"Yeah, well at least it registers your movements." Evan groused. "I have to hold on to a fitness tracker for it to track my flight." He sighed and then grinned. "First world vampire problems. Your phone is too awkward to carry in bird form."
Nudging his companion, he smiled. "You could just carry both,right?" He held up two phones, one for each account. Because if you are going to play something then you should seriously over do it. Evan reminded himself that there were other maladjusted people with more than two accounts. He was fine, totally normal, for a being that occasionally looked like one of the pokemon that people were catching. He fancied himself an Articuno but he was probably closer to a Taillow if he were being honest with himself. Maybe one day they would add Lycanroc for his furry companions.
"You know, you should totally dye your fur to match Suicune." Evan called to Tavi before she was too far away.
"She could pull that off, right?"
Gotta Catch Em All
Tavi looked down at her phone and sighed. "It is totally fucked up that I have to tell Pokemon Go that I am a passenger because it thinks I am in a car and driving too fast." She looks down at her feet on the path and then looked around. Not a car in sight. "Seriously, I can't help it that I am just that fast." She could run faster than a Prius. Though maybe that wasn't as big a feat as it sounded.
"I can hatch pokemon eggs like nobody's business though."
She pointed to the docks "Are we going to do this Dialga raid? I think we should have no trouble taking him down with just us."
Not waiting for her companions to answer, Tavi headed down to the pier where the gym was virtually located.

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago

Kiyoshi Salinas
5 years ago
Kiyo was trying to follow the fast-paced conversation of Tavi and Evan, but between fumbling around with his new phone and clinging desperately to Evan's shirt to keep up, he'd sort of lost track. So he glanced up at Evan, almost made something up, but then just settled on, "Err... yes? I mean, she can pull anything off."
He wasn't as adept as his friends at Pokemon. In fact, it wasn't his favorite game. He found the idea of virtual animals lurking everywhere, where he couldn't see or smell them, somewhat disconcerting. He relied so heavily on his senses, this game really messed him up. But he liked the 'wandering around looking for them' aspect of it.
Belatedly, Evan's words filtered through his brain and he recalled the teal, purple, and white water Pokemon.
"Oh. Tavi could definitely do Suicune." He looked away a little sheepishly. "Sorry. I wasn't listening. I was busy being bad at Pokemon."
He wasn't as adept as his friends at Pokemon. In fact, it wasn't his favorite game. He found the idea of virtual animals lurking everywhere, where he couldn't see or smell them, somewhat disconcerting. He relied so heavily on his senses, this game really messed him up. But he liked the 'wandering around looking for them' aspect of it.
Belatedly, Evan's words filtered through his brain and he recalled the teal, purple, and white water Pokemon.
"Oh. Tavi could definitely do Suicune." He looked away a little sheepishly. "Sorry. I wasn't listening. I was busy being bad at Pokemon."

Octavia Emiliano
5 years ago
Tavi smiled back at Evan and then seriously considered the legendary pokemon that he was talking about. "The coloring would be easy. The diamond shapes in the fur would be harder...but doable. I am not sure about wearing long streamers though. That seems like a triping hazard to me." Tilting her head to the side, she shrugged before turning back toward the dock. "I would totally do it for a convention or Halloween or something."
The gym was currently held by the red team. They couldn't see who had it because the raid was up and they coudln't fight the team until the raid was over. It only had about ten minutes left anyway. She hoped her friends wouldn't mind sticking around long enough to kick some Valour ass.
"Okay, I am going to start this." Tavi turned in a raid pass and started the encounter. The others had plenty of time to join in and pick their teams. She had a few Machamps and several more Hariyamas. The Hariyama just made her laugh with his big foam looking hands. "Let's do this!"
The gym was currently held by the red team. They couldn't see who had it because the raid was up and they coudln't fight the team until the raid was over. It only had about ten minutes left anyway. She hoped her friends wouldn't mind sticking around long enough to kick some Valour ass.
"Okay, I am going to start this." Tavi turned in a raid pass and started the encounter. The others had plenty of time to join in and pick their teams. She had a few Machamps and several more Hariyamas. The Hariyama just made her laugh with his big foam looking hands. "Let's do this!"

