hmmm... Command question
Help me remember. I thought that when the person who issued the command died the person affected was released? Like they told you to forget something but when they die you remember. Is that the way it works?

3 years ago
As I recall that is typically how everyone played it. I'm not sure it was a hard and fast rule but we did treat it as a given.

Amberelle DeEspionne
3 years ago
Hell yeah! With Gustav dead that leaves me open to make all kinds of hidden and repressed things come to light with the girls. Exxxxxxcellent! *steeples fingers* (Amby, Cel, and Chandra do not thank you btw) hehe

3 years ago
I'm sure they could remember good things too! I mean it can't be all bad... Maybe 90% but not all! Right? Maybe?

Amberelle DeEspionne
3 years ago
hah.. I guess he could make them forget good things. Being a royal dick IS kind of his MO.