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Pretty Sure This Might Could Be A Date... Maybe (Attn: Ran)

The nights were getting warmer, Pak still found them a bit chilly but she was no longer having to bundle up until nothing showed by her eyes. She could actually go outside without a jacket, not a heavy jacket any way. So going down to the water front to meet Ran wasn't totally out of the question. Although, if she were being honest, she'd have met Ran at the water front even in the middle of winter, and with minimal grumbling.

Pak had grown very fond of her 'uncle'. Fond wasn't the right word. She liked him; liked liked him if you caught her drift. He was sexy in his own rather out there way, smart, funny and fun it was hard not to like Ran. She'd had no issues flirting with him and he'd flirted right back and since vampire blood lines, or family trees or whatever you wanted call creator to created weren't genetic families she'd not given a second thought to coming on to him.

In occasional moments of self-doubt, Pak would correct herself though, she thought she was coming on to him. She thought Ran was flirting back. She wasn't good at relationships. She'd had exactly... two in her whole life. Other than that she either immediately relegated men to platonic or jumped in bed with them immediately. This middle ground was rather odd unexplored territory for her and she wondered if she was doing it right or if maybe he just wasn't interested. But it seemed like he was. It was a conundrum that Pak had actually sought advice on, and she didn't often do girl talk. Aishe, however, had a few ideas that she might actually try.

For as outrageous a dresser as Ran could be, Pak was still dressed conservatively. It was probably a jarring contrast for anyone who looked at them. But she wore a pair of classic black trousers and a light weight red tunic with a pair of peep toe wedges that were, coincidentally enough, the same color as Ran's hair and a long necklace that alternated silver chain and irregularly shaped pieces of mother of pearl.

She was a bit early and just actually looking at some of the shops that were gearing up for tourist season. It was always rather fascinating what they would sell to people from out of town and more fascinating what those people would buy.

Ran Iyala 11 years ago
From his new seat next to Pak, Ran continued to enjoy his Thai. Okay, both of them. Although arguably one of them wasn't his, exactly, but she would be for the night. That much seemed certain by her response.

He grinned at her.
"I promised you some comfort food. Don't worry, dessert will happen."

After they finished their current course, Fon returned with a huge tray. She quickly began setting out the fresh meats, vegetables, and various condiments involved in a hot pot. Ran watched intently, pointing out his various favorites, things he hadn't eaten in a long time and things that were probably pretty difficult to find here in the States.

Fon finished by placing the hot pot with its simmering broth between the two of them. It smelled delicious, spicy with some bite like the food they'd already eaten. Ran picked up a shrimp and dipped it into the sauce, holding it in for twenty seconds or so, pulling it out when it was nice and pink. Sampling one of the soy-based dipping sauces he popped the shrimp into his mouth, closed his eyes, and chewed.

"Oh, that's tasty," he said. "Maybe you should have said 'now' five minutes ago... you may have to roll me out of here."
Pakpao 11 years ago
If their situation had been a bit different Pak might have made more of a pretense of being... someone else. As it was she made a rather nasal sound at his promise of dessert. It wasn't quite a snort but it came close.

"I've never really been one to rush through a meal for sweets... But I can wait."

Before she could say something more suggestive Fon returned with the suki and so she had to behave herself. For the most part Pak let Ran take the lead in the picking, he was more knowledgeable about food after all, but she did make one or two suggestions, things she remembered going well together. Ran seemed to have a very vivid enjoyment of food, of eating. Pak hoped he was as enthusiastic about other things. Her instincts, although a bit rusty, said he was.

Although anxious to try the suki, it smelled wonderful, bright, spicy and familiar, Pak chose to take advantage of Ran closing his eyes. As much as she appreciated the contacts he wore, it could be rather intense to be caught in such a gaze. The glowing was rather unearthly actually. With his eyes closed she felt a bit bolder. Waiting for him to swallow Pak quickly leaned in and kissed him, a bit more aggressive than his kiss had been but at the same time she offered a bit more as well. It was rather refreshing to take the lead, at least a little bit

When she did break away and sit back Pak felt quite pleased with herself. And with him, Ran was a good kisser.

"I'll get a forklift... or we can reschedule if you're full. Three days from now I don't have any meetings and can skip out early."

