Being Social Takes Work (attn Kem etc)
Pak was stupidly tired. There wasn't a lot of physical demands when speed dating but there were mental and emotional ones. Since her encounter with Loren she'd been very careful to keep her subtrafuge in place so no one, not even Kem should have any idea what had happened that evening. But she did need to crash and didn't really want to be alone.
As she slid into the 'Lil Bird, and again made a note that she had to replace the classic car (really it was getting too valuable to risk on the city streets and should be preserved) Pak decided that she'd nudged her 'big brother' and see if he and his fiancee would mind some company.
Starting her car she pulled out into traffic, and while she kept her emotions and very presence out of the bond, she was still perfectly capable of sending.
[Pěe chaai, you home? More important, do you mind company maybe a day long visit?]
Fifty fifty odds on whether or not she actually made it home and sometimes honesty was the best policy.
She got an affirmative and made the turn that would take her to Kem's rather than to the towers. As she pulled into the drive way she looked quickly over at Reign's place, nothing out of the ordinary tonight.
As Kem knew she was coming Pak was able to open the door and let herself in, taking off her shoes even before she closed and locked the door.
"Hi honey I'm crashing your place!"
She called, not loudly but with enough volume to be heard where ever he and Aishe might be.

"Hey Pak, in here," he called out. He finished tucking in the top sheet and spread the beige and blue comforter back out, smoothing it and tucking the edges in before placing the pillows and throw pillows back on.
"Aishe's out with a couple of the girls from Security," he said. "Something about shopping. I'm guessing it's more about socializing, since she's not a big shopper."
She was welcome to be; Kem had told Aishe time and again that he was more than willing to let her go wild but Aishe just wasn't a big spender. He was planning a few things for their future though; if she wouldn't buy for herself, he'd have to do it for her. And he went big or nothing. Case in point: see the sports car.
"So what's up?" he asked as Pak came through the door. She was nicely dressed but that wasn't too unusual. She had some clothes here already since she did tend to stay over when here. "Need a shower? A drink? A raccoon? All of the above?"
While Pak entered, Shaweh had wandered in. He was he only one allowed in the house; he'd grown up here. Aishe had found him on the side of the road, his mother hit by a car, crying in the bushes. She'd brought him home and raised him herself and now it was like having another cat around; he used the litter box, scratched on Zoe's scratching post, and hid most of her toys.
Now he waddled over to Pak and sat up on his haunches, squeaking at her expectantly.

Leaning against the door frame she watched Kem make up the bed and felt herself relax just a little.
"Oh? What are they shopping for?"
It was nice she was out and about with her coworkers though. Something Pak herself was trying to do a bit more here and there. With moderate success, it was a touch harder when you were the boss, there was a different set of rules you had to play by.
"All of the above. Very much all of the above but I haven't made up my mind on the order yet."
Shaweh rather amused her, Pak liked the little rascal and had even taken the trouble to introduce Mongkut to him. Now she crouched down to scratch her little masked friend behind the ears. Aishe was certainly and understandably his favorite, but they got on well enough.
"Sorry little one I don't have anything for you. I'll steal something good for you later though."
It didn't even seem odd to have a raccoon in the house. Not even when Aishe had first taken him in. So talking to him wasn't odd either.
"I'm not ruining any massive 'finally have the place to myself' plans am I?"
Not that Pak was really worried about that. Well a little, but not much. It was just in her nature to ask and worry a bit that she was imposing.

