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Living Vicariously

Six months, more or less, of every pregnancy were extremely uncomfortable for Nikhila; for any amaroq woman really. Even for those that retained more of their mind while shifted, during the three nights of the full moon the feel of your inner wolf clawing, and crying to be let out and your body denying that was extremely difficult. Just one more thing to add to all the other quirks of pregnancy, and it wasn't something you got used to. This was the third time in four years Nikhila had been pregnant, they were making up for lost time with a vengeance and she loved her children and would love this one too, but she did miss running. The sounds the smell the desire to hunt, working with the pack... but Nikhila did make the most of her confinement and spent time down at the den helping with the children. Noah and Avery seemed to enjoy the evenings as well.

She wasn't the only one who pitched in, several who were able to resist the pull of the moon were there, other amaroq in her position and a number of Illamar; even Reign tried to show up one night of the month when she could playing with the older children. It was late, the first bit of chaos of the evening had passed and all but the oldest children, even Noah and Avery, were asleep. With everyone settled and in Zoya's capable hands Nikhila had made a quick check on her own children pulled on a jacket and found her way to the porch with some reading material and a cup of tea.

The porch was well enough lit that it was easy to read by, and that was her intention. Although, at this stage in her pregnancy, she was six months along, she was a bit more inclined to day dream than usual and so had brought a few options for her reading. Even though it was cold out she was happier outside where she could see the Long Run and hear the Pack. Once she'd settled into a rocker and sipped at her tea which was pleasantly hot but not enough to burn her tongue, Nikhila sat and let her attention wander as she rested a hand on her belly and felt their new little bundle shift about a bit.

Joshua Wesson 11 years ago
Josh had had enough conversations with Nikhila to know when he could tease her and also to feel comfortable occasionally doing so, although he didn't really know her well enough to loosen up. He remained straight-faced.

"No can do. You kidnap me, I spoil them. It's a fair trade."

He inclined his head at her when she amended that he might have been drafted instead. He was willing to agree with 'drafted.' Her next question went back to the part where she subtly looked into his social life. He couldn't repress a soft, slight smile.

"I have been seeing someone," he said. "He's a lawyer, so between his hours and mine we sort of have to squeeze in the dates we can. But I prefer his company."

That was high praise from Josh. In reality he wanted to gush, to proclaim Gris as the finest man he'd ever known, human or werewolf, to express his growing respect and love for his partner. To go on ad infinitum about his abundant blonde curls, gorgeous green eyes, brilliant smile, gentle hands, and passionate kisses.

But he was Josh. So he did none of those things. He just smiled a little shyly and lifted his shoulders, assuming Nikhila might imagine something close to what he'd just said.
Nikhila 11 years ago
It was no wonder people might think Joshua overly serious, even when he was teasing his expression almost never gave him away. She smiled and capitulated to his demand.

"If you insist I think I can live with those terms.”

She was a little surprised when he answered her question. It wasn't -exactly- what she had been asking, but of course she had been rather deliberately not asking that question and he was smart enough to read between the lines. It was rather satisfying that Joshua would answer so frankly. Nikhila was fairly certain that Josh didn't offer this information to just any one. So either he was taking pity on a nosey pregnant woman, or perhaps they were coming to know one another better; she thought it was the latter and as such continued the little bit of humorous banter.

"I had just wondered if you'd taken up oil painting or joined a book club... but that is wonderful.”

It was amazing how much some people could say without saying a word. Those little gestures told Nikhila that Josh had it quite bad for this man. She hoped it would work out for them both. Not every relationship was the right one and it could be complicated if one partner was involved with a pack of wolves. It would become even more complicated if Joshua decided to be Gifted. Of course, if things got serious they might end up with a new pack member, she wouldn't pressure Josh that way though. She could be patient and wait and see how things developed.

"How did you meet? I hope no one was in any trouble.”

Given Joshua's work and the fact that he was dating a lawyer it wasn't too much of a stretch to imagine there might be property damage involved at the very least. Someone's 'dog' got out of control and knocked down a fence, or ate a cat, or spread trash all over the street. They weren't all saints or sensible during the full moon, especially new wolves.
Joshua Wesson 11 years ago
Josh knew he could have answered Nikhila's question far more impersonally than he had but really, so many of his pursuits were tied to Gris now it made more sense to tell her about him. He tilted his head at her. "There's a lot to do here in Nachton," he said by way of explanation. "I've tried a number of things but he is the common denominator. So, he is my pastime."

