Bells and Whistles (invite only)
Josh stood in the doorway of the spacious room in Alpha Xephier's house that served as a playroom for his and Nikhila's children as well as any of the other Kadzait children who were temporarily parent-less. It wasn't a full moon, so tonight the only kids present were the Alpha couple's four. Noah and Avery, of course, who seemed to grow bigger every day, as well as the two most recent arrivals, twin boys Justin and Ian. According to Nikhila, these four would be it for a while as her reproductive system was officially on vacation.
Josh had noted the word 'vacation.' How many children did they plan to have? Of course, the more the merrier. He had four siblings himself and he loved his sisters like crazy.
Tonight he wasn't alone. He turned his cool grey eyes to his boyfriend and they warmed immediately. His hand stole over to clasp Gris's gently, fingers twining. "You sure you don't want to run with the others?" he asked softly. "I don't mind."
Gris had been invited to go with Lily, Xephier, Nikhila, and whoever else was running tonight. Josh didn't think for a second that Gris would go along, but he had to make sure he knew Josh wouldn't blame him if he did. Privately he wanted Gris's company. And when everyone returned he wanted to take his lover somewhere where they could be alone and kiss him until he got that adorable, sexy, I-need-you-now look on his face.
They had been living together for several months now, since shortly after they'd come out to each other at the Pack gathering. Josh had never been happier, and he hoped Gris felt the same. Waking up next to him, going to bed next to him, having their things together in the closet, on the counter, those were the things Josh loved. He was a simple person, he supposed. The closeness he shared with Gris was something he would die to preserve. He lived with his partner, his boyfriend, his best friend and every day he was thankful for having fallen off a bridge and on top of an angel.
They both had very busy schedules, still, but living together meant they had time to spend with each other. Aside from the nights of the moon they shared so much, and even then Josh made sure to get up very early when he knew Gris would be returning from a run and meet his partner at the door with coffee, a bath drawn, a back rub, or just a kiss and a gentle caress. If he knew where Gris was running, he would simply meet him there. He didn't begrudge him any of it, although he wouldn't deny wishing he could experience it himself. Someday he would.
Noah came over to them and offered Josh a toy truck. Upon taking it, the thing immediately erupted in a gale of bells, whistles, honks, and engine noises. Josh winced.
"This your favorite toy tonight?" He asked Noah.
The toddler nodded solemnly. Josh sighed and rolled his eyes, but the faintest hint of a smile touched his lips. Noah loved sounds. Anything that made noise, he wanted to have. It was cute for about five minutes, usually, and then it became obnoxious as hell. Josh had plenty of patience, but he had noticed recently that certain annoying toys had gone suspiciously missing. Xephier looked far too innocent when questioned about it. Josh wasn't going to speculate. Or try to figure out where the Alpha had hidden them.

They were spending time with Josh's pack tonight. Gris had followed Josh into their Alpha's home, holding onto his boyfriend's hand and looking around like a tourist. The place was nice. It had more obvious warmth than Shady Pines. Gris had to admit that on the outside the R'asa residence in Nachton looked a lot like a well manicured prison. On the inside though it was starting to look far different than the instution that had been its previous incarnation. The pack had many colourful people and they had filled the space with their creativity and unique sense of style. Some wings had repainted the walls with vivid murals. The common areas did not have the government funded sameness that you would expect. They had comfortable sofas, large pillows, colourful drapes and many other personal touches.
He would have to take Josh to meet everyone at Shady Pines one night. They could hang out with Tavi and maybe Kiyo and the others in The Rails.
But tonight they were spending the first part of the night babysitting. He had dressed with the potential for walking or running in nature. It was always a possibility when werewolves were around. His tee shirt was grey and so soft and light that it felt as though it had been a favorite for years. In truth, it was fairly new but it was quickly becoming well loved. His jeans were not new. They were faded and comfortable, not too loose but not too tight. Gris had chosen a pair of white tennis trainers that could be easily slipped on and off, no socks.
Josh asked him about going to run with the others; Gris shook his head. "I can run any time.†How often would he get to spend time with children and Josh? It was surreal but enjoyable.