His lips quirked up into a wry smile; obviously Pak would understand why he got that feeling. He would have known it anyway even if he and Aishe hadn't been sending to each other most of the time. That was habit for them; it was rare for them to not be chatting about something or other. Kem loved that. He had never thought, years ago, that being bonded to someone like that would be so welcome. He'd assumed it would be somewhat invasive but no. Aishe was simply another part of him, and he loved it. Loved her.
He laughed at Pak's response. "Well, you've got the raccoon. How about you go shower, and by the time you get out I'll have this all done and a good head start on the drinks."
He couldn't help it, he was a planner. Kem liked to have everything all thought out and planned in advance. Hours, days, months, years in advance if he could manage that. In this case, however, minutes would do.
"What would you like to drink, and no, you're not interrupting anything. I was going to have a drink and watch TV. With you here, I might have a few drinks and kick your ass at Smash Brothers a few times."
Knowing how frustrated it made Pak to be beaten with some of the game's most seemingly worthless characters, he'd been practicing dutifully with the Ice Climbers, Olimar, Mr Game and Watch, and Jigglypuff. He was looking forward to showing off his new and improved skills.
In the meantime Shaweh had turned away from Pak and to him, and was tugging on the leg of his sweatpants with shocking insistence. Kem grabbed the elastic waistband before the raccoon could strip him naked and bent to pick the animal up. Shaweh cuddled into Kem's arms and proceeded to 'talk' to him in raccoon gibberish. He was not the raccoon's favorite conversational partner; Aishe actually talked back so obviously, she was the best. Kem did try though, which apparently counted for something. Same went for Pak.

There was a bit of irony in that statement as Pak had gone out shopping with Kem and Aishe around Christmas time just for the sake of being social and... well then there was tonight.
She did, however, grin in understanding. Her own bond with Kem was different from the one he shared with Aishe but even so she did get the not quite almost joke.
Tonight she was quite content to let Kem plan for her and give her some kind of direction. Pak was still feeling a bit wrong out from meeting all those guys and flirting and being charming and being leered at and what not.
"Iâ€m just borrowing the raccoon really but I like this plan. Why don't you surprise me on the drink thing, I'm not feeling picky tonight. But I have had some time to practice, you might not get to kick as much ass as you think.â€
OK she hadn't had a lot of time to practice, but a bit and even if she hadn't Pak usually gave Kem a run for his money no matter who they were playing. He just could edge her out with some of the irritating characters. So frustrating.
She giggled as Shaweh tried to strip Kem but it was as good a conversational break as anything.
"You to go get settled I'll be out in a bit.â€
Without further hesitation Pak fished out something comfortable from her small stash of clothes here and found the bathroom where she proceeded to take a very long hot steamy shower. She felt much better for it too. It took a bit to come out her long hair but she did that and wove it into a very loose braid before flopping into her favorite spot on the couch.
"Thanks. It has been a very long night.â€
And that was her silent OK for Kem to ask what was going on. So often their situations were similar enough that they could manage with don't ask don't tell but this time she had wandered off into uncharted territory and doubted even Kem could guess what she'd been up to. About all he'd know is she'd been absent from their bond most of the night.

He set one glass next to the couch and the other on the end table next to the recliner and then folded himself into it, leaning it back and rocking a little while he waited for Pak, idly flipping through TV channels. There wasn't anything particularly noteworthy on which could be expected at this time of night.
When Pak returned Kem turned to regard her with raised eyebrows as she invited him to ask about her night. He wasn't opposed to doing so, so he took a sip of his drink and said, "All right... why is that?"
In the meantime he tossed a wiimote to Pak, not worried about the large window behind her. They'd been friends long enough to know that neither of them dropped anything unless intentionally caught off guard by the other. He waited for Pak to talk, wondering why she was so worn out. With Pak it was usually one of two things - either mundane and boring, or something odd and possibly hilarious. He suspected the latter, as the first didn't really warrant much of a lead-in.

Even though she'd invited him to ask she wasn't quite sure how to say it. Instead Pak stalled for time by casually trying to coax Shaweh to join her. Some where along the line she'd gotten used to having Mongkut around and her cat had a habit of curling up against her as she sat on the sofa and she'd accept a raccoon substitute right now.
Finally though she muttered into her rum and coke. "I had a date... sort of....â€
It was quiet and a bit mumbled as it sounded even more absurd once she said it aloud. Once said though she just continued on almost as if she hadn't said it, of course she would elaborate if, okay -when-, asked.
"You're not going to play ice climbers are you?â€

He flipped on the wii and switched the TV to the right channel, adjusting the volume. Then, when Pak said what she'd been doing that evening, he momentarily forgot about their game and turned to look at her in surprise.
"A date? So is that the reason for the radio silence?"
He tapped the side of his head with his finger to indicate what he meant; it hadn't struck him as horribly unusual that Pak was incommunicado. Apparently there had been something to it, however.
"So who's the lucky guy? And where did you go? What did you do? Dish, girlfriend."
He crossed his legs and rested his hand primly on his knee, pursing his lips and batting his eyelashes as girlishly as possible. He couldn't keep that act up for long though and soon enough he dropped it.
"Seriously... anyone we know?"
He idly flipped the wiimote toward the wii and started the game, trying not to act too interested lest Pak get scared away.
"And no, I think I'll start with Olimar tonight."

