One dark night (open - come play wif me!)
Miya found herself tossing and turning in her bed, flinging stuffed toys away from her. Scott hadn't liked her sleeping all day, perversely she found herself doing the exact opposite of the things that he had desired from her. What right did her have to haunt the back of her head, the dreams that were of him, her body coursing with desire at the need to feel him feed from her.
She got up and went walking, through the darkened house. She found herself in the sunroom, her easels set up. She picked up her paints, not noticing that they were the dark, sober tones that she had been favoring. She began to paint , dark modernistic crap. She took a step back, and she realized that she hated all modernistic crap and the fact that she had painted it was not an improvement on it being crap. She picked up a knife and attacked the canvas, ripping it to shreds. As the pieces fell around her, there was that overwhelming grief. Turning she stomped away, going to the bathroom. She needed to get out, she needed to find a place that didn't have memories of Scott attached to it. Where would that be?
As she showered, scrubbing her cafe-au-lait skin, then rubbing scented oil into it, her skin soft, and the way Scott would nibble upwards, licking her neck, then the sharp pain then...
She hit the counter hard. She needed this. Her blood boiled at time, super heated. Her loins wer just as hot. She badly needed a good debauchery. She then stopped and looked into the mirror with a slight grin. Babylon. She hadn't gone there with Scott. She had with Delilah a few times, and that one time with that reporter, she couldn't remember his name. What she did remember vividly was the intense woman who had been his destruction. Eliza? Something like that. Well if that drunk reporter could go to Babylon, then Miya could go there and look for her own. Maybe try drugs. She wished that she didn't long for the feeling of Scott feeding. Even more so was the need for her to taste his blood again. They'd only done it twice. The first was just a drop, the second much father off, had made her long even more for it. But Scott had always told her no, and he wouldn't budge on that issue. Sorta like he refused to bend on her desire to be turned...
But that voice was always there in the back of her head, whispering. Scott had left her. And the intense need for him consumed her. She shook her head, staring into the mirror. There would be drugs at Babylon, and maybe the drug would help with the immense emotion pain that burned her soul. She needed to get dressed and found herself standing in front of her closet, full of clothing that Scott had bought her. He loved her body with as little clothing on it as possible and most of the time that made her more than a little uncomfortable but this was a night that she had debauchery on the brain and planned her outfit with care. No underwear. That was something else that Scott liked, and she frowned, taking out a pair of black satin thong panties and starting there. Any of the fourteen skirts she had that were too short to the point of barely there would need something to make sure she didn't flash her pussy, and be street legal.
Miya turned to her skirt next and took down a slightly more conservative one. This was mid thigh and not barely below her butt, and it was a dark blue, shimmery fabric. Stepping into it, she took a wavy, wide, darker blue belt and ran it through the loops, securing the skirt in place. Now for a shirt, definatly no bra. And something sheer, but not too sheer as she wanted to be street legal. She found herself reaching for a soft, crocheted sweater in a very light aqua blue. It was almost the color of her beautiful glass eyes. Sayuri eyes someone had told her, meaning that movie with the Geisha that she loved so much. She owned an autographed copy of the book as well, signed by the author and the actress who played Sayuri.
Miya stood back and looked herself over in the mirror and nodded. Sexy but not slutty, and she didn't look like an escapee from a trailer park. She'd go with that. She took off her engagement ring and carefully put it away. She picked up a handful of bangles and slid them over her right wrist. She grabbed her purse and was out the door. Most women weren't comfortable riding a motorcycle in a skirt, but Miya wasn't one of those girls. She remembered a scene from one of those Twilight movies where Bella rode the motorcycle because the danger helped her see her vampire lover. Miya wasn't that girl. She rode her bike because the bike gave her freedom and speed and a slight thrill. Not to mention that a humming bike between your legs when there is nothing else there but a slight pair of panties would leave her soaking wet and guys seemed to like those pheromones.