Pak baited him playfully. She could wait, god knows she waited long enough and often enough, three days would be nothing. Okay, not nothing, but manageable.

She too selected a shrimp and let the hot pot cook it, delicately biting into the sweet crunchy meat. It was good, -very- good. Ran might not be the only one rolling out of here.

"Why don't you tell me some more about yourself while we finish off this feast you found us."

Although Ran was, or seemed, extremely open Pak's natural reserve kept her from asking too many question. And no matter how she looked at it he seemed an odd fit for both Anantya and Amir, but he was obviously happy with both. So she was curious.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
"Oh, but I'm not always sweet," Ran said with a grin before digging into the food.

The scents and sight of it were perfect; he enjoyed the flavors almost as much as he enjoyed the surprising kiss he received just as he'd been about to reach for another morsel. He smiled into it and returned it happily, not reaching for Pak, not taking any more than she wanted to give. They were in no hurry. her mouth tasted sweet and spicy, reminiscent of the food they'd eaten, a hint of licorice still on her tongue.

He hummed happily when she sat back again.
"I don't remember ordering that," he grinned, opening his eyes and looking at her, "but I'll take seconds. And thirds."

When she offered to get a forklift he laughed out loud, fangs flashing in the dim light of the restaurant interior.
"That's awfully sweet of you, but I'll just do a quick purge in the bathroom." He rolled his eyes and grinned. "If you want a three day grace period you can have one... maybe."

Three days was a long time for foreplay. He'd be happier with three hours, but if Pak wanted to play that way Ran had no issues with it. He was able to be patient when the situation warranted it, and besides, he always had Mina. It wasn't exactly the same but she could certainly make the waiting more tolerable.

Talking about himself was something Ran wasn't opposed to, but he had told Pak a lot about himself already. So, taking a piece of chicken and wrapping it in basil he dipped it into the suki and said,
"What exactly do you want to know, Brighteyes? I'm an open book."
Pakpao 11 years ago
"Hmmmm... we'll just have to see about that sweet thing.”

Pak eyed him speculatively. Rough, acrobatic, enthusiastic, playful, sensual, any combination there of or all of the above, it would be interesting to see.

That, apparently, had been the right thing to do, if not right certainly agreeable for them both. Pak didn't look away, she just smiled softly.

"I think that might be arranged.”

It was rather liberating to be able to act on her crush. She wondered what Aishe would think, this wasn't exactly what Pak had been expecting but she was happy with it and she had actually spelled out what she wanted. That was a huge step for Pak.

Those thoughts were pushed aside when Ran laughed. He had such a good laugh, open easy and genuine. It wasn't cultured, forced or affected. When you heard it it was hard to believe he was several centuries old. Thus far it always made her smile or cheered her a bit.

"What were you saying about being cruel and wanting...” Pak pretended to try and remember but in the end left it to his imagination. "Maybe three days isn't something either of us would appreciate.”

As much as anticipation did heighten an experience, she didn't feel like waiting to see if that would be the case now. Even just sitting here was a bit distracting now that wants were out in the open. Still Pak did her best to keep her mind at least partially on her food. Picking up a piece of beef she thought his question to a question. Pak tended to be curious, but not nosy.

It occurred to her that two of Amir's vampires had oddly colored eyes. Although that was very probably genetic rather than due to anything Amir did. And she had unusual eyes herself even though she was a generation removed from Amir. She'd never seen Ran without contacts.

"What color are your eyes?”

Her beef having cooked she munched slowly, thoughtfully on it as waited for Ran to answer. She delicately popped each finger tip into her mouth to keep from missing any flavor.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
It was easy to laugh with Pak. She had a quick sense of humor and a streak of sarcasm Ran found funny. He looked her up and down when she said they might not appreciate waiting three days, and slowly shook his head.

"I, for one, don't intend to even wait three hours," he admitted. He knew several nice hotels that he wouldn't be ashamed to bring Pak to in the nearby neighborhood; it was the waterfront after all. High-end tourist experience and all that. He certainly couldn't bring her back to the Manor, although if she invited him to her apartment at Liefde he'd go with her. That was her call; given what he'd learned of her past she might not be comfortable checking into a hotel and he'd understand if she preferred the comfort of her own home. But he couldn't and wouldn't break Clan law for her, so they'd have to figure something out. He didn't think it'd be too difficult.

