Date Night
"Tonight's the night.â€
Jarrod said cheerfully as he strolled into their shared living space. Alfred had bought up an abandon housing development way out in the suburbs of Nachton; so far out in the suburbs it was almost the boondocks if not the country. Blaise was told people in the real estate business called this a zombie lot. He found that rather appropriate. Other than the three model homes, including the one they lived in, there were only half finished walls, plumbing and electrical roughs, cement slab foundations and the occasional roughed in basement. It attracted the occasional group of slacker punk kids looking to do some damage, but they had their uses. The fact that some of them hadn't come back from these late night jaunts had started the rumor the place was haunted. That tickled Cecile.
She might be Alfred's but he was having her stay here with he and Jarrod. He enjoyed that. It was living with Jarrod that was a pain in the ass. He was playing cock of the walk to the hilt, coming on to Cecile (even though there was no way that was going to happen as long as she was Alfred's familiar), bossing them both around, and delighting in keeping him 'in his place'.
He'd been getting ready for a date with Pakpao, although date was a relative term as he still hadn't gotten any action, when Jarrod breezed in. The fact that the older vampire was practically giddy immediately but Blaise on edge.
"You finally get a date Jare? Some one you don't have to bite first?â€
Blaise taunted him, even money on whether or not Jarrod would clock him one for that. Blaise, however, couldn't resist. A cloud passed over the older vampire's face, it was obvious he was thinking about it, but so far luck was with him tonight he just scowled.
"Considering you can't even get a bite.... but no that's not it. We're going to get even with Hoang tonight.â€
Blaise froze. That meant that he was finally going to get some action with Pakpao but not the kind he wanted. No wonder Jarrod was so damned chipper though. He loved this kind of thing, no doubt it was why Alfred kept him around, ever self important evil genius had to have a henchman who was a little prone to violence.
It took some effort but Blaise kept his voice dead when responding.
"Still would have though you'd want the job.â€
"Oh I do boy, I do. But Alfie says this one is all you. He said he said we could even have some extra fun with her. I'm in such a good mood about this I'll even let you go first.â€
It was hard not to gag at the very idea of Jarrod touching Pakpao, even shaking her hand but to consider him... it made Blaise sick. He didn't even acknowledge the comment.
"Why tonight? We've waited for ages.â€
"I hope that is you being anxious.†Jarrod quipped still in high spirits. "But it's Hoang. He's not being cowed by Alfie's threats any more. That or he's guessed it is Alfie behind them. He's started tying up and locking down assets. It is getting difficult for us to conduct business.â€
That would get Alfred's attention. The man was possessed. He was determined to start this stupid biology project up again. Blaise was increasingly of the opinion that Alfred wasn't right in the head, old age had finally caught up with him, but he didn't say anything, he knew better.
"Good. I was starting to doubt our fearless leader had any balls left aft that last fiasco.â€
OK, almost better. That got him clocked. Hard. Blaise felt his head snap back and blood start running from a cut along his eye.
"You're going to have to change that shirt mate. We don't want to tip of our bit of Asian ass something is wrong.â€
Jarrod purred before strolling off. Blaise sighed and took a second to stop the bleeding. He'd have to change and feed before meeting Pakpao now. He wanted to ensure the cut would heal so he didn't have to explain it. Although he suspected if he left it, she wouldn't even remember the cut by the end of the night.

