Keeping Secrets (attn: Guillaume)
Kiyo had taken a short walk on the Pack grounds. He was here, of course, not as often as he used to be, since he didn't live here anymore. He liked to be closer to his Pack though now that he had friends here, real friends. Of course, he didn't often see Gris unless it was at the fire. But Tavi was here and he liked spending time with her.
He'd passed the Andre Tree, remembering the little items he'd placed there, thinking he would take something of his own when he inevitably left. It seemed very long ago now. Would he ever leave? He closed his eyes and breathed deeply of the mid-afternoon air, remembering just a few hours ago early in the morning. Large hands around his hips. A heated, hard body pressed against his. That fall of silky jet-black hair over his shoulder. The inescapable, quickening rhythm. Evan's voice in his ear, murmuring tenderly.
No. There was no way he would leave Nachton now. Not until Evan left.
Kiyo licked his lips, which he'd parted without realizing as he remembered. Smiling sheepishly at himself he trotted away from the direction of the tree, toward the front of the grounds. He slowed as he saw a familiar figure with his keen eyes. He changed the angle of his approach to intercept it.
"Guillaume," he said in greeting, a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. He still didn't know how Guillaume felt about him and his roommate made him a little nervous. Especially because - well - there were certain secrets now.
Taking a short breath he stopped in front of Guillaume and glanced back into the woods. The next words he spoke were fairly ritual within their Pack. Kiyo had never had reason to speak them until now.
"Will you walk with me?"
He was more or less on his way out, having made up some work at Terminus that couldn't wait when someone greeted him. The list of people who would say something was rather short so he did stop and see who it was. It was something of a surprise to see Kiyo. Navid thought that Kiyo wasn't quite as at ease with his wolf or his Pack as most Rasa, that was his impression any way. Even most Nothos seemed more settled than Kiyo, so it was odd and rather disconcerting to see the slight man at Shady Pines.
He answered. He might have been a bit more friendly but the expression on Kiyoshi's face was odd he didn't know what to make of it. It wasn't hostile or concerned but it had more strength to it than Navid was used to seeing, more determination.
"Of course."
Without any further discussion he altered their path back away from the buildings back toward the more open area of the grounds. But he didn't say anything, Kiyo obviously wanted to talk and he would let the man have his say in his own time. He just hoped Kiyohshi wasn't going to ask for relationship advice.

"I wanted to make sure you were really okay with what happened a few days ago." He looked over at Guillaume, resisting the urge to flash his throat. That was incredibly difficult for him, but he did manage.
"I know it's unusual. But it wasn't planned, and I do love him." Kiyo said the words out loud with conviction.
He didn't say anything else. He needed to know how Guillaume would respond before he knew which way to go next. What they were talking about was a secret that could never be revealed to the Pack. He had to trust his own senses to hopefully let him know if Guillaume was really all right with their relationship, or not.
He and Kiyo didn't always understand each other. It was easy for a foot to be put wrong. But Kiyoshi had offered him a very honest and serious, if somewhat difficult truth, Guillaume felt the man deserved the same in an answer.
"It is more than unusual... but -I- for myself truly am all right with it. Evan is a good man, as are you, I am happy you found each other."
Navid deliberately took a few steps away from Kiyo making sure there was a bit of distance so he didn't come off as threatening.
"Part of who I am knows it is wrong, doesn't like it, but that isn't who I am it is those that came before me. You understand? I can't change that but it doesn't control me."
Most of the time that was true any way. Look at his cousin her own experiences mixed with her memories made dealing with a vampire difficult, if not impossible. But Navid knew better, not all of the mulo were the same and unless they doing something stupid, hurtful or wrong, he wouldn't strike first. He didn't think sleeping with and falling in love with Kiyoshi qualified.
"I'm more worried for you, both, but especially you. If this comes to light I will stand with you both, but I cannot help but think of the consequences."
Not to mention the personal difficulties they'd have to deal with. Evan not aging for a start.

"You would support us?"
He wasn't sure he'd expected that. He was hoping Guillaume would simply stay out of it, because that would probably be hard enough to do in the face of opposition. But that Guillaume would support them, stand with them, was touching.
"Thank you."