He did have to be sure he didn't smother his boyfriend. Josh was the smothering type, and he knew it, and he took steps to make sure it was desired. The last thing he wanted to do was drive Gris away by expecting too much too quickly. Or expecting too much, ever. So far it wasn't a problem - Josh was diligent, and he was learning to trust his partner to tell him when enough was too much already. That hadn't been conveyed to him in the past and he had been caught off-guard when his previous boyfriend lost it on occasion and snapped at him. With Gris, though, Josh suspected he would know when he was being overbearing. Gris was no pushover, and he frequently spoke his mind. Josh found that refreshing.

The question of how they met made his lips twitch up.
"Now that is an excellent story," he said. "I fell on him from a pedestrian overpass."

He held up his left wrist, the one that was recently healed and cast-free from its previous break. Nikhila would remember it, he thought. She had seen him with it in a cast and a brace and Alpha Xephier had treated it himself, so Josh couldn't imagine she hadn't known.

Briefly, he told her about his encounter with the woman's lost cell phone, her turning around and pepper-spraying him when he tried to give it back to her, and stumbling over the edge of the overpass to land mostly on top of poor Gris.

"I couldn't ask for better fortune, and we've laughed about that. Not only did I land on my future boyfriend, but a very good lawyer as well."

He couldn't manage the sort of brilliant, gorgeous grin Gris had but he did smile at the memory and at the joke. Not many people had an amusing story about their first meeting - not one this unique, anyway. It was the sort of story Josh enjoyed telling. He continued, though.

"I kept running into him after that... and always in terrible circumstances."

He told her about the broken cab, too.
"After that one it just seemed like we should go out to dinner. And then have a few more dates."

Josh was content. More than content. He was suffused with pleasure. Gris had agreed to try living with him and Josh was over the moon about that. He loved him more every day. Loved waking up next to him. Loved the simple act of sharing the same space.
Nikhila 11 years ago
Both of Nikhila's eyebrows rose at Joshua's choice of words. Some people might make a slightly off color joke about that, but it wasn't in her nature. Perhaps with Aidan she would have, certainly she would have countered one, but not with Josh. Nikhila assumed that Joshua was merely indicating his enthusiasm for the man in question and found it rather endearing. The bloom had clearly not faded from the rose.

"Well I'm glad you're getting out and enjoying the city together.”

The fact that Joshua preferred members of his own sex wasn't anything that bothered Nikhila. She'd never witnessed any other members of the pack taking issue with it. Some might not approve but they either kept it to themselves, they kept it from her or being part of the Pack trumped that difference. So long as Joshua wasn't made to feel uncomfortable and allowed to do the job he was so good at though...

The faint hint of a smile as he answered suggested to Nikhila that this would be a good story, and given the surprise opening, she was right.

"You... fell on him? Head over heels, quite literally?”

Remembering Josh's broken wrist and knowing that he was quite okay, safe and sound, now she was able to smile at the story. In fact, by the end of it she was hard pressed not to laugh. It was so extreme and yet so story book that it was hard to believe, but she didn't for a second doubt Josh. He wouldn't make this up.

If she didn't know better she would think that people didn't meet in normal ways.

"That is quite a lot of bad luck turn good.”

She answered with a slight laugh. It actually said quite a bit about the man that Joshua had fallen, no pun intended, for that he was willing to go out with Joshua after such a run of luck. He must have a wonderful sense of humor and be very understanding. As it sounded like most of the bad luck had been Joshua's she also concluded that the man was quite compassionate too, defying the cold bloodless lawyer stereotype. And of course he liked Joshua which of course indicated good taste. She'd very much like to meet this man, but she wouldn't ask, just hope that it happened at some point.

"But congratulations. I wish the best for you both, as well as fewer overpasses.”
Joshua Wesson 11 years ago
Josh nodded his affirmation when Nikhila asked, and when he was finished recounting the events that had brought him together with Gris he was happy to have her well-wishes. He had never found Nikhila to be a particularly close-minded individual, which was why he felt he could be candid with her about his relationship. For the most part his Pack didn't seem to care. Sure, there were a few people here and there who made faces or comments, but that didn't bother Josh much. He had grown up in a family that loved him the way he was. Eve his mother, with her fragile state of mental health, had always encouraged him to be true to himself. He realized he was lucky because of that. Some people weren't.