It didn't take Miya long to get to Babylon, and as usual her exotic appearance got her in the door with a minimum of fuss. She laughed as the lights strobed, people danced with abandon and the music thumped. She wound her way to the bar and ordered a glass of a fruity, girlie rum drink, sucking on the cherry that was floating in the glass, deliberately being sensual as she did so. It was a night in a bar, albeit a good bar, and she was going to have fun regardless. Someone would come and dance with her and hopefully that dance lasted longer than a few moments on the floor under the neon lights.
The next favor caused her brow to furrow slightly. Akahana set her mostly empty drink on the counter and placed her hands delicately in her lap until Miya was finished. "Jacob is correct. The House of Pain in a dangerous place to enter...unattended.†It seemed fairly obvious from the way that Miya described her relationship and the current pain and loss that she felt that she was a familiar.
Some preliminary questions needed to be asked. "I can probably find someone who can entertain you for the night in the way that you might enjoy. In fact, there are several here among the employees who would suit those needs.â€
"This master of yours, did he have a symbol like this?†Akahana reached over and took hold of Jacob's wrist and brought it closer so that Miya could take a look at it. The Anantya symbol on the tile was smooth when she swiped her thumb across the glazed surface. "Or did it look something like an E or perhaps a T?â€
Hana let go of Jacob's wrist and then slid her arm around him. There had been a very good reason for him to suggest that Miya come to her. She was not disappointed with him at all. He would probably be worried about it and she wanted to set his mind at ease. Turning to him, she smiled. "You have learned quite a lot in your dance lessons.†Akahana gave his waist a squeeze and then smiled at their guest. "You looked very lovely, Miya. You seem to have a natural grace and talent.â€
((OOC: Jacob is wearing the Anantya mark. The one that looks like a high tech E is Evenhet and the one that looks like a swirly T is Tacharan. Miya might not know the other two clan marks but she would probably recognize the Evenhet mark since vampires give them to their familiars to mark them as their own in some way, generally anyway. ))
He breathed a soft sigh of relief when his Lady kindly offered to help Miya find someone who might suit her needs that night. That was what he'd been hoping for. Even someone to escort her to the HoP if that was where she was dead set on going, someone who could watch over her there, would be helpful. He couldn't believe that Miya would actually, knowingly, put herself in a dangerous situation. But maybe she would. Jacob had his fetishes, other people had theirs.
He offered his wrist so Miya could clearly see the mark on his bracelet, which was sealed tight and removable only by breaking it. When Hana slid her arm around him he sidled up to her happily, and her praise warmed him deep down.
"Thank you, Akahana-sama," he murmured, turning and giving her a quick bow before nestling back up against her side.
As Miya was complimented on her grace Jacob found his eyes drawn to a slight commotion across the room. His brow furrowed and then one eyebrow raised up in confusion as an unmistakable familiar figure bobbed and weaved through the crowd, slightly off-balance, jostling people and apologizing profusely.
Ran was difficult to miss on a good day, and this was a spectacular day apparently. Jake blinked as the blue-haired vampire seemed to levitate toward them, obviously not walking normally. Ran grinned at them, adjusted his trajectory, and hit the bar with an oomph. What followed next was a complete shocker.
"Well, hi."
Then he reached around the waist of Akahana's familiar, tugged him close, and planted a deep kiss on his lips. Releasing him he turned to Hana, grabbed her with both hands around her tiny waist, and hauled her close for an even deeper one. Just as he pulled away he murmured, just low enough that she and maybe her two companions could hear, "Hit me. Really hard."
Then he let her go, very much aware that she was likely off-balance and unless Jacob was quick, she could easily get dumped on her ass. She managed to right herself as Jacob's hand came up to steady her as well, and even though she looked a little perplexed she covered it fast and whipped her hand up to slap him hard with her palm. It was a good one, too. Ran spun away dramatically, holding his hand up to his face with an injured expression.
"Not my face!" he exclaimed loudly. "You said it was the only thing I had going for me. Come on, Hana, just give me another chance."
Hopefully she'd be giving him another chance or it was going to be a short visit. Ran straightened himself up and brushed some imaginary dust off the folds of his bright blue lava-lava. He was bare-chested but that was only to show off the rather intricate piercings that formed a tribal pattern across his pectorals, over his shoulders, and down his back. They poked out in little spikes from under his skin, which had healed over them to hold them in place. His blue hair was slightly disheveled but it was hard to tell, and his contact lenses of choice tonight were glow-in-the-dark green. Beneath the island-inspired skirt were a pair of ugly, unwieldy shoe-like things with big wheels on them.