He shook his head, worry causing a little crease between his eyebrows. "I think about the consequences every day. What would happen if we were found out."
Kiyo glanced at Guillaume. "I'll be there for him. If he wants me, I'll be there. I'll guard him if I have to. And if what happens is that I... don't make it, then at least I'll die loving him."
Not that Kiyo wanted to die. Far from it. He wanted to live with Evan as long as he could; he knew that. It wasn't just his own Pack that could turn on him, though. Evan's Clan could come down on them too, although by Evan's own admission the life of a werewolf was sufficiently short that they probably wouldn't care.
He shook his head again, dismissing his train of thought. "I know it's morbid. I'm sorry. We've gone over every possibility though, and I'm committed. Wherever it goes."
Both Kiyo and Evan were part of an alternate little pack, family that Navid had build here in Nacthon. Wolves were social creatures, you needed people around you to keep you sane and whole. Even if Kiyo and Evan hadn't become involved Guillaume had taken to thinking of the bartender as something more than an employee. Sometimes you didn't understand your family, some times you disagreed, some times things were awkward but you didn't disown them.
"Mon Dieu do not be so dramatic and do not put those ideas out there for the spirits to hear. They might take you up on what they see as an offer."
Navid firmly believed one couldn't cheat fate but one also shouldn't tempt it. It was a very noble sentiment and one he believed, although he also thought that Evan might have more luck guarding Kiyoshi than the other way around, but he didn't say that.
"No battle plan lasts beyond the first encounter."
No matter what they had gone over there was always something that people would try that neither the wolf nor the mulo would have thought of."
"But I don't see any reason, that so long as you are careful and discreet you should have any problems. At least not right away. I live with you and I didn't know for certain until just recently.
Although he had wondered on occasion. He'd never let himself really think about it, but he had wondered.
"And given what we all are we are used to keeping secrets."
If that failed he hoped the two of them would have the sense to run rather than stand and fight. He knew what was likely to happen from the Pack's side but for all Guillaume knew what would happen from Evan's side could be worse. Sometimes discretion was the better part of valor.

Hopefully not though. Kiyo didn't want to consider the ramifications. Evan had said if it ever got too intense he would leave Nachton with Kiyo, they would go somewhere neutral, someplace removed, live by themselves if need be. Kiyo hoped it wouldn't come to that since they both loved being here, but ultimately staying with Evan was of paramount importance.
He offered Guillaume a tentative smile. "Well... thanks for keeping one more secret, anyway. I know it can't be easy with your... with Therese."
Guillaume's cousin wasn't exactly the warm, understanding type. She hated Evan and she sure didn't seem to like Kiyo much more. Kiyo didn't want Guillaume to get in trouble along with him and Evan.
"Hopefully no one will ever find out," he said, then he allowed himself another small sulk. "You'd think by now the R'asa would consider Evan trustworthy. He's spent long enough trying to prove himself, after all."
That was one of Kiyo's biggest hopes; that his Pack would someday acknowledge Evan's good will and look upon him more favorably. It still might not mean their relationship would be acceptable, but it would definitely be a step in the right direction.
"It is a reality, but a dramatic reality."
He conceded. They would be stupid not to consider it but equally stupid to dwell on it.
He smiled at Kiyo's words but it was a sad smile. Navid didn't know if he would ever restore his relationship with Thérèse and that hurt, quite a lot. She had been one of the only people he could depend on in his childhood, she'd continued that role into adulthood and to lose it now left a whole that he hadn't anticipated. He should talk to someone about it, but he had no idea who would understand. Given her relationship with Evan Tavi might be the best option, but he shoved that thought aside. Still hold habits died hard and he quietly defended his cousin.
"She has her reasons. I think she has told us all she knows... but..."
Navid harbored a fear that there had been commands beyond that one mulo's. Thérèse might know more than even she realized and those memories would be locked up behind other barriers.
He shrugged though.
"We aren't on the best of terms right now."
She thought he had chosen a vampire over family. She should know better. Of course the fact that she hadn't sent people after him told Guillaume that some part of her did know better, even if she wasn't acting on it.
He chuckled lightly at Kiyo's continued sulkiness.
