Tristan Alpin - Anantya

Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Cinàed Allerdice*

Aliases:Lucas Frazier, Felix Jonckersen, has several aboriginal names but doesn't use them outside of the tribes, uses Kenneth or Kenny a lot with various surnames (although all the 'they killed Kenny jokes have kind of killed that for him), currently going by Tristan Alpin

Place of Birth: near what is modern Inverness in Scotland

Agereal and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires*here, see the real/apparent age calculator for werewolves*here) looks a very generic early to mid twenties (as near as anyone counted he was 24 when he was turned) is 1,413

Male/Female: Male

Current Occupation: Professor of Anthropology

Past Occupation: (If different from above) metal worker, blacksmith, sailor, navigator, hunter, tutor/teacher, archaeologist, singer


Hair Color: dark brown, sun streaked almost blond in some places

Length and Style: It was very long and included a beard then he was turned, it is currently cut with a long top and back and shorter sides letting him go a little shaggy or brush it back in a very professional manner

Eye Color: Gray

Skin Color: white guy who has been in the sun a lot, pretty darn tan/bronzish

Height: 6ft 3in

Weight: 187

Nationality: Pict

Race: (I.E.*Vampire,*Werewolf,*human*etc.)

Body Type: noticeably muscular but not obnoxiously so, more athletic

Wolf Form (Werewolf -*please read first):*N/A

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC)*( Please be as specific as possible, who your*creator/gifter*was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?): Fadil Sherazi was turned approximately 500BCE. He was from Susa which is part of modern day Iran. He was part of a noble family and spent a majority of his life in various court circles even when he traveled to Europe. He was, and still is, exceptionally well educated and considered an accomplished poet. He is not a physically imposing man, with a slight to average build and only about five and a half feet with bronze skin and very dark brown eyes. His manner is very still, quiet and observant unless he is required to be other wise and then he is capable of acting anything from the charmer to the bully. He very much liked Cinàed's bravery and determination when facing the wolves. He had intended to offer the young man to his creator to be trained for The Hunt, like much of their relationship, that did not go as planed.

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality: calm, confidant, laid back, not a clown but not above a prank or practical joke, patient, observant, serious about his work but not obsessive, pragmatic but with a little bit of a romantic in him, extremely protective of people but willing to give them their space, curious and adaptable, cheerful and good natured but doesn't mind or shy away from an argument, he just might not start it, all in all a reasonable human being... er vampire

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) pretty average, tends to the dressier end of business casual, neat, clean cut, approachable, looks like a young professional

3.What does your character like? The ocean, the outback, libraries, computers, earth tones, petroglyphs, basketball, tea, BBC comedies currently his favorites are Chef! and The IT Crowd, storms esp thunder storms the bigger and louder the better

4. Dislike? Magazine surveys, Cosmo (the magazine, not the drink... although he is none too fond of the drink), American football, historical inaccuracy, guns, florescent lights, bad/fake Australian accents, iced tea, white chocolate (which isn't really chocolate any way)

5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A

6. What are your fears?*

Guns - he's had a few bad run ins with them in the early day of fire arms and been forced to regenerate things, like his face, a finger or three, etc. He's also been shot, which isn't too bad for a vampire but a bit hard to explain why you're just fine while shot out at sea with nowhere to disappear to while you 'recover' the rest of the crew gets suspicious

Being completely alone - he grew up in a village, he spent a lot of time on ships, he's an anthropologist he is always around people being completely by himself is not good. He avoids living alone in single family homes, preferring apartments or places like The Manor where he can at least encounter other people occasionally. When studding a new tribe he would either blend or shift forms so that he could stay close without interfering, when working on a paper he prefers a library to a solitary office etc

Wolves - this applies to large dogs as well unless he can clearly and easily identify them as a dog for example German Shepard will make him look twice, Labradors not so much. Although Fadil did explain, after the fact, what had happened with the wolves and that it was all the result of vampire involvement Cinàed cannot forget how big and fast those wolves were

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?*(please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)

Adaptable - this is can be said of a lot of vampires but it is true for him as well, he's kept up with changing times, moved between economic circumstances, and learned how to accept and embrace other cultures with ease and little to no judgment