She'd made it abundantly clear they weren't dating, that they never would date, that Blaise needed to get any of those ideas out of his head. He insisted that he was fine with that. She was starting to believe that, more or less, after all Pak had plenty of male friends with no sexual tension, not on her side anyway. It wasn't quite the same with Blaise, he had a tendency to hint, to flirt, not often enough for her to really call him on it but enough that she doubted his sincerity, just a touch, which was why he wasn't driving. Not that she was afraid of him, she was a vampire after all, and while that didn't make her invulnerable it did give her the edge on a human.
Some one had mentioned the gallery to her a few weeks ago and it had sounded intriguing. Not that Pak sought out this kind of event, but this was different they were concentrating on graphic and computer rendered art. The idea of technology and art fascinated Pak so when Blaise had asked her she'd agreed. Even though it was a little closer to a date than she'd like.
She'd worn a gray and black lace overlay sheath dress with three quarter sleeves, a boat neck and a low back and a pair of silver peep toe heels that she'd just bought. She'd just bought them and thought they were adorable. She was almost loathed to put them the ground of the parking garage, but as she'd already had to walk from her apartment to her car back at the towers it seemed a little silly to be hesitant now.
As she left the parking garage she was greeted by low laughter and a British accent.
"You don't even trust valets? It is a wonder you let that car out of its parking spot.â€
Pak grinned at her escort for the evening. She was pleased to see him. But she also snipped her answer at him pretending to be offended.
"It is a collectable, an antique even and you want me to let people drive it?â€
"That's what cares are for.†Blaise answered with his annoying British practicality.
"It isn't a car, it is art.†Pak argued. This was a spat she'd had a number of times with a number of people she had a lot of practice at it, it no longer bothered her and she no longer had to think about her responses.
It didn't take long before they had joined the crowd for the opening. Blaise in his understated suit didn't stand out even though he was bigger than most of the guys in the gallery, no long lean elegant muscle for him. She cheerfully blended into the sea of cocktail dresses and expensive shoes. They each plucked a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and started to circulate.
Blaise was easy enough company and, as she discovered during the next couple of hours, surprisingly well informed about art. It was as if he had committed Wikipedia to memory before heading out for the night. The place was packed though, both she and Blaise found themselves jostled and pressed in directions the didn't really want to go. It was annoying. So once they made one circuit of the exhibit she was happy enough to split early when he suggested it.
"Come on, I'll walk you to that 'art' of yours.â€
It was like walking down a large chasm, the walls of guilt were high and sheer, Blaise couldn't see a way out of it. It was probably starting to show too, he could hear himself parroting back all the stuff he'd looked up on line about art, a little stiffly and almost verbatim, she could probably find the sites based on what he'd rattled off. Total pretentious rubbish it was, all of it, but he figured the guy Pakpao thought he was would know this crap, so he'd learned it.
Knowing she'd leave the bird in the parking structure and gambling, correctly, that Pakpao would park in the basement he'd done the same. Later that night he'd made an excuse to leave early.
"Want to get a quick drink?†Blaise wasn't sure why he was stalling, it didn't matter.
"Maybe...†He could hear the reluctance in her voice and wheedled a bit.
"Just a quick one, maybe some darts. You've promised to take me to that pub you like.â€
"OK. How's your dart game?†She said with a smile and Blaise found he wasn't going to be able to do this while looking at her.
"We'll have to see. Why don't you drive?â€
"If you want, but don't think I'm shuttling you back here after.â€
Blaise rolled his eyes. "Fair enough. Give me a second I want to grab something out of my car.â€
Pak snorted at him. "Now who's afraid of valets?†But as he hoped she turned and kept walking rather than offing to go back to his car with him.
If she was human he'd feel better about this. It was easier and safer to knock someone out with drugs than bashing them on the head, but he'd not been confidant that drugs would work on a vampire her age and Cecile hadn't been able to work out what gifts Pakpao had, if they might protect her from an attempt like that. Of course, she could be extra sturdy and this wouldn't work either but he was more confidant with this.
Walking back towards Pak and her car she looked up without really looking at him, but just in case he held the bat low and slightly behind him, and she asked, "What did you have to get?†Before looking back down to unlock the passenger side for him, no automatic locks on the old car. When she did he quickly brought the baseball bat down on the back of her head, a bit low and on the right side. That was one thing to be said for baseball over cricket, the bats gave you a bit more control.
It shocked him when Pakpao crumpled to the ground. He really hadn't been sure that would work. Not dropping the bat, ready to swing again if he had to, Blaise squatted down next to Pakpao. Vitals weren't easy to check on a vampire, but he was convinced, despite the bit of blood from that was flowing sluggishly from her head making his fangs ache, that she was alive.
Moving fast he made sure the little red car that was her pride and joy was locked. Blaise wanted to believe that Pakpao would get out of this alive and he didn't want her car stolen in the mean time. That done he gently picked her up, along with his bat, walked to his car. His first instinct had been to lay her in the back seat, but Blaise could just hear Jarrod's nagging voice in his head, and he knew there could be issues if Pakpao came to while he was driving, so he placed her as carefully as possible in the trunk instead.
Driving back to the zombie lots Blaise found himself hoping Pakpao would stay unconscious a long time. Probably better for her if she did and no one would question if he'd done his job enthusiastically enough.

Sitting up, slowly this time, she fumbled about a bit until she found a switch. Lights obediently flickered to life making her swear under her breath. It looked like a hotel room, a really dirty hotel room.
"What the hell.â€
Business trip? She didn't have one on the schedule until next month. There was no way that she'd have forgotten an entire month. One night she'd believe though. If she'd gotten really drunk it was possibly she'd gone back to Blaise's with him. That would explain the strange room. Blaise, however, was a slob. It didn't look like this place had been cleaned in -months-.
Even that didn't seem right though. She was still dressed. Shoes, underwear, both still one, her skirt wasn't shoved up either. Maybe he'd brought her back to his place to sleep it off?
Pak was confused and starting to become scared. She was sure some of that was leaking into her bond with Kem. Gritting her teeth Pak concentrated on locking that down, withdrawing from their bond. She didn't want to freak Kem out while she tried to understand her situation. She was probably doing fairly well, right up until she touched the back of her head, trying to massage away the ache. There was a knot the size of a grapefruit back there. Not that big, she was exaggerating, but it felt like her head was trying to split open and she was hungry. Obviously her body wanted blood, wanted help healing itself.
She was still willing to accept all of this was the result of a bad night's drinking, right up until she brought her hand back from the lump and saw blood. It wasn't a lot, there was some on the pillow, but it was obvious she wasn't going to bleed to death, in fact the wound had to be nearly done repairing itself. Still, Pak's subterfuge faltered and she made no effort to reestablish it, if something was wrong she was going to need help and Kem was the first person she'd turn to for that assistance. Pak loved and trusted Kem like no one else she'd met ever, if anyone could get her out of this, he could.
Ignoring the pain Pak started to search the room. Nothing gave her location, a hotel name, there was no phone, hers was gone. She couldn't even find a window. Basement? Worse yet she didn't what time it was, what day. If she'd only stepped out a few hours ago she was probably totally over reacting.
[Pee Chai?]
She sent quietly, cautiously again trying to control her emotions. This was stupid. There was a perfectly reasonable and logical reason for all of this. She was probably in some forgotten corner of the Towers basement. She feel down the stairs or something on an emergency call after getting back from a night out and that door wasn't locked, it was stuck. Pak was fairly certain she could break the door down or force it open, but something was holding her back, she didn't try.
Her doubts manifested themselves in her children. They decided to keep her company just then, which was not the best timing ever.
"Because you won't be able to.†Her son said. "Well... you probably could but it won't matter.â€
"Why won't it matter?â€
Pak unconsciously answered aloud.
"Do you really think they'd keep you or anyone like you in an regular room?â€
Her son might not fully understand she was a vampire, but his answer was logical. Even if she was in the Towers this room was clearly neglected and needed to be remodeled. She'd pay damages. Pak pulled at the door, it didn't budge. She twisted so hard she removed the handle, nothing. In desperation she punched the door only to shout as it refused to give way. Apparently it was a steel door and now she had a bloody hand with a couple of broken fingers to go with her lump.
[Pee Chai.... where am I?]
She no longer cared if this was a joke or a misunderstanding or an accident. Let Kem laugh at her for years to come. Pak was scared and needed some kind of reassurance, Kem laughing at her would be just that.