A little boy approached them and handed Josh a toy truck. His boyfriend asked if it was the new favorite. Gris did his best not to grit his teeth at the loud sounds that issued forth from the thing.
"Lovely.†He murmured softly and then squatted down so that he was closer to eye level with the toddler in front of him. He solemnly held out his hand to be shook. "My name is Gris. What is yours?â€
Far more outgoing than any of his other siblings, Noah took Gris by the hand, abandoning 'Uncle Josh' to be the keeper of the toy truck. He tugged the R'asa int the playroom and showed him around.
"That's Avery."
Noah's little sister joined them, hugging a stuffed wolf toy to her chest; this was not offered to Gris. Josh knew it was her favorite pet, a white wolf like her mother Nikhila. "And those are Justin and Ian. Ian has blue on his feet."
The twins were dressed similarly, but not identically. Ian had on a pair of soft blue socks, Justin a pair of red ones. Josh put the toy truck down and went to check on them; they were at the stage where they were wary of strangers, although Xephier and Nikhila's children were remarkably friendly. No doubt that had something to do with being the Alpha's. They did meet a lot of people.
The twins were in an automatic rocker; they didn't walk yet. Josh smiled down at them, his face becoming more mobile than usual, and they bubbled happily back up at him in return.
"Mommy and daddy went out to be wolfs tonight," Noah said to Gris. "Are you a wolf too? Uncle Josh isn't a wolf, he's just a wolf in his heart, like us, but we are going to get to be real wolfs someday."
With typical three-year-old enthusiasm Noah took over any conversation. He loved to ask questions, and was just entering that point in childhood where he could (and sometimes would) answer every statement with, 'why?'
Josh opted to leave the twins where they were for the moment, since they were happily rocking and not fussing a bit. He sat down on the plush carpet where Noah, Avery, and Gris were. Avery immediately climbed into his lap but her big dark eyes were fixed on Gris, watching his interaction with Noah.
Josh couldn't blame her, Gris was delicious in his jeans and that soft tee that made Josh want to stroke it. He, too, kept his eyes riveted upon his lover. The four kids could be a handful sometimes, but for the most part they were usually well-behaved. It was only an hour or so away from bedtime, too, so babysitting them was really not very difficult. In fact, they were already in their pajamas. As far as babysitting evenings went this one would probably be pretty easy. The kids could play for a little while more and then they would tuck them into bed and make sure they were fine while the wolves were wolves.

His head turned back down to Noah when the little boy addressed him again. He had been asked if he was a wolf but before he could answer Noah explained that 'uncle' Josh was a wolf in his heart the way the children were and then Noah proudly declared that he would be a wolf for real some day. Gris looked at Josh and thought that the wording wasn't true. Josh was a wolf, for real, his body just couldn't change. It was a strange but sure knowledge; the Vyusher R'asa did not have many humans within the circle of their pack. He was understanding that they were not stronger for the lack of them.
"I can change.' Gris looked down to Noah and smiled. "what colour wolf do you think I am?â€
He settled on the floor near Josh but not quite touching. Avery had crawled into his boyfriend's lap and she wasn't sure of him yet. He didn't want to scare her so he reluctantly put a little distance between himself and Josh's deliciously compelling body. Gris did smile at Avery and included her in the question. "What do you think?â€
He shifted over a little bit so he (and by extension, Avery), were right next to Gris and the what-color-wolf guessing game began. Josh was pretty sure they wouldn't guess correctly; Kadzait wolves looked different than the R'asa did. On top of that, the kids weren't exactly old enough for reasonable guesses.
Which was entirely the case. Noah giggled and blurted out "Puwple!" Right off the bat. Avery caught onto the game when Gris addressed her and pulled herself away from Josh's chest long enough to say, "Blue!"
The guessing degenerated from there, not helped by Josh, who made a suggestion of his own. "Green," he said, tickling Avery's ribs, "with orange stripes."
"He can't have stripes!" Noah protested.
"Sure he can. I've seen it happen."
Both kids turned to Gris with wide eyes. "Wanna see!" Avery insisted.
"I didn't say he had stripes for sure," Josh pointed out, a smile flirting at the corners of his lips. "And if you want to see Gris as a wolf you're going to have to do much better than that."