Without waiting for Hana to respond he turned to the beautiful girl with the blue eyes and smiled widely at her. "Evening, love," he said politely. Then he turned back once more, and said to the bartender, "I'd like something fruity and orange please. With a straw. And an umbrella. And one of those little plastic swords just in case I need to defend my honor later."
((Ooc: permission given for Hana's reaction. Hit me again, baby!))
She flushed darker, "He gave me some of what he ate a few times. The desire to be with him has faded, the need to fulfill every command. Eventually the need to feel when he ate mostly faded. But not the first. I think about it a lot, I want it badly.I don't like how it makes me feel. He didn't tell me that this would happen when he gave it to me, he just said that it would bring us closer. He was right, the sex was amazing, but... He told me that the bond would fade without him, and it did. This didn't." She wanted to rub her arms nervously, the outfit she'd picked out was cool, and ideal for a balmy summer evening and inside a dance club. It was, however, not exactly ideal for the goosebumps and chill that came over when she talked about Scott's 'family'. "He told me that they would kill me if I broke the secrecy vow he made me take. He told me they would punish him." She sighed and curled up on the stool. Then she stopped talking as that incredibly eccentric man came over, and dared to kiss Lady Hana. She was outraged. But Miya should have had faith that Lady Hana could most definitely take care of herself. And then he spoke to her. Miya's jaw dropped and she just stared, then turned towards Lady Hana, "One of your family, my Lady?" She asked politely, meaning the term respectfully and not as if she was laying any sort of claim to the lovely woman. No, Miya was smart enough to be polite. But he was definitely the most eccentric vampire she had ever met, if indeed a vampire he was.
Akahana had the grace not to laugh when Miya mentioned the human loving clan of vampires killing her for daring to say the name of their clan out loud and punishing her vampire for it. Did they not have two very large buildings right here in town where human and vampires knowingly worked together for the betterment of both their kinds. At least that was the sales propaganda given by most Evenhet she had ever met. She wondered if this vampire of Miya's was actually clanless and was using the very ballsy tactic of pretending to be from a known clan to keep from getting himself killed by the rest of them. It was risky because if either clan found out about such a person then they would hunt him down and kill him, perhaps slowly and painfully. Evenhet may love humans but they weren't hugging trees and bunnies or people using their name for their own agenda.
"Interesting. Your master seems to have some very...different beliefs about his family.†She tilted her head and looked at Miya. "It is very unlikely that they would kill you.†Akahana considered Miya very carefully. "I would go with you if you wish and we can contact them together.†It might be a risk to Miya, especially if her vampire had not been an Evenhet, that would make her a familiar to a clanless vampire. However, she suspected that the real danger would be to her former master than to her. "Another of us cannot claim you if he stills has a right to you. His family should have records though and they might be able to tell us what happened to him or at least let us know if he had left any instructions regarding you.â€
More conversation was interrupted by the very colorful entrance of Ran. Akahana turned to watch him glide by, raising her eyebrows at his very interesting taste. He greeted Jacob with a very personal kiss and then gave her one as well. She returned his very familiar greeting with sincerity despite her amusement. Ran always made her smile.
Then he asked her very quietly to hit him. Akahana searched his eyes only briefly before complying with the unusual request. It wasn't the first time someone had asked her to cause him pain, not even the first time for Ran to ask. However, most of the time such requests were asked in private. She guessed that this had something to do with a cover and he wanted something that appeared like a scene. Therefore, Akahana went with the classic female scorned slap across the cheek with plenty of emphasis behind it so that it looked entirely unfeigned. Ran was a trooper; he could take it.
Her eyes gazed at him from head to toe, taking in the fabric wrapped around his waist, the bare chest, the battery powered skates, the piercings, the glowing contacts and the very toothsome grin. Hana couldn't help but smile back at him. Laughing quietly, she considered his plea for her to forgive him for some imaginary crime.