"We have long memories my friend, and often a pack mentality. I think on this issue we will have to reach conclusions one at a time and that may take longer than either of our life times."
Evan might live to see it though. But he didn't stick that in Kiyoshi's face. It wasn't polite to tell someone their lover would outlive them.

Kiyo thought he probably had something to do with Guillaume's issues with his cousin, and if saying something to her would help, then he'd be willing to try. He felt bad that he might have been even a little bit involved. Guillaume obviously cared about Therese. Kiyo might not feel the same but she was Pack. He was starting to feel a bit more loyalty to his involuntary family in recent months. He'd do what he could, if there was anything to be done.
Guillaume's words reminded him that the two of them would be gone long before Evan was. "I know," he said softly. "I just wish we could be more.. open-minded, I guess."
He looked at Guillaume, aware that his words made him stand apart from his Pack. He tried to explain, the topic not one he normally opened up about.
"When I was... bitten," he still couldn't manage 'Gifted' but he was working on it, "it was by a boy who had also just been. He hadn't even Changed yet himself. My memories have always been... well, kind of weak. They're there but they're pretty easy to repress."
Kiyo was glad for that. He had been a little startled to see Evan when they'd first met, but it had faded to more curiosity. Not the revulsion he'd seen displayed by many of their kind. Clearly, it was no longer even an issue. He no longer felt anything but love when he looked at or thought of Evan. His race did not factor into that love, not the essence of it.
That was really all he would ask of Kiyo, Evan too for that matter. The fact that she hadn't caused too much trouble about all of this told Guillaume she wasn't beyond help. She'd been pushed to her edge but she might be willing to see reason eventually. But he wasn't going to force anyone to deal with her when he wasn't sure exactly what would happen.
He smiled at Kiyo's wistfulness. It was rather sweet and part of him did agree. Not all of him, but Navid did wish they could judge people more individually.
"Patience my friend. One at a time the more of us who learn they aren't all bad... we spread that to the next generation."
Navid raised his eyebrows at what he was hearing. It was something that he'd never heard of before, in fact he didn't know it was possible until just now. How in the world had something like that happened. He wanted to ask, but he also respected Kiyoshi's privacy.
"I am sorry for that. They add to who we are, but before you say it you're right they do cause lingering prejudice. Still, that means those of us who have accepted him truly accept him for who he is not what."
Kiyo might not have considered that. While there weren't many who could or would accept, those that did it was a complete acceptance. They were willing to fly in the face of generations and say that Evan was a friend.

"I hate being patient," he grumbled softly, but he looked at Guillaume and shrugged instead.
This was the most candid they'd ever been with each other. It was like a real conversation and everything. Kiyo was starting to think Guillaume wasn't so bad after all - they just didn't understand each other. They were almost starting to though, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that... good, he thought. Wary, but good.
Guillaume made a valid point about Evan's acceptance and Kiyo couldn't argue. It had crossed his mind before, but he still found his own kind more suspicious, less easy to trust. He didn't blame them; he was the same way. Their very nature made it so. But he'd thought perhaps that Evan had put in enough time now to have some faction.
Well... more time was probably the cure.
"I'll do whatever I need to do to make it happen. I don't want our relationship to hurt him, in the long run. Because I'll eventually be gone and he will be left to deal with whatever is left."
Kiyo nodded shortly. That was how it would be, no denying it, so he may as well plan for it.
"It is not my favorite thing either."
Guillaume very much wondered how Kiyoshi would feel if confronted by a mulo, one who had earned the term rather than the affectionate manner he used it for Evan. If the man could suppress his memories, there were many he might not have knowledge of. But he wasn't going to press on this point. They agreed on one of the monsters, that was good enough for now.
Absently Navid reached down picked up a small rock and tossed it into the woods It didn't surprise him how devoted, how determined, Kiyo was. He'd seen how Kiyo interacted with the Pack, even just in small parts, he, Tavi, others at Terminus, it didn't take much to know Kiyo was more or less at the bottom of the hierarchy. Evan would see beyond that and see Kiyo, Kiyo would love him in return. He understood that.
"I don't think it will. In fact it will probably help him. It will be an extra bond he will have to us, those he's trying to help will know that. But help or hurt, I have no doubt that wouldn't change his mind about what you two have."
