It Never Rains, It Pours (invite only)

Josh looked up dubiously at the looming clouds overhead. They had soared in faster than he would have imagined possible. When he and Mel had come out, it had been cloudy. The clouds were puffy and white though, not low and ominous. That had changed quickly and now the air was heavy with rain.

All around them the busy evening city-goers were claiming cabs and cluttering doorways in anticipation of a coming storm. Josh frowned. Well, lesson learned. If they had to shop, they should avoid this time of day. It wasn't rush hour but it was near enough to it, he supposed, that the roads were already congested.

He glanced at Mel, and then pointedly up toward the sky. They were both still in the process of finding things to make their new homes seem even more like home, so they had a few bags with them. In Josh's case he'd found some fabric he planned to make something out of and some sheet music he wanted to play on the new piano that sat proudly in the living area of his apartment.

Both bags hung from one arm; the other, unfortunately, hung at his side, the fiberglass cast around his wrist almost concealed by the dark blazer he wore. His misdaventure from the previous week had resulted in a compound fracture that would take a month or more to mend. Fortunately that had been the only real lasting injury.

"I think we should look into finding some shelter," he said. He looked down at his purchases, both of which would not fare well if gotten wet. "It seems like that might not be an easy thing to do."

He stepped out toward the curb and looked both ways up and down the street. It would be difficult to find a cab but that was their best bet right now for getting home in a timely manner. The storm was ready to burst. Indeed, as he tried to find an unoccupied taxi, some cool, smallish drops began to fall upon them. A low rumble told them this was no short, passing shower.

Joshua Wesson 12 years ago
Josh went along as he was literally shoved toward the shower. He cast a glance over his shoulder at Gris, caught a glimpse of blond curls, and then nothing else as he was herded into the other room.

Once in private, he let out a long sigh and began to strip off his wet clothes. He didn't know what to do about the sodden padding under the fiberglass cast. He did cover it for the shower, since he couldn't see how getting it even wetter would be helpful, but he suspected he might have to pay a visit to Alpha Xephier later and see if the doctor could re-wrap it. He'd been warned not to get it wet and now he understood why; it was very uncomfortable.

He turned the shower up and stepped in as the room began to fog up. He moaned softly as hot water hit his body, leaning back against the cool tile of the shower wall and letting it massage muscle that had been tense with chill. Josh closed his eyes and immediately saw blond curls and green eyes again. Instead of opening them right away and giving himself a reality check he let the daydream go on for a little while, submitting to it rather than mastering it.

His body responded to the picture of Gris in his mind but he ignored it. The real thing was standing so close, so very close, just outside this room, and that was motivation enough to not linger overlong in the shower no matter how good it felt. He made quick work of washing, drying, and styling his short hair, wondering briefly if he should dye the silver out of it. He didn't normally care about that but did it make him look older? He didn't want to look older. Bad enough he was avidly interested in a man as young as Gris.

In spite of feeling slightly guilty about it, Josh realized he fully planned to pursue that desire. It had been a while since he'd been with anyone and he was actually staying in Nachton for the foreseeable future. That had been the trouble with past relationships. Sure, he and Mel would still be traveling a good deal, but they would be returning here. That gave him hope for something more fulfilling. Maybe more permanent.

Greer had been dressed presumably for work in a gray suit, shirt, and green tie. Josh dressed similarly, not wanting Gris to feel overdressed. He preferred suits anyhow. He only had two here, so he chose the darker of the two, which was a dark charcoal gray. Beneath it he put on a black dress shirt and with it, a dark purple tie. Neutral tones always made a statement with him. His skin was so fair, practically white, and his hair so dark, that many colors looked wrong. Blacks, whites, and shades of gray always looked somewhat dramatic. He peered at his eyes in the mirror, hoping the color in his tie would pull some of the blue out of his eyes.

Washed, brushed, styled, and dressed, Josh re-emerged into the living area where Mel and Gris were. They both had drinks. Gris held a glass of orange juice and Mel, a mug of something hot that smelled like cocoa. He crossed over to Mel and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Thanks for the shower," he said. "You had better go on before you get chilled."