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago
"You are not bad at Pokemon." Evan disagreed with his boyfriend and gave him a quick squeeze. "That is not possible."
Little kids play Pokemon Go. You just tossed a ball at the pokemon and caught them. He really wasn't sure about the ethics of it all though. Catching animals and stuffing them into tiny plastic looking balls and then making them fight each other until they pass out seemed like a mean thing to do. The cartoons and games never gave a good reason for it. Not every pokemon was used for fighting and some seemed more inclined to it than others. Eh, he could debate the flaws in this imaginary world for a long time but the thing that he liked about it was that it was getting people out of their houses and getting them to explore their local community, even meet new people.
Tavi seemed to give the Suicune idea some serious thought but he had to agree with her that the streamers seemed like a bad idea, certainly not very practical.
They arrived on the dock and clustered around near the physical location of the virtual gym. His little avatar, MrMagpie, looked stylish in his Gengar knit hat and backpack along with the purple hoodie. He joined the raid and was representing for Team Mystic. Tavi, whose avatar sported green hair and who was Instinct, was already in the raid.
His second account, Maggie, was Instinct. She was sporting her yellow team colors currently. He had started with Mystic and still considered that his team but he made a second account when it was obvious that sometimes he needed to bust his main account out of a gym that was taking too long to turn over. It is all about the coins, and the dust, and the gold gym badges. Plus, a second account let him trade pokemon back and forth to get potential luckies and better stats. He could ask Kiyo for that but he didn't want to be always asking for his boyfriend's phone. Kiyo might start thinking that he didn't trust him or something. ' No, just trading these swinubs from community day. I promise'
Evan laid both phones on his left arm and hovered two fingers over the center of them, ready to tap madly on both when the raid started.
Little kids play Pokemon Go. You just tossed a ball at the pokemon and caught them. He really wasn't sure about the ethics of it all though. Catching animals and stuffing them into tiny plastic looking balls and then making them fight each other until they pass out seemed like a mean thing to do. The cartoons and games never gave a good reason for it. Not every pokemon was used for fighting and some seemed more inclined to it than others. Eh, he could debate the flaws in this imaginary world for a long time but the thing that he liked about it was that it was getting people out of their houses and getting them to explore their local community, even meet new people.
Tavi seemed to give the Suicune idea some serious thought but he had to agree with her that the streamers seemed like a bad idea, certainly not very practical.
They arrived on the dock and clustered around near the physical location of the virtual gym. His little avatar, MrMagpie, looked stylish in his Gengar knit hat and backpack along with the purple hoodie. He joined the raid and was representing for Team Mystic. Tavi, whose avatar sported green hair and who was Instinct, was already in the raid.
His second account, Maggie, was Instinct. She was sporting her yellow team colors currently. He had started with Mystic and still considered that his team but he made a second account when it was obvious that sometimes he needed to bust his main account out of a gym that was taking too long to turn over. It is all about the coins, and the dust, and the gold gym badges. Plus, a second account let him trade pokemon back and forth to get potential luckies and better stats. He could ask Kiyo for that but he didn't want to be always asking for his boyfriend's phone. Kiyo might start thinking that he didn't trust him or something. ' No, just trading these swinubs from community day. I promise'
Evan laid both phones on his left arm and hovered two fingers over the center of them, ready to tap madly on both when the raid started.