"Fine but remember if you change your mind later, I might have changed mine.â€
After all, Pak could out contrary any man, woman, chile, animal, vegetable, or mineral. Ashie's little friend was no different.
Mutely she nodded at Kem as she sorted out her answer. She didn't frequently back out of their bond and always had a reason. Sometimes there was just enough on her plate, or in her head, and she just couldn't deal with anything else. Of course some times she absented herself when Kem seemed to need some privacy. Occasionally she disappeared when she didn't want Kem to know what she was up to, like tonight.
Taking in his demeanor and expression Pak snorted derisively and rolled her eyes it would be the last bit of dignity she was able to muster. After all, once Kem heard what she'd been up to, he'd die laughing.
"I don't -think- you know any of them. There were twenty or so... I think...â€
It was phrased deliberately provocatively. Pak was trying very hard to watch Kem's reaction without watching. How often did one get to say that? It was also rather hard to shock Kem and it was a bit of a challenge for Pak. She enjoyed it..
Of course she couldn't look like she was watching, so she just muttered about the game instead.
"Oh fine be that way. Mario it is then.â€
Not her favorite but he countered Olimar well usually.

"Twenty huh?" He said. His inclination would have been to say something about making extra money but he knew Pak's past so he bypassed that. "Making up for lost dating time with a vengeance, are we?"
He was sorry that she wasn't with Artemis anymore. She had seemed happy enough with him, but Kem knew what it was like to be busy. If anything, it had taught him to respect the time he gave to Aishe. She was so tolerant of his schedule, he had made an unspoken promise to her to always be present with her when they were together, not to let his mind wander or become preoccupied. She seemed to appreciate it, although he'd have done it anyway. He loved being with her.
He selected Olimar from the character screen and randomed the board. In no time flat they were wailing at each other like barbarians, engaging in flat out pixellated warfare.
"Do I get some details, or do you plan to keep me in suspense?"

"Well I'm not getting any younger, I am picky, and let's face it all the good ones are taken.â€
Or buried in clan business to the point of no return. Of course at this rate, if he were free in another hundred years or so they might make another go, it was unlikely but not out of the question. After all, who wanted to date a moody Siamese vampire any way? She wasn't exactly a hot commodity.
Mario was not one of her best characters, she didn't practice enough. But Kem was no slouch and she quickly gave her full attention to the game. There was animated leaping, punching, silly sound effects and the occasional bits of Siamese profanity under her breath.
It looked like Kem had her a bind and so Pak took the opportunity to drop her last bomb. It would be a cheap knock out, but she'd take it.
"I went speed dating.â€
And Mario let fly with a devastating attack...

He waited for her to elaborate while they bashed at each other and knocked each other all over the place. And then she dropped her bomb... not the one on the screen either.
"Speed... dating?"
He almost forgot about their game as Olimar went flying, blasted into next week. His mouth was twitching and he felt laughter bubbling up in his chest.
"You went speed dating?" He repeated, unable to hide his mirth.
"How many of them cried? How many did you knock out, and how many took one look at your scowl and went running?"
It wasn't that Pak was unattractive. Far from it. She was gorgeous. But she had a way of looking at a guy that could chill any desire. He'd seen her turn men down without a single word, just a look. And she had gone speed dating? That just sounded like open season for let-downs.
"That's just not fair, Pak," Kem said, laughing as he helplessly mashed buttons in desperation. On multiple counts - it wasn't fair to distract him from kicking her ass with Olimar, and it also wasn't fair to those guys who thought they had a shot with her.