"Buy me a drink and I will consider it.†Akahana smiled and then turned to the girl next to him who had asked her a question. "That is for Ran to say. Ran this is Miya. Miya, this is my friend, Ran.â€
"Nice choice of attire tonight. It shows off the piercings very well. I suggest that next time we paint a design and add the piercings as an accent. Jacob could do the painting for us.†She turned to smile at her familiar before returning her gaze to Ran.
((OOC: Ran's piercings and request with permission from Ran. Ask nicely, Sweetie, and you know I will gladly hit you again. ))
Except, on occasion, Ran.
It was hard not to notice Akahana's clanmate as he barreled into the bar then turned and planted a solid, very sincere kiss on Jacob's lips. For his part, Jacob was too surprised to react much, but he found himself giving a little muffled 'mmf' of surprise while staring at Ran. He was released and Hana was treated to the same, although Jacob didn't think he was imagining that Ran put a whole lot more feeling into her kiss.
Then he quietly asked Hana to hit him, which she did, and Jake simply blinked again. Maybe he'd known Ran too long for this to truly startle him. The scene blew over quickly, like any minor spat in a club, and the crowd filled back in behind them when there appeared to be no more forthcoming drama.
Hana introduced Ran to Miya and Jacob did feel comfortable enough to say, "Ran is the reason I'm with Akahana-sama now."
He smiled at Ran. Jacob had a lot of affection for the blue-haired vampire. He knew he and Mina could have gotten off a whole lot worse than they had. Instead, though, they were both happy and content.
Jake nodded to Hana when she suggested he paint Ran a tattoo. He could do that. He eyed the muscular expanse of Ran's back as he turned to the bar. He'd been present for the piercing, which had been interesting. It had been a learning experience for him, watching Hana and Ran together. And the fact that Ran really had enjoyed the pain of each little spike as it pushed through his skin. There were literally a couple hundred of them. It had taken hours, and the entire process had left both vampires looking deliciously exhausted. It had been fascinating.
Hana told him he should buy her a drink (in her own bar, no less, which amused the hell out of him) so he turned back to the bartender. "Make that two, but leave the little sword off of hers. Maybe the umbrella too. Those things are deadly in the hands of a pro."
"Nice to meet you Miya," he said cordially when Hana introduced him to the third member of their party, the girl with the pretty blue eyes. Only then did he address the previous comment about family.
"Of course we're family," he said. "I'm her most favorite fifteenth cousin three hundred and seventy-two times removed." He nodded sagaciously. "Big family tree. Lots of branches. Little bit of leaf rot here and there but they have a cream for that."
When Hana commented on his attire he held the edges of his lava-lava and dipped her a playful little curtsey. Then one of his battery-powered skates sputtered to life and his foot roared out from beneath him. He flipped backward, bashing his head against the bar before catching himself on a bar stool with his arms.
"Damn it," he said. "For six hundred bucks you'd think they had an off button."
He looked at the remote that actually powered the skates, holding it up in his left hand. It dangled uselessly, having been run over by a delivery van at least fifteen minutes ago. A tiny little metal part that might have been important at one point dropped onto the floor with a little jingle. "Maybe they did have an off button."
Righting himself, he hopped onto the stool, took the skates off, leaving his feet bare, and accepted the drink he was handed. He reached over the bar and threw the skates into the trash, along with the busted remote. They weren't his anyway. Then he raised his eyebrows at Hana. "So... you texted? Was there something going on, or did I just come out to meet this lovely lady?"
He glanced at the quiet woman. She seemed demure, possibly very shy. But cute would get you a very long way in certain crowds.
"I would like it if you would be so kind as to accompany me, Lady Hana. I'd very much like to go on to someone who would be happy to have me serve them, and who would care for me." She admitted that aloud as well, knowing that with Lady Hana she would have to tell the truth. But Miya didn't seem to have a lot of hope that any other vampire would want her, or that the Lady Hana could perform this feat. She'd be satisfied with just the night, something to remember that would be easier to remember, to hold to her. She didn't have that with her memories of Scott. They just hurt too much. But Jake seemed to like her and she wanted to get to know him better.