Kiyoshi Salinas
5 years ago
Kiyo wasn't so sure about that. He didn't love suspense, and these battles always felt suspenseful. Usually he got scared and stabbed mindlessly at his phone screen and then died. Having his friends there helped mitigate his horrible reflexes.
Having caught up to Tavi he said, "You could just do the colors. Not an actual replica. I love those colors together. And maybe clip the diamond pattern into your fur."
He joined the raid as Mystic, poking his tongue out between his teeth in anticipation of the brutal phone-stabbing that was about to occur and made sure he had a good grip on it. Last time he'd gotten carried away and his phone had gone flying. He was totally ready to not have a repeat of that feat. It hadn't helped that several kids had been present and had burst into peals of laughter.
Having caught up to Tavi he said, "You could just do the colors. Not an actual replica. I love those colors together. And maybe clip the diamond pattern into your fur."
He joined the raid as Mystic, poking his tongue out between his teeth in anticipation of the brutal phone-stabbing that was about to occur and made sure he had a good grip on it. Last time he'd gotten carried away and his phone had gone flying. He was totally ready to not have a repeat of that feat. It hadn't helped that several kids had been present and had burst into peals of laughter.

Octavia Emiliano
5 years ago
Tavi smiled at Kiyo and nodded. It was a pretty combination and she had done something similar a while back. It would be a good "winter wolf" sort of look. "Yeah, that way I can take them off when not being Suicune and still enjoy the colors. It is a pain to dye a wolf, even a small but very intelligent one. So,yeah, it wouldn't be something I would only want to do for a day and then want to change."
They had four people in the party, thanks to Evan two boxing, and that should be plenty for the raid. They might have to run through several rounds of fainted Pokémon before they were finished but that was okay.
As soon as the large white "go" came up on the screen she began tapping furiously. Tavi cast a concerned look at Evan, his phones tilting precariously on his arm and he tapped.
"Are you guys okay if we stay long enough to take down the gym once the raid times out?" She looked from one to the other. "I still need a little bit more to get this gym to a gold badge but you guys can take it for Mystic if you need it more."
They had four people in the party, thanks to Evan two boxing, and that should be plenty for the raid. They might have to run through several rounds of fainted Pokémon before they were finished but that was okay.
As soon as the large white "go" came up on the screen she began tapping furiously. Tavi cast a concerned look at Evan, his phones tilting precariously on his arm and he tapped.
"Are you guys okay if we stay long enough to take down the gym once the raid times out?" She looked from one to the other. "I still need a little bit more to get this gym to a gold badge but you guys can take it for Mystic if you need it more."

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago
This might not be working as well as he would have liked. He wanted to pull his weight and it was hard to focus on two phones as it was without worrying about losing them both over the edge of his arm.
"Not working." Evan muttered to himself more than anyone. He took one phone in each hand and continued to tapping while he plopped himself down onto the dock. From seated, he tilted over onto his stomach, phones still being tapped in his hands while he laid himself out on the pier. Then he set both phones down comfortably in front of him and continued his tapping. It was hard to dodge very will when two boxing but he could manage it for long charge moves, like Draco Meteor that Dialga was throwing their way.
"Well there went Machamp number 3." He sighed. "He was my favorite too."
"That's okay. We got this Number Four. You can do it,Buddy! No,no, I really wanted you to not stand in the shower of death." Evan sighed again. "Number Five please stay alive!"
Tavi asked about taking down the gym after the raid finished. . "I am fine with staying and I am gold here on my main account. He looked at Kiyo. "Do you need this one?"
"Not working." Evan muttered to himself more than anyone. He took one phone in each hand and continued to tapping while he plopped himself down onto the dock. From seated, he tilted over onto his stomach, phones still being tapped in his hands while he laid himself out on the pier. Then he set both phones down comfortably in front of him and continued his tapping. It was hard to dodge very will when two boxing but he could manage it for long charge moves, like Draco Meteor that Dialga was throwing their way.
"Well there went Machamp number 3." He sighed. "He was my favorite too."
"That's okay. We got this Number Four. You can do it,Buddy! No,no, I really wanted you to not stand in the shower of death." Evan sighed again. "Number Five please stay alive!"
Tavi asked about taking down the gym after the raid finished. . "I am fine with staying and I am gold here on my main account. He looked at Kiyo. "Do you need this one?"