Wide eyes turned positively dewy, and Josh was pretty sure their lashes grew about three times as long in half a second. Noah took Gris's hand in both of his. "Please, Uncle Gris, may we see your wolf?"
Avery reached out and gently tugged Gris's shirt. "Please?"
Josh lifted a shoulder at Gris; it was his choice. Wouldn't be the first time there'd been a wolf (or four) in this house. Gris was welcome to do as he pleased. The children would be fine with it if he said no. They'd probably just find something else new, exciting, and shiny to play with within a minute or two. Josh tried to convey that to Gris with his eyes.

They started playing the guess the wolf colour. Noah quickly came up with an interesting choice. Gris smiled and shook his head, gold curls sliding over his shoulders and hitting his cheeks. "Nope, but close."
He sighed softly at Josh's suggestion of green with orange stripes. "I am not Battle Cat." Noah called Josh on his choice also, claiming with conviction that werewolves couldn't have stripes. Gris wondered briefly if Tavi ever dyed her fur with stripes. Probably.
Avery gave her choice and he smiled at her. "You are closer!"
The kids wanted to see now, especially with the possibility of stripes. "I hope they won't be disappointed." He murmured softly to Josh.
Gris thought the children were probably used to seeing people naked since most of the R'asa packs had a fairly lax policy when it came to clothing. When you changed fairly often you either wore clothes you didn't mind ruining or you spent a lot of time naked in the woods. He still didn't know Kadzait customs so he wasn't going to just assume.
"Okay. I will be right back. It will be a surprise." He left and went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and changed. Once he was fully transformed, he nosed his way through the bathroom door and then padded back to the play room.
Peeking around the door, he stepped quietly through it and came to sit in front of Noah. Then he laid down and scooted forward just a little bit and placed his chin on Josh's leg, looking up at Avery with big green eyes.
"You are stunning, they'll adore you."
While Gris left the room Noah and Avery contented themselves by making further, more outrageous guesses, as to what Gris would look like. The reality was incredible, though. As Gris reappeared, nosing his way in, Noah and Avery stopped all conversation and simply stared at him.
Then, as Gris rested his head on Josh's leg, Avery gave a little sigh and crawled off Josh's lap. Her little hands buried themselves in the fur at Gris's neck, disappearing in it, it was so luxuriously thick. Just like that she curled up on the floor with her head up against Gris's shoulder, her little arms hugging around him.
"I love you," she said.
Simple words from an honest little girl. Love and trust came so easily, and Josh knew it wasn't misplaced. Noah also moved, his own hands running along Gris's sides.
"I like it," he said. "How come no one else is grey?"
Josh smiled. He didn't pet Gris, but instead rested his hand on his lover's lupine shoulder and squeezed gently, thanking him for giving the kids something to be excited about.
"Gris isn't a Kadzait," he said. "He's one of our cousins, the R'asa. They can be lots of different colors."
"Oh," Noah said, his eyes wide with understanding. "That's why we haven't seen him here."
Josh nodded. "You're probably going to see him a lot more," he said. "We spend a lot of time together."
"Because you and him kiss each other," Noah said.
Josh felt his face grow red. "Yes. We do."
Noah smiled and nodded, as if pleased he'd gotten a correct answer to a question. "Mommy and daddy say you're a very happy person Uncle Josh. Even though you don't look like it a lot."
Josh raised his eyebrows. Coughed softly. "I'm very happy," he agreed.
Avery spoke up. "Because Uncle Gris kisses you? Mommy is happy when daddy kisses her."
Josh groaned internally. How had this topic come up at all? He let a breath out slowly. "Uncle Gris makes me happy because of lots of things, but the kissing is nice."
Avery pushed herself up enough to press her lips to Gris's furry cheek. "Thank you for making Uncle Josh happy. You're prettier than a purple wolf."
Josh bit back a soft chuckle. He couldn't help it; Avery and Noah were pretty damn cute. He figured Nikhila and Alpha Xephier had probably had some kind of discussion about his relationship with Gris at some point, or else they wouldn't have known to ask anything. Although, he wasn't the only gay Pack member. So their names might not have come up. One thing he knew for sure was that Xephier was incredibly open-minded, so he wouldn't have been surprised if the Alpha's kids were learning that same kind of acceptance just like breathing and eating.