Of course, she asked about his eyes. He smiled at her. For some reason he rarely went without contacts. He just enjoyed the colors, the effect they had on people, the games he could play with the contact lenses he chose.

"Why Pak, they're blue," he said, widening his eyes which glowed unnaturally in the restaurant light.

He didn't have any reason to keep the truth from her, aside from being a pain, though, so he ducked his head down away from her and quickly used his index finger to remove the contact in his left eye, followed by his right. he wouldn't likely be putting them back in or re-using them at any point so he simply wrapped them in a paper napkin. Then, he looked up at Pak and wiggled his blue eyebrows, over eyes the color of tawny gold shot through here and there with deeper streaks of the same golden color.

"There you go," he said. "All natural, organic, some preservatives added."
Pakpao 11 years ago
"And a lovely shade of blue they are too. I wish mine would glow."

Pak quipped right back at Ran. She did wish they'd glow though, not always just now and then. She was obviously going to have to go contact shopping at some point.

She protested slightly when Ran bent to take the lenses out. All she had wanted was a simple answer. Green, brown, blue not to have him stick his fingers in his eyes and possibly damage or lose the lenses.

The light in the restaurant wasn't very bright, but Pak's night vision, for obvious reasons, was very good. She could see the color, the light brown and the gold, almost coppery in her opinion, bronze. Even though she didn't have to she leaned in to get a better look, softly pushing a bit of blue hair out of the way, more because she could than she had to.

"They are beautiful, preservatives and all."

It didn't occur to her to ask Ran why he wore the lenses. He might be sensitive to light, he might just like them, it might be he was hiding from the mob or in witness relocation. There was no reason to question his choice though.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
"I'm sure we can manage that, with modern technology and all," Ran teased Pak. He was glad the contacts had made an impression; one didn't wear glowing blue lenses if one wanted to blend in and go unnoticed, after all.

He smiled at Pak when she leaned in to look at his eyes. They were unusual enough on their own without contacts, but Ran enjoyed the playfulness of the different patterns as well as the mystery he inspired by never being seen without them.

"I'm glad you approve," he said. "Was that the only thing you really wanted to know?"

He had given her leave to ask anything, and she had wanted to know more about him. So he invited her questions again, leaning forward and helping himself to some more suki. He actually enjoyed little question and answer sessions like this, and Ran didn't really mind always being on the receiving end of the question.
Pakpao 11 years ago
It was a small intimate restaurant, but there were still other people there, even if there had been no other patrons the cook and Fon at the very least were there. As Pak could be rather obsessive about her privacy, she didn't even always share with Kem and they were bonded, Pak assumed everyone else was as well. Even with people she considered very close Pak tended to be very alert to treading on sensitive topics and subjects that were sensitive.

"Of course not, I just don't need you getting me confused with a reporter all neutral and professional, willing to walk away with a polite handshake when the interview is over."

Of all the people she knew only Eiryk was so open, Aishe a close second. Very few topics seemed to be off limits with either and those that were they simply tactfully and gently turned the conversation a different direction.

Often Pak would keep conversation safely on professional grounds. But in getting to know Bao, Mara and another Anantya she'd discovered that didn't always seem to be a great idea. They could get touchy there, as if living in a perpetual state of confidentiality. Leading Pak to wonder if any of them had a normal nine to five job that they could talk about or enjoy.

"Well... you could tell me where your favorite place to visit is or if you play an instrument,"

Pak didn't, she should pick one up though. It was on her 'to do' list.

"Or," She added as a mischievous after thought. "You could tell me about dear old 'dad'."

One could practically hear the quotation marks as she called Bao dad. But they weren't hostile, not any more. She was still curious about Bao from other view points. Her own was changing, but it had started so heavily biased it was hard. She was slowly starting to see what Mara, Amir and Shades saw and wondered how different Ran's take would be on things.

"Unless family is an absolute turn off... in which case I've never heard of the man."

There were more important things after all.

"On second thought... you can save that question for," A slow smile spread across her face, "For three days or so."