Kiyoshi Salinas
5 years ago
The raid started and Kiyo immediately screwed up by almost losing his Breloom. He managed to hang on for long enough to make it worthwhile before he actually did lose it. After that he had his Machamp, and up after that Groudon then... profit? He wasn't sure.
Too busy stabbing at his phone, tongue poked out in concentration, he hummed an answer to Tavi's and Evan's questions.
Realizing that was unintelligible at best, he shook his head. "Don't need it."
He never played this without Evan, really, although there had been a few occasions where he'd gotten lost in the city and had entertained himself by catching Pokémon while he waited for Evan or Tavi to find him again.
He took another second to look up briefly. "We can stay, we're good."
Too busy stabbing at his phone, tongue poked out in concentration, he hummed an answer to Tavi's and Evan's questions.
Realizing that was unintelligible at best, he shook his head. "Don't need it."
He never played this without Evan, really, although there had been a few occasions where he'd gotten lost in the city and had entertained himself by catching Pokémon while he waited for Evan or Tavi to find him again.
He took another second to look up briefly. "We can stay, we're good."

Octavia Emiliano
5 years ago
Tavi hopped out of the way to make sure that Evan had plenty of room when he decided to stretch out on the pier. When he set his phones down, she leaned over and watched some of the fighting from his screens, with the occasional glance back at her own.
Poor Number Five did not stay alive. She had her own problems to deal with because her last Pokémon had fainted and she was needing to choose a new team to bring back into the game. She chose the auto recommendation just to get back a little quicker.
"Duck and weave,Gallade, duck and weave."
Her friends said they didn't mind staying and that they didn't need the gym.
"You guys are the best!" Tavi leaned over and gave Kiyo a quick kiss on the cheek. "Even if you are Mystic."
"Woo! We won! Now we just need to catch this thing!"
Poor Number Five did not stay alive. She had her own problems to deal with because her last Pokémon had fainted and she was needing to choose a new team to bring back into the game. She chose the auto recommendation just to get back a little quicker.
"Duck and weave,Gallade, duck and weave."
Her friends said they didn't mind staying and that they didn't need the gym.
"You guys are the best!" Tavi leaned over and gave Kiyo a quick kiss on the cheek. "Even if you are Mystic."
"Woo! We won! Now we just need to catch this thing!"

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago
The Machamp team had just completely wiped out when the last of Dialga's health drained away so his main account hadn't needed to start with another group but his second account had taken two teams. He didn't yet have a full Machamp fighting force on it.
He sat up after the raid win and picked up his first phone. There was no need to try and catch this guy on two phones at once.
"He has a big hit box and he doesn't jump around nearly as much as the last legendary." Palkia had been really cool but originally he had been set really far away and he jumped constantly like a little kid who had eaten too much sugar on Christmas morning and had been told he needed to wait to open presents. They eventually brought his closer but his jumping habit was still the same.
"And there is one steel dragon thing." Evan set down the first phone and picked up the second one. "I also need to finish my five great curveball throws in a row research quest with this account. I kind of hope he pops out of the ball a lot."
For that reason, he decided to not use a golden raspberry for the first half of his throw chances. He would add one if it started to look like he might not catch this guy.
"We are indeed the best...because we are Mystic."
He sat up after the raid win and picked up his first phone. There was no need to try and catch this guy on two phones at once.
"He has a big hit box and he doesn't jump around nearly as much as the last legendary." Palkia had been really cool but originally he had been set really far away and he jumped constantly like a little kid who had eaten too much sugar on Christmas morning and had been told he needed to wait to open presents. They eventually brought his closer but his jumping habit was still the same.
"And there is one steel dragon thing." Evan set down the first phone and picked up the second one. "I also need to finish my five great curveball throws in a row research quest with this account. I kind of hope he pops out of the ball a lot."
For that reason, he decided to not use a golden raspberry for the first half of his throw chances. He would add one if it started to look like he might not catch this guy.
"We are indeed the best...because we are Mystic."