He rubbed his cheek against the top of Avery's head affectionately when she proclaimed her love for him. It was adorably sweet. It seems he had replaced the stuffed animal for the moment.
Noah was asking why he was grey and Josh was explaining that he was not a member of the Kadzait. He settled comfortably next to Avery and listened to the conversation continue. Josh explained that the kids would be seeing more of him and Noah quickly caught on to the reason why. He gave a short grunt of amusement and looked back up at Josh. Yes, this explanation should be interesting. He felt bad that his boyfriend had to do all the talking but Josh was a diplomat. He could handle it.
The blush was adorable though.
Josh's happiness became the topic of discussion and Gris looked from one child to the other as they decided that Josh was happy because he was being kissed by Gris. He grunted again and turned amused eyes toward Josh.
Avery gave him a sweet kiss and thanked him for making Josh happy. He turned and gently licked her face. He probably would have blushed himself at that moment and was glad that he was incapable of it in this form. Apparently he was also prettier than a purple wolf. Gris wondered if Tavi would be jealous.
Carefully he stood up and rubbed his cheek against Josh's, then he stepped back enough to lick Josh once on the tip of his nose.
He walked over to the swing the two infants were in and looked at Josh, hoping his boyfriend would understand his attempt at lupine charades. Gris pointed his nose at the seating of the swing and then walked back over to Avery and poked his nose gently at her belly. Then he settled down onto the floor again crossways this time in front of Josh and waited expectantly
He was glad to have the heat off of him as the discussion of Josh and Gris's relationship turned out to be not really all that exciting at all. Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of the world were as easily accepting as children?
When Gris licked Avery gently Josh smiled. The press of Gris's cheek to his own made him sigh with happiness, and he murmured softly into Gris's ear before pulling away, "Want you, love. Tonight. Later."
He gave a soft little snort of pleasure when Gris gave him the same 'kiss' and then got up, aiming for Justin and Ian's swings. He indicated the seats and then returned to Avery, nudging her. Then he laid himself down in front of Josh, his message fairly clear.
Avery got it first.
The toddler immediately crept over to Gris and, in a very well-practiced move that said mom, dad, and probably the grandparents too had offered rides, hopped gently onto Gris's back. She laid on her tummy, her little hands disappearing into his thick fur again, and held on with her legs.
"Are we going to go out in the woods? Daddy takes us out into the woods."
Josh smiled. "No, Avery, not tonight. We can't leave Justin and Ian here."
Noah piped up. "Their stroller is in the hallway."
"Too close to bedtime, little one," Josh said mildly, impervious to the begging. It happened almost every time right about now, half an hour or so before bedtime. "A short ride, from your Uncle Gris. And then a bedtime story."
"I want Uncle Gris to tell the story," Avery said. She squeezed her hands into Gris's fur. "Will you tell us a story?"
Josh chuckled. Apparently Gris was far more popular than Josh was, especially tonight. He was perfectly willing to take a back seat to his partner. In his opinion, Gris could have the spotlight all the time. Josh would always be waiting backstage, if necessary, to do anything he could to support him.
Right now, though, the adorable factor in the room was just off the charts. While Gris was occupied with Avery, Josh stood and checked the twins. The were sound asleep. Privately he hoped they remained that way, and he and Gris could enjoy a quiet night after the two older children were in bed.

He shook his head and thought of the moment. Avery had decided that he was okay, perhaps better than okay. That was a nice feeling and should be rewarded. He padded to the swing and back to Avery and then laid down so that she could climb onto his back or Josh could help her.
As it turned out she didn't need any help. Gris rose slowly with her clinging to him and considered their options. Avery was asking about the woods and that was tempting but also frightening. She said her father took her out through the woods but that was much different than a strange R'asa wolf running around the Xephier's child on his back through the forest. If she got hurt he would likely become a new rug.
Josh was doing the negotiating. Noah tried to helpfully inform Josh that the stroller was nearby. Gris would laugh if he could. Apparently the deal was a ride and then a bedtime story. Avery decided she wanted him to tell the story. When she asked if he would tell one, Gris gave a soft wuff of agreement.