It had been a pretty quiet night so far, and he was actually able to do some administrative work. Answering emails, giving permission or denying permission for loans and acquisitions. There were two requests for appraisals and he very much wanted to do those. While he didn't enjoy using his psychometry he did love getting his hands (literally) on the past and he rarely refused the requests if they were within driving distance.
Pak's sending didn't come as a surprise; not anymore, when they frequently chatted on and off during the night. Not as often as he did with Aishe but often enough that it didn't come out as unusual. What was odd was the question she asked. Was it a joke of some kind?
[You tell me,] he sent back slightly hesitantly. Belatedly he felt an uneasy undercurrent of fear, maybe because she was trying to hide it or control it. But she wasn't succeeding entirely.
[Pak, what's going on? What happened?]
Then, because he could feel her fear as if it were his own he sent, [Tell me everything. I don't know where you are but now that I know you need help I will find you.]
Pak was a joker, especially with him. It was her nature. But Kem knew the difference between funny Pak and frightened Pak and right now his little sister apparently needed help. Until he had more information, though, there wasn't anything much he could do.

Pak had really hoped, she'd half talked herself into the idea that this was a prank gone awry. That nothing was really wrong. When Kem said said he didn't know and his sending sounded urgent to her it took a lot not to freak out even more.
Her daughter pipped up, being just as reassuring as her son had been. On days when she wasn't apparently trapped in a windowless room for no reason Pak understood that her children's voices were ways for her subconscious to cope with stress. Right now though she didn't understand that the voices were real.
"We told you that you weren't going to get out. They're going to do something to you if you don't get out mommy.â€
"We'll get out.â€
She said firmly. Looking longingly at the door handle Pak wished she hadn't broken it off, at least giggling it would give her something to do, something to focus on so she didn't sound panicky when she set back
[I don't know! I can't remember.]
Giving up staring at the door, which had her blood on it, and dling her best to ignore both the pain in her head and her hand, and started searching the room. There was the bed she'd been on, it looked nice and even though they were musty the linens all seemed to be high end, in pleasingly bland neutrals. A desk with a computer, a bookshelf, chair and some highly forgettable pictures. Pak riffled through the desk, pulled all the drawers open, nothing. The computer was just a monitor and a cardboard box printed up to look like a machine.
[Its... its a dirty hotel room or something. There are no windows, I've gotta be in a basement. I don't know why or how I got here.]
She didn't care either Pak just wanted out. They could figure out why later. Given the door they had to know she was a vampire, but that didn't even help. Pak knew she wasn't important enough in the grand scheme of things to warrant kidnapping. Maybe they were trying to get to Kem? No, that didn't make sense, Aishe would be a better target. Still she couldn't let Kem run around the city blind.
[I went out.... I went to that gallery opening. We left early.] Pak was half rambling, half trying to make sure Kem knew everything, anything might help. [I remember going to my car, she's in the basement of a garage off the strip... we were going to to the pub... I don't remember anything after that. Someone had to have hit me. My head is killing me, it was bleeding. The door... I think its steel I couldn't break through it, I might have broken my hand trying.]
Maybe she should have held back a little there, but she was to upset to hold back. Sagging down onto the bed, turning the pillow over so she didn't have to look at the blood Pak tried to think of it like a code. There had to be a work around. Her phone had GPS, everyone's did these days, but they'd taken that. Still there had to be another way to track her down.
Track.... Pak sat up a little straighter.
[Kem... Kem I've got a friend who can find me. You've got to let her into my place.]
Pak really didn't want to put Mara in the middle of this. This was no way to be reunited with her father but Pak couldn't think of anything else. Mara was mart, maybe she could think of away around letting Kem know who she was, maybe she could think of something else.
[Mara? Mara are you in town? I need some help. Like really need help.]
Even if Mara wasn't in town she might know someone else who could track. Pak really didn't want to involve another clan, it seemed odd but Mara was a friend, she was family. This had to fall outside of clan relations.
Even as she sent though Pak wished her head didn't hurt so much. It was probably her imagination but sending seemed to make it worse.

Then out of nowhere Pak sent to her. It was a welcome voice in her head, since she hadn't heard from her friend in a week or two. Her immediate thought was a get-together for drinks and dinner but Pak's words were anything but an invitation for a girls' night out.
[Pak? What's wrong? Yes, I'm in town. What do you need?]
She'd never heard Pak sound so... so frantic. She only had to wait a moment for a response, she hoped. But while she did she immediately started turning heat elements off in her studio. Whatever Pak needed, if it was so urgent, Mara would very gladly drop everything to help.