She said as she did select another tidbit to cook up on the hot pot and savor.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
Ran finished his bite of food and laughed again. "No chance of that, Brighteyes," he said. "Unless all you want is a handshake."

He didn't have to push himself on a woman; if Pak decided to change her mind he'd look elsewhere for companionship. Not that he thought for a second she was planning on changing her mind. he knew a tease when he saw one.

He waited, a growing grin on his face, as she asked him several questions and then immediately talked herself out of more information about Bao. Not that Ran had a horrible amount of dirt on Pak's Creator. Amir, knowing the two vampires were oil and water, didn't often have them work together. Their abilities were in different areas, they belonged to two different Orders, and their personalities clashed in ways that were almost nuclear.

Ran answered the other questions though, since, as he had told Pak, he was open.
"Anywhere I haven't visited before," he said, "and if I can't find somewhere I haven't been I'll take anywhere I haven't been much. And I don't play an instrument although I'm not tone deaf. If you plunk a keyboard or something simple with strings in front of me and give me five minutes or so, I can probably play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star reliably well."

He'd never been trained to music. Ran spent most of his time indulging in linguistics, which was his passion insofar as he had one. That was the price you paid for knowing everything about one topic; you missed out on learning a bunch of others.

"Lest I sound one-note," he said, taking a small bite of a scallop, chewing, and swallowing quickly, "I do like to garden and I have one off of my rooms at the Manor. I also like being on the water. Swimming, sailing, what have you. That's part of why I like Nachton so much."

He finished his scallop, and poked his fork at Pak.
"Your turn. Instruments? Favorite books? What do you do when you're not at work? Besides cooking bad food?"

Ran flashed an impish smile at Pak; their last food creation had not gone well. For anyone. Turned out Mara the Perfect didn't like to flambe, and Ran liked it a little too much. Neither of them knew what the heck had happened to Pak's, but nothing in her pan had resembled food when she'd been finished.

((ooc: obviously I made up the cooking thing; lemme know if it's not okay since I took liberties, and I can always change it. ))
Pakpao 11 years ago
Pak opened her mouth to say something about a hand shake and closed it again with a little frown.

"I must be rusty. I can't think of a single way to make a handshake suggestive."

She was slightly disappointed with herself and admitted the failing slightly chagrined. How embarrassing. Maybe this was why she was having trouble dating, she'd forgotten how to flirt. Shame they weren't taking a course on that instead of cooking.

His answers brought a bit of a smile to her face. He sounded like a nomad. Hard to fathom after so many years. You would have thought he'd have put down roots somewhere, maybe multiple somewheres, pulling them up now and then to start over.

"I haven't grown anything since I started living in apartments. House plants seem to hate me."

Which was odd for a former farmer. As far as Pak knew, however, she could still manage a decent garden though. She just didn't have the space at the towers. The idea of buying a house again wandered through her mind. But it was still a 'someday' type of situation.

The water sports didn't surprise her much. Pak was fond of the ocean as well, although she didn't play in it too much.

Raising a delicate eyebrow at the fork being poked at her she would have answered but he called her out on their last class.

"I do not." She said indignantly. "I cook good food... I just do it badly."

Her word play wasn't nearly as suggestive or flirtatious as his earlier one but Pak didn't see any reason to blame her failings on the ingredients. Which, as far as she knew, were perfectly good before she got a hold of them.

She, however, did not take advantage of the distraction to avoid the question as she typically would.

"Hmmm... I always seem to be at work.... I don't play anything. It is on my list but hasn't made it to the top. I don't think I can pick a favorite book. There are some I re-read fairly regularly depending on my mood but no favorites."

As a former librarian Pak had developed a love of reading, a passion for it and read extensively. It probably was due to being completely illiterate as a human and now she was trying to over compensate. But at least she enjoyed it.

"I don't know if you've picked up but I tend to be a bit of a hermit... jigsaw puzzles, origami astronomy. Nothing terribly interesting. Not flashy any way."

It all was interesting to her, and to some other people they were just quiet hobbies was all.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
"We'll un-rusty you," Ran promised with a knowing nod. He could certainly think of a few ways to sex up a handshake.