He took her down the hall through the house, carefully crawling under tables, leaping easily over chairs and other smaller obstacles. He used the furniture and architecture as if it were the woods and tried to make the ride as interesting as possible without being able to pick up a lot of speed.
They rushed back down the hall and Gris lowered his hind legs and slid the last few feet to the open door. It was like a canine carnival ride.
Coming into the room, he headed for Josh and lowered himself down in front his boyfriend once more. There was another kid waiting for entertainment and then he had to think up a story.
He moved over to the double swing, checking on the twins. They were awake and looking up at the mobile above them with interest. They both looked at Josh and smiled, Justin babbling a little bit and Ian remaining quiet. Josh rocked them just a little while Noah, joining him, reached in to tickle his little brothers' toes.
It was easy to tell where Gris had gone by the bubbling little girl laughter that echoed through the house. They were back before too long, and both Josh and Noah greeted them, Josh catching a laughing Avery as she slid from Gris's back. Noah was already bouncing, and Josh held him while he climbed on even though he didn't need to - Noah could get on by himself, but in his enthusiasm he might be rough on Gris and while Gris was no delicate flower Josh was going to look out for his man. Always.
When they were settled, and before they left, Josh bent to Gris once more. "I should bring you with me all the time. You can entertain while I go have a nap."
He gently nipped the tip of Gris's furry ear. He didn't care what form Gris was in. Gris was his. Wolf, human. Josh wanted all of him. And he was utterly floored at how adorable he was with Alpha Xephier's kids. Would Gris want kids of his own?
Josh shook his head a little bit, realizing what he was just thinking, how easily the thoughts came to him. He watched Gris leave with Noah and wondered, too, if he would ever know what it felt like to run with him on four legs. He felt that pang of hope, of pain, in his heart but kept his faint smile firmly in place. All things, in time.

It was now Noah's turn for a ride. He settled down on the floor and waited as Josh helped the little boy onto his back. Carefully he stood up and made sure that Noah was settled. Josh leaned down and spoke about bringing him with him more often so that he could go take a nap. Gris growled softly at him to give his boyfriend his opinion of that plan. The little nip on the ear made up for the humor though and he rubbed a cheek against Josh's arm.
Noah was set up for his ride and Gris went back out through the house. This time he knew the layout a bit better and Noah's longer legs felt a bit more secure. He went a little faster, jumped a little higher, adding a few twists and turns for the older of the two siblings. At the end he did the same sliding halt at the doorway and then padded into the room.
Once Noah slid down off of him, Gris turned back toward the door. Josh could take care of getting them into their beds after brushing their teeth while he changed back into his human form and then put on his clothes. Once he was down he went back in search of his lover and the children. He had a bedtime story to tell.
When Noah's ride was done and Gris left the room, Josh turned the baby monitors on and left them next to Justin and Ian. Then he took the kids to their rooms, with their adjoining bathroom. They were already ready dressed for bed so Josh supervised while they brushed their teeth and washed their faces and hands. After that they headed back down to the playroom, which was generally where he tucked them in when he babysat them. The stuffed chairs in the corner were easy to lift and consisted of Ikea-style folded cushions that could lay flat on the floor.
In one of the chests there were pillows and blankets, and while Avery and Noah obediently unfolded their beds and climbed onto them Josh got those. Noah's were all shades of tan with forest animals on them and Avery's were light purple with frogs. He had mixed them up once and there had been belligerence and complaining. He would never do that again.
"Is Uncle Gris coming back to tell us a story?"
"Yes, he'll be right back," Josh reassured her. "He said he'd tell one. So don't worry. He always keeps his word."
"You can tell us a story next time, right?" Noah asked.
"Course," Josh replied easily. He actually enjoyed being the storyteller. He had fun coming up with things the kids would enjoy, drawing on folklore from his own home plus his fascination with comic books, plus some plain old imagination.
"I liked the one about the flying bears," Noah said. "I want a flying bear."
"I don't think your mom wants to feed a flying bear," Josh said with amusement.
"Probably not," Noah agreed sleepily. Next to him, Avery was already rubbing her eyes.