Taking a deep breath Pak thought how to explain this to Mara. She didn't want to sound crazy or frantic but she needed help.
[I know this sounds stupid but I... I don't know where I am but I think I've been kidnapped. I'm in a basement somewhere. I can't get out. I don't know who did it or why though.]
That was freaking her out a great deal.
"Hunters. They don't like what you are they are going hurt you.â€
Pak didn't need her children fueling her imagination right now. It was something she did well enough on her own. Truing to tune the voices out she concentrated on Mara as best she could.
[If Kem let's you into my place do you think you can get something and use it to find me?]
Was that enough? Was that all she could be doing? It felt like there should be more. She'd never been a hostage before but this sitting around helplessly and hoping people would come helper didn't seem right. And Kem, he wouldn't come alone would he? Take on whatever this was single-handed. No, Kem was too smart for that. Maybe she should get more help though. Ran? Bao? Why the hell was all this help coming from Anantya?
[I'm sorry Mara, I am I don't want to put you in this spot, but I can't think of another way. Does Ran track? I don't think Bao does. If there's someone else you trust maybe... but I can't think of anything else.]
Her mind was going in circles and Pak was starting to repeat herself, but she wasn't aware of it. The more she thought about it the more it seemed like a dirty trick to ask her friend to do this. To have her run smack into the father she'd been stalking but avoiding for centuries.
Pak felt like a heel but by the same token she couldn't just say 'never mind I'll think of something else'. There wasn't a good way to make it up to Mara either. If she got out of this Pak was fully aware she was going to owe both her friend and her brother big.
And Yet some part of her hoped this was a stupid elaborate very unfunny practical joke.

She tried to ignore the spike of anxiety she felt at actually having to interact with her father. She had her contacts in, so the most obvious link between them was covered up, but would he recognize her? Would he see something familiar in her face? She resembled him, the firm jaw, arched nose, deep-set eyes. Her features were softer than his angular ones but she definitely took after him. But he hadn't seen her since she was a tiny child.
[You don't sound stupid, Pak,] she thought back to her friend, reassuring her while she readied herself. [I'll be at the Towers in ten minutes. You're not putting me in a spot, we'll find you and get you out of there. Are you safe otherwise? No one's trying to hurt you?]
Yes, she was being put in a spot but clearly this was an emergency so Mara certainly couldn't hold it against Pak. It was what she'd have wanted her friend to do if she were in trouble.
She closed and locked up her studio in record time, and was at the Towers exactly when she said she'd be. Mara felt herself shiver a little as she saw Kiamhaat waiting for her out front, looking as agitated as she felt. She walked up to him and watched as he reared his head back, staring hard at her. Her heart pounded.
"Hello, Kem," she said softly. "My name is Mara. Pak told me to meet you here...?"

It would be silly to mobilize a security force, he reasoned, when this might not be anything to worry about at all. Kem wasn't a weakling; while he practiced a reasonably non-violent lifestyle and disliked guns, he was a skilled fighter in close quarters and old enough to be a force to reckon with. He wouldn't get himself in over his head. If there were that many people between himself and Pak he would get more help.
Aishe had already asked him what was wrong, feeling his concern, and not for a moment did he consider bringing her along and potentially putting her in danger. [Pak's in a little trouble. I'm going to help her out,] he sent to his wife. [I'll let you know if we need another hand.]
That seemed to placate Aishe, for the moment, and Kem went outside to wait for Pak's friend. The streets were quiet, with the occasional passer-by, but Kem knew her when he saw her. He stared hard at her. She looked familiar. Dam, she looked familiar. She was almost startling to see; with her dark skin, beautiful patrician features, and that hint of lilt to her accent, she could have walked straight out of his era. Maybe she had.
"Mara," he said, forcing himself to stop staring. It was rude. "Yeah. Come on up, let's get you set up and find our errant friend."
Together they made their way up to Pak's apartment and Kem let them in with the key. He reached out to Pak, not wanting her to stop talking.
[Pak, your friend Mara is here and we're at your apartment. Stay with me, talk to me. We're coming to get you.]
Blaise half growled at half pleaded with the older vampire. He was still sick at having hit Pakpao so hard. As much as he'd wanted her to stay out a long time, he'd been starting to worry he'd done some actual damage. Blaise had tried to tell himself it was because doing Pakpao serious harm would ruin their plans, it would upset Jarrod and Alfred but he knew that wasn't all of it. The loud bang and the shout, the basement wasn't sound proofed even if the door was reinforced, was a mixed bag. On the one hand she was up and kicking, on the other Jarrod had picked up the phone to let Alfred know and they were now headed downstairs.
Jarrod had been very careful to lock the basement door, also reinforced, behind them and Blaise was keenly aware Jarrod had the only key. He was trapped down here with them. They hadn't made it to the base of the stairs when Jarrod responded coolly in a tone that made Blaise's blood run cold.
"We're tormenting them both. You think Hoang is going to be moved by a pretty picture of her sitting there? We have to give him a real threat.... And you're going to help.â€
Blaise was starting to suspect that Jarrod was having just as much if not more fun needling him than he was going to have going after Pakpao. He gritted his teeth so hard he thought they might shatter as Jarrod unlocked the door to Pakpao's room.
"You go in first boy, I want to see the look on her face when she finds out you've fucked her over.â€
There was no getting around it, Blaise couldn't take out Jarrod. He wanted to but getting into a fight here and now wasn't going to do anyone any good. So he just nodded.
He'd seen that Pakpao had a bit of an edge to her. She'd snapped at him once or twice and he'd watched her be very assertive now and then, but it was always when she was in her comfort zone. When she was unsettled out feeling out of place she tended to be a little more reserved, timid even. Blaise could only assume that under these circumstances that would be the Pakpao he'd be encountering. He felt sorry for her.
So he was totally unprepared for the chair that hit him square across the chest when he opened the door.
"Son of a bitch!â€
Right up until then Blaise had often nearly forgotten that Pakpao was a vampire. She just didn't act like one, not any of the ones he knew. Compared to Jarrod and Alfred she was gentle. That blow, however, was hard, -hurt- and forced him to stumble back a bit.
The model home furniture was surprisingly sturdy and didn't shatter, and as he stumbled Blaise grabbed on to one of the rungs and managed to wrench it way from her. The surprise on her face probably had something to do with that. She recovered quickly and started to come back at him. Jarrod saw it too and shoved him aside and backhanded Pakpao hard enough, or catching her off guard enough that she was pushed sharply and rudely back, crashing into the computer desk as Jarrod laughed.
"You sure know how to make an impression boy.â€
Jarrod said laughing. At the same time she let loose with a barrage of Thai. Blaise was getting a very sinking feeling about this whole mess.