Determined - He's survived being washed overboard (more than once) and refused to give in and found his way either to land or back to his ship, he'd not given up after being washed up on the shores of Australia even knowing the natives had killed several people, he (and his brother) decided they had to find the wolves to know if The Wild Hunt was coming for their village once he makes up his mind to see something through and not give up he does it

Educated - when Fadil turned him he had little or not education but the vampire immediately started in on brining Cinàed's education up to par, languages, history, art, dance, music, mathematics, quite surprisingly, to him at least, Cinàed loved all of it he had to know everything Fadil could teach him and found others who could teach him what Fadil couldn't it is a passion he's kept to this day reading doing his best to stay current in more subjects than just anthropology

Afraid of falling - gravity works, there is no need to test it. While he will go in tall buildings and up mountains he religiously stays away from the edge, from windows, etc and he will not look down. Oddly enough it makes him leery of stair wells, two story house no problem, three story stair well in a parking garage and he's looking for an elevator or will walk the ramps the cars use. This is eve more prominent when he has to go down stairs rather than up, he cannot explain that and has stopped trying

Not big on plans - Cinàed is a big believer in the axiom 'no battle plan lasts beyond the first encounter with the enemy' and so he doesn't make elaborate plans, he'd rather improvise. If you give him a clear goal and objectives he can work and will go in very organized but he is not someone who is going to have three contingency plans and will have to come up with something on the fly if he gets into a tight spot.

Tends to make broad leaps between topics/thoughts - there is always a chain there and he can explain how he got from point A to point F but sometimes forgets other people don't make the same jumps it can make explaining himself difficult, he'll have to go back and figure out what it was he's left out and explain it. This is not the best trait when time is of the essence and can be quite frustrating for others

Vampire -*


Shape shifter (Tasmanian tiger)





Heavy sleeper

won't feed on anyone who reminds him of his brother (whether that be personality, sense of humor, or physically it doesn't matter if you remind him of Teàrlach you're off the menu)

large teeth

Werewolf -

Abilities - Listed*here*(Include Tier Points) -

Flaws - Listed*here(Include Tier Points) -

Hobbies & Skills*(for more information, read*here)
metal/black smith
silver/gold smith
plays the piano and guitar
Plays chess and backgammon
reads a lot, mostly non-fiction lots of journals etc
solid outdoors man
enjoys pinball and video games, esp more 'classic' games
hacker (not the best ever, just enough to get what he is looking for on a moderately secure system)
Speaks a number of European and Asian languages somewhere between passably and fluently (more on the passably side with the Asian...)
Most of his language skills are with Australian aboriginal languages and dialects and Auslan (Australian sign language) and of course, Pictish - not overly useful in the US really...

Cosmetic Traits: His arms thighs and chest are all tattooed, not covered completely you can still see the skin, the ink is a blueish/black and the designs are similar to what one finds on old Pictish carved stones and jewelry

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - tends to sounds like/imitate the Muppets when intoxicated (surprisingly good at the Swedish Chef and Fozzie Bear), always wears loud/obnoxious/patterned socks, collects random facts and useless trivia, puts things in his pockets (hand him a pen to sign for a package, the pen goes in his pocket; hand him your car keys for a second, they go in his pocket; pull the paper clip off a report, it goes in his pocket; it makes doing his laundry quite interesting) has a serious fascination with twin studies of any kind

Personal History: Cinàed and his brother Teàrlach were the middle children in a rather large family. Cinàed being older than his twin brother by several minutes. Despite popular culture's commonly accepted image of Picts being savage and fierce warriors for the most part life in their village was fairly quiet. Like all the boys in the village Cinàed learned how to fight and the twins were quite good at it, but it wasn't either one's passion. Cinàed apprentice with the only metal smith in the village eventually taking over when his hands became too arthritic to manage the hammer. He was being pressured by his parents to settle down and have children of his own but hadn't gotten around to it when he and his brother had a rather remarkable encounter.