She did cringe at the mention of crying though. That had been... unfortunate and had very much shaken her nerves and confidence.
"Only one cried. And to be fair it was before I said anything. I even smiled at the bastard.â€
In its own odd way Kem's laughter was comforting and reassuring. Pak smiled as she did her best to trash his character, but she never took her eyes from the screen, she couldn't bare to face Kem, she'd probably burst into giggles at the absurdity of what she'd done. That or dissolve into tears because she was still alone and while she might get a real date or two out of this, her instincts said it wasn't likely it would be anything long term. Or maybe she was a pessimist.
"I thought it was perfectly fair. I was open and honest and did my best to be friendly and receptive. I'm not saying it worked every time but I tried.â€
She had too, tried hard. Hence being so worn out and needing this decompression session with Kem.

He believed her when she said she tried to be open, friendly, and all those things. He was still trying to get past the idea of speed dating, though, so he kept chuckling. It didn't even bother him that she was kicking his ass like crazy.
"Don't get me wrong," he said to her. "I respect you for getting out there and looking, but why the sudden rush?"
He shook his head at Pak. "You're young, you have plenty of time. Is it just that you want someone?"
He wondered; Kem didn't automatically assume that everyone wanted to be part of a couple. He had been around the block far too many times. He was the monogamous sort - that much had been obvious even from his human days. Centuries of life and education had shown him many different sides of people.
He waited for Pak to answer him but let his curiosity be obvious. He liked talking to Pak, liked knowing her thoughts. She was his friend, his family. Most of all he really did want to know what it was she wanted.
"Not even anyone you'd want to go on another date with?"

Pak paused the game and looked at Kem, quietly and evenly. She was very matter of fact about it.
"And if I keep going the way I am nothing will change. It will be me and the cat... or a cat forever won't it. You and Aishe found each other and you're happy. Eiryk and Alex have each other and they're happy... It gets awkward and trying to be the only single one.â€
She sighed and restarted the game going right back to kicking ass without so much as batting an eyelash. It wasn't that she just wanted some one, although she kind of did. It might be nice to be a 'we' rather than a 'me'.
"I don't -need- any one. I'm fine on my one and if that's how the rest of my life goes, that's how it goes. But it can't hurt to try can it?â€
Pak might have been seeking a little bit of approval there. Approval though, not sympathy. She wasn't looking for a shoulder to cry on she was looking just for her friend to be there and tell her she wasn't massively insane.
"There were one or two I'd go out with if they called. Not the crying one though... I do have my pride and my limits.â€

As they resumed their play Kem, now paying attention, was able to give as good as he got. He wasn't about to go down without a fight a second time. Still, he was reflecting on Pak's words.
"It can't hurt," he agreed. "Your life won't go that way, but it won't hurt to get out there and look. I'm proud of you. It's better to look and fail than to hide yourself away for centuries and not bother trying at all."
Case in point, look at what he had done. Pak had clearly learned that lesson much earlier than Kem and that was good news for her. As she shifted back to the topic of her speed dating though he couldn't help laughing softly again.
"So call them up," he said. "Hook up with them... it's not going to hurt anyone and it might be nice to practice a little before you meet the real Mr. Right."
Yes, he was suggesting she get laid. Not so crassly and not bluntly... but yeah, he thought it might do Pak some good to date around a little bit, remember that it could be nice to just spend a night without strings with someone. Kem couldn't say he'd been entirely celibate for his entire life. Mostly, yes, but even he had found himself with a partner here and there. There had been no feelings involved and it had never lasted, but everyone needed a release. Even Pak.

Compared to Kem she was, essentially, a teenager and bound to have a certain amount of angst and unnecessary, self created drama in her life. Pak worked hard to keep that at a minimum though. Most of the time she thought she was pretty sure she was successful most of the time. It was nice that Kem had faith that she wouldn't have to fly solo forever though. She smiled even as she continued to try and kick Kem's ass.
"Humans manage to find some one in their life time don't they? So I have had more than my fair share of time. Don't get me wrong I'm not desperate but... its like the lottery if you don't by a ticket you can't win. Or something...â€
The idea of just calling these men up and seeing if they wanted to go out was a bit daunting and undoubtedly Kem could feel her uncertainty. At least it wasn't out right terror though it was just a lack of confidence.
"I made note of a few of them and if they call me I'll go out with them. But there is no way to know they did the same. Not getting any calls will be enough rejection for me for a long while.â€
It took a few seconds for her to catch up with Kem's innuendo and when she did Pak mentally grabbed the blue throw that was usually in the living room and tossed it at his head, hoping to cover his eyes.
"Practice? Really? Do you want to discuss my sex life?â€
Currently, it would be a very short conversation and they both knew it. Pak frowned a bit and tried to remember the last time she'd rolled in the hay with some one. This decade, nope, last, the one before, the one before that; what did that take them two, the seventies? Sufficed to say it had been a long while
"How much detail do you want? And why won't you die?â€
He kept pulling off these amazing saves and it was irritating her to say the least.