Pak tried to reassure Mara, and herself. At least Mara couldn't feel how freaked out she was. Only Kem had that honor and she added guild to that. If Kem recognized Mara, figured out who she was, Pak wasn't sure she'd be able to live with that. She'd have to sort that out later, one thing at a time.
During the lull while Mara went to Kem she kept up a rather nervous babble with Kem. There wasn't much to say though. She was in a room, against her will, with no idea why.
Hearing what she thought was voices and people outside the door, even knowing that Mara and Kem were coming Pak couldn't bring herself to sit passively. Maybe she could get out herself. She had to try.
[I think I hear someone... I 'm going to try and get out. Still need a ride home if this works though.]
Pak made a hollow attempt at her usual humor and banter with Kem as she looked around the room for a weapon. She finally settled on the chair. It would probably do more damage than she wanted to a human but, there weren't a lot of options. A pillow wasn't going to be effective.
The chair connected with a built stocky man, he only stumbled a bit and waves of pain shot through her hand and she swore a great deal. Apparently hitting people with home office furniture wasn't good for broken extremities. She didn't even put up a fight when the guy ripped it out of her hand, she did her best to let it go to save additional pain.
Watching the chair be pulled away from her she saw the man's face and started and then relaxed. It was all one big misunderstanding! Blaise was just a slob and she'd drunk too much, she must have fallen and hit her head, and they'd wound up at his place and hadn't fooled around. For a second she felt guilty and embarrassed and stupid for freaking out like she had. She needed to call off the dogs.
[KemKemKem!] In her surprise all came out as one word. [It's Blaise. I don't know why the door was locked but its Bla...]
And that was all she got out before the man behind Blaise, someone she'd not even see, hit her in the jaw. Combine with her still painful and messed up head made her see stars, she thought about blacking out again but fought that off. it was a very bad idea right now.
"Feisty aren't you? He said you were. Now... sit down on the bed.â€
Thanks to Bao and his lessons, Pak knew what command felt like. It wasn't an objectionable command though and she could think of a number of ways around it with little to no effort. Rather unexpectedly she was grateful to Bao for taking the time to teach her these things. But she sat down quietly and didn't say anything.
[Kem... he's got a friend...]
[i]Pak sent apprehensively. Blaise had recovered from her hit far too quickly, Pak suddenly suspected he was a vampire. It wouldn't have been that hard to hide something like that, especially as she'd never bitten him. Blaise's 'friend' was even bigger than Blaise and the use of command told her without a doubt about him.
[They're vampires Kem... both of them. What do I do?]
More help, it seemed like there should be more than just Kem right now. She was hesitant to call on anyone else though, not while she didn't know anything.

And he didn't recognize her, she thought with relief. He stared hard at her, but she was Egyptian like he. Of course her face would evoke emotions in him. He hadn't seen her since she was barely more than a baby though, so she doubted he would make the connection even though they had very similar features.
She followed him into Liefde's lobby and up to Pakpao's apartment. Kiamhaat let them in with a key and Mara immediately spotted something she wanted to use. "There. This is perfect for Pakpao, isn't it."
It was a shoe. What better way to track her?
Mara smiled nervously when Kiamhaat nodded at her. She knew he was worried about Pak. Mara was too.
"Give me a moment," she said. Closing her eyes she invoked her ability, waiting until the warmth of it suffused her body.
"She's not very close," Mara murmured. "She's outside the city, for sure."
She opened her eyes and looked up at her father. "We have to go to her."