Pak's eyes didn't glaze over when he mentioned a garden, so Ran elaborated a little.
"Mostly I grow flowers," he said, "and the occasional tree. Lately though I've been working on a little patch of herbs. The whole cooking thing, you know? If I can get those growing well I might even try some vegetables. They taste different when they're harvested right from the plant."

For someone who equated food and culture and language together the way Ran did, perhaps his interest in gardening wasn't an unusual leap for a pass time. He didn't move around so often that he couldn't spend a few years on a garden, so he had a decent amount of experience.

Pak talked on, describing a life that seemed... well, boring was maybe not a very polite word, but to Ran, Pak's life sounded sort of empty and it couldn't possibly be. No one could live forever and not fill their free time with something fun to do. Origami? Jigsaw puzzles?

"Don't you go out at all? Hang out with friends? Go to clubs, restaurants, movies? This is Nachton... there's a ton of stuff to do. Don't tell me you haven't done any of it."

He arched a brow at Pak.
"Got any pets?"

There had to be something filling Pak's life, aside from books, puzzles, and paper-folding. Ran was mystified... Pak was over two centuries old, she should really start living if she hadn't yet.
Pakpao 11 years ago
"So long as there is limited use of WD40 that might should be fun."

The garden idea really did interest Pak. And she nodded encouragingly.

"What vegetables? I'm not even sure what it is the season for out here. I'd imagine though that just about anything should grow if you pay it the right kind of attention."

Not that she did a lot of digging in the dirt but when Pak paid attention to the soil it seemed dark and rich and undoubtedly with the help of the Manor staff Ran could probably grow anything he wanted. For all she knew the Anantya had their own rice paddy in the back yard.

Ran seemed surprised at how quiet her life was, at least she hoped it was surprised and not disappointed. She had an odd image of him walking away right then and there and that bothered her. She quickly shook it off and covered it with a laugh.

"Yeah... I get out. The opera now and then, although my emergency back up date got himself hooked up and hasn't been as available, but I still go. I let Bao beat the shit out of me on a regular basis and then I beat him at chess. Kem and I keep each other out of trouble, or get each other into it I can't quite tell which. I do have a cat, but just one, I'm not the crazy cat lady. He was a gift from Mara. I wander into Shades now and then."

Enough that he knew who she was, although the man seemed to know who everyone was if they'd been in the club more than once so Pak wasn't sure that was an accomplishment. Still she'd started getting to know great-granddad a little bit here and there.

Ran really couldn't know how much she'd come out of her shell since arriving in Nachton. She actually took a breath now and then and did more than work. She knew people instead of email addresses.

She was trying to think of other things she did and wound up smothering a giggle.

"I went speed dating a while back. That was.... entertaining."

Pak rolled her eyes. It had been an exhausting evening but now that she looked back at it, it was kind of funny. What kind of vampire went speed dating? It was just so absurd.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
"I had different stuff in mind," Ran said lecherously. He'd let Pak daydream on that for a while.

She asked what vegetables he wanted and he shrugged.
"No clue," he said, "I just thought I'd try my hand at growing some. Maybe tomatoes, or zucchini."

He listened with fascination as Pak responded to his mild (if it could even be called) criticism by listing everything she did. Everything, which sounded like her family had been doing their best to bring her out of her shell. Nothing she told him went any deeper than, he imagined, the past several years maybe. He knew a little bit about her from Mara so he knew a lot of these relationships were recent ones given their long lifespans.

"So... lots of your hobbies and pass times lately have been with other family members? Dare I say, we've been a halfway good influence on you?"

Sort of... but even Bao was trying, and that was saying something. Ran wondered if Pak realized or even appreciated how incredible it was that Stick In The Med himself had taken such an interest in Pak, Creator or not. And he knew plenty, now, about the tall pale-haired man called Kem, the Evenhet Elder in this city, Pak's good friend... and, ostensibly, Ran's long-lost older brother. He was dying, absolutely dying, to meet him. Really meet him, not just almost get run over by him after kissing the stuffing out of Pak on the sidewalk outside of Liefde. Or stare at him wide-eyed through a bathroom window while he washed a raccoon.

Although that had been good fun, too.