"So wait, you want to play the lotto but when your numbers don't win, you're not going to buy another ticket? That's silly, Pak. How many winning lottery tickets get sold every day, and how many people hope it's theirs but it isn't? if you want to find this mysterious Someone, you're just going to have to keep trying until you find them. That's all."
He chuckled at her attempt to, well, throw his throw. It was large, floppy, and not very stealthy as it soared through the air. He easily caught it and placed it, carefully folded and with no hands, behind him on the recliner. While simultaneously dodging her special attack yet again.
"I'm immortal," he said arrogantly, "And I don't particularly want any details, unless you have a burning desire to relate them to me, in which case I need a few more drinks."
Pak was like a little sister to him. While he wasn't so naive as to think she didn't do it on occasion, he certainly didn't want the dirty details. Any more than she wanted to hear about his intimate acts with Aishe. Not that he would be telling them. He just used the threat of them to torment her... so, he supposed turnabout was fair play.

She clarified. And to Pak it made sense, after all she'd said she wasn't desperate and there was a fine line between hiding in a cave and being a whore. She'd done both and was now seeking a middle ground, that was all. She might be erring a bit on the side of caution, a bit on the side of cave but it was a start.
"And I don't think I'll do this speed dating thing again. That was just a bit stressful and I don't think it was... effective.â€
There was some mild irritation that her attempt with the throw failed, but she noted that it was just behind him and she would have the opportunity to try again. Probably with more success.
"Wuss. You should have thought of that before you made these drinks shouldn't you? So you have only yourself to blame.â€
Not that she was going to tell Kem anything, not unless he asked and Pak really didn't think that he would. She was counting on it, but it was rather nice to call his bluff for a change rather than the other way around.

He shook his head with a sigh. "You're young, and you have the advantage of having all the time in the world. Use it, just don't give up because it takes you a few tries."
He still found it ironic to be giving relationship advice, given the enormity of the mess he'd made with his own.
"I'm proud of you, merit. I know you're out of your comfort zone, but this will be good for you."
He had to laugh as she called his bluff and then sort of threatened him again. "Fine, but if you do feel the urge to enlighten me, bear in mind I still recall in very vivid detail what Aishe and I did after her birthday party last week. You remember, when you had to block us out for, oh I don't know, hours, was it?"
He put on his most innocent expression. If Pak was going to pay that game, he would too. Nevermind that he didn't mean any of it. It was the laugh that counted.

"OK I promise not to leap into any long term relationships or get married any time soon.â€
She did agree with the divorce comment. Humans might find some one fast but they didn't always get it right or manage to work at the relationship and it would fall apart on them.
"But where -do- you meet some one these days? Seriously. Don't say work, I'm the boss I can't date any one even if I did find someone who appealed to me.â€
And that in itself was a big 'if' and was of course trumped by the evil flow chart. Pak had some odd nightmares about getting caught up in a sexual harassment scandal. No way could she handle that. The HoP and Eternity were equally unlikely. Although, if she remembered right Eiryk and Alex had met at Eternity, at least she thought that was what Eiryk had said. What were the odds of that happening again though.
Pak just snorted at 'good for you'. She rolled her eyes and pounced on Olimar, it was a cheap shot but it got her a knock out.
"Broccoli is 'good for you'. Daily exercise is 'good for you'. This is some monumental farce.â€
But at the same time she sort of hoped that at least one of they guys would call.
Obligingly Pak gagged and made a face at the idea of her honorary brother getting frisky. She, however, would not be getting down with any one just to get back at him. Nope Pak was far too picky and it took her too long to trust for that to be happening. But it would be interesting if it ever did happen.
"Yeah yeah yeah, rub it in why don't you. I don't even know if everything still works and you're off having an orgy. I see how you work.â€