[Blaise? Blaise is doing this to you?]
Kem almost sent to the man and then thought better of it. He wanted to ask him what the hell was going on but Pak soon made it clear that Blaise was not one of the good guys.
[You keep still,] Kem sent seriously. [You do what they want, as long as they aren't hurting you. But if they attack you fight back, Pak. For now you just talk to me. I know Blaise. How many other people? Describe them to me. Tell me everything about where you are, what you can see, smell, hear. We're coming.]
When Mara looked up at him and told him where she thought Pak was, he nodded. "Come on. My car is downstairs. Let's get moving."
He sent once more to Aishe, briefly telling her he was headed out of town to help Pak out and that he'd be in touch if he needed any help. Then he and Mara raced back down to the parking garage and climbed into Kem's BMW.
"Alright, shes behaving herself, take your pretty little picture and send it off to him.â€
Jarrod looked at him and he looked amused. That couldn't possibly be good.
"I told you it couldn't be a pretty picture. Look at her, her hair is hardly even out of place no one is going to take that as a threat are they?â€
Her hair was still in the long soft braid it had been when they met at the gallery, it was a little disheveled but not much. He'd hit her on the back of the head so you couldn't really see it. Her hand was a little bloody but he had to agree with Jarrod, she looked pretty safe and sound and this damned model home was hardly menacing.
"So what are you going to do? Rough her up? I know I'd be impressed.â€
As soon as the words were out of his mouth Blaise regretted them. Jarrod whirled around and stepped into his personal space with some menace. Even though it was the last thing he wanted to do Blaise stepped back.
"Are you volunteering to do it?â€
"Why the hell are you two doing any of this?†Pakpao pipped up from her spot on the bed.
Blaise was pathetically grateful for the distraction. Jarrod turned away from him and flashed a fangy but dead smile at Pakpao as he walked over to the bed. Blaise watched, revolted, as Pakpao sat near perfectly still as Jarrod traced the line of her jaw with his finger tip and the shape of her lip with his thumb. He didn't understand how she could hold so still while he did that, the command must have been stronger than he'd though.
"A friend of yours has caused us some trouble, a lot of trouble. You're pay back my sweet. We might even let you work off some of what he owes us. It could save you a whole lot of trouble.â€
There was no way what Jarrod was saying had any truth to it. Alfred called the shots and Blaise knew his maker well enough that the very idea that Pakpao could trade her way out of this wasn't going to happen.
"Who? Maybe I'm just as pissed off as you. We could have something in common.â€
She was handling this a lot better than he was. It was impressive, apparently getting older had its advantages, she was cool as a cucumber, at least that's how it seemed to him.
"I think that might be our secret.â€
"Why? What's she going to do Jarrod call 9-1-1?â€
Jarrod straighten up leaving Pakpao alone for a few seconds.
"No reason for her to know. It doesn't change anything does it and I don't like to leave loos ends. If she knows she's a loose end.â€
"Well then let's get your evidence, get it to him, and get out.â€
Not that Blaise had any idea what they expected Hoang to do about this. Pakpao wasn't the only one being kept in the dark here.
"Not just yet I think. I'm not done playing.â€
The not knowing and Jarrod's attitude, both were eating at him. It was all probably some kind of test, well he was sick of being tested. Alfred had had ten years to trust him, to bring him up to speed. Hell more than that, he'd been a vampire for ten years but he'd worked for Alfred for more than that. This kind of shit was wearing him out. It was high time he took control of something.
"Fuck off. Tell her It is Hoang that put her in the bind and I'm putting money down you're not letting her out of this alive.â€
"It wasn't your place to say that.â€

[Just two that I can see. This has got to be a basement so there is no telling what is upstairs. I think it is a house.]
[i]That seemed so strange to her. She would have expected an abandoned warehouse or a bomb shelter or something more gritty. That's how it worked in the movies, this place was deceptively cozy. Looking around for any distinguishing characteristics, there wasn't anything. Not a thing and she told Kem so.
[I've got nothing. -No- idea at all. Its just a place Kem, I can't even hear traffic outside.]
It was frustrating. Mara didn't need landmarks or GPS to find her but Pak wanted to help, Kem wanted to help, she had nothing to give them.
Kem had said to do what they wanted but Pak couldn't keep her mouth. She wanted details, she had a ton of questions and they were the only two with answers. Still she didn't fight the command, she just sat there, although she stopped breathing when the other guy invaded her space. It was pretty clear what he wanted. Pak had dealt with worse than this guy, at least so far.
The two men started to bicker and although she tensed a bit when Blaise said something about calling 9-1-1 (what if they guessed she'd already done that, maybe they'd knock her out again) mostly she just listened.
[They're fighting... I think.]
It was difficult to relay what was going on. Sending would be very handy if sending had a speaker phone mode. As it was she just did her best to keep Kem up to date. She made sure he knew the other guys name was Jarrod, he was tall, well over six foot, but slim, long dark hair, brown eyes and the same faint English accent Blaise did, he had big teeth, command, and was getting a little too close for comfort. She was going to listen to Kem as best she could but if either one of them tried to rape her Pak wasn't taking that laying down. Been there, done that, never again she'd put up a fight. She did not, however, tell Kem they were talking about 'roughing her up' he'd probably guessed that already.
Blaise took her totally off guard. They really were fighting, it didn't seem like Blaise was defecting, but he was sort of protecting her. Pak didn't get it, but she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. His revelation was a shock, not as much as it could have been, Pak remembered Amir said something about Bao being in a spot and she might be a target.
[You evil, sick, son of a bitch.]
Pak sent to her creator. He responded, his tone was obviously startled.
[I'm sorry?]
[I got bashed on the head and am being held hostage somewhere because of you. Kem and Mara are trying to find me. If either one of them gets as much as a paper cut...]
Pak bit back a sob. She had been trying very hard not to think about that possibility. Kem wasn't a push over, he wasn't a pacifist. She knew that he could more than take care of himself but this was a total unknown. And Mara, Mara was so sweet and so gentle, (she was Amir's though and Pak knew she was undoubtedly tougher than she seemed, still) Pak hated the idea of her being hurt. As Jarrod and Blaise continued their discussion she tried not to cry. Focusing on what was happening around her help keep her from melting down.
[What do you need?]
The momentary surprise had passed, once again Bao sounded like himself, cool and collected. It just made Pak mad. It was wrong that he got to sit there safe and sound and unworried.
[I need help!]
Although Bao assured her that he was on his way, he'd been there as soon as possible she doubted it. Still since she didn't know where she was, Pak switched 'frequencies' and one after the other told both Kem and Mara that Bao and something he'd done was at the root of this.
[I think I'm some kind of leverage... pay back. I don't know. He says he's coming too... Kem can you tell him where you're at?]