Of course, that left him in the room by himself with Gris. Which was wonderful. But he wondered if the man could hear the sudden pounding of his heart. Doing his level best to appear outwardly calm and collected, Josh poured himself a glass of water and seated himself at the bar-top that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room. Leaning on his elbow he smiled softly at Gris.

"So how is it you just happened to wander along right when we needed a rescue, Sir Knight?"

Mel's label wasn't far off. Gris was very good at saving them, apparently. And he certainly looked the part. Josh could handle that. And here, in his own territory, he didn't fear a flirtation or two. If it was unwelcome he was certain Gris would set him straight.

Not that he could do straight.
Gretta Lang 12 years ago
Once her hot chocolate was made she settled herself on the bar stool, not wanting to get the sofa wet. She perched on it cross legged, arranging her dress out over her knees. In her mind, her grandmother's voice told her that this posture was unladylike. Gretta blithely ignored the voice.

They spoke of Melanie, the woman who caused Josh's accident. She had been especially interested in making things up to Joshua and had left him multiple messages about dinner some time. Gretta suspected that the woman was having a hard time with what she had done and was attempting to overcompensate to ease her sense of guilt. No doubt Melanie needed a sense of closure that left her feeling better about herself, of course that was only Gretta's guess; she had not met the woman to find out what she really needed for certain.

Joshua came out all freshly cleaned and well dressed. She looked up at him and smiled at his kiss on the cheek.

She went to the sink and rinsed out her mug, placing it upside down on the dish rack to dry.

Leaving the two men alone, Gretta went to her room and found some dry clothing and then took it with her into the bathroom. She started the shower and then turned to the mirror to take the pins out of her hair.
Greer Grayson 12 years ago
He wasn't sure he liked that this woman was calling Joshua and wanting to go out with him. She might only want to take the handsome foreign diplomat out to dinner to express her remorse for the damage she had done. However, she sent him a gift basket of wine and cheese and seemed to have considered her debt with him settled at that. Gris would admit that it was excellent quality wine and cheese but still he was uncomfortably aware of how attractive Joshua was. He would seem like an amazing catch when you considered that he had been going out of his way to do a kindness for a stranger when he had been mistakenly attacked. Gris was aware of just how appealing that made Joshua because he had found it downright sexy when he had heard it and it hadn't even been his phone.

Maybe he was attracted to the good boys because he was always considered a bad one. No, to be fair, he was attracted to a lot of the bad ones also.

Joshua came back dressed in a suit in a similar dark grey to his own. The cut was different and they had chosen different accents; the deep colours were particularly striking against the man's pale skin. He did his best not to stare in open admiration. Gris had chosen a lighter grey dress shirt with threads that had a little iridescent sheen to them. His tie was a patterned print dominated by his favorite colour, green.

Biting back a sigh of disappointment when Joshua chose to sit near the bar instead of joining him on the sofa, Gris adjusted his seating situation so that he was more fully facing the other man.

Joshua asked how he happened to wander along at the right time for a rescue. Gris wasn't sure if the man was joking or seriously asking a question. He had mentioned in the car that he was headed to dinner and he figured from his attire that one would gather that he had come from work.

With a shrug and a crooked smile, he said.
"My spidey senses were tingling?”

In truth he probably wouldn't have noticed the pair stranded in the rain except that he had been stuck in traffic like everyone else and Joshua and Gretta's cab was the source of the bottle neck. When the blond woman had jumped out of the car it had seemed pretty odd. He was wondering whether there was something seriously wrong with the vehicle that would cause someone to get out into the rain. The threat of fire and explosion would be an excellent motivator and it had been one of his first theories and a cause for concern. Then Joshua got out and joined her. Gris had stared at the dark haired man for a while before he was certain that he was indeed looking at the same man who had landed on him not so long ago. Eventually he figured that he was close enough to sure to stop and offer aid. If it had not been Joshua then a random act of kindness for another handsome stranger would not have been too much trouble.