Cinàed and Teàrlach had gone out hunting with some of the other men, all the men were rather on edge a number of the farmers who lived outside the village had seen wolves and not just one or two. The hunting party was also charged with keeping an eye out for signs of the animals. The twins, however, managed to get themselves separated from the others. While Cinàed wanted to go in search of the party or return to the village he allowed his more impulsive and charismatic brother, Teàrlach to persuade him to continue on in search of meat and signs of the wolves.

They did eventually find and kill a boar, a dangerous proposition with only two men, but neither brother wanted to return home empty handed. As they road back through the night using the full moon for light they heard one wolves, then two, three.... they lost count and decided to hurry back home. They didn't hurry fast enough, what both brothers took to be The Wild Hunt suddenly seemed to be bearing down on them. Although they were urging their horses to their top speed The Hunt quickly caught up with them. Cinàed looked down at one point to see a wolf along side him, brushing his leg as it passed them. Not knowing why a wolf would pass by him he looked back, he couldn't get an accurate count but there were any where from four to a dozen other men, or creatures, on horse back following the wolves. He probably wouldn't have been mesmerized by the sight and caught by The Hunt if Teàrlach hadn't shouted and veered in another direction, sheer habit made Cinàed follow his twin and The Hunt passed them by.

What the brother had taken to be a group of spirits, an open of disaster and death, The Wild Hunt, was in fact a group of vampires pursuing a pack of werewolves. Cinàed would no be told this until a week or so after he'd been turned and even then his maker would not give the details as to why they were engaged in this conflict, nor would he tell Cinàed who won.

Although neither of them was harmed the experience haunted them both, the appearance of The Hunt, after all, was an ill omen it signaled death, destruction or other disaster. Since they hadn't been kidnapped by The Hunt, the spirits occasionally plucked unsuspecting mortal from this world and pursued them for eternity (a fate both of them were pleased to have escaped) both men both held their breath for several weeks waiting for some tragedy to befall either they or the village but decided not to tell any one of their experience in hopes of preventing a panic. After several weeks, when the moon was again full they ventured out again, alone, in hopes of finding some evidence of The Wild Hunt and if possible thwarting any disaster that the spirits might bring upon them. Their expedition, was foolish and the results were a disaster.

Only a few miles from the village the wolves found them. Although the brothers thought the wolves were spirits, vengeful and dangerous spirits, they were quite real. The pack's leader recognized the mortals and assumed they had something to do with the vampires who had attacked them the previous full moon, familiars possibly. Seeing the humans as a weaknesses that could be exploited the alpha lead his pack against Cinàed and Teàrlach. The twins were caught well off guard by the wolves who were not running in front of The Hunt this time. This time they were huge, fast, hungry and very real, nothing spectral about them at all. Before either of them could react the twins were out of their saddles and the horses were brought down and killed. The brothers positioned to defend themselves, or attempt to any way, and each did score a number of hits, although neither could kill one of the animals. Teàrlach was tackled and brought to the ground, one of the animals started to pull him away, Cinàed went to save his brother and was viciously bitten, his knee felt like it was being crushed just as his world went gray and he began to black out he heard a horn and saw the riders of The Hunt charge the pack.

When he finally awoke Teàrlach was no where to be found, only a very still, very quite man with bronze skin and very dark brown eyes. His name was Fadil Sherazi, he and Cinàed clashed almost immediately. It was day light out and Fadil refused to go out to look for Teàrlach and wouldn't let Cinàed leave. Cinàed hated it and considered the man a witch, or a member of The Hunt, for although not physically restrained he couldn't so much as move toward the exit. He could move anywhere else in the room, just not near the exit. Even as Cinàed struggled to leave, to find his brother, to get home, to just get away from Fadil he leg continued to throb and bleed sluggishly, he developed a fever and grew weaker by the minute. As the sun was setting Fadil bluntly told Cinàed he was dying and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He then made the strangest offer Cinàed could have imagined, he offered to save him but made it clear that it would be death of a sort and he'd have to leave everything he knew. Cinàed refused and Fadil simply let him go on his way.

Cinàed found his way back to the village but was near delirious with fever. He raved about The Wild Hunt and called continuously for his brother. Finally his father managed to make Cinàed understand that Teàrlach was missing. They'd found his horse, his prize possession for horses were often a sign of wealth and status among their people, dead but nothing of Teàrlach. Cinàed wouldn't believe his father and was convinced his twin was still alive and that he was the only one was able to find him.