She was startled out of her concentration by her father's deep voice.
"So you've known Pakpao long?"
"A few years," Mara said. "We're friends."
"So she said." He shot her quick, tight smile. Mara knew it had nothing to do with her. He was worried about Pak. "How did you meet?"
"Mutual acquaintances," Mara said. Then, because her answer had sounded ridiculously vague, she added, "I know her Creator. I helped get them back in touch."
Kem snorted softly, leaving Mara very little doubt as to what his impression of Bao was. "How'd that work out for everyone?" The sarcasm was obvious.
Mara's lips twitched; she wasn't about to be baited. "Well, I got a new friend out of it and Bao gets to practice his people skills."
"He has people skills?"
Without missing a beat Mara said, "Well, I got a new friend out of it and Bao gets to develop some people skills."
Kem actually chuckled. Mara smiled and focused on Pak's shoe again.

Mara quietly informed him that they were still some distance off, and Kem understood how tracking worked; speeding down the highway as they were, it was entirely possible they'd miss the right exit, not know it until they'd passed it, and have to turn around and go back. This was the only way to find Pak however, so they would just have to be fast about making mistakes.
[Anything you can say to keep them fighting and stall them would be good,] he added. [The more they focus on each other, the more they ignore you. Let me know if you hear any more voices than just those two. Listen as closely as you can.]
He kept his eyes on the road, feeling grim. [We're coming for you. I promise.]
His brief conversation with Mara happened between sendings and trackings. There was something about her he couldn't shake. She was familiar somehow. She was obviously Anantya, tied somehow to Bao, and where Bao was involved Kem had learned Amir was too. Maybe hat was it; this Mara was related in some way to Amir. That would make them siblings, of a sort. Interesting.
So far he liked her a whole lot better than the two of them. She was quiet, and she seemed just as worried about Pak as he was. She clearly cared about her friend and he didn't get the sense that she was lying.
"Don't suppose you have a good way to get in there and look for Pak unseen?"
Mara sighed, clearly thinking of something or someone else wistfully. "No," she replied, "but I know someone who could. Do you know of Elder Jin?"
Kem nodded; he knew who the Anantya Elders were. Mara smiled. "If you tell him where we are once we get there, he can do what we need. And he'll come. Tell him I'm here with you."
Kem raised his eyebrows at Mara's calm assurance that her Clan Elder would simply drop what he was doing and come assist them in finding an errant Evenhet. But he didn't ask. It was none of his business.
First things first, he reached out to Bao. [So far we're headed west out of Nachton. That's all I've got for you for now. I'll keep in touch. If you're on your way Mara says to please bring Elder Jin with you.]
There. Two birds with one stone. Next he sent to Aishe, who was always present and, in this case, growing worried. [Merit, I think we may need you and your Creator. Pak seems to be in... custody. Of the unfriendly variety. We're outside Nachton now, heading west. A friend of hers is tracking her. Can you please tell Cris? I think we may need some help although she says there are only two of them. Backup might not be a bad thing.]
Cecile was on his mind as Blaise finally took a stand. He would have given anything for a way to tell her to run from Jarrod and to know that Alfred wouldn't take this out on her. This had gone way too far. Blaise was done with Alfred's crazy biology projects. He was done with being Jarrod's pet, abused pet at that. He'd screwed up a lot but he was going try and fix this one.
"What did you say?â€
Jarrod growled at him, fangs gleaming. The man could drain two people a night, drain them bone dry and Blaise was facing him down. He was more than slightly apprehensive but backing down now wasn't an option.
"I said I'm going to decide how we handle her. Get your picture, get some gotdamned video and send it to Hoang but you keep your hands off her.â€
He didn't see Jarrod move, but he'd been around the bastard long enough to know how he thought, how he moved. Blaise dropped low just as Jarrod swung, hard. The blow missed and Blaise tackled him. Although Jarrod was taller, he was heavier and having caught the older vampire off guard Blaise was able to tackle him, slamming Jarrod hard into the steel door. It sounded like maybe he'd cracked some ribs.
The satisfaction didn't last long. Jarrod wasn't even phased, maybe he hadn't cracked those ribs after all, his hand snapped up and closed vice like, around his throat and shoved him backwards. Blaise was still young enough that it took him a second to realize he didn't have to breath quite as much as a human so that slowed him down. Once he got over the shock of that, and his feet under him again Blaise punched hard at Jarrod's elbow. It probably didn't hurt much but it startled Jarrod enough that his elbow buckled and he released his grip on his throat.
After that Jarrod stopped fooling around. It was near impossible to keep up. Jarrod was older, faster and more experienced. The room was small, there was no place to hide, nothing to use as a weapon, well the chair Pakpao had, and a few old hard back books but that was it. Blaise, other than trying to protect himself did his best to keep the fight away from Pakpao. He thought he was doing fairly well with that, right up until Jarrod keeled over backwards and hit the floor.
There was no way he could have done that. Jarrod had already done a number on him. Blaise knew he was bleeding from a cut on his head, his left elbow felt either severely sprained or nearly dislocated, -he- had a couple of cracked ribs, it hurt to breath and there was probably more to add to that list. So how had Jarrod hit the ground?
The answer was in a tiny Thai tornado. Pakpao had apparently leapt off the bed on to Jarrod's back. Her arms wrapped around Jarrod's neck and let her her self hang there. The surprise and the sudden dead weight around his neck brought Jarrod to the floor.
"Keys! Key! Open the fucking door!â€
Somehow Pakpao had landed on her feet, even in her heels, and was shouting at him about the keys. She wanted to run. Screw it. He'd already burned his bridges with Jarrod, he might as well go all the way.
Blaise dropped to his knees and shoved his hand in Jarrod's pocket, wrong pocket. He got his hand in that pocket and had just closed his hands around the key when Jarrod smashed and elbow into his jaw sending Blaise sprawling onto the ground, hitting his head on the leg of the bed as he did fell.
"That's going to leave a mark.â€
He groaned, momentarily loosing track of both Jarrod and Pakpao, and the room too for that matter.