"Perhaps, if you intend to continue getting into trouble, you should put me on speed dial.” Gris smiled over the lip of his glass before taking a slow swallow of his drink. 'Please, please, put me on speed dial. Call me often.'
Joshua Wesson 12 years ago
Josh smiled at the comic book reference. As an avid fan, he caught it immediately even when it might have seemed that someone of his nationality might not. He regarded Gris with cool grey eyes for a few moments before smiling very softly. "So, not only a knight in shining armor but a radioactive one? You must have a terribly busy schedule."

Nonetheless, Josh stood and crossed to where he'd left his wallet and phone before heading off to shower. Picking up the phone he went back to the couch and sat down at the opposite end from Gris. He was tempted to sit closer but he had no excuse to do so. Still, the thought crossed his mind in tantalizing daydream-image and for a moment he wished he had been forward enough to do it.

Tapping his phone lightly to enter the contacts section Josh looked up at Gris with eyebrows raised.
"And what number would that be?"

He knew Gris could very well have been bluffing about giving out his number, or just polite. But Josh decided he wasn't going to pass up the chance.
"Perhaps I should give you mine in return... you know, so if you sense danger you can call me and make sure it's not mine."

He glanced out the window, at the rain that continued to fall, then rested his eyes back on Gris.
"I will admit, your company is pleasant. You make getting into trouble sound... enjoyable."

His words were soft and sincere; Josh didn't always succeed with 'playful and flirtatious.' Somewhere in the back of his head he uncharitably hoped Mel would find something urgent that needed taking care of, leaving him to accompany Gris to dinner alone, but then he recanted the selfish thought. Mel needed food too, and if she didn't come along to dinner Josh might be sorely tempted to act on these desirous feelings when he should wait. Josh wasn't a fast mover. It had been a long time and he was feeling impatient. That was the difference.

Just maybe, too, Gris was rather handsome and had a charming, friendly personality to match. But Josh didn't want to come off as too intense or too forward. He often did, particularly in the 'intense' department, and it had on occasion scared a prospective partner away.

"Speaking of trouble. Would you still like to go hiking? I have some time this weekend and it would be nice to have you along."

They had mentioned it before, and Josh very badly wanted to go. He found himself comparing trees and flowers here to those in Liechtenstein, and wondering at the differences. He chuckled softly and said,
"I even bought a book to help me learn things faster but I imagine I'd pick up better with some one-on-one."

That was about as forward as he usually got, and generally it was enough. But he didn't know Gris very well. All he knew was that the man was captivating and Joshua wanted to know him better. Much better.
He had purchased a book, too, but he would admit that it was as much from wanting to learn as from wanting something to talk to Gris about.

((ooc: Josh will offer his number in return, of course))
Greer Grayson 12 years ago
"Well to fair the armor isn't so shiny these days” Gris looked down at his dark grey suit. "but it is more comfortable.” He thought he was not exactly radioactive, just GMV positive, very positive. Being a werewolf could count as having super powers, right? Sadly, his weren't as cool as the danger sensing ability that some of his people actually possessed.

Gris found his heart skipping a few beats as Joshua got up and walked over to where he had placed his phone. It started up again in a furious rhythm when the man then joined him on the sofa. He looked over at Joshua waiting with eyebrows raised for a phone number flew right out of his head.

Instead of muttering and stammering until it came back to him, Gris smiled and scooted over toward Joshua. It was not enough to get into the man's personal space, however tempting it might have been place himself close enough to rub shoulder and thigh with the handsome diplomat in the sexy suit.

He reached over and gently took Joshua's phone from him, brushing his long fingers along the back of the man's hand under the pretense of slipping the device from his grasp. Gris smiled, watching Joshua from beneath dark blond lashes to see how his 'innocent' touch was received.

"It is easier this way.” He murmured softly. Reaching into his jacket pocket, Gris pulled out his own phone and handed it to Joshua in return.