Navid thought he knew his friend that well. He wasn't so cowardly as to turn away from a friend or lover just to make his life easier. It was gratifying to see that Kiyo had that same resolve, even if it was rather buried.

When Guillaume spoke next, Kiyo was struck by a revelation. He nodded at Guillaume. "You're right," he said softly. "I just... want to be sure I'm more of a help than a hurt to him."
Privately, though, he wondered if he could further Evan's goals by Gifting someone himself. If inherited memories of vampires were bad ones for werewolves, perhaps he, as one person with wonderful memories, could have a lasting impact on future generations of R'asa. Not that Kiyo thought all vampires were good. He knew better. But perhaps his memories could help open the door for those like Evan, and Evan in particular, who were truly trying to help improve relations.
It was a gift he might be able to give his partner, one that would last for centuries after Kiyo was gone from the world. The love he bore Evan could live on for ages. It didn't need to die with him, but it could echo across the years.
For the wolf who had never even once considered Gifting anyone, this was quite an awakening. He could have an impact.
He grinned and laughed softly at himself.
"You'll notice I'm not exactly fighting off partners with a stick."
And honestly, that was fine with Navid. Yes, some day, at some point he wanted a relationship a bit like Evan and Kiyoshi had but their extended life spans meant he didn't have to rush. There was plenty of time to find the right woman.
Kiyoshi went quiet and Navid wondered what the bartender was thinking about. They said still waters ran deep and Kiyo was some of the calmest waters he'd ever met. It made him very hard to read, and was quite possibly part of the reason they had difficulty communicating and so often misunderstood each other.
"Have you considered asking Evan if he needs help with some of his work?"
Navid didn't know Kiyoshi's story, but he had picked up that it wasn't warm and fuzzy and that Kiyo had been on his own quite a bit. He'd obviously managed to keep himself somewhat together.
"Maybe you have some old contacts that could help with a job? Or you might be able to teach bar tending to those who need relocating and a solid job."
He suspected that if he'd left it as an open ended question Kiyo would dismiss the idea and so Navid had proposed a few suggestions of his own. It might get Kiyoshi to start thinking this through and seeing possibilities on his own. It might be something that would draw Kiyo out of himself a bit as well. Shared trouble was halved trouble as they said.

He meant the question innocently. He didn't see Guillaume really putting himself out there looking for dates. Kiyo had plenty of experience there... how many years had he spent looking for acceptance and love himself? He'd dated frequently, always ending up with the wrong type and then putting himself right back out in position to be picked up, and subsequently hurt, again. He knew the signs, and Guillaume didn't really seem to be actively searching.
"It just seems like you have so much going on. Studying, working, flying. I bet you'd have plenty of women wanting to date you if you tried. You know, websites, social stuff in Nachton."
He was trying to be encouraging. Guillaume wasn't a bad person, in spite of the fact that he and Kiyo didn't always relate on the same wavelength.
When Guillaume mentioned helping Evan Kiyo nodded almost absently. "Oh yes," he said. "I'd help anyone who wanted to learn. Evan knows that."
On the topic of contacts he became more uncomfortable, however. "No," he said softly, a little shortly. "I don't have any contacts."
Kiyoshi had been fired from almost every bartending job he'd had before Terminus. He couldn't work the hours they wanted him to work due to the full moon in almost every case, and when the star flairtender was always calling out sick or asking for time off, the boss got a little pissy apparently. Thank goodness for flairtending competitions. Even when Kiyo hadn't had a sponsor he was able to get by, staying in Europe where travel was easier, living frugally from win to win, saving enough to make it to the next competition where he was almost always assured some prize money.
Hell of an existence. He couldn't even express how much better it was here in Nachton. To have a home. Friends. Family. A job. Things normal people took for granted.
"No... not really. Perhaps after I finish my masters I'll be more serious but for now I'm not worried about it."
If it happened, it happened. If it didn't it didn't. If he found something in the middle, not a one night stand but not till death due us part and children, that would be ideal. That is really what he was hoping to stumble into. A little companionship would go a long ways. Granted Evan was a good friend and he and Kiyo were making progress, tonight was a huge leap forward, but it just wasn't the same. Even if they did invite him to join them.... best not to think about that too much even if Evan had been kidding.