Over the years Cinàed's relationship with his maker was not always easy Fadil, while an excellent teacher and mentor, wasn't much of a companion. He was too often quite and kept his thoughts to himself. He did, however, teach Cinàed a great deal, taking the young vampire with him from place to place, court to court, mission to mission always pushing his prodigy a little further. Fadil was a member of Anantya and the Night and was forever gathering information for one reason or another. Cinàed found he loved these challenges as well, but where his creator often mixed with the courts, nobles and upper crust, Cinàed was much happier and found he learned almost as much and occasionally more, by earning his keep as a blacksmith or other laborer. By coming at a problem from two directions the two men made, and still make, an excellent team.

Cinàed, however, never forgot and never wavered in his believe that his brother was alive. No matter where they went he went in search of his missing twin. Determined to broaden his search Cinàed took to the seas becoming a very adept explorer and sailor. It was the latter that gave his life an unexpected turn.

Cinàed, then going by Felix Jonckersen, was sailing with Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. Janszoon was the first European to sight and chart what is now Australia. It was a remarkable discovery, the whole crew, including Cinàed were quite excited by it although, as a number of the crew were killed by the inhospitable natives, cautious. As Janzoon set the course of the Duyfken back to Bantam it was hit by an extremely bad storm, loosing several other men, including Cinàed. He's still not sure how he survived being washed over boarding and being tossed around by the sea but he did eventually wake up, very battered, along a rocky shore. As the sun was rising quickly Cinàed didn't question his good fortune or have time to look for other survivors but instead sought cover.

His good fortune continued when the following night he was discovered by a small party of natives who considered him more a curiosity than a threat. Being totally alone and his bedraggled appearance seemed to work for him. Although the language barrier, as well as the cultures, were quite real and difficult to over come Cinàed did slowly come to be accepted by the tribe. This kind of study and learning became a passion. Cinàed stopped looking for rescue and instead fell in love with the continent and its people and animals, especially what is now called a Tasmanian Tiger, and explored and studied relentlessly.

He had been there for years, a century or more, Cinàed had more or less lost track of time, later when reunited with Europeans he worked out that he'd become what was considered 'ancient', he'd been in Australia for a hundred years or more when he discovered a new gift, he became a shape shifter. He was able to take the form of the thylacine. Cinàed loved it, he was now able to observe people even more closely, as long as he could keep from being hunted. The shape has since become a bit more awkward as the animal has gone extinct. His only saving grace is most people don't know what they are looking at when they see him shifted.

The other thing the loss of European time helped was him come to terms with the loss of his brother. Even though it had been several hundred years Cinàed had never quite given up hope. After all Fadil had found him and turned him and he was still alive, no matter how many times Fadil had told him it was so unlikely as to be impossible he'd held on to hope that one day he'd find Teàrlach again. They'd bother be vampires and have a great deal of catching up to do. Having no way to count the years and the natives and their beliefs and story telling helped him finally let go. Teàrlach was gone. Some day he hopes to find out what happened to his twin, but he has accepted he is more than likely dead, killed by the wolves.

As Europeans began to settle, and often injure and destroy, Australia Cinàed remained. He has made and continues to make some attempt to preserve his adopted homeland Cinàed had become too much the observer to fully engage in any crusades. Instead he used the European arrival to further and formalize his education.

He has rather given up any hope of finding his brother, but hopes to some day know what happened to him. And although he has traveled some both for the Clan, although he harbors a little bit of resentment that no one came looking for him, and to lecture and study he has remained mostly in Australia for the past four centuries plus. Fadil has asked a favor of him and he's recently arrived in Nachton hunting down a small group of vampires who are playing with rather dangerous forces. As he'd learned that night, the last time he saw his brother, if you go looking for wolves, sometimes they find you. His job is to decide how bad a thing it would be if this group of renegades was found.

OOC Checklist*

Player name (online is fine) - Mike
Other Characters you play - start with Pak, end with Blaise
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - aliens
Have you read all the*Rules? yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? yes