Focusing on the information to place into the phone, Gris found that his number came easily enough when he was staring at a keypad and not at that handsome expectant face. He placed his number, cell and work, his place of business, email and facebook name into the contacts information.
"You don't have a group for rescuers so I will leave my designation up to you.” He didn't have a group for sexy men he would love to take to bed either so Gris supposed he would place Joshua under friends and simply consider it an inadequate description.

Joshua said that his company was pleasant and that he made the prospect of getting into trouble sound enjoyable. Gris stopped breathing and moving, the phone that he was handing back paused in the space between them. He looked down at his unmoving hand and smiled. There seemed to be little doubt in his mind that Joshua was flirting with him, not the coy remarks that could be claimed to simply be misconstrued humor if taken badly but actual obvious invitation. It wasn't demanding but it was honest. That was so unbelievably confident and appealing to him that he didn't know what to say for a long moment.

He placed the phone down on Joshua's leg, giving the leg a gentle squeeze before letting go.
"Or... we could just get into trouble together and then you wouldn't need to call me.” Gris raised his eyes to Joshua's, with a sincere expression. He had been given honesty and he returned it in kind. "Of course then we might need someone to rescue the both of us.” With that last statement a small dry smile touched his lips.

The man next to him then asked if he still wanted to go hiking. Gris smiled and wondered if a 'Hell, yes!' was too strong.
"Of course, I am sure we can get into all kinds of trouble out in the wilderness...even with staying away from strange women, heights and robots.” He was surprised and excited to hear that Joshua had bought a book to help him learn about the local flora and fauna. It suggested that he had been serious about seeing him again at their first meeting.
Joshua Wesson 12 years ago
Josh smiled at Greer from across the small room. "We change with the times, yes? You wear your armor well."

He wasn't implying that Gris used his suit in place of armor, simply that with modern times came modern fashions. The blond could save people just as handily in a suit of Armani as a knight could have done in a suit of steel five hundred years ago.

When he sat down and looked at Gris, the other man's eyes met his for a moment and Josh had a good look at those striking green orbs. They were captivating. He could look into them some more, easily. But Greer moved closer and Josh's attention was drawn downward when they exchanged phones. Greer's fingers brushed the back of his hand and it was electric. Josh suppressed a shiver and instead smiled gently, ever so subtly. he released his phone into that hand and turned his own palm upward as he did, his own fingertips teasing gently over fair skin. The touch was very brief, a shadow of what it could have been.

They exchanged contact information. Joshua was amused to see the list of contacts Gris gave him, whereas he had listed only his cell phone number. He did not network socially and his phone was always with him; it was his work number, his home number, and his portable number. He had included his email address however.

He chuckled softly when Greer pointed out his woeful lack of a proper category to place him in. Joshua chuckled softly.
"I don't think I have enough room to put 'people I have inadvertently fallen upon.'" Or for, he thought, freezing when Greer's hand fell upon his leg and squeezed. He leaned forward slightly, reaching for his phone as Gris removed that warm hand. Josh wanted it back immediately.

Gris responded to Josh's plain words with similar ones, and Josh felt suddenly dizzy. So long, since he'd felt such attraction. He had family to care for, a Pack to care for, Mel to care for. But he wanted to know Gris, to bring him into that inner circle of warmth if he were so inclined.

Josh lifted his hand hesitantly, fingered the lapel of Greer's suit coat, sliding his fingers down it briefly.
"We could rescue each other," he suggested mildly. He raised his eyes to Greer's. "At the very least, that's two I owe you now."

He was willing to stay away from pretty much everything and everyone to get to know the blond better. Josh knew virtually nothing about Greer. He badly wanted more. What he did know, he found so appealing. Something about the slender man made him want to wrap his arms around him and kiss him fiercely, keep him safe, laugh with him, learn with him.

It was too soon for such things. Josh was just caught up in his own dry spell. He had leaned forward slightly, turning toward Gris. Almost as if to kiss him, Josh realized. He smiled, shook his head apologetically, and let his hand fall away.
"Lost or not," he said, "it will be a memorable adventure."