"Have you considered that these sites couldn't match me? Maybe we should talk to someone about creating a site specifically for the pack?"
There was some possibility there. Common quirks, interests, and there would never be any suspicion about what your significant other was doing the three nights of the full moon. No worries about being cheated on and it would save that awkward 'reveal' moment when you told the other what you were.
He shrugged, not worried about Kiyoshi not having contacts. That had been touched upon during the initial interview so he wasn't really surprised, but he had been hopeful.
"Contacts or not you have a reputation and now you have a solid work history. Your recommendation would carry weight. But obviously Evan would be in the best position to say what he needs. He knows your skill set the best as well as his own needs."
Navid had learned little bits and pieces about what Kiyo was able to do, what his talents were, but he was sure he didn't know it all and as had become his habit with Kiyoshi Guillaume didn't pry or try to ferret out any information.
"You don't mind that I know about you do you?"
It was a rather sudden change of topic and one couldn't put the genie back in the bottle, as it were, but Guillaume did think he should ask. While he wouldn't be in a hurry to move out, he could do his best to ignore the relationship, if that is what they wanted.
"No... not really. Perhaps after I finish my masters I'll be more serious but for now I'm not worried about it."
If it happened, it happened. If it didn't it didn't. If he found something in the middle, not a one night stand but not till death due us part and children, that would be ideal. That is really what he was hoping to stumble into. A little companionship would go a long ways. Granted Evan was a good friend and he and Kiyo were making progress, tonight was a huge leap forward, but it just wasn't the same. Even if they did invite him to join them.... best not to think about that too much even if Evan had been kidding.
"Have you considered that these sites couldn't match me? Maybe we should talk to someone about creating a site specifically for the pack?"
There was some possibility there. Common quirks, interests, and there would never be any suspicion about what your significant other was doing the three nights of the full moon. No worries about being cheated on and it would save that awkward 'reveal' moment when you told the other what you were.
He shrugged, not worried about Kiyoshi not having contacts. That had been touched upon during the initial interview so he wasn't really surprised, but he had been hopeful.
"Contacts or not you have a reputation and now you have a solid work history. Your recommendation would carry weight. But obviously Evan would be in the best position to say what he needs. He knows your skill set the best as well as his own needs."
Navid had learned little bits and pieces about what Kiyo was able to do, what his talents were, but he was sure he didn't know it all and as had become his habit with Kiyoshi Guillaume didn't pry or try to ferret out any information.
"You don't mind that I know about you do you?"
It was a rather sudden change of topic and one couldn't put the genie back in the bottle, as it were, but Guillaume did think he should ask. While he wouldn't be in a hurry to move out, he could do his best to ignore the relationship, if that is what they wanted.

"I don't know who you'd talk to about it. But maybe there's some call for it."
Surely other R'asa would like to meet and marry Packmates from different areas of the world. It would definitely make things easier. No having to lie, no having to pretend.
He nodded his agreement when Guillaume observed that Evan would know best what he needed. Kiyo was sure Evan would asked if he could use Kiyoshi's help, but then again, perhaps Evan thought it was best to keep Kiyo separate from his work - not mingle his private life with it. He would mention it to Evan tonight, then, make sure his partner knew he wanted to help in any way he could.
Kiyo bit his lip next, when Guillaume turned the tables and asked him if he minded Guillaume knowing. After a few moments of trying to find a diplomatic answer Kiyo turned slightly to Guillaume, glancing at him.
"It doesn't matter whether I mind or not, does it." He had a very slight, wry smile upon his lips. "I mean, you can't suck the memory back in."
His face flushed at the remembrance of exactly what Guillaume had heard, which was himself begging Evan to... yes, that was pretty embarrassing. "It's a relief, sort of," he said. "I don't like sneaking around with Evan."
But, he left it unspoken, now there were more people to keep a secret and statistically, the more people knew about a thing, the more likely it was to be discovered. Kiyo wasn't happy about that.
"Lead me to a programer then! We'll make a fortune."
