and this would all soon be over. Oh he was still rather humiliated to have been caught in this quagmire and he was still worried that the wolves would hurt Amir and any number of other things but it had to get better now that Amir was involved.

As his maker was choosing to stay Bao understood a bit better Amir's limiting his movements. It did nothing for his pride but for the first time in some while Bao felt more secure, less inclined to look over his shoulder for the curator or some of her pack. He nodded and sat back down. He would complete his work as quickly as possibly so as to inconvenience Amir as little as possible.

"Thank you Cha."

The smile was unexpected and Bao returned it tentatively. Hopefully this meeting would be arranged extremely quickly.

((OOC... Bao out))