Dear God. Where was Mel? If she didn't come out soon Josh was likely to forget himself entirely and do something completely unwarranted. He didn't like that at all. He had great self-control, and he wanted to take the time to get to know Gris properly. To court him, really, to determine if they could really get along as well as Josh thought they might. They needed time.
Greer Grayson 12 years ago
Gris smiled in thanks to the compliment about his armor. He might not want to wear a suit to work every day but if it was going to be necessary then he wanted to look good in it.

He looked at the information that Joshua had added into his phone, placing Joshua in the grouping called 'friends' and hoping that it might become more than that at some point in the near future. The problem, Gris decided while remembering that brief touch of Joshua's fingers on his along his hand, was that he liked the man.

This might not seem like a problem to normal people but his life was complicated. He generally went out with people that he was attracted to in a purely physical way, picking them up in bars and other similar social scenes but distancing himself from them after a few weeks, perhaps a few months and sometimes only a few nights. Joshua was different; perhaps it was because he was older than the twenty somethings that he normally brought 'home' or perhaps it was because they met outside of a bar, with no expectations for sex in the immediate future.

Smiling at the grouping he was going to be given, Gris raised an eyebrow.
"Well hopefully I would be in that category all by myself. I am terrible at sharing anyway.” True enough in some cases. Leaning over toward Joshua and his phone, he pointed down at it. "You can just file me under 'utterly amazing'. That would make it perfectly clear who you meant.” He gave Joshua a cheeky smile before leaning back and replacing his phone into his jacket.

Gris's entire body became tight, focused on the spot where Joshua's fingers briefly caressed his lapel. He leaned forward, but otherwise did not move, afraid that any other action would break the magical moment. Joshua was so close, turned toward him...the gap between them could be closed with such a small effort. He gazed up into those grey eyes and waited, breathless, for Joshua to kiss him, as he seemed about to do.

Then Joshua leaned back, shaking his head apologetically, as if Gris should be upset with the situation. Personally, he was slightly disappointed with not getting that kiss.

Reaching down, he placed his hand gently back on Joshua's knee.
"I am sure that we can entertain ourselves where ever we are.” Gris smiled softly. "And you don't owe me anything. I had a wonderful time the last time and I am sure I will again tonight. I consider that reason enough to keep running into you.”

Gris briefly touched the cast on Joshua's wrist. "I see you might have reason to feel differently.” He raised his eyes to Joshua's. "I'm sorry I was not a better cushion. It is a shame you have to suffer for trying to do something good for someone.”
Gretta Lang 12 years ago
Gretta toweled off her hair, then twisted the cloth and brought it up over her head, tucking the end of the towel beneath the bottom edge. She hummed happily to herself as she finished off her beauty routine with a moisturizer and a few drops of a fragrance oil blend called 'Fairy Queen'. Because of her heightened senses she generally used unscented soaps and shampoos and used essential oils and other natural fragrances for a personal pleasing scent that she could control the strength of.

When she was finally dressed, she headed out into the living room where the men were seated on the sofa. Gretta noted that they looked both comfortable and tense seated so close together. It was interesting how attraction could bring about that strangely contrasting state.

She smiled and Josh and then looked down at her cozy pajamas. The comfortable shorts were black and the shirt was mostly pink with Hello Kitty front and center.
"I think I will pass on dinner tonight. Ordering in sounds like a good idea.”

Crossing the room, she placed both her hands on Joshua's shoulders and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. "You two should go though. You are both dressed so nicely that eating here would be a waste of fine fashion.”

Gretta turned to Gris. "I hope you don't mind my change of heart. I am sure Josh would tell you that it is typical of me.” Cocking her head sideways, she smiled. "One of the few things that is.” She moved over to him and bent down to kiss him on the cheek as well. "Thank you again for the ride home.”
Joshua Wesson 12 years ago
Josh had practically forgotten about his phone with Gris so close. He flashed Gris a glance and tapped in a new category: utterly amazing. He showed the phone to Gris briefly, saying, "Perhaps someday we will find out," before putting it away in his jacket without moving anyone's name into that category. He would like someday now. But it was too soon.