Kiyoshi Salinas
5 years ago
As usual, Kiyo totally lost track of how many teams he went through. But in the end they were triumphant, and got to catch a dragon. He shook his head at Tavi and Evan, his eyes flickering up in a brief humorous roll and his cheeks blushing a light pink when she kissed him.
"We are the best because we have super speed and enhanced senses and that's probably unfair for video games and phone apps."
He coughed. "Or because we're Mystic."
Since they were done with the anxiety part of the raid, Kiyo sat down where he was, satisfied that he wasn't actually going to lose hold of his phone anytime soon. Tavi wouldn't be long, and he wondered if they would be Pokémon hunting some more, or if they might go eat.
Not that he was starving. He was just... probably starving.
"We are the best because we have super speed and enhanced senses and that's probably unfair for video games and phone apps."
He coughed. "Or because we're Mystic."
Since they were done with the anxiety part of the raid, Kiyo sat down where he was, satisfied that he wasn't actually going to lose hold of his phone anytime soon. Tavi wouldn't be long, and he wondered if they would be Pokémon hunting some more, or if they might go eat.
Not that he was starving. He was just... probably starving.

Octavia Emiliano
5 years ago
Tavi rolled her eyes at Evan's remark about being the best because they were Mystic and smiled at Kiyo's decision that they had unfair superhuman advantages that made the game easier.
"We are only as good as the software really and it is getting closer to keeping up with us but not quite." Some games were helped by their speed an agility even though they were video games but phone games didn't depend on too much finesse because it wasn't a great platform for those type of games. Now "Dance Dance Revolution was something Tavi could do while drunk...with ease.
Hopping up on the timber side railing, she caught her Dialga and then grabbed a few of the other Pokémon in the area while waiting for the raid to end.
Finally the raid vanished and the Valor team could once again be seen. Tavi laughed when she saw which two avatars are in the gym.
She showed the phone to Kiyo and then to Evan. There was a very dapper dark haired character with a black blazer, top hat and sunglasses. His trainer name was NoxAeternus. The other was blond and was wearing the grey Team Rocket gear and was named TheRealRomanov.
"Bye bye Jan and Evgeni." They had been defending the gym for half the day already so she didn't feel bad.
"We are only as good as the software really and it is getting closer to keeping up with us but not quite." Some games were helped by their speed an agility even though they were video games but phone games didn't depend on too much finesse because it wasn't a great platform for those type of games. Now "Dance Dance Revolution was something Tavi could do while drunk...with ease.
Hopping up on the timber side railing, she caught her Dialga and then grabbed a few of the other Pokémon in the area while waiting for the raid to end.
Finally the raid vanished and the Valor team could once again be seen. Tavi laughed when she saw which two avatars are in the gym.
She showed the phone to Kiyo and then to Evan. There was a very dapper dark haired character with a black blazer, top hat and sunglasses. His trainer name was NoxAeternus. The other was blond and was wearing the grey Team Rocket gear and was named TheRealRomanov.
"Bye bye Jan and Evgeni." They had been defending the gym for half the day already so she didn't feel bad.

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago
When Kiyo sat down on the pier, Evan laid down on his back with his head in his boyfriend's lap. "Connection speed and equipment helps more than super human speed on most computer games."
"Oh, Tavi, you should come to Terminus and try out Beat Saber. I think you would be amazing at it." That was one game where vampire or werewolf reflexes would be useful and Tavi was an excellent dancer
She held down her phone to show the two level forty Team Valor members who were holding the gym. Evan had seen them around in the gyms from time to time.
Once Tavi took the gym over, he placed a Pokémon from his Instinct account in there.
"Well, we have all night. What would you guys like to do?" There were not any more raids. The last one started around seven and despawned around eight. As the days started to get longer he wouldn't be able to do most raids. Luckily there was a Pokémon gym at Terminus so he could reach that one without going outside.
"Oh, Tavi, you should come to Terminus and try out Beat Saber. I think you would be amazing at it." That was one game where vampire or werewolf reflexes would be useful and Tavi was an excellent dancer
She held down her phone to show the two level forty Team Valor members who were holding the gym. Evan had seen them around in the gyms from time to time.
Once Tavi took the gym over, he placed a Pokémon from his Instinct account in there.
"Well, we have all night. What would you guys like to do?" There were not any more raids. The last one started around seven and despawned around eight. As the days started to get longer he wouldn't be able to do most raids. Luckily there was a Pokémon gym at Terminus so he could reach that one without going outside.