He put his own thoughts aside though, and focused on having a nice time with Pak, which wasn't hard. He laughed when she said she went speed dating.
"How many of them left the place in tears?" He asked, with an arched brow at her.
Pakpao 11 years ago
Having done enough work on her car, not that she let it get too rusty, Pak had a few very practical ideas how to un-rust something. None of them was terribly sexy right off the bat. She did, however, have an imagination and started to tweak them and decided it could be fun, of course, so could the WD40 or at least oils. She raised a quiet but curious eyebrow at him.

"Peppers would be fun too, sweet or spicy."

Realizing she'd gone a bit over board trying to not seem pathetic she blushed slightly. There was nothing to be done about it now though, so no point in trying to back peddle or undo it. She just nodded, no sense not being honest.

"I'm not sure I'd say -good- but motivating might work. Apparently I'm no fun when I just hang out with MARI."

Apparently the speed dating, even if it did sound slightly pathetic, was amusing. Pak thought about the many -many- men she'd spent time with that night. Although she felt a bit bad about it, Pak did laugh at the memory.

"Just the one. The man probably shouldn't have even been out let alone 'dating'. His wife had just left him. I barley got past the whole my name is before he just started -sobbing- like a mad man."
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
Ran tipped his fork toward the array of spiced foods on the table. "Spicy, of course," he said with a smile. "Sweet is nice, but spicy's a lot more fun."

Pak told him she was against labeling her family connections as 'good,' but motivating instead, which made him wonder if she didn't view her own friends as good influences on her. He knew from Mara that she had a lot of history with Kem, and she and Mara seemed close too. Ran knew Mara the best of all of his 'siblings' and he could tell when her words were professionally tilted. In Pak's case, Mara always made it clear that Pak was a close friend. He wondered how Mara would feel if she knew Pak viewed her as motivating, and not necessarily 'good.'

That idle speculation he simply shelved; he found Pak interesting, himself, and when he found someone interesting her tended to pick them apart a little to try to figure out how they worked. Pak wasn't all that enigmatic in spite of her reticence to be open; he knew enough about her to understand where a lot of that was coming from.

He grinned when his comment about anyone crying at the speed dating session proved to be true.
"That had to be hilarious," he said. "We should so do that sometime."

Speed dating was great fun. Ran enjoyed it - how else could you meet so many women and learn so much about them in such a small space of time? Okay, he could think of many ways, but this one was entertaining. The last time he'd gone he hadn't even gotten to the 'writing down names' part before being solicited for four dates. Talk about easy meals.

To Pak he just shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe you reminded the poor guy of his ex or something," he said. "So did you get a date out of it? Or several?"

He wasn't trying to tease her; Pak had many levels. If the person had gone was the motivated, extroverted Pak, then he thought she'd have gotten a huge response. If the person who'd gone had been 'I don't know why I bother with this crap' Pak, then he'd have been surprised if many men responded to that. Ran liked that Pak had such dimensions, but he was starting to think she needed to explore some of them more and repress others a bit.
Pakpao 11 years ago
"A little of one makes you appreciate the other."

Pak countered quietly. You could find sweet and sour chicken, shrimp, etc in most Chinese restaurants because the two went so well together. Some people liked it a bit more sweet, some a bit more spicy. Pak thought she might like Ran a bit more spicy, and didn't think that would be a problem, but she would love to see some soft and sweet. He might be rather open and adventurous but she suspected he had it in him.

She rolled her eyes dramatically sky ward, still nibbling here and there at the suki, and shook her head.

"It was embarrassing at the time! I swear everyone stopped what they were doing and looked. These weren't quiet delicate sobs or a single tender tear down his cheek."

Pak protested and maybe embellished a little bit. She wasn't sure how many people had stopped to watch but it felt like the whole room.

"It is funny as hell now of course but.."

With a shrug and a grin Pak dismissed it. It was a good story to tell so there was no reason not to be amused by it now. Kem had gotten a kick out of the story as well, and he heard it fresh off the presses. Huh, Kem and Ran were related. Interesting. She'd known it before, of course, she just hadn't thought about it. They would probably like each other, even if Kem's one and only impression of Ran had been watching a pierced, blue haired man with wild contacts kiss her. It had been a good kiss too, Pak could still remember it.

"They tell me I had a few guys interested. But I only met up with two f them. No sparks or anything juice for you, but the one guy I sort of liked."