Josh couldn't help smiling. He loved Aidan and Nikhila's kids. They were so easy to sit for. They knew when bedtime was, they were generally well-behaved unless they were overly tired, and they were pretty good all around. The twins seemed happy as well; Josh rarely had trouble with them either. The usual things - hungry, wet, slightly colicky.
Speaking of colicky, Ian fussed in his swing a little bit and Josh patted Noah's leg and got up to check on him. He probably needed to be changed. So, Josh lifted him and cuddled him and brought him to the changing table. It didn't take long; he was a proficient diaper-changer. When his father had died two of his sisters had still been in them. And over the years he'd taken care of his nieces and nephews as well.
The change was accomplished quickly, and of course by the time he'd finished with Ian, Justin was also complaining a little. So Josh took care of him, too. And then, since they were awake, he picked both twins up, cradled them in his arms, and went to sit by Avery and Noah, gently rocking a twin in each arm. They were so very tiny. He loved them when they were this small.

Crossing the room, he settled down between the makeshift beds and faced the children. It was so that he could tell the story...and so he could watch Josh being all fatherly and domestically adorable.
"I believe there is a bed time story to tell.†He smiled at them and then he looked over at Josh, a small grin formed before he quickly wiped it away.
"How about I tell you a story of two princes from different countries? One was tall dark and handsome, very respectable, responsible and occasionally serious.†Gris sat up straighter and put on a very somber face for the kids, doing his best not to look at Josh at all while he spoke. "The other was blond and not too bad looking himself.†He quickly moved on because children didn't care about such things.
"Both princes were very lonely. They had no one to go on adventures with and adventures are more fun when you have someone else join you.â€
Gris smiled and continued. "So they both looked for just the right person. They looked all over.†He pulled up Avery's covers and poked his head under them. "Nope, not in there.†He looked around behind the cushions and then under Noah's covers. "You're not hiding anyone else in there are you?â€
"The dark prince finally decided to go on an adventure alone. There was a princess and she had lost her magic crystal ball. Actually...†Gris leaned down and whispered to the kids. "She was a very careless forgetful princess and she left it behind in a village she had been visiting.†He tsked and then sat back up straighter.
"But the dark prince found it for her. He went running after her and tried to give it back to her. But since she was a forgetful princess she didn't remember that she had left it behind and so she thought he must have stolen it from her!"
"Evil Villain!†Gris did a high voice for the forgetful princess. "Give me back my crystal ball and stay away from me! And then she used her magic on him and it blinded him!†Gris held his hands over his eyes and then keeping them closed fumbled around with his arms outstretched until he patted both kids on the head by 'accident', poked one gently in the belly and brought the covers up over the head of the other.
((OOC: The exciting conclusion of this story in his next post. He wanted the kids and Josh to be able to respond and have some opinion on the story before he finished. ))
His partner came into the room and settled down between the two fold-out beds. There was a little grin that passed over his face, maybe a little bit impish, and Josh wondered what he was about to do. With his first words Josh raised his eyebrows, immediately realizing where Gris was starting from here. His boyfriend didn't look at him, though.
Josh snorted softly, unable to resist, as Gris dismissed himself as 'not too bad looking.' He would have spent at least another four or five sentences describing the blond prince's beautiful golden curls, snapping green eyes, flawless skin, and dazzling smile. That was, perhaps, why he was not cut out to tell this story. Although he suspected his version would have the benefit of making the kids fall asleep in minutes, if not seconds.
Avery and Noah, though, were both watching and listening to Gris with wide-eyed attention. As the story continued, much more interactively than Josh would have thought, the kids giggled and attempted to join Gris in looking for someone to go on adventures with their heroes.
There were squeals of laughter at Gris's high princess voice, and Avery clapped her little hand over her mouth when Gris had the princess blind him - er, the dark prince - with her magical mace. Or just magic.
"That's not fair, he's not the bad guy," Noah said. But the kids were distracted by Gris's blind fumbling, which caused even more laughter. Josh laughed softly with them but really, his eyes were stuck on Gris.
"Tell me someone saves the prince," Josh said. "Surely he can't just wander around blind for the rest of his days."