Without even thinking about it Guillame included Kiyo in the profits. For all their differances he had completly accepted his packmate, he just occasionally had trouble relating to him.
Navid laughed at Kiyo saying it was too late for him to mind, and coughed politley to cover some embarasment. To be fair no matter who had been Kiyo or Evan's lover Navid would have felt slightly awkward at hearing such... Enthusiasim. It was one thing to be comftorable with one's sexuality and quite another to hear such an unabashed embracing of another's.
"It does matter Kiyo, you should be comftorable in your own home."
There, he'd said it, Terminus was Kiyoshi's home. Now that Navid knew Kiyo and Evan were a couple there was no pretending Kiyo was just spending the night now and then. Terminus was Kiyo's home, same as it was his.
"I don't know what we'd do if you minded me knowing or if I had a problem with what you two have, but you are home and should have an equal say in what happens there and I'm glad you don't have to sneak about."
At least in the residential part of the building. It was one less secret for the two of them to keep and he honestly hoped it would help them develope theor relationship.

Then Guillaume startled him with the revelation that he considered Terminus Kiyo's home. Kiyo nearly stumbled on an exposed root as they walked along through the forest, righting himself before he could be too obvious. Home was a very important thing to him. Evan had made Terminus his home, when he'd given him a key and told him he wanted him there. And it was home to him. But to hear Guillaume confirm it, with such conviction, was surprising.
"I... um... thank you," he stammered. He didn't feel like a guest when he was with Evan, but he often tiptoed around Guillaume, feeling like an intruder. Kiyo being there so often was sort of like the elephant in the room, and it had previously been a point of awkwardness they had ignored.
He shook his head. "I don't have to have a say," he insisted, spreading his hands in denial. "It's not mine, I mean I just live there. With Evan... I mean..."
Kiyo huffed a little sigh. He might have to simply get used to not being a permanent guest. It was nice to be accepted, and he appreciated it more than he could express. "Thanks," he finally said again. "It's good to have a home. But, um, nonetheless... we'll try to keep it down."
He murmured the last bit, blushing again. Kiyo wasn't used to discussing his love life in any kind of detail whatsoever. He hated private talks like this one, but it had been necessary. He and Guillaume had to reach an agreement. Fortunately it had been sort of easy in this case, and that was all thanks to Guillaume.
"You might need to let us know, you know, if you have someone you, uh, want to invite home ever. I mean... we could clear out pretty easily for the night."
It was a big place. A huge place, really, but privacy was privacy. Kiyo didn't think Guillaume could hear anything he and Evan did when they were all on their respective opposite sides of the building, but when someone was in the common area, some discretion was prudent. If Guillaume wanted the place to himself, he knew that would be fine with Evan too. They'd go find someplace nice to be.
Navid said quietly doing his best to ignore Kiyo looking and acting so awkward. He didn't think he'd been such an ogre but it was possible that just by keeping their secret Kiyo had felt he was unwelcome. It was probably for the best that they'd waited until they were established to tell him, but now their was simply no denying Kiyo was part of the family.
"Even if you weren't living with Evan, at this point... it would still be your home. We'd find you a room. With or without Evan Terminus is your home now, don't forget it."
He said it quietly, but with conviction. Although, Navid did forgo a friendly cuff on Kiyoshi's shoulder. Given Kiyo's naturally submissive manner Guillaume thought such a thing would certainly be misunderstood and he didn't want to risk anything right now.
Chuckling softly Navid shook his head.
"I'd appreciate that. I've never though noise canceling headphones were a good look for me. And I'll try and extend the same courtesy if I'm ever in that position."
Not that he suspected he would be any time soon, but it was nice of Kiyo to make the offer, even if he wasn't in danger of having to live up to that promise.
Somewhere along the line he'd swung them around so they were walking back to the parking area. He assumed that Kiyo had found his own way to Shady Pines.
"Come on, I'll give you a lift back."
Their relationship wouldn't automatically smooth out over night, but Navid was sure that they'd established their feelings. Kiyo had to have some confidence now that Navid didn't just tolerate him or put up with him being about, that he liked him. Perhaps it was a less than ideal way to have come to this topic but it was good to have cleared the air a bit.
((OOC... both out with permission))