And her attention just kept coming back to Ran. She wanted to touch his piercings, run her fingers over them. And when he'd flashed his fangs she badly wanted to touch them, nick her finger on them and feel his lips around that finger. Those thoughts weren't appropriate for her to have right now, so she firmly squashed them down and continued to watch him in fascination, hoping that she wasn't being rude by staring at him. He was so different than Scott and his friend that writer who was in his clan and quite different than the Lady Hana.
Since the questions were not directed at her, and she truly had no idea why the Lady had invited this eccentric man, she stayed quiet. She had quite enough to think about with this proposed visit to Scott's Clan. Apparently many of the things that Scott had told her weren't true and that somehow made her even more nervous about going there. But she needed to, and she would take Scott's letter to her with her, to see if it was true that they had sent him away. She hoped they had, it was too awful to contemplate that he had left her because he was displeased with her. But part of her knew that he had used his Clan as an excuse. It had all been planned out too well - the email and cell disconnects, the transference of the deeds to the vehicles and the house, the trust that had been established to take care of her. It was all just too compact. He had moved on, and at least for the first few months she had known that he wasn't dead. Now she wasn't sure what was true and what was not and she felt off-balance.
But she did not want to make a bad impression on this Ran. He was just too adorable and it left her giggling and bubbly with joy she hadn't known in far too long.
Peter had been making some orange drink behind her as Ran had requested. He laughed and pulled out a second glass and started up another one. Ran's drink had the requested straw, umbrella and little plastic sword piercing a pineapple and a cherry.
She smiled at Ran's agreement that they were related, her eyebrow quirking upward at the mention of root rot. "A cream? I thought the culling process was a little more drastic." Anantya didn't suffer fools lightly even among their own, perhaps especially among their own.
Placing a hand over her mouth, she giggled as Ran's foot went flying out from under him. She shook her head. "I hope you can get a refund or perhaps sue someone for damages. They look dangerous." More laughter resulted from the broken off switch but she had no more sage advice on dangerous dubious forms of transportation. "Where did you get those?"
Peter tapped her gently on the shoulder and handed her an orange fruity drink with a straw but no sword or umbrella. It had a wedge of lime on the side, cherries in the bottom and a glass swizzle stick topped with a palm tree. It appeared Peter had more in his arsenal than swords and umbrellas. He smiled at her conspiratorially and then went to take another order.
Akahana took a sip of her drink and found that it was actually quite good despite no demands having been set down about the taste other than it be fruity.
Ran had seated himself on a stool and asked about the text. "Nothing in particular is going on. I was simply hoping to see my favorite fifteenth cousin three hundred and seventy-two times removed." She smiled over at Miya. "Our guest is wanting someone to keep her company this evening." Akahana raised her eyebrows at Ran in silent question. "Her master has left town and she is lonely." That would hopefully fill him in on what kind of evening Miya had in mind so that he knew what he might be agreeing to before he agreed.
She leaned over and gave Jacob an orange flavored kiss. "Would you like to try a sip of my defenseless drink?"
He was looking forward to a trip to meet some of a different Clan. And by different, he thought he probably meant inferior. Surely Hana belonged to the best Clan; they were the original Clan after all. Still, he never passed up an opportunity to learn something new and he hoped Akahana would take him along. She was more than as good as her word about exposing him to new things. Those new things had been from all aspects of life, not just the physical.
When Hana suggested that Ran might be persuaded to join Miya that night, Jake smiled at the idea. "Ran is good company," he said to the blue-eyed human, in case she was worried. She had been staring at Ran but that meant anything from shock to horror to revulsion back to shock and all the way to attraction, when it was Ran.
He was favored with a delicious citrus kiss from Hana and his attention fell away completely from Miya and Ran as he accepted it at first, then leaned in to return it gently. He was thankful for the leather pants; they at least had the thickness, in spite of their softness, to conceal the instantaneous effect Akahana had on him. Jake sipped at her drink and nodded.
"That's good," he said. Then he turned back toward Ran briefly. "Mina said you ran into some trouble a few nights ago. Everything's all right now, right?"