In both cases it turned out that neither she, nor the guys, had really clicked or been terribly into the other but they had enjoyed talking to each other. Pak still sent him an email now and then, he did the same. The other had been all wrong, but she'd at least gotten a snack out of that. She'd intended to play it on the up and up but the road to hell was paved with good intension or something like that.

She blinked at him at his suggestion. Pak would -never- have considered speed dating to be a fun evening out. But, maybe with Ran it could be. With someone there to offer a little support and someone to immediately laugh about things with it might be fun. Ran really did interest her, he looked at things so differently than she did, at least it seemed like it. Why shouldn't it be fun?

"Yeah, I might be talked into that. Then you can verify that I didn't deliberately set out to terrorize any one."

Pak still got emails from the service. She would actually take Ran up on this if he was serious. Apparently he was one of those motivating influences too. She might try and play it off but these motivating people were good. Pak really didn't know where she'd be with out them. She liked them, all, a lot each was special in their own way.
Ran Iyala 11 years ago
Ran chuckled. "I never said I liked one over the other," he pointed out, playing devil's advocate, "just that spicier is more fun. And I'll stick to that."

They were making a more than impressive dent in the suki and Ran was happy they had opted to share it, which it was meant for obviously, but there were some days he was pretty sure he could eat it all by himself.

The fact that Pak thought he'd be good for verification of her intentions if nothing else made him laugh.
"Or I can totally throw you under the bus and name you a man-killer just to shake things up."

He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"You know, at the first sign of a shed tear I can loudly point out how you made the last eight men run sobbing out of the restaurant in the middle of your dates."

Ran grinned.
"Of course, I do value my life so I don't know that that would be a wise thing to do, but sometimes even wisdom must go by the wayside in the name of amusement."

He smiled at Fon, who offered to clear away some of their dishes and asked if they wanted dessert.
"Yes, definitely," Ran said. "Same deal. Whatever she wants to make for us."

Fon's mother was the one cooking tonight, if Ran had glimpsed the kitchen and interpreted it correctly. She was an amazing chef. He knew she'd been trained in Thailand and wasn't just a self-taught cook, but she focused on those homey comfort dishes most of them loved so well when they came here to eat.

"So since our meal is going to be drawing to a close," Ran said, turning his smile on Pak, "Where would you like to go next?"

It was the equivalent of, 'your place or mine,' really... Ran thought it was sot of a foregone conclusion that they were going to have some fun, but he couldn't bring Pak to the Manor and taking her to Mina's apartment would be hideously tactless. As fara s he knew, the Evenhet didn't have any restrictions on bringing guests into their personal living spaces, but if Pak would prefer the anonymity of a hotel room Ran was happy with that too.
Pakpao 11 years ago
Pak looked scandalized at this threat. She could just see him spreading rumors to the other men at a speed dating event making them believe she was a holy terror or embellishing the story to someone, maybe Mara, and turning it into a bit of a joke. She didn't mind though, not at all. In fact the idea sort of tickled her, that he would tease her like that.

"I can think of other more rewarding things for you to throw me under."

No point in not being suggestive here. That was half the fun, the flirting and teasing even if it was fairly clear that they both had the same thing on their mind and the evening had an inevitable conclusion.

It took some effort but she stifled a giggle when Ran said he valued his life. She didn't remember being all T-Rex around him. Perhaps a little bit in some of their classes when they weren't going well. It wasn't like she was a stealth T-Rex.

Pak licked her lips at the prospect of desert. Not that Thai food was big into heavy pastries or fancy cakes but whoever was cooking was extremely good and like she said the sweet would make you appreciate the spicy. They would be going for the spicy here soon and that thought made her lick her lips too.

"Maybe you'd like a cup of tea? I have some jasmine at home. Or we could go to a movie? Maybe wander by The Arch?"

It wasn't the most original attempt to get him back to her place. It was weak it was cliché it was pathetic but she was pretty sure they were past the coy hard to get phase.

Desert came and went and so did they. Really they didn't even bother with the tea once they got back to her place. But she was right, sweet did make you appreciate the spicy and Ran was both sweet and adventurous. Pak would have to tell Aishe she was right about this whole being direct thing.

((OOC... both out))