He smiled briefly at Greer's statement about not sharing well. Did that mean Gris, too, was looking for something more than a brief fling? Josh was monogamous; he didn't believe in dating more than one person at a time. He always gave someone his full attention and respect and didn't believe in running around behind their back.

Gris touched his knee again and Josh felt the same electrical current flash through him, making him feel hot and cold at the same time. It was amazing. Those green eyes, gazing so sincerely into his, made him want to lean forward again. He did, wishing he could just close the gap between them and taste those lips too. Instead he smiled softly and shook his head.

"I'm not suffering." It was true. His wrist didn't hurt much, not stabilized in the fiberglass cast as it was. "You were wonderful. A miracle, truth be told, that you were in that place at that time. I'm glad you weren't too badly hurt."

Mel returned just then and Josh straightened, breaking the contact with Gris and looking at her as she entered the room... in Hello Kitty pajamas. He should have known.

Mel's words didn't surprise him terribly. He felt a little bit of concern and a little bit of relief; without Mel he was afraid Gris would have him off-balance enough to act on his desires before he should. He couldn't argue that he was glad to have a sudden impromptu date though. These emotions were reflected in his face but they were so small many would not have noticed them. There was a slight crease of concern in his brow, a very slight tightening around his lips as he turned to Mel.

"Are you sure?" He squeezed her arm in thanks when she bent to kiss him.
"Would you like me to bring something home for you?"

There was every possibility she would get distracted with something and forget to eat. It had happened before, although mostly when she was really caught up in something. It was second nature for Josh to offer though. He was a caretaker and a protector; always had been and probably always would be.

He turned to Gris and stood.
"I hope you don't mind going just with me," he said. After a moment he offered his hand to Gris to help him up, but mostly because he wanted to touch him again. There was a strange feeling in his stomach. A feeling of something yet to come. He hadn't expected this to happen but he wanted it very badly. Josh wanted time, most of all, time to get to know Gris, and Mel was giving it to them. He would hug her much later - assuming it might be 'much later' when he returned home.
Greer Grayson 12 years ago
Gris arched his eyebrows at the category and the fact that he didn't get put into it. He smiled serenely and shrugged. "Fine, don't believe me.” He leaned closer and spoke softly. "I might prove it to you sometime.”

The moment passed as did the potential for a kiss. They spoke of Joshua's wrist. He said he wasn't suffering and that he was glad Gris had not been seriously injured. Gris was happy to be on the receiving end of the fall instead of the one falling. Thanks to his first experience with that situation he lost a brother and gained the ability to come through future such situations relatively unharmed.

He would have said more about it, claimed his injuries had been checked out and proven to be minor or something but Gretta returned and their conversation was halted. She was wearing pajamas and Gris decided that the woman had just gone to the top of his Christmas list.

Watching her and Joshua, he kept silent. Their earlier conversation gave him an idea about why she had chosen to stay in for the night and order some delivery.

"What kind of food are you interested in? I can recommend a few places to deliver. The firm has had its share of late nights on cases and we've become quite the officiandos on the local delivery places.” Gris smiled softly at Joshua while he waited for Gretta to answer. She decided that she would like something Indian and he beckoned her closer. They both looked down at his phone while he found the restaurant that fit the request. "This place has excellent pakora fritters and the lamb curry is...” Gris kissed his fingers in a gesture that suggested something mouth wateringly delicious.

Once her order was sorted out and they got the address relayed to the restaurant, they were ready to go.

Gretta had already grabbed a blanket and was settled onto the sofa. She turned on the television and found the Olympics. "I will cheer for your people.” She smiled at him. "Which ones are your people?” Gris looked at her staring up at him with tranquil patience and wondered if she had any idea how weighted that question actually was.
"Cheer for the US. The British will have plenty of supporters this go around.” He still thought of himself as British but the United States was his home. It was awkward and he often felt out of place in both countries. At least the Americans seemed to like him well enough.

Turning to Joshua, Gris smiled cheerfully.
"Shall we be off?”

((OOC: All Out! Go Teams! ))