He didn't go into detail; apparently Ran hadn't either when he'd seen Jake's cousin. She'd been worried but confident that Ran was just fine. He'd proven it to her several times, according to her.
He tried to picture Bao covered in leaf rot and spackled with several buckets of said magical curative cream. The idea of it was, frankly, appalling. He shook his head and took a swallow of his drink. "You know, the less we think about that the better."
When Hana asked about the skates Ran shrugged and smiled innocently. "Just came by them." He glanced out into the crowd, but he didn't see anyone frantically trying to get at him with a baseball bat. Good news.
Then he watched the bartender hand Hana a drink with a swizzle stick which happened to be at least a good inch longer than his plastic sword. Ran snapped his fingers with chagrin. "Damn it. Now you've got reach on me, too."
He was glad she'd texted him to meet her here; he enjoyed time spent with Hana no matter what they were doing and it gave him a chance to catch up with Jake too. Everyone's focus was suddenly on him, though, as it became clear that he was being suggested as a possible companion for Miya. Hana's words were very clear and Ran straightened up on the stool instead of slouching over, carefully eying the girl.
"We'll see," he said kindly. Ran wasn't opposed to any sort of fling but the woman in question had hardly said a word to him and he was attractive enough that he never had to look far for companionship; if there was no indicator forthcoming from Miya herself that she'd like that kind of night, Ran wasn't going to push it. He did give her the opportunity to speak up for herself though, addressing her directly. "Would that please you, Miya? You do look delicious."
Jake quietly asked about trouble and Ran quirked an eyebrow at him. "I'm in trouble every night. That particular night was more trouble, but it's all fine. Nothing to worry about."
It was sweet of Jake to ask, but Ran turned his attention right back to Miya, watching her with glowing green eyes.
"I should be pleased to spend time with you, Sir Ran, even if you were not what you are. The Lady Hana holds you in high esteem and even though I have just met her this evening, that is enough of a character reference for me. Even if you didn't want to do, that, I should be grateful to pass any time that you honored me with. " She dared a glance up at him and her lips twitched as she tried to keep the smile off her face. "You are the most unique person that I have ever met, and I think that we could be good friends." She blushed darkly, which even in her cafe-au-lait skin showed to the vampires, "I want to draw you. I think I could spend entire evenings just watching you and drawing." That was as close to an admission that she wanted to fling herself at him and start playing with his piercings.
She should admit to him that Scott had left her, but Lady Hana had already done that, so she didn't have to tell this intriguing man who she was absolutely fascinated with that she wasn't worthy TO spend time with him. One thing was certain though, she would be extremely pleasing if he allowed her to be. She did not peek up at Hana like she wanted to, and luckily this club was used to people who wore collars and knelt before others. She wanted to lay her head in his lap, but she wouldn't unless invited. She wanted to feel his hands in her hair. She tried to put that longing into her voice and eyes, but also make it clear that it wasn't about him being a vampire, he was attractive to her for himself, and she knew that she would be content if only to be his friend. Surely vampires had mortal friends.
Ran asked Miya what she wanted. She did a very good job of expressing it. There seemed to be little doubt that Ran interested her, if not appealed to her. Akahana turned to her head toward Ran and watched to see what he would say. "If you do draw him, Miya, I would love one of them." It would be astounding if she could keep the energetic Ran still that long. The piercings had taken a great deal of time and patience from both of them but there was something for them to focus on in the whole process. Being drawn was different.
"Two artists among us." Akahana smiled over at Jacob. "That is..." An idea was forming in her head. It was rough yet and needed more work but it could be very different and potentially very appealing to a certain crowd. "Jacob, How long does it take you to sketch someone?" She turned to Miya with the same question. "You?"
Tapping the swizzle stick thoughtfully against her lips, she smiled at Ran. "Would you mind be a guinea pig?" She might borrow both artists for a little something before they got into the evening's other events.
Miya didn't seem to mind that particular trait, though. She made a very pretty picture of supplication kneeling at Ran's feet. Jake wondered how Ran felt about that; his face was a picture of consideration. Jacob didn't know exactly what Ran went in for sexually but Hana seemed to think he could provide for Miya somewhat. All Jake knew for sure about Ran was that he kissed like a pro and Mina was enraptured by his stamina and his various... piercings.