It was obvious that she was touched though, that Kem thought she was worth that kind of trouble. She also felt a bit stupid for not thinking of contacting security first. That really would have been the most sensible thing. So she didn't really intend to dissuade Kem at all, it was a very good idea, she just hoped it wouldn't be necessary.
Nervously Pak chewed at her thumb desperately wishing for a clove, but they'd taken those from her too. This might be Bao's fault but she felt like she'd screwed up and caused this. She should have seen through Blaise, why had she gotten involved with someone outside the clan? She hadn't needed anything like that and she'd known that she and Blaise weren't going to amount to anything.
Her mind was racing, it was making her dizzy. Her children wouldn't stop talking, but Pak had stopped listening, she only picked up a word here and there, none of them happy or good. She bit her thumb hard enough that her fangs drew blood and her mind settled on Mara for a second.
[Are you two OK? I'm so sorry.... are you close? Bao's coming...]
It was mindless babbling and Pak forced herself to stop sending. There was no sense distracting Mara. She'd ask all these questions later, after she was home and safe. She'd buy Mara a drink, or whatever she wanted, and they'd talk about all of this and what the hell had happened.
Again focusing back on the two men Pak found she didn't have to do anything to follow Kem's advice. They were going after each other well enough without her trying to bait them. Blaise, however, seemed to be defending her. Pak didn't know if that was a permanent thing or if he just wanted to be top dog right now. Once the fur started fling though, she didn't care. She simply tried to stay out of the way.
Even practicing with Bao, Kem and Aishe, and Eiryk Pak was still impressed with the speed of the flight. Blaise and Jarrod, however, added a level of viciousness her sessions didn't have, and Blaise was taking the worst of it. With only a second's hesitation Pak jumped into things, literally. If Blaise really had had a change of heart he was her ticket out of here.
It didn't go as well as planned. Blaise didn't get the key and looked like he might pass out and Jarrod turned on her. Bao had taught her with a particular emphasis on defense and avoidance. It paid off, Jarrod didn't tear her to shreds right away. She was able to avoid the first few attacks, she even managed to throw Jarrod to the floor. With no where to run to though, her luck and limited skill wasn't much help.
The rest of the encounter was a blur. Blaise got back to his feet and tried to help. For a few minutes, or maybe seconds, the two of them had an edge. Jarrod, however, apparently broke Blaise's ankle causing him to crumple to the ground. Pak found herself slammed in to a wall and then down on to the bed with Jarrod straddling her and her head spinning again it was very hard to think. Pak jammed her brand new silver heels into the bastard's junk as hard as she could. Vampire or not, he gave a gurgling cry and curled up like a shrimp letting Pak shove him off the bed.
She turned her attention back to Kem. It was probably a little weak and fuzzy, but she counted on their bond and their long friendship to help him understand.
[I might pass out again... but I kicked the son of a bitch hard.]
She didn't actually pass out though, which was something of a relief. She didn't know how long that kick would keep Jarrod out of things.
Pakpao's voice in his head had been quite startling. Bao was certain he'd not forgotten a chess match or a practice session. What could she want? They weren't exactly friends, they danced around it but she was not willing to take that step and Bao, reluctantly, admitted to himself, wasn't sure he knew -how- to take that step.
Once they had established what the situation was though Bao was livid. He should have been more alert for this. They had been tormenting him for some time. He should have found Alfred and eliminated him. The man was elusive though and Bao had under estimated him. He'd assumed the wolves had done more damage to the project than they had. He'd assumed that Alfred was too busy trying to rebuild and wasn't serious about retaliating. The old adage about why one should not assume hit him squire in the face.
Assuring Pakpao that he was coming Bao immediately dropped everything. He didn't even hit 'save' on the document he was working on. He simply started for his car with a great deal of urgency. The new voice in his head slowed him down as did the mention of Mara.
This was apparently more urgent than he had assumed. And there was that word again. He did need to stop using it.
[As you wish. Please keep me updated as to your location.]
Bao answered simply. He needed this man, Kem if he recognized the voice correctly, to continue to send. He could not initiate a conversation. Truthfully he did not like sending. It was an amazing tool, a valuable gift, one he actually admired. However, he disliked all these extra voices in his head. Bao liked to be alone with his thoughts.
That aside though he did as he was told and found Elder Jin in his office, briefly explained the situation and that Mara had requested his presence. Before again heading to the garage very quickly.
Bao did not -want- the elder there. While he respected the man a great deal this was not a situation he was proud of. He had no desire to explain this nor to answer to the clan for this mess. He did not want Amir to know, but undoubtedly with Mara's involvement he would know. This was not his finest moment and as such it did not inspire him to be chatty.
"Thank you for your assistance elder.†It was stilted, but sincere. "I am afraid I am in the dark regarding the plan. Or even the specifics of the situation.â€
He only had the barest control of his temper right now, Bao could feel it slipping away but as he felt control leave him Bao held on even tighter as he drove extremely quickly ignoring the occasional red light in a blind attempt to catch up with Kem and Mara wishing that he was not so dependent on this awkward relay system.