Kiyoshi Salinas
5 years ago
Kiyo couldn't restrain a little laugh when Tavi showed them who was defending the gym. He didn't know Jan and Evgeni well, but of course he had heard plenty about them from Tavi. The potential rivalry was amusing.
When Evan put his head in his lap Kiyo's heart did that funny little skip it always did. He gently massaged his fingers into Evan's scalp, humming with pleasure.
"All right. We're the best because we have better tech. Better?" He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to the tip of Evan's nose, shooting a little grin at Tavi.
Evan asked what they'd like to do and Kiyo hesitated. He was getting much better at voicing his desires, particularly with Evan and Tavi, but he still didn't do it naturally. However, right as Evan asked his stomach growled and there was no way Evan could miss it in his current position.
"Um. Can we eat?"
He'd eaten not long ago but Kiyo was basically a bottomless pit. There was no amount of sustainable sushi or responsibly grown meat that could handle one small wolf.
When Evan put his head in his lap Kiyo's heart did that funny little skip it always did. He gently massaged his fingers into Evan's scalp, humming with pleasure.
"All right. We're the best because we have better tech. Better?" He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to the tip of Evan's nose, shooting a little grin at Tavi.
Evan asked what they'd like to do and Kiyo hesitated. He was getting much better at voicing his desires, particularly with Evan and Tavi, but he still didn't do it naturally. However, right as Evan asked his stomach growled and there was no way Evan could miss it in his current position.
"Um. Can we eat?"
He'd eaten not long ago but Kiyo was basically a bottomless pit. There was no amount of sustainable sushi or responsibly grown meat that could handle one small wolf.

Evan Talkingwater
5 years ago
Evan sighed happily and closed his eyes when Kiyo's fingers slid into his hair. He hummed softly and nodded in the affirmative when his boyfriend said they were the best because they had better tech.
"We should always strive to have better tech." He smiled, his eyes still closed. "And be Mystic."
Opening his eyes to narrow slits, he just caught Tavi making a face at him and mouthing, 'and be Mystic' before sticking her tongue out at him. That made him smile even more.
Kiyo's stomach growled which made it clear what the next thing was that they needed to do.
"Okay, folks, it is food time." He opened his eyes and rolled forward and then onto his feet. "Are we ordering or catching?"
Their dietary needs were all out of the norm. He could enjoy sushi but there wasn't much nourishment. He didn't really need to eat as much as the other two though. Evan generally found a little bit to eat at Terminus when he felt hungry. He could help them chase something down for the sport of running if that was what they wanted to do or help them order some sushi.
"I could eat." Tavi said and hopped down off the railing.
((All Out ))
"We should always strive to have better tech." He smiled, his eyes still closed. "And be Mystic."
Opening his eyes to narrow slits, he just caught Tavi making a face at him and mouthing, 'and be Mystic' before sticking her tongue out at him. That made him smile even more.
Kiyo's stomach growled which made it clear what the next thing was that they needed to do.
"Okay, folks, it is food time." He opened his eyes and rolled forward and then onto his feet. "Are we ordering or catching?"
Their dietary needs were all out of the norm. He could enjoy sushi but there wasn't much nourishment. He didn't really need to eat as much as the other two though. Evan generally found a little bit to eat at Terminus when he felt hungry. He could help them chase something down for the sport of running if that was what they wanted to do or help them order some sushi.
"I could eat." Tavi said and hopped down off the railing.
((All Out ))