He raised his brows at Gris, wondering if his partner would embellish the story's ending at all, or keep it simple and straightforward. It was a damn good story, though, if he had to say so himself.

"â€That wouldn't be a very good story, Josh.†He chided softly and shook his head, as if everyone should know that stories didn't leave the good guys injured.
"But what did happen next was almost worse!†Gris turned back to the children and spoke with a voice that was close to a whisper, the kind of whisper you used for telling ghost stories and had gotten to the part where something bad was going to happen.
"The Dark Prince backed away from the princess who was still shrieking at him to get away from her...â€
"Be Gone evil knave you will not have my crystal ball! Be Gone!†He used the girly high voice again.
"So the Dark Prince backed away from her because he didn't want to take her crystal ball. He had just been trying to give it back to her. Well... he couldn't see where he was going.†Gris reminded them by closing his eyes and waving his hands around again.
"And so he fell....right over the side of a bridge!†Gris paused for dramatic effect and looked at both of the kids for a long moment before continuing.
"Right on top of the Light Prince. Plop, right on his head.†He popped himself on the head and fell backward onto the floor, laid there for a brief moment and then got back up.
"Luckily, the Light Prince wasn't hurt very much but he saw that the Dark Prince had been cursed by the Forgetful Princess so he helped the Dark Prince find a cure from a local wizard and took him to a nearby castle.†Or in reality they got Josh some of the special wipes the police had for pepper spray and they went to the nearby restaurant.
"And from that day forward the Dark Prince and the Light Prince had many adventures together...but you will have to wait until another night for another one.â€
Gris looked over at Josh and gave him a little secret smile. The way it had happened had seemed almost like a fairy tale to him and he was a grown up. It didn't help that he and Kiyo and Eiryk had talked about men falling from the sky and that was exactly what had happened. Who would have ever expected such a thing? It was one of those first meeting stories that was amazing and unusual to hear. Maybe most people would have sued Josh for their injuries or the woman with the cell phone and simply moved on. But that they had fallen in love had made the odd event into something more, something worthy of a fairy tale.
They might have to find other outings that they had had in order to make new stories from if the kids wanted to hear more about the two princes.
((OOC: Disclaimer, no princes were harmed in the telling of this story.))
As the story continued, Avery and Noah reacted with exactly the responses one would have imagined, gasping when they should gasp, giggling at Gris's voice when it rose to a girly pitch, giving little 'oooh' and 'aaah's of obvious entertainment.
When Josh - er, the Dark Prince pitched over the bridge, Avery clapped her hands over her mouth again. But the happy ending was met with a hapy little girl sigh instead, and Noah clapped his own hands together delightedly.
"I can't wait for the next one," Avery said.
"Me too," Noah added, not to be outdone by his little sister.
"I'm sure there are plenty more where that came from," Josh said softly to avoid disturbing the twins, "but for now it's bedtime. I told you thirty minutes and it's been forty-five."
"Okay," Noah said, injecting his words with very obvious little-boy disappointment. Josh was immune.
He stood and returned the twins to their swing and set it rocking gently. Then he crossed back to Noah and Avery and tugged their blankets up around their shoulders. He tucked them in comfortably.
"Are you going to be here?" Noah asked.
"Yes," Josh said, "We'll be right across the hall in the living room if you need us."
He dropped a tender kiss on each cheek. "Good night Uncle Josh," Avery said. "Good night Uncle Gris."
Noah echoed her and Josh made sure the lights were out but the nightlight against the wall was lit and the baby monitor was on. At the doorway he said, "Gute nacht, Lieblings," and waited for Gris to come with him.

He looked over at his Dark Prince and tried to keep a similar look of childish disappointment off his own face. He smiled softly, Josh knew best in this case and he could be an adult.
Waiting until after Josh had told each of them good night, Gris leaned over and gave them each a kiss on the cheek, adding a rub of his nose against Avery's before he leaned away. "Sweet dreams.â€
He followed Josh out with one last look into the darkened room. He could see them clearly enough and it was obvious that despite their disappointment at having to go to bed that they would be asleep very soon.
Gris slid his hand into Josh's once he reached the door. "So, My Dark Prince, what further adventure awaits us tonight?†He murmured the question quietly, leaning his face close to Josh's neck and ear.