Then Akahana addressed him and his focus was once more upon her. "How long?" He glanced at Ran and then back to his mistress. "It depends on what kind of sketch, my Lady. Just a profile, or full body. And of course the level of detail and the size. I could do a quick sketch in just a few minutes, or something more realistic and lifelike in several days."
He waited curiously to see where this was going. Jake couldn't imagine Ran not being a guinea pig. He wasn't sure Ran ever said no to anything.
He maintained a neutral expression and leaned down to touch Miya's shoulder, a reward for her graceful manners. Obviously someone had taken time to teach her and she had really learned the lesson. When she finished her pretty speech he crossed his arms over his chest and gave a soft 'hmmm' of appraisal.
"My friends call me Ran," he said, without adding whether or not she should do the same. He paused for a moment more and added, "We'll talk, when the lovely Hana can spare us."
He wasn't going to address Miya's issues here. There were certain things he could and couldn't provide her. He understood she wanted a Master and Ran was simply not it for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which was the fact that he had a perfectly wonderful familiar who he wasn't even going to consider the possibility of dismissing any time soon, if ever. But he would be honest with himself, too, and to Miya, and admit that the sort of bond she wanted was not one he wanted to put time and effort into for the long term. For a night here and there, maybe even a few nights at a time, he could certainly satisfy her and she him. And friendship, Ran could always provide.
He crouched down in front of Miya, took her hand, and raised it to his lips. Then he turned it over and bit down gently on her wrist, only just breaking the skin the tiniest bit. With his other hand he tilted her chin up until she was looking at him. "We will talk," he repeated, making it a promise.
Hana had another request though, so Ran sucked the tiny wounds on Miya's wrist closed and drew her up with him. The promise of things to come would have to hold her for now. He turned Miya to face Hana so she could answer the question put to her, and answered the one she asked him too.
"Of course I'll be your guinea pig," he said with a smile. "I'll be your pretty much anything."
Hana could have asked him for the moon and he'd try to get it for her. His Clan-mate was a wonderful person. And they'd spent plenty of enjoyable time together since he'd met her.
((ooc: No permission to handle or nibble on Miya. I was terribly presumptuous and it is very late and past my bedtime, so I wrote it anyhow. Please let me know if you want me to change that part of it and I will do so first thing in the morning.))
Miya nearly moaned when he nibbled on her, then pulled her up to stand in the circle of his arms. And she was fine with that. She knew that Ran wasn't exactly what she was looking for in a Master. But a friend and a sometimes lover? Oh yes. She tried to focus on what Lady Hana had asked of her. Something about sketching. "It depends on what you want. I can do a fast sketch in a few minutes, but better ones take longer of course. I used to sketch for hours, I want to just watch Ran and sketch him."
Oh yeah she was both fascinated and infatuated. Her heart was thundering in her chest with the implications of a night spent with Ran. But he'd promised they would talk. And she trusted him. Silly girl. While she knew that she wanted to become a familiar again, Lady Hana had mentioned they would have to go to Scott's Clan and resolve her status as Scotts. And that frightened her a great deal. But for tonight she would forget about all of that and enjoy this. Tomorrow could wait.
She listened to both Miya and Jacob who said pretty much the same thing. "Hmm, so perhaps an hour or two would give you time to get a decent sketch with enough detail to be recognizable." Hana tapped the palm tree against her lips again as she considered.
Her clan mate agreed to be her test subject. She smiled at him, golden eyes glittering with some of that mischief they were both so fond of.
"Come with me. I will explain."
Turning to Jacob, she said. "Get some paper and pencils from my office and then find us in one of the back rooms."
As she moved toward the back of the club, Akahana explained her thought. "People enjoy forbidden pleasures with differing amounts of regularity." She gestured to the three of them. "For us, that is quite often. It can even be a lifestyle but for some it is a rare event to remember. What I was thinking is that perhaps we could offer a unique service. A sketch done by an artist while the client is engaged in the activity of their choice." She looked back at the other two to see what they thought of the idea. "Some will enjoy it simply because someone else is watching but for some the memento of the experience will be a treasure of a rare night. Since it is not a photo it is less able to be used as evidence and for some we could even offer to make the features less defined. They would know that it was them but that would be hard to prove by the drawing." Or they could wear masks if it suited the client. "I was thinking that you could join me for a play session of some sort and Jacob, and Miya if she is willing, can sketch us."
"What do you think? Does it have merit?" She had some other interesting ideas to make Babylon a place that was different from your average strip club.
When Akahana asked about the time frame, Jake nodded. "Yes, Akahana-sama. An hour or two should be plenty."
He was sent on a minor mission immediately after that, so he placed his palms down on his thighs, gave Hana a quick bow, and with another affirmative response trotted off to retrieve the requested items for Hana. He didn't hear her explanation to the others but he didn't need to; it didn't matter to him. Or, rather, it did matter but no matter what her idea was he would be a participant in whatever capacity she had planned.
Hana dismissed Jake to fetch some art supplies and then headed toward the back of the building. Ran followed, his hand supportive and light at the small of Miya's back while he listened to his friend's words. The prospect of playing with Hana while being sketched made him smile.
"Just as long as it's not one of those 'hold still for five or six hours' sorts of sketches they used to do," he said with a grin. He'd stood for those on occasion. Not his idea of entertainment, even back then. Not to mention Hana generally didn't have an effect on him of making him want to stay very still. Rather the opposite.
"It does sound unique," he said. "I can't think of anywhere I've ever been that would offer the same."
He wasn't a businessman himself but Hana's idea seemed like it might draw some attention. There was more than one club like Babylon in Nachton, and Hana was doing her best to raise hers to the next level. He suspected she was more than capable of it.
They ended up in one of the back rooms, which Miya hadn't been important enough to visit on her past experiences. She curled up on the floor, more comfortable there than she would be in a chair as she waited for Jake. She wished she'd brought her sketchbooks and pencils or charcoal with her, she liked her own materials, but if this became normal for her, maybe she could take her payment in being dinner for one of the vampires who worked here. That would be a very fair trade, would give her an excuse to be around people who understood her and wouldn't reject her for being strange or unusual, her submission being one of the ways that people seemed to think her a bit odd and off.
But, looking at Lady Hana and Ran, she realized that with them she wouldn't be chastised for being herself and both of them did seem to care about her. She tried to remember what Scott had said about their Clan. That they were old-fashioned, living in the past, and as crazy in their own way as that other clan he didn't like. But Scott had books that had the clan symbol that was on Jake's wrist, so he must not have thought them all bad. She hoped that Jake would come back soon. Belatedly she realized that she hadn't answered Hana's question about offering sketches to the people playing here.
"Forgive me, Lady Hana, my thoughts were wandering to inappropriate places." That should make Ran smile some. "I think it would be a good thing to offer, if you can find more artists willing. You could sell it for a great deal of money, or maybe favors from other vampires. Favors might be more valuable in the long run. But if I could suggest, you might consider making copies of the sketches before they are given to the recipients. You could arrange a showing of the sketch copies, for those who don't care, or who wanted the features to be more vague. The show would get good press, and if you make it a more upscale show with stinky weird cheeses and multicolored olives and fancy 'city' drinks," She made quotation marks in the air, "Then you could invite the elite of the city, and get better press for your remodeling scheme. Maybe even sell copies of the prints. There was a photographer in DC who did something similar who donated a portion of her sales to the NCSF and an AIDS charity in DC. " Miya bit her bottom lip, "I'm an art curator at the Arch, arranging shows is mostly what I do."
She shrugged downplaying her own talents. She was extremely good at her job and she enjoyed it. Now that she was working closer to normal hours. Scott had made it so she didn't have to, but it helped fill the loneliness that seemed to engulf her. Arranging for pieces to be flown in from Morocco or Kyoto gave her a sense of accomplishment, and she wasn't a junior curator any longer, when she went back to work mostly full time they had given her a raise and a nicer title and her office had windows and wasn't hidden away in the basement.