
Basic Information

Birth Name (Name Guidelines): Binsa Sherpa
Aliases: Many names starting with Bin, Currently Bindi Dahal
Place of Birth: Himalayan Region of Nepal
Age:(real and apparent) (see the age breakdown for vampires here, see the real/apparent age calculator for werewolves here) 843, turned at 19
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Bodyguard for Order of the Hunt and YouTube Blogger
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Mountain Guide


Hair Color: It had been black but upon being turned it became red with streaks of white framing her face.
Length and Style: It had been long and almost always worn in a braid. Now it is mid length and worn in a braid...when climbing or working.
Eye Color: So dark that they look black.
Skin Color: Was fairly tan before being turned so now a paler shade of tan
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: Nepali
Race: (I.E. Vampire, [COLOR=red]Werewolf[/COLOR], human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: Athletic, strong legs and arms from climbing
Wolf Form ([COLOR=red]Werewolf - please read first[/COLOR]):

Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator/gifter(if a PC) [COLOR=red]( Please be as specific as possible, who your [COLOR=red]creator[/COLOR]/[COLOR=red]gifter[/COLOR] was, why he chose to change you, where is he/she now?)[/COLOR]: Amir the Amazing

Personal Questions

1. Describe your character's personality Bin is very solitary. She likes her own company just fine. While she doesn't like small talk for the sake of filling the silence with inane and unwanted chatter, she likes good conversation. She will often skype or facetime with friends and family from remote locations. She is loyal and protective of her Clan and anyone who is placed in her charge.

2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.) Bindi is short, athletic and quite possibly a teenager. Because of her height, she tends to find most clothes in the children's section of the department store. If she doesn't need to dress a certain way for a job then she tends to dress in clothes that allow movement and are comfortable. She is never cold, ever, so she doesn't usually wear winter clothing unless she is reminded or her job requires it to look normal.
3.What does your character like? Fruit, Diet soda, Audio Books, climbing, being up high,exploring new places,museums, flying,freedom
4. Dislike? Being couped up indoors for long periods of time, being hot, the desert, staying somewhere without mountains,people who talk non-stop, small talk,elevators,crowds,being told what to do
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? [COLOR=red](please choose and explain 3 minimum)[/COLOR]

Losing a charge - She fears that her negligence will cost someone their life.

Enclosed Spaces/Being Buried Alive - Avalanches are no joke. Also tight spaces with no way out are torture.

Being controlled - Bindi loves her freedom and has never had a job or situation where someone controlled when or how she did her job or lived her life. Living with Amir was the closest she has ever been to structure and thankfully he gave her space to learn and grow. She has seen people commanded and thinks that is worse than death.

7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses? [COLOR=red](please pick 3 minimum of each and explain in detail how and why this affects your character)[/COLOR]

Independence - Bindi is a free spirit and an independent thinker. She doesnt need anyone else to make decisions for her, nor does she need their company.

Confident - She knows what she is good at and what she isn't. She doesn't doubt her ability and doesn't put up with crap from people who try to put her down.

Loyal - To her family or to the people that have hired her as a bodyguard or guide. She considers it her duty to protect both and wont hesitate to put herself in harms way for those she cares about.

Introvert - She isn't socially awkward she just doesn't really like big parties, lots of attention, and other energetic and people filled activities. If forced to attend such functions Bindi will do her best to spend the next day alone, with a nice book, up on the top of a mountain somewhere, with no cell service.

Forceful - She knows when she is right about something and she doesn't back down. Also she is short and "cute" so she has had a lifetime of people not taking her seriously until she makes people take her seriously. "Pinch my cheek one more time, old lady, and I swear I will end you."

Fiercely Independent - She is the exact opposite of codependent. Bindi has learned over time that disappearing for a week or more at a time does give people the impression that you don't like them. However, though she tries to communicate better about these things to new friends and potential love interests she doesn't feel the need to change her ways. They can either understand or not.

Vampire -

Abilities (Listed here)

Shapeshifter - Red Panda

Flaws (Listed here)

Heavy Sleeper
Fear of enclosed spaces and/or being buried alive

Werewolf -

Abilities - Listed here (Include Tier Points) -

Flaws - Listed here(Include Tier Points) -

Hobbies & Skills (for more information, read here)

Mountain Climbing
Piloting small planes and helicopters
Ice Skating
Went to the Amir School of Martial Arts (Is particularly fond of Aikido)
Shooting things with other things (Bows,Guns,Rubberbands)
Throwing Things (Can also totally cheat)
Carries a small Hand Pan drum with her on hikes
Plays the ukulele

Cosmetic Traits(Distinct, character defining physical attributes. These should be minor and offer no real power other than to make your character appear more interesting.) Red hair with white streaks in the front.

Quirks and Habits worthy of mention - Talks and sings to herself.

Hunts like a vampire with excess thirst and then goes twice as long before feeding again. (Weird Red Panda Vampire genetics)

Personal History [COLOR=red]3rd person (1st is acceptable) but please be as detailed as possible, this can/will affect your rp with other players.[/COLOR]

Bindi's family had always been on and around the mountains, shifting and moving as the food and weather dictated. It wasn't an easy life and not a safe one either but it was full of freedom and family. Those two things formed the core of her. She absolutely had to have both to be happy.

Her father died on the mountain. He was guiding a small group of monks up on of the cliffs. He needed to secure a rope across a narrow gap so that the others could get across but he had to get across first, with no rope. He slid on the ice and plummeted to his death.

That did not deter the rest of her family. Death was an ever present fact of life for her people. They still climbed the mountains.

So when a dark stranger and with a female companion said that they needed guides to take them through the mountains, she and her brother accepted.

The two would only travel at night and that made things different. It was unwise to try to climb at night. Often her brother would go ahead during the day and scout the path for any hazards, positioning ropes they might need and then setting up the beginnings of another camp further along. The two travelers were surprisingly capable climbers and had no difficulty keeping up with their guides who had spent a lifetime climbing. Aside from the peculiar choice of travel time, it was one of the easier treks they ever had with outsiders.

One evening as they began ascending to the next camp, a sudden avalanche broke off and gained momentum down the face they were climbing. Bindi remembered hearing the terrible thunderous sound and looking up. There was no where to go. She moved as quick as she could to a nearby boulder and positioned herself below it. She was still covered in snow, smothered in the white but not rolled to her death down the side of the mountain. Her brother was not so lucky.

She remembers the feeling of being entombed and the numbing cold and then nothing more until waking to Amir and Mara, the travelers who had survived the avalanche. Bindi felt strange and she soon learned that she would not have survived it Amir had not made her a vampire.

They helped her carry her brother"s body to her mother and then she joined them. Saying goodbye to her mortal family, Amir and Mara became her new family. She travelled with Amir for over a century and met her other brothers and sisters, all the while learning what it meant to be Anantya and then Order of the Hunt.

Amir was a strict but fair father and teacher. He never smothered her and allowed her time and space to learn, become confident and to thrive once she was on her own.

She has since become an occasional guide for Anantya as well as bodyguard. Protecting her clan and keeping them safe feels like what she was meant to do.

OOC Checklist

Player name (online is fine) - Mai
Other Characters you play - Mai (and one or two more)
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) - Fate
Have you read all the Rules? At some point long ago
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? *shocked face*
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? *crying face*