"Fewer overpasses would be nice," he agreed. "Though I have to admit I'm favorably inclined toward them now. If I hadn't fallen off of one I might not have met him at all."

That wasn't strictly true. Josh had bumped into Gris several times that day, both at the bookstore and the craft store. He remembered what he'd been wearing. He remembered Gris's face, his polite smile. He woke up to that smile now, only it was the sweeter, more open smile Gris shared with him.

"I'd wish for better luck myself, but clearly which ever Fate had my string that day knew what they were doing," Josh said with a shrug, "so I can't complain."

He wasn't a religious person but sometimes he had to wonder. In a city this large, full of so many people, he'd bumped into Gris on several occasions and none of them had been arranged. He shook his head at himself and turned his attention back to Nikhila.

"Speaking of complaints, how is Rico doing in his classes?"

Rico was the young man Josh had gone to New York with Mel to help. The young man had been Gifted accidentally and had been having trouble dealing with it. With no stable home life he had trouble integrating himself into his Pack, and he had belonged to a gang which was reluctant to let him go. Josh and Mel had convinced the teen to move to Nachton with them, enroll at the school, and leave his violent gang life behind him and he had accepted.

However, he had problems with rules and was frequently rebellious when being told what to do. Josh thought he was trying, but Nikhila might know a little more about his classroom performance. The boy was very intelligent, it was just difficult to get him to study unless he decided it was what he wanted to do rather than being told he had to.
Nikhila 11 years ago
"One is enough. I doubt you'll ever find what you're looking for that way again."

The odds of finding something that way even once were astronomical. No it was much more likely that Joshua would break something more than his wrist.

She didn't have much opinion on luck or fate or anything like that. Although a scientist Nikhila didn't rule out answers outside of what could be calculated and quantified. There were far more things in heaven and on earth.... not that she could remember who said that. After all look at how she and Aidan had met. Logically Nikhila should have died that night, or at least come close to it, but she'd been rescued. If you wanted to push things further, she shouldn't even have been there, she'd been trying to find a group of werewolves (not that she'd known that at the time) and most people thought werewolves didn't exist.

Joshua apparently didn't want to keep the focus on him and his love life and she didn't blame him. It was called a private life for a reason.

Nikhila took her job as dean very seriously. She might not be quite the workaholic that her mate was but she didn't keep nine to five hours and made a great deal of effort to keep track of all the teachers and students, how they were doing and what they needed. It didn't take much to remember one of their newer students and she frowned slightly.

His teachers were getting frustrated but hadn't reached a breaking point yet, he hadn't been with them long enough for that, and they hadn't dismissed him out of hand, they all understood the challenges Rico was facing and wanted to bring him through it. It was not, however, an ideal or encouraging situation.

"Frankly, not well; not academically and not socially.”

Nikhila trusted her experience, instincts and gifts and she knew they had a challenge on their hands. The spirits and energy she saw around him were angry, hostile, and it seemed that Rico felt the same way. He was stubborn and rebellious and had very little interest in his classes. She was worried about him.

"He hasn't staged a full scale rebellion yet so there is some hope but I've been more optimistic about a student settling in.”
Joshua Wesson 11 years ago
Josh frowned when Nikhila said Rico wasn't doing well. He nodded. "I'll have a word with him," he said.

That was his job, really. Half diplomat, half counselor, half best friend. It was a lot of halves, and he might be leaving some off, but that was what he did and he enjoyed it for the most part. In the case of Rico, he was still under a lot of influence from his gang, from a code of values they all shared that his peers were using to pressure him with. They wanted him back, wanted his strength, wanted his friendship and loyalty. He made them strong. And while Rico felt the pull of the Pack, he also felt the pull of 'family' which was so crucial to their kind.

Josh could help stabilize him, remind him why it was important to remain here, to learn to deal with his new form. Rico badly needed that stability. The longer he remained here in Nachton the better he would get. Josh had seen it before.

He and Nikhila chatted amiably for a few minutes more, putting the subject of Rico aside for the time being. Finally, Josh realized how late it had grown. It was time for him to be getting home, home to his wonderful boyfriend, home to a place he liked being best of all. He bid Nikhila a good night and made his way back to their quiet apartment, which felt more and more like a permanent home every day.

((ooc: Both out))