"Now we relax until mom and dad get home."
It probably wouldn't be very long; Alpha Xephier and Nikhila said they hadn't planned on being out late. In fact, they hadn't even left the grounds. They were just enjoying the night with the Alpha's parents, something they rarely took the opportunity to do outside of the full moon.
As much as he wanted to spend the next hour or so making out with his boyfriend on the couch Josh restrained himself. Mostly. They settled in and turned the television on very softly. Josh contented himself with an arm around Gris's shoulders, now and then leaning in to press a soft kiss to his partner's neck.
As they sat, Josh ignored whatever show was on to murmur in Gris's ear, "I'd like to show you my apartment here if you want. After we take a hike, or whatever you want to do."
Josh had offered to relinquish his suite of rooms back to the Pack but Xephier had refused. The Den wasn't full yet so they had no immediate need for a room, and besides, Josh was there at least once a month for an overnight, but really it was a bit more often. Probably more like once a week. It had been incredibly handy, having rooms of his own, but he'd never had the opportunity to have Gris along with him.
It didn't take the Alpha couple very long to return, as Josh had suspected. Maybe an hour and a half or so, but it was barely eleven when they bid them good night and stepped out of the enormous cabin, left to their own devices. Jogging down the few steps, Josh waited for Gris. "So what's your pleasure, love?"
He had some ideas, himself, but he wanted to attend to Gris's desires first.

This was Josh's pack and he wouldn't embarrass his boyfriend, or at least he would certainly try not to embarrass him. Josh didn't seem to be upset by being seen with him in public or in front of his people. Gris wished he felt the same ease. In Nachton it was easier to forget that his family would highly disapprove of his relationship.
They didn't have to wait long before Xephier and his wife returned from their run.
Josh led them down the stairs and back out into the night air. He had said that he had rooms here. Gris wanted to see them. Would it look like Josh's other apartment before he had mingled his things with Josh's? Or would it be very different? Perhaps it would show a different side of his boyfriend; one that he had yet to see.
The thoughts of his parents seemed to be chasing away the laughter of the children. He wanted to drive his family away and return to the happiness of earlier in the night.
"I want to be with you.†Gris said simply and took the last few steps to wrap his arms around Josh. "I don't care what we do so long as I can do it touching you.†He buried his cheek in Josh's shoulder and hugged him tight.
((OOC: We probably shouldn't have watched Anna Karenina before posting, very depressing. ))
"You're with me, sweetheart," he said. "You're so with me."
He tightened his hold on Gris, pretty sure that not even an act of God could make him turn Gris away. When Gris expressed his desire, something inside of Josh snapped, and he quietly responded by lifting his hands to smooth them over Gris's back and shoulders.
"I want to touch you," he said, his lips curling in a small smile. "All night. Come on, love."
He pushed Gris away a little, just so he could walk with him, his arm around his partner's waist, toward the Den. They didn't go in the front but rather in the back where Josh's suite was, at the end of one wing of the building. He unlocked the door and let them in, then closed and locked it behind him.
Josh turned on one dim light in the living room but he didn't bring Gris in any further before pulling him into his arms for a much warmer, much more intimate embrace.
"Will you let me love you tonight?" He whispered it into Gris's ear, breath softly tickling against the soft skin there. "I want to do something for you. Do you trust me? Would you give yourself to me? Let me take you, my way, no questions?"
Josh pulled away and regarded Gris seriously. What he was thinking of wasn't their usual act. Something about Gris made him want to dominate tonight. To protect, to blow his mind, really. But Gris wasn't a submissive wolf by nature. Josh would never assume that. He loved Gris the way he was. Tonight was the first time he'd ever asked Gris for something like this, and as he made his request he let his mouth travel gently over Gris's neck, around to his jaw, to kiss the corner of his mouth.
He hoped Gris trusted him by now. Josh didn't have anything in mind that he thought Gris would dislike or even be put off by; he just wanted it to be a pleasant surprise for his partner. He wanted to give Gris something enjoyable without his boyfriend worried about reciprocating immediately.
((ooc: Well we'll just have